Example #1
void QgsGrass::setMapset( QString gisdbase, QString location, QString mapset )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "gisdbase = %1 location = %2 mapset = %3" ).arg( gisdbase ).arg( location ).arg( mapset ) );

  // Set principal GRASS variables (in memory)
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", shortPath( gisdbase ).toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", gisdbase.toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", location.toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "MAPSET", mapset.toUtf8().data() );

  // Add all available mapsets to search path
  char **ms = 0;
    ms = G_available_mapsets();
  G_CATCH( QgsGrass::Exception &e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "No available mapsets found: %1" ).arg( e.what() ) );
Example #2
CPLErr GRASSRasterBand::ResetReading ( struct Cell_head *sNewWindow )

    /* Check if the window has changed */
    if ( sNewWindow->north  != sOpenWindow.north  || sNewWindow->south  != sOpenWindow.south ||
	 sNewWindow->east   != sOpenWindow.east   || sNewWindow->west   != sOpenWindow.west ||
	 sNewWindow->ew_res != sOpenWindow.ew_res || sNewWindow->ns_res != sOpenWindow.ns_res ||
	 sNewWindow->rows   != sOpenWindow.rows   || sNewWindow->cols   != sOpenWindow.cols )
	if( hCell >= 0 ) {
            G_close_cell( hCell );
	    hCell = -1;

	/* Set window */
	G_set_window( sNewWindow );

	/* Open raster */
	G__setenv( "GISDBASE", ((GRASSDataset *)poDS)->pszGisdbase );
	G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", ((GRASSDataset *)poDS)->pszLocation );
	G__setenv( "MAPSET", pszMapset); 
	G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( pszMapset );
	if ( (hCell = G_open_cell_old( pszCellName, pszMapset)) < 0 ) {
	    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS: Cannot open raster '%s'", pszCellName );
            this->valid = false;
	    return CE_Failure;

	G_copy((void *) &sOpenWindow, (void *) sNewWindow, sizeof(struct Cell_head));
        /* The windows are identical, check current window */
        struct Cell_head sCurrentWindow;

        G_get_window ( &sCurrentWindow );

        if ( sNewWindow->north  != sCurrentWindow.north  || sNewWindow->south  != sCurrentWindow.south ||
             sNewWindow->east   != sCurrentWindow.east   || sNewWindow->west   != sCurrentWindow.west ||
             sNewWindow->ew_res != sCurrentWindow.ew_res || sNewWindow->ns_res != sCurrentWindow.ns_res ||
             sNewWindow->rows   != sCurrentWindow.rows   || sNewWindow->cols   != sCurrentWindow.cols
            /* Reset window */
            G_set_window( sNewWindow );

    return CE_None;
Example #3
int G_check_overwrite(int argc, char **argv)
    char *overstr;
    int overwrite;

    overwrite = 0;
    if ((overstr = G__getenv("OVERWRITE"))) {
	overwrite = atoi(overstr);

    /* check if inherited GRASS_OVERWRITE is 1 */
    if (!overwrite && (overstr = getenv("GRASS_OVERWRITE"))) {
	overwrite = atoi(overstr);

    /* check for --o or --overwrite option */
    if (!overwrite) {
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	    if (strcmp(argv[i], "--o") == 0 ||
		strcmp(argv[i], "--overwrite") == 0) {
		overwrite = 1;

    G__setenv("OVERWRITE", "1");

    return overwrite;
Example #4
void QgsGrassRegion::accept()
  // TODO: better repaint region
  QSettings settings;

  bool on = settings.value( "/GRASS/region/on", true ).toBool();

  if ( on )
    mPlugin->switchRegion( false ); // delete

  QgsGrass::setLocation( QgsGrass::getDefaultGisdbase(), QgsGrass::getDefaultLocation() );
  G__setenv(( char * ) "MAPSET", QgsGrass::getDefaultMapset().toLatin1().data() );

  if ( G_put_window( &mWindow ) == -1 )
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot write region" ) );

  if ( on )
    mPlugin->switchRegion( on );  // draw new

  mCanvas->setMapTool( NULL );
QString QgsGrass::closeMapset( )
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );

  if ( mMapsetLock.length() > 0 )
    QFile file( mMapsetLock );
    if ( !file.remove() )
      return QObject::tr( "Cannot remove mapset lock: %1" ).arg( mMapsetLock );
    mMapsetLock = "";

    putenv(( char * ) "GISRC" );

    // Reinitialize GRASS
    G__setenv( "GISRC", ( char * ) "" );

    // Temporarily commented because of
    //   http://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/1900
    //   http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3313
    // it can be uncommented once GDAL with patch gets deployed (probably GDAL 1.8)
    //G__setenv( "GISDBASE", ( char * ) "" );
    //G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", ( char * ) "" );
    //G__setenv( "MAPSET", ( char * ) "" );

    defaultGisdbase = "";
    defaultLocation = "";
    defaultMapset = "";
    active = 0;

    // Delete temporary dir

    // To be sure that we don't delete '/' for example
    if ( mTmp.left( 4 ) == "/tmp" )
      QDir dir( mTmp );
      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dir.count(); i++ )
        if ( dir[i] == "." || dir[i] == ".." ) continue;

        dir.remove( dir[i] );
        if ( dir.remove( dir[i] ) )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot remove temporary file %1" ).arg( dir[i] ) );

      if ( !dir.rmdir( mTmp ) )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot remove temporary directory %1" ).arg( mTmp ) );

  return NULL;
void QgsGrass::setMapset( QString gisdbase, QString location, QString mapset )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "gisdbase = %1 location = %2 mapset = %3" ).arg( gisdbase ).arg( location ).arg( mapset ) );

  // Set principal GRASS variables (in memory)
#if defined(WIN32)
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", shortPath( gisdbase ).toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", gisdbase.toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", location.toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "MAPSET", mapset.toUtf8().data() );

  // Add all available mapsets to search path
  char **ms = G_available_mapsets();
  for ( int i = 0; ms[i]; i++ )  G_add_mapset_to_search_path( ms[i] );
Example #7
int G__make_location(const char *location_name,
		     struct Cell_head *wind,
		     struct Key_Value *proj_info,
		     struct Key_Value *proj_units, FILE * report_file)
    char path[GPATH_MAX];
    int out_stat;

    /* Try to create the location directory, under the gisdbase. */
    sprintf(path, "%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), location_name);
    if (G_mkdir(path) != 0)
	return -1;

    /* Make the PERMANENT mapset. */
    sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), location_name, "PERMANENT");
    if (G_mkdir(path) != 0)
	return -1;

    /* make these the new current location and mapset */
    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", location_name);
    G__setenv("MAPSET", "PERMANENT");

    /* Create the default, and current window files */
    G__put_window(wind, "", "DEFAULT_WIND");
    G__put_window(wind, "", "WIND");

    /* Write out the PROJ_INFO, and PROJ_UNITS if available. */
    if (proj_info != NULL) {
	G__file_name(path, "", "PROJ_INFO", "PERMANENT");
	G_write_key_value_file(path, proj_info, &out_stat);
	if (out_stat != 0)
	    return -2;

    if (proj_units != NULL) {
	G__file_name(path, "", "PROJ_UNITS", "PERMANENT");
	G_write_key_value_file(path, proj_units, &out_stat);
	if (out_stat != 0)
	    return -2;

    return 0;
void QgsGrass::setLocation( QString gisdbase, QString location )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "gisdbase = %1 location = %2" ).arg( gisdbase ).arg( location ) );

  // Set principal GRASS variables (in memory)
#if defined(WIN32)
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", shortPath( gisdbase ).toLocal8Bit().data() );
  // This does not work for GISBASE with non ascii chars on Windows XP,
  // gives error 'LOCATION ... not available':
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", gisdbase.toUtf8().constData() );
  G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", location.toUtf8().constData() );
  G__setenv( "MAPSET", "PERMANENT" ); // PERMANENT must always exist

  // Add all available mapsets to search path
  char **ms = G_available_mapsets();
  for ( int i = 0; ms[i]; i++ )  G_add_mapset_to_search_path( ms[i] );
Example #9
int G__make_mapset(const char *gisdbase_name, const char *location_name,
		   const char *mapset_name)
    char path[GPATH_MAX];
    struct Cell_head default_window;

    /* Get location */
    if (location_name == NULL)
	location_name = G_location();

    /* Get GISDBASE */
    if (gisdbase_name == NULL)
	gisdbase_name = G_gisdbase();

    /* TODO: Should probably check that user specified location and gisdbase are valid */

    /* Make the mapset. */
    sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", gisdbase_name, location_name, mapset_name);
    if (G_mkdir(path) != 0)
	return -1;


    /* Get PERMANENT default window */
    G__setenv("GISDBASE", gisdbase_name);
    G__setenv("LOCATION", location_name);
    G__setenv("MAPSET", "PERMANENT");

    /* Change to the new mapset */
    G__setenv("MAPSET", mapset_name);

    /* Copy default window/regions to new mapset */
    G__put_window(&default_window, "", "WIND");

    /* And switch back to original environment */

    return 0;
Example #10
File: target.c Project: caomw/grass
int get_target(void)
    char location[GNAME_MAX];
    char mapset[GMAPSET_MAX];
    char buf[1024];
    int stat;

    if (!I_get_target(group.name, location, mapset)) {
	sprintf(buf, "Target information for group [%s] missing\n",
	goto error;

    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), location);
    if (access(buf, 0) != 0) {
	sprintf(buf, "Target location [%s] not found\n", location);
	goto error;
    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", location);
    stat = G__mapset_permissions(mapset);
    if (stat > 0) {
	G__setenv("MAPSET", mapset);
	which_env = 0;
	return 1;
    sprintf(buf, "Mapset [%s] in target location [%s] - ", mapset, location);
    strcat(buf, stat == 0 ? "permission denied\n" : "not found\n");
    strcat(buf, "Please run i.target for group ");
    strcat(buf, group.name);

    return -1;
Example #11
void QgsGrassNewMapset::createMapset()
    QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );

    // TODO: handle all possible errors better, especially
    //       half created location/mapset

    QString location;

    if ( mCreateLocationRadioButton->isChecked() )
        location = mLocationLineEdit->text().trimmed();

        // TODO: add QgsGrass::setLocation or G_make_location with
        //       database path
        QgsGrass::activeMode(); // because it calls private gsGrass::init()
#if defined(WIN32)
        G__setenv(( char * ) "GISDBASE", QgsGrass::shortPath( mDatabaseLineEdit->text() ).toUtf8().data() );
        G__setenv(( char * ) "GISDBASE", mDatabaseLineEdit->text().toUtf8().data() );

        int ret = 0;

            ret = G_make_location( location.toUtf8().data(), &mCellHead, mProjInfo, mProjUnits, stdout );
        catch ( QgsGrass::Exception &e )
            ret = -1;
            Q_UNUSED( e );

        if ( ret != 0 )
            QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Create location" ),
                                  tr( "Cannot create new location: %1" ).arg( QgsGrass::errorMessage() ) );

        // Location created -> reset widgets
        mSelectLocationRadioButton->setChecked( true );
        mLocationComboBox->setItemText( mLocationComboBox->currentIndex(), location );
        mLocationLineEdit->setText( "" );
        locationRadioSwitched(); // calls also checkLocation()
        location = mLocationComboBox->currentText();

    // Create mapset
    QString mapset = mMapsetLineEdit->text().trimmed();

    if ( mapset != "PERMANENT" )
        QString locationPath = mDatabaseLineEdit->text() + "/" + location;
        QDir d( locationPath );

        if ( !d.mkdir( mapset ) )
            QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Create mapset" ),
                                  tr( "Cannot create new mapset directory" ) );

        // Copy WIND Better way to copy file in Qt?
        QStringList lines;
        QFile in( locationPath + "/PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND" );
        if ( !in.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
            QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Create mapset" ), tr( "Cannot open DEFAULT_WIND" ) );

        QFile out( locationPath + "/" + mapset + "/WIND" );
        if ( !out.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
            QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Create mapset" ), tr( "Cannot open WIND" ) );
        QTextStream stream( &out );

        //QTextStream stream( &file );
        QString line;
        char buf[100];
        while ( in.readLine( buf, 100 ) != -1 )
            stream << buf;


    QString err = QgsGrass::openMapset(
                      mDatabaseLineEdit->text(), location, mapset );

    if ( err.length() > 0 )
        QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "New mapset" ),
                                  tr( "New mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1" ).arg( err ) );
        QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "New mapset" ),
                                  tr( "New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset." ) );


Example #12
int OGRGRASSDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName, int /*bUpdate*/,
                              int bTestOpen, int /*bSingleNewFileIn*/ )
    VSIStatBuf  stat;

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); // Released by destructor

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do the given path contains 'vector' and 'head'?                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( strstr(pszName,"vector") == NULL || strstr(pszName,"head") == NULL )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "%s is not GRASS vector, access failed.\n", pszName );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is the given a regular file?                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLStat( pszName, &stat ) != 0 || !VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode) )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "%s is not GRASS vector, access failed.\n", pszName );

        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse datasource name                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( !SplitPath(pszName, &pszGisdbase, &pszLocation,
                    &pszMapset, &pszMap) )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "%s is not GRASS datasource name, access failed.\n",
                      pszName );
        return FALSE;

    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Gisdbase: %s", pszGisdbase );
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Location: %s", pszLocation );
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Mapset: %s", pszMapset );
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Map: %s", pszMap );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Init GRASS library                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // GISBASE is path to the directory where GRASS is installed,
    // it is necessary because there are database drivers.
    if ( !getenv( "GISBASE" ) ) {
        static char* gisbaseEnv = NULL;
        const char *gisbase = GRASS_GISBASE;
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS warning: GISBASE "
                "environment variable was not set, using:\n%s", gisbase );
        char buf[2000];
        snprintf ( buf, sizeof(buf), "GISBASE=%s", gisbase );
        buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';

        gisbaseEnv = CPLStrdup ( buf );
        putenv( gisbaseEnv );

    // Don't use GISRC file and read/write GRASS variables
    // (from location G_VAR_GISRC) to memory only.
    G_set_gisrc_mode ( G_GISRC_MODE_MEMORY );

    // Init GRASS libraries (required). G_no_gisinit() doesn't check
    // write permissions for mapset compare to G_gisinit()

    // Set error function
    G_set_error_routine ( (GrassErrorHandler) Grass2OGRErrorHook );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set GRASS variables                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     G__setenv( "GISDBASE", pszGisdbase );
     G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", pszLocation );
     G__setenv( "MAPSET", pszMapset);
     G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( pszMapset );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open GRASS vector map                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    Vect_set_fatal_error ( GV_FATAL_PRINT ); // Print error and continue
    Vect_set_open_level (2);
    int level = Vect_open_old ( &map, pszMap, pszMapset);

    if ( level < 2 ) {
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot open GRASS vector %s on level 2.\n", pszName );
        return FALSE;

    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Num lines = %d", Vect_get_num_lines(&map) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a list of layers.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int ncidx = Vect_cidx_get_num_fields ( &map );
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "Num layers = %d", ncidx );

    for ( int i = 0; i < ncidx; i++ ) {
        // Create the layer object
        OGRGRASSLayer *poLayer = new OGRGRASSLayer( i, &map );

        // Add layer to data source layer list
        papoLayers = (OGRGRASSLayer **)
            CPLRealloc( papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRGRASSLayer *) * (nLayers+1) );
        papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer;

    bOpened = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
QString GRASS_EXPORT QgsGrass::openMapset( QString gisdbase, QString location, QString mapset )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "gisdbase = %1" ).arg( gisdbase.toUtf8().constData() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "location = %1" ).arg( location.toUtf8().constData() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mapset = %1" ).arg( mapset.toUtf8().constData() ) );

  QString mapsetPath = gisdbase + "/" + location + "/" + mapset;

  // Check if the mapset is in use
  QString gisBase = getenv( "GISBASE" );
  if ( gisBase.isEmpty() ) return QObject::tr( "GISBASE is not set." );

  QFileInfo fi( mapsetPath + "/WIND" );
  if ( !fi.exists() )
    return QObject::tr( "%1 is not a GRASS mapset." ).arg( mapsetPath );
  QString lock = mapsetPath + "/.gislock";

#ifndef _MSC_VER
  int pid = getpid();
  int pid = GetCurrentProcessId();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "pid = %1" ).arg( pid ) );

#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
  QFile lockFile( lock );
  QProcess *process = new QProcess();
  QString lockProgram( gisBase + "/etc/lock" );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "pid = %1" ).arg( pid ) );

  process->start( lockProgram, QStringList() << lock << QString::number( pid ) );
  if ( !process->waitForStarted() )
    delete process;
    return QObject::tr( "Cannot start %1/etc/lock" ).arg( gisBase );

  process->waitForFinished( -1 );

  int status = process->exitStatus();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "status = %1" ).arg( status ) );
  delete process;

  if ( status > 0 )
    return QObject::tr( "Mapset is already in use." );
#endif // !WIN32

  // Create temporary directory
  QFileInfo info( mapsetPath );
  QString user = info.owner();

  mTmp = QDir::tempPath() + "/grass6-" + user + "-" + QString::number( pid );
  QDir dir( mTmp );
  if ( dir.exists() )
    QFileInfo dirInfo( mTmp );
    if ( !dirInfo.isWritable() )
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
      return QObject::tr( "Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable" ).arg( mTmp );
  else if ( !dir.mkdir( mTmp ) )
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
    return QObject::tr( "Cannot create temporary directory %1" ).arg( mTmp );

  // Create GISRC file
  QString globalGisrc =  QDir::home().path() + "/.grassrc6";
  mGisrc = mTmp + "/gisrc";

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "globalGisrc = %1" ).arg( globalGisrc ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mGisrc = %1" ).arg( mGisrc ) );

  QFile out( mGisrc );
  if ( !out.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
    return QObject::tr( "Cannot create %1" ).arg( mGisrc );
  QTextStream stream( &out );

  QFile in( globalGisrc );
  QString line;
  bool guiSet = false;
  char buf[1000];
  if ( in.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    while ( in.readLine( buf, 1000 ) != -1 )
      line = buf;
      if ( line.contains( "GISDBASE:" ) ||
           line.contains( "LOCATION_NAME:" ) ||
           line.contains( "MAPSET:" ) )
      if ( line.contains( "GRASS_GUI:" ) ) guiSet = true;
      stream << line;
  line = "GISDBASE: " + gisdbase + "\n";
  stream << line;
  line = "LOCATION_NAME: " + location + "\n";
  stream << line;
  line = "MAPSET: " + mapset + "\n";
  stream << line;
  if ( !guiSet )
    stream << "GRASS_GUI: wxpython\n";


  // Set GISRC environment variable

  /* _Correct_ putenv() implementation is not making copy! */
  putEnv( "GISRC", mGisrc );

  // Reinitialize GRASS
  G__setenv( "GISRC", mGisrc.toUtf8().data() );
#if defined(WIN32)
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", shortPath( gisdbase ).toLocal8Bit().data() );
  G__setenv( "GISDBASE", gisdbase.toUtf8().data() );
  G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", location.toLocal8Bit().data() );
  G__setenv( "MAPSET", mapset.toLocal8Bit().data() );
  defaultGisdbase = gisdbase;
  defaultLocation = location;
  defaultMapset = mapset;

  active = true;

#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
  // Close old mapset
  if ( mMapsetLock.length() > 0 )
    QFile file( mMapsetLock );

  mMapsetLock = lock;

  return NULL;
Example #14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *gisdbase_opt, *location_opt, *mapset_opt;
    struct Flag *f_add, *f_list;
    char *gisdbase_old, *location_old, *mapset_old;
    char *gisdbase_new, *location_new, *mapset_new;
    char *gis_lock;
    char *mapset_old_path, *mapset_new_path;
    char *lock_prog;
    char path[GPATH_MAX];
    char *shell, *monitor;
    struct MON_CAP *cap;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("general, settings");
    module->label = _("Changes current mapset.");
    module->description = _("Optionally create new mapset or list available mapsets in given location.");
    mapset_opt = G_define_option();
    mapset_opt->key = "mapset";
    mapset_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    mapset_opt->required = NO;
    mapset_opt->multiple = NO;
    mapset_opt->description = _("Name of mapset where to switch");
    mapset_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    location_opt = G_define_option();
    location_opt->key = "location";
    location_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    location_opt->required = NO;
    location_opt->multiple = NO;
    location_opt->description = _("Location name (not location path)");
    location_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    gisdbase_opt = G_define_option();
    gisdbase_opt->key = "gisdbase";
    gisdbase_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    gisdbase_opt->required = NO;
    gisdbase_opt->multiple = NO;
    gisdbase_opt->key_desc = "path";
    gisdbase_opt->description =
	_("GIS data directory (full path to the directory where the new location is)");
    gisdbase_opt->guisection = _("Settings");
    f_add = G_define_flag();
    f_add->key = 'c';
    f_add->description = _("Create mapset if it doesn't exist");
    f_add->answer = FALSE;
    f_add->guisection = _("Create");

    f_list = G_define_flag();
    f_list->key = 'l';
    f_list->description = _("List available mapsets");
    f_list->guisection = _("Print");
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (!mapset_opt->answer && !f_list->answer)
	G_fatal_error(_("Either mapset= or -l must be used"));

    /* Store original values */
    gisdbase_old = G__getenv("GISDBASE");
    location_old = G__getenv("LOCATION_NAME");
    mapset_old = G__getenv("MAPSET");
    G_asprintf(&mapset_old_path, "%s/%s/%s", gisdbase_old, location_old,
    monitor = G__getenv("MONITOR");

    /* New values */
    if (gisdbase_opt->answer)
	gisdbase_new = gisdbase_opt->answer;
	gisdbase_new = gisdbase_old;

    if (location_opt->answer)
	location_new = location_opt->answer;
	location_new = location_old;

    if (f_list->answer) {
	char **ms;
	int nmapsets;

	G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", location_new);
	G__setenv("GISDBASE", gisdbase_new);

	ms = G_available_mapsets();

	for (nmapsets = 0; ms[nmapsets]; nmapsets++) {
	    if (G__mapset_permissions(ms[nmapsets]) > 0) {
		fprintf(stdout, "%s ", ms[nmapsets]);
	fprintf(stdout, "\n");


    mapset_new = mapset_opt->answer;
    G_asprintf(&mapset_new_path, "%s/%s/%s", gisdbase_new, location_new,

    /* TODO: this should be checked better (repeated '/' etc.) */
    if (strcmp(mapset_old_path, mapset_new_path) == 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is already the current mapset"), mapset_new);

    /* Check if the mapset exists and user is owner */
    G_debug(2, "check : %s", mapset_new_path);

    ret = G__mapset_permissions2(gisdbase_new, location_new, mapset_new);
    switch (ret) {
    case 0:
	G_fatal_error(_("You don't have permission to use this mapset"));
    case -1:
	if (f_add->answer == TRUE) {
	    G_debug(2, "Mapset %s doesn't exist, attempting to create it",
	    G_make_mapset(gisdbase_new, location_new, mapset_new);
	    G_fatal_error(_("The mapset does not exist. Use -c flag to create it."));

    /* Check if the mapset is in use */
    gis_lock = getenv("GIS_LOCK");
    if (!gis_lock)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read GIS_LOCK environment variable"));

    G_asprintf(&lock_prog, "%s/etc/lock", G_gisbase());

    sprintf(path, "%s/.gislock", mapset_new_path);
    G_debug(2, path);

    ret = G_spawn(lock_prog, lock_prog, path, gis_lock, NULL);
    G_debug(2, "lock result = %d", ret);

    /* Warning: the value returned by system() is not that returned by exit() in executed program
     *          e.g. exit(1) -> 256 (multiplied by 256) */
    if (ret != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("%s is currently running GRASS in selected mapset or lock file cannot be checked"),

    /* Erase monitors */
    G_message(_("Erasing monitors..."));
    while ((cap = R_parse_monitorcap(MON_NEXT, "")) != NULL) {
	G__setenv("MONITOR", cap->name);
	if (R_open_driver() == 0) {
    if (monitor)
	G_setenv("MONITOR", monitor);

    /* Clean temporary directory */
    sprintf(path, "%s/etc/clean_temp", G_gisbase());
    G_verbose_message(_("Cleaning up temporary files..."));
    G_spawn(path, "clean_temp", NULL);

    /* Reset variables */
    G_setenv("GISDBASE", gisdbase_new);
    G_setenv("LOCATION_NAME", location_new);
    G_setenv("MAPSET", mapset_new);

    /* Remove old lock */
    sprintf(path, "%s/.gislock", mapset_old_path);


    G_important_message(_("Your shell continues to use the history for the old mapset"));

    if ((shell = getenv("SHELL"))) {
	if (strstr(shell, "bash")) {
	    G_important_message(_("You can switch the history by commands:\n"
				  "history -w; history -r %s/.bash_history; HISTFILE=%s/.bash_history"),
				mapset_new_path, mapset_new_path);
	else if (strstr(shell, "tcsh")) {
	    G_important_message(_("You can switch the history by commands:\n"
				  "history -S; history -L %s/.history; setenv histfile=%s/.history"),
				mapset_new_path, mapset_new_path);

    G_message(_("Your current mapset is <%s>"), mapset_new);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Example #15
GDALDataset *GRASSDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    char	*pszGisdb = NULL, *pszLoc = NULL;
    char	*pszMapset = NULL, *pszElem = NULL, *pszName = NULL;
    char        **papszCells = NULL;
    char        **papszMapsets = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this even look like a grass file path?                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strstr(poOpenInfo->pszFilename,"/cellhd/") == NULL
        && strstr(poOpenInfo->pszFilename,"/group/") == NULL )
        return NULL;

    /* Always init, if no rasters are opened G_no_gisinit resets the projection and 
     * rasters in different projection may be then opened */

    // Don't use GISRC file and read/write GRASS variables (from location G_VAR_GISRC) to memory only.
    G_set_gisrc_mode ( G_GISRC_MODE_MEMORY );

    // Init GRASS libraries (required)
    G_no_gisinit();  // Doesn't check write permissions for mapset compare to G_gisinit

    // Set error function
    G_set_error_routine ( (GrassErrorHandler) Grass2CPLErrorHook );

    // GISBASE is path to the directory where GRASS is installed,
    if ( !getenv( "GISBASE" ) ) {
        static char* gisbaseEnv = NULL;
        const char *gisbase = GRASS_GISBASE;
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS warning: GISBASE "
                "enviroment variable was not set, using:\n%s", gisbase );
        char buf[2000];
        snprintf ( buf, sizeof(buf), "GISBASE=%s", gisbase );
        buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';

        gisbaseEnv = CPLStrdup ( buf );
        putenv( gisbaseEnv );

    if ( !SplitPath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, &pszGisdb, &pszLoc, &pszMapset,
                     &pszElem, &pszName) ) {
	return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check element name                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( strcmp(pszElem,"cellhd") != 0 && strcmp(pszElem,"group") != 0 ) { 
	return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set GRASS variables                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    G__setenv( "GISDBASE", pszGisdb );
    G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", pszLoc );
    G__setenv( "MAPSET", pszMapset); // group is searched only in current mapset 
    G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( pszMapset );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check if this is a valid grass cell.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( strcmp(pszElem,"cellhd") == 0 ) {
        if ( G_find_file2("cell", pszName, pszMapset) == NULL ) {
	    G_free(pszGisdb); G_free(pszLoc); G_free(pszMapset); G_free(pszElem); G_free(pszName);
	    return NULL;

	papszMapsets = CSLAddString( papszMapsets, pszMapset );
	papszCells = CSLAddString( papszCells, pszName );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check if this is a valid GRASS imagery group.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else {
        struct Ref ref;

        I_init_group_ref( &ref );
        if ( I_get_group_ref( pszName, &ref ) == 0 ) {
	    G_free(pszGisdb); G_free(pszLoc); G_free(pszMapset); G_free(pszElem); G_free(pszName);
	    return NULL;
        for( int iRef = 0; iRef < ref.nfiles; iRef++ ) 
            papszCells = CSLAddString( papszCells, ref.file[iRef].name );
            papszMapsets = CSLAddString( papszMapsets, ref.file[iRef].mapset );
            G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( ref.file[iRef].mapset );

        I_free_group_ref( &ref );
    G_free( pszMapset );
    G_free( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GRASSDataset 	*poDS;

    poDS = new GRASSDataset();

    /* notdef: should only allow read access to an existing cell, right? */
    poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;

    poDS->pszGisdbase = pszGisdb;
    poDS->pszLocation = pszLoc;
    poDS->pszElement = pszElem;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Rast_get_cellhd( papszCells[0], papszMapsets[0], &(poDS->sCellInfo) );
    if( G_get_cellhd( papszCells[0], papszMapsets[0], &(poDS->sCellInfo) ) != 0 ) {
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS: Cannot open raster header");
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = poDS->sCellInfo.cols;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = poDS->sCellInfo.rows;

    poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = poDS->sCellInfo.west;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = poDS->sCellInfo.ew_res;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = poDS->sCellInfo.north;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = -1 * poDS->sCellInfo.ns_res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get a projection definition.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;

    projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
    projunits = G_get_projunits();
    poDS->pszProjection = GPJ_grass_to_wkt ( projinfo, projunits, 0, 0);
    if (projinfo) G_free_key_value(projinfo);
    if (projunits) G_free_key_value(projunits);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iBand = 0; papszCells[iBand] != NULL; iBand++ )
	GRASSRasterBand *rb = new GRASSRasterBand( poDS, iBand+1, papszMapsets[iBand], 
                                                                  papszCells[iBand] );

	if ( !rb->valid ) {
	    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS: Cannot open raster band %d", iBand);
	    delete rb;
	    delete poDS;
	    return NULL;

        poDS->SetBand( iBand+1, rb );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        delete poDS;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The GRASS driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
    return poDS;
Example #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int error;
    int oops;
    char *mon_name;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *start, *stop, *select, *unlock;
    struct Flag *list, *status, *print, *release, *no_auto_select;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("display");
    module->description =
	_("To establish and control use of a graphics display monitor.");

    start = G_define_option();
    start->key = "start";
    start->type = TYPE_STRING;
    start->required = NO;
    start->description = _("Name of graphics monitor to start");

    stop = G_define_option();
    stop->key = "stop";
    stop->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stop->required = NO;
    stop->description = _("Name of graphics monitor to stop");

    select = G_define_option();
    select->key = "select";
    select->type = TYPE_STRING;
    select->required = NO;
    select->description = _("Name of graphics monitor to select");

    unlock = G_define_option();
    unlock->key = "unlock";
    unlock->type = TYPE_STRING;
    unlock->required = NO;
    unlock->description = _("Name of graphics monitor to unlock");

    list = G_define_flag();
    list->key = 'l';
    list->description = _("List all monitors");

    status = G_define_flag();
    status->key = 'L';
    status->description = _("List all monitors (with current status)");

    print = G_define_flag();
    print->key = 'p';
    print->description = _("Print name of currently selected monitor");

    release = G_define_flag();
    release->key = 'r';
    release->description = _("Release currently selected monitor");

    no_auto_select = G_define_flag();
    no_auto_select->key = 's';
    no_auto_select->description =
	_("Do not automatically select when starting");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (unlock->answer)
	run("release", "-f", unlock->answer);

    if (!select->answer && !no_auto_select->answer)
	select->answer = start->answer;

    mon_name = G__getenv("MONITOR");	/* remember old monitor name */

    error = 0;
    if (status->answer)
	error += run("status", "", "");
    else if (list->answer)
	error += run("list", "", "");
    if (release->answer)
	error += run("release", "", "");
    if (stop->answer)
	error += run("stop", "", stop->answer);
    if (start->answer) {
	error += run("start", "", start->answer);
	if (error) {		/* needed procedure failed */
	    if (mon_name != NULL) {
		/* restore the previous environ. */
		G__setenv("MONITOR", mon_name);
		/* write the name to the .gisrc file */
    if (select->answer) {
	oops = run("select", "", select->answer);	/* couldn't select */
	if (oops && start->answer && strcmp(start->answer, select->answer) == 0) {
	    /* try once more */
	    G_message(_("Problem selecting %s. Will try once more"),
	    oops = run("select", "", select->answer);	/* couldn't select */
	if (oops) {		/* needed procedure failed */
	    if (mon_name != NULL) {
		/* restore the previous environ. */
		G__setenv("MONITOR", mon_name);
		/* write the name to the .gisrc file */
	error += oops;
    if (print->answer)
	error += run("which", "", "");

    exit(error ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS);
Example #17
  \brief Get driver (?)

  \param argc, argv arguments

  \return 0 on success
  \return 1 on failure
int db_driver(int argc, char *argv[])
    int stat;
    int procnum;
    int i;
    int rfd, wfd;
    FILE *send, *recv;
    char *modestr;

    /* Read and set environment variables, see dbmi_client/start.c */
    if ((modestr = getenv("GRASS_DB_DRIVER_GISRC_MODE"))) {
	int mode;

	mode = atoi(modestr);

	if (mode == G_GISRC_MODE_MEMORY) {
	    G__setenv("DEBUG", getenv("DEBUG"));
	    G__setenv("GISDBASE", getenv("GISDBASE"));
	    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", getenv("LOCATION_NAME"));
	    G__setenv("MAPSET", getenv("MAPSET"));
	    G_debug(3, "Driver GISDBASE set to '%s'", G_getenv("GISDBASE"));

#ifdef __MINGW32__
    /* TODO: */
    /* We should close everything except stdin, stdout but _fcloseall()
     * closes open streams not file descriptors. _getmaxstdio too big number.
     * Because the pipes were created just before this driver was started 
     * the file descriptors should not be above a closed descriptor
     * until it was run from a multithread application and some descriptors 
     * were closed in the mean time. 
     * Also Windows documentation does not say that new file descriptor is 
     * the lowest available.

	int err_count = 0;
	int cfd = 3;

	while (1) {
	    if (close(cfd) == -1)

	    /* no good reason for 10 */
	    if (err_count > 10)


    send = stdout;
    recv = stdin;


    if (argc == 3) {
	rfd = wfd = -1;
	sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &rfd);
	sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &wfd);
	send = fdopen(wfd, "w");
	if (send == NULL) {
	recv = fdopen(rfd, "r");
	if (recv == NULL) {



    setbuf(recv, NULL);
    setbuf(send, NULL);
    db__set_protocol_fds(send, recv);

    if (db_driver_init(argc, argv) == DB_OK)
    else {

    stat = DB_OK;
    /* get the procedure number */
    while (db__recv_procnum(&procnum) == DB_OK) {
#ifdef __MINGW32__
	if (procnum == DB_PROC_SHUTDOWN_DRIVER) {

	/* find this procedure */
	for (i = 0; procedure[i].routine; i++)
	    if (procedure[i].procnum == procnum)

	/* if found, call it */
	if (procedure[i].routine) {
	    if ((stat = db__send_procedure_ok(procnum)) != DB_OK)
		break;		/* while loop */
	    if ((stat = (*procedure[i].routine) ()) != DB_OK)
	else if ((stat =
		  db__send_procedure_not_implemented(procnum)) != DB_OK)


    exit(stat == DB_OK ? 0 : 1);
Example #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *mapname,		/* ptr to name of output layer  */
     *setname,			/* ptr to name of input mapset  */
     *ipolname;			/* name of interpolation method */

    int fdi,			/* input map file descriptor    */
      fdo,			/* output map file descriptor   */
      method,			/* position of method in table  */
      permissions,		/* mapset permissions           */
      cell_type,		/* output celltype              */
      cell_size,		/* size of a cell in bytes      */
      row, col,			/* counters                     */
      irows, icols,		/* original rows, cols          */
      orows, ocols, have_colors,	/* Input map has a colour table */
      overwrite,		/* Overwrite                    */
      curr_proj;		/* output projection (see gis.h) */

    void *obuffer,		/* buffer that holds one output row     */
     *obufptr;			/* column ptr in output buffer  */
    struct cache *ibuffer;	/* buffer that holds the input map      */
    func interpolate;		/* interpolation routine        */

    double xcoord1, xcoord2,	/* temporary x coordinates      */
      ycoord1, ycoord2,		/* temporary y coordinates      */
      col_idx,			/* column index in input matrix */
      row_idx,			/* row index in input matrix    */
      onorth, osouth,		/* save original border coords  */
      oeast, owest, inorth, isouth, ieast, iwest;
    char north_str[30], south_str[30], east_str[30], west_str[30];

    struct Colors colr;		/* Input map colour table       */
    struct History history;

    struct pj_info iproj,	/* input map proj parameters    */
      oproj;			/* output map proj parameters   */

    struct Key_Value *in_proj_info,	/* projection information of    */
     *in_unit_info,		/* input and output mapsets     */
     *out_proj_info, *out_unit_info;

    struct GModule *module;

    struct Flag *list,		/* list files in source location */
     *nocrop,			/* don't crop output map        */
     *print_bounds,		/* print output bounds and exit */
     *gprint_bounds;		/* same but print shell style	*/

    struct Option *imapset,	/* name of input mapset         */
     *inmap,			/* name of input layer          */
     *inlocation,		/* name of input location       */
     *outmap,			/* name of output layer         */
     *indbase,			/* name of input database       */
     *interpol,			/* interpolation method:
				   nearest neighbor, bilinear, cubic */
     *memory,			/* amount of memory for cache   */
     *res;			/* resolution of target map     */
    struct Cell_head incellhd,	/* cell header of input map     */
      outcellhd;		/* and output map               */


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Re-projects a raster map from given location to the current location.");

    inmap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    inmap->description = _("Name of input raster map to re-project");
    inmap->required = NO;
    inmap->guisection = _("Source");

    inlocation = G_define_option();
    inlocation->key = "location";
    inlocation->type = TYPE_STRING;
    inlocation->required = YES;
    inlocation->description = _("Location containing input raster map");
    inlocation->gisprompt = "old,location,location";
    inlocation->key_desc = "name";

    imapset = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_MAPSET);
    imapset->label = _("Mapset containing input raster map");
    imapset->description = _("default: name of current mapset");
    imapset->guisection = _("Source");

    indbase = G_define_option();
    indbase->key = "dbase";
    indbase->type = TYPE_STRING;
    indbase->required = NO;
    indbase->description = _("Path to GRASS database of input location");
    indbase->gisprompt = "old,dbase,dbase";
    indbase->key_desc = "path";
    indbase->guisection = _("Source");

    outmap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    outmap->required = NO;
    outmap->description = _("Name for output raster map (default: same as 'input')");
    outmap->guisection = _("Target");

    ipolname = make_ipol_list();
    interpol = G_define_option();
    interpol->key = "method";
    interpol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    interpol->required = NO;
    interpol->answer = "nearest";
    interpol->options = ipolname;
    interpol->description = _("Interpolation method to use");
    interpol->guisection = _("Target");
    interpol->descriptions = make_ipol_desc();

    memory = G_define_option();
    memory->key = "memory";
    memory->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    memory->required = NO;
    memory->description = _("Cache size (MiB)");

    res = G_define_option();
    res->key = "resolution";
    res->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    res->required = NO;
    res->description = _("Resolution of output raster map");
    res->guisection = _("Target");

    list = G_define_flag();
    list->key = 'l';
    list->description = _("List raster maps in input location and exit");

    nocrop = G_define_flag();
    nocrop->key = 'n';
    nocrop->description = _("Do not perform region cropping optimization");

    print_bounds = G_define_flag();
    print_bounds->key = 'p';
    print_bounds->description =
	_("Print input map's bounds in the current projection and exit");
    print_bounds->guisection = _("Target");
    gprint_bounds = G_define_flag();
    gprint_bounds->key = 'g';
    gprint_bounds->description =
	_("Print input map's bounds in the current projection and exit (shell style)");
    gprint_bounds->guisection = _("Target");

    /* The parser checks if the map already exists in current mapset,
       we switch out the check and do it
       in the module after the parser */
    overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get the method */
    for (method = 0; (ipolname = menu[method].name); method++)
	if (strcmp(ipolname, interpol->answer) == 0)

    if (!ipolname)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"),
		      interpol->key, interpol->answer, interpol->key);
    interpolate = menu[method].method;

    mapname = outmap->answer ? outmap->answer : inmap->answer;
    if (mapname && !list->answer && !overwrite &&
	G_find_raster(mapname, G_mapset()))
	G_fatal_error(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists."), "output", mapname);

    setname = imapset->answer ? imapset->answer : G_store(G_mapset());
    if (strcmp(inlocation->answer, G_location()) == 0 &&
        (!indbase->answer || strcmp(indbase->answer, G_gisdbase()) == 0))
#if 0
	G_fatal_error(_("Input and output locations can not be the same"));
	G_warning(_("Input and output locations are the same"));

    if(gprint_bounds->answer && !print_bounds->answer)
	print_bounds->answer = gprint_bounds->answer;
    curr_proj = G_projection();

    /* Get projection info for output mapset */
    if ((out_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection info of output raster map"));

    if ((out_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection units of output raster map"));

    if (pj_get_kv(&oproj, out_proj_info, out_unit_info) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection key values of output raster map"));

    /* Change the location           */
    G__setenv("GISDBASE", indbase->answer ? indbase->answer : G_gisdbase());
    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", inlocation->answer);

    permissions = G__mapset_permissions(setname);
    if (permissions < 0)	/* can't access mapset       */
	G_fatal_error(_("Mapset <%s> in input location <%s> - %s"),
		      setname, inlocation->answer,
		      permissions == 0 ? _("permission denied")
		      : _("not found"));

    /* if requested, list the raster maps in source location - MN 5/2001 */
    if (list->answer) {
	int i;
	char **list;
	G_verbose_message(_("Checking location <%s> mapset <%s>"),
			  inlocation->answer, setname);
	list = G_list(G_ELEMENT_RASTER, G__getenv("GISDBASE"),
		      G__getenv("LOCATION_NAME"), setname);
	for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", list[i]);
	exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);	/* leave r.proj after listing */

    if (!inmap->answer)
	G_fatal_error(_("Required parameter <%s> not set"), inmap->key);

    if (!G_find_raster(inmap->answer, setname))
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> in location <%s> in mapset <%s> not found"),
		      inmap->answer, inlocation->answer, setname);

    /* Read input map colour table */
    have_colors = Rast_read_colors(inmap->answer, setname, &colr);

    /* Get projection info for input mapset */
    if ((in_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection info of input map"));

    if ((in_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection units of input map"));

    if (pj_get_kv(&iproj, in_proj_info, in_unit_info) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection key values of input map"));

    if (G_verbose() > G_verbose_std())
	pj_print_proj_params(&iproj, &oproj);

    /* this call causes r.proj to read the entire map into memeory */
    Rast_get_cellhd(inmap->answer, setname, &incellhd);


    if (G_projection() == PROJECTION_XY)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to work with unprojected data (xy location)"));

    /* Save default borders so we can show them later */
    inorth = incellhd.north;
    isouth = incellhd.south;
    ieast = incellhd.east;
    iwest = incellhd.west;
    irows = incellhd.rows;
    icols = incellhd.cols;

    onorth = outcellhd.north;
    osouth = outcellhd.south;
    oeast = outcellhd.east;
    owest = outcellhd.west;
    orows = outcellhd.rows;
    ocols = outcellhd.cols;

    if (print_bounds->answer) {
	G_message(_("Input map <%s@%s> in location <%s>:"),
	    inmap->answer, setname, inlocation->answer);

	if (pj_do_proj(&iwest, &isouth, &iproj, &oproj) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_proj (projection of input coordinate pair)"));
	if (pj_do_proj(&ieast, &inorth, &iproj, &oproj) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_proj (projection of input coordinate pair)"));

	G_format_northing(inorth, north_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_northing(isouth, south_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_easting(ieast, east_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_easting(iwest, west_str, curr_proj);

	if(gprint_bounds->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n=%s s=%s w=%s e=%s rows=%d cols=%d\n",
		north_str, south_str, west_str, east_str, irows, icols);
	else {
	    fprintf(stdout, "Source cols: %d\n", icols);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Source rows: %d\n", irows);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local north: %s\n",  north_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local south: %s\n", south_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local west: %s\n", west_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local east: %s\n", east_str);

	/* somehow approximate local ewres, nsres ?? (use 'g.region -m' on lat/lon side) */


    /* Cut non-overlapping parts of input map */
    if (!nocrop->answer)
	bordwalk(&outcellhd, &incellhd, &oproj, &iproj);

    /* Add 2 cells on each side for bilinear/cubic & future interpolation methods */
    /* (should probably be a factor based on input and output resolution) */
    incellhd.north += 2 * incellhd.ns_res;
    incellhd.east += 2 * incellhd.ew_res;
    incellhd.south -= 2 * incellhd.ns_res;
    incellhd.west -= 2 * incellhd.ew_res;
    if (incellhd.north > inorth)
	incellhd.north = inorth;
    if (incellhd.east > ieast)
	incellhd.east = ieast;
    if (incellhd.south < isouth)
	incellhd.south = isouth;
    if (incellhd.west < iwest)
	incellhd.west = iwest;


    /* And switch back to original location */


    /* Adjust borders of output map */

    if (!nocrop->answer)
	bordwalk(&incellhd, &outcellhd, &iproj, &oproj);

#if 0
    outcellhd.west = outcellhd.south = HUGE_VAL;
    outcellhd.east = outcellhd.north = -HUGE_VAL;
    for (row = 0; row < incellhd.rows; row++) {
	ycoord1 = Rast_row_to_northing((double)(row + 0.5), &incellhd);
	for (col = 0; col < incellhd.cols; col++) {
	    xcoord1 = Rast_col_to_easting((double)(col + 0.5), &incellhd);
	    pj_do_proj(&xcoord1, &ycoord1, &iproj, &oproj);
	    if (xcoord1 > outcellhd.east)
		outcellhd.east = xcoord1;
	    if (ycoord1 > outcellhd.north)
		outcellhd.north = ycoord1;
	    if (xcoord1 < outcellhd.west)
		outcellhd.west = xcoord1;
	    if (ycoord1 < outcellhd.south)
		outcellhd.south = ycoord1;

    if (res->answer != NULL)	/* set user defined resolution */
	outcellhd.ns_res = outcellhd.ew_res = atof(res->answer);

    G_adjust_Cell_head(&outcellhd, 0, 0);

    G_message(" ");
    G_message(_("Cols: %d (%d)"), incellhd.cols, icols);
    G_message(_("Rows: %d (%d)"), incellhd.rows, irows);
    G_message(_("North: %f (%f)"), incellhd.north, inorth);
    G_message(_("South: %f (%f)"), incellhd.south, isouth);
    G_message(_("West: %f (%f)"), incellhd.west, iwest);
    G_message(_("East: %f (%f)"), incellhd.east, ieast);
    G_message(_("EW-res: %f"), incellhd.ew_res);
    G_message(_("NS-res: %f"), incellhd.ns_res);
    G_message(" ");

    G_message(_("Cols: %d (%d)"), outcellhd.cols, ocols);
    G_message(_("Rows: %d (%d)"), outcellhd.rows, orows);
    G_message(_("North: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.north, onorth);
    G_message(_("South: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.south, osouth);
    G_message(_("West: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.west, owest);
    G_message(_("East: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.east, oeast);
    G_message(_("EW-res: %f"), outcellhd.ew_res);
    G_message(_("NS-res: %f"), outcellhd.ns_res);
    G_message(" ");

    /* open and read the relevant parts of the input map and close it */
    fdi = Rast_open_old(inmap->answer, setname);
    cell_type = Rast_get_map_type(fdi);
    ibuffer = readcell(fdi, memory->answer);


    if (strcmp(interpol->answer, "nearest") == 0) {
	fdo = Rast_open_new(mapname, cell_type);
	obuffer = (CELL *) Rast_allocate_output_buf(cell_type);
    else {
	fdo = Rast_open_fp_new(mapname);
	cell_type = FCELL_TYPE;
	obuffer = (FCELL *) Rast_allocate_output_buf(cell_type);

    cell_size = Rast_cell_size(cell_type);

    xcoord1 = xcoord2 = outcellhd.west + (outcellhd.ew_res / 2);
    /**/ ycoord1 = ycoord2 = outcellhd.north - (outcellhd.ns_res / 2);
    /**/ G_important_message(_("Projecting..."));
    G_percent(0, outcellhd.rows, 2);

    for (row = 0; row < outcellhd.rows; row++) {
	obufptr = obuffer;

	for (col = 0; col < outcellhd.cols; col++) {
	    /* project coordinates in output matrix to       */
	    /* coordinates in input matrix                   */
	    if (pj_do_proj(&xcoord1, &ycoord1, &oproj, &iproj) < 0)
		Rast_set_null_value(obufptr, 1, cell_type);
	    else {
		/* convert to row/column indices of input matrix */
		col_idx = (xcoord1 - incellhd.west) / incellhd.ew_res;
		row_idx = (incellhd.north - ycoord1) / incellhd.ns_res;

		/* and resample data point               */
		interpolate(ibuffer, obufptr, cell_type,
			    &col_idx, &row_idx, &incellhd);

	    obufptr = G_incr_void_ptr(obufptr, cell_size);
	    xcoord2 += outcellhd.ew_res;
	    xcoord1 = xcoord2;
	    ycoord1 = ycoord2;

	Rast_put_row(fdo, obuffer, cell_type);

	xcoord1 = xcoord2 = outcellhd.west + (outcellhd.ew_res / 2);
	ycoord2 -= outcellhd.ns_res;
	ycoord1 = ycoord2;
	G_percent(row, outcellhd.rows - 1, 2);


    if (have_colors > 0) {
	Rast_write_colors(mapname, G_mapset(), &colr);

    Rast_short_history(mapname, "raster", &history);
    Rast_write_history(mapname, &history);

Example #19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *group_opt;

    char location[GMAPSET_MAX];
    char mapset[GMAPSET_MAX];
    char group[GNAME_MAX];

    char buf[100];
    int stat;

    /* must run in a term window */
    G_putenv("GRASS_UI_TERM", "1");


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, orthorectify");
    module->description =
	_("Interactively select or modify the target elevation model.");

    group_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_I_GROUP);
    group_opt->description =
	_("Name of imagery group for ortho-rectification");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    elev_layer = (char *)G_malloc(GNAME_MAX * sizeof(char));
    mapset_elev = (char *)G_malloc(GMAPSET_MAX * sizeof(char));
    tl = (char *)G_malloc(80 * sizeof(char));
    math_exp = (char *)G_malloc(80 * sizeof(char));
    units = (char *)G_malloc(80 * sizeof(char));
    nd = (char *)G_malloc(80 * sizeof(char));

    *elev_layer = 0;
    *mapset_elev = 0;
    *tl = 0;
    *math_exp = 0;
    *units = 0;
    *nd = 0;

    strcpy(group, group_opt->answer);

    if (!I_get_target(group, location, mapset)) {
	sprintf(buf, _("Target information for group [%s] missing\n"), group);
	goto error;

    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), location);
    if (access(buf, 0) != 0) {
	sprintf(buf, _("Target location [%s] not found\n"), location);
	goto error;

    I_get_group_elev(group, elev_layer, mapset_elev, tl, math_exp, units, nd);
    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", location);

    stat = G__mapset_permissions(mapset);
    if (stat > 0) {
	G__setenv("MAPSET", mapset);
	which_env = 0;

	/* get elevation layer raster map  in target location */
	ask_elev(group, location, mapset);

	/* select current location */

	I_put_group_elev(group, elev_layer, mapset_elev, tl,
			 math_exp, units, nd);


    sprintf(buf, _("Mapset [%s] in target location [%s] - "), mapset, location);
    strcat(buf, stat == 0 ? _("permission denied\n") : _("not found\n"));

    strcat(buf, _("Please select a target for group"));
    strcat(buf, group);