static int read_colors(const char *name, const char *mapset, struct Colors *colors) { FILE *fd; int stat; char buf[1024]; fd = G_fopen_old_misc(RASTER3D_DIRECTORY, RASTER3D_COLOR_ELEMENT, name, mapset); if (!fd) return -2; /* * first line in 4.0 color files is % * otherwise it is pre 4.0 */ if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fd) == NULL) { fclose(fd); return -1; } G_fseek(fd, 0L, 0); G_strip(buf); if (*buf == '%') { /* 4.0 format */ stat = read_new_colors(fd, colors); colors->version = 0; /* 4.0 format */ } else { stat = read_old_colors(fd, colors); colors->version = -1; /* pre 4.0 format */ } fclose(fd); return stat; }
static int file_cpy(FILE * from, FILE * to) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; size_t size; int written = 0; while (1) { size = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, from); if (!size) { if (written) { fflush(to); G_fseek(to, 0L, SEEK_SET); } return (0); } if (!fwrite(buf, 1, size, to)) { G_warning(_("Unable to write to file")); return (-1); } written = 1; } /* NOTREACHED */ return -1; }
/* on error, returns -1, otherwise returns 0 */ struct dxf_file *dxf_open(char *file) { struct dxf_file *dxf; dxf = (struct dxf_file *)G_malloc(sizeof(struct dxf_file)); dxf->name = G_store(file); if (!(dxf->fp = fopen(file, "r"))) return NULL; /* get the file size */ G_fseek(dxf->fp, 0L, SEEK_END); dxf->size = G_ftell(dxf->fp); rewind(dxf->fp); dxf->pos = 0; if (dxf->size < 500000) dxf->percent = 10; else if (dxf->size < 800000) dxf->percent = 5; else dxf->percent = 2; /* initialize G_percent() */ G_percent(0, 100, dxf->percent); return dxf; }
/*! \brief Set struct gvfile position. Start positions: - SEEK_SET (start) - SEEK_CUR (current position) - SEEK_END (end) \param file pointer to struct gvfile structure \param offset offset position \param whence start position \return 0 OK \return -1 error */ int dig_fseek(struct gvfile * file, off_t offset, int whence) { if (file->loaded) { /* using memory */ switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: file->current = file->start + offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: file->current += offset; break; case SEEK_END: file->current = file->start + file->size + offset; break; } return 0; } G_fseek(file->file, offset, whence); return 0; }
/* open the file whose name is pathname in access mode */ FILE* open_stream(char* pathname, AMI_stream_type st) { FILE* fp = NULL; assert(pathname); switch (st) { case AMI_READ_STREAM: fp = fopen(pathname, "rb"); break; case AMI_WRITE_STREAM: fp = fopen(pathname, "wb"); break; case AMI_APPEND_WRITE_STREAM: fp = fopen(pathname, "ab"); break; case AMI_APPEND_STREAM: fp = fopen(pathname, "ab+"); assert(fp); G_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END); break; case AMI_READ_WRITE_STREAM: fp = fopen(pathname, "rb+"); if (!fp) { //if file does not exist, create it fp = fopen(pathname, "wb+"); } break; } if (!fp) { perror(pathname); assert(0); exit(1); } assert(fp); return fp; }
int get_item(FILE * fd, int *type, long *cat, double **x, double **y, int *count, struct Categories *labels) { static double *X = NULL; static double *Y = NULL; static int nalloc = 0; char buf[1024]; char lbl[1024]; char east[256], north[256]; double e, n; long offset; *cat = 0; *count = 0; *type = 0; /* scan until we find the start of a new feature */ while (G_getl2(buf, sizeof buf, fd)) { /* skip comments and blank lines */ if ((*buf == '#') || (*buf == '\0')) continue; G_strip(buf); if (*buf == 'A' || *buf == 'a') { *type = 'A'; break; } if (*buf == 'L' || *buf == 'l') { *type = 'L'; break; } if (*buf == 'P' || *buf == 'p') { *type = 'P'; break; } } if (*type == 0) return 0; /* read the feature's data */ while (1) { offset = G_ftell(fd); if (!G_getl2(buf, (sizeof buf) - 1, fd)) break; /* skip comments and blank lines */ if ((*buf == '#') || (*buf == '\0')) continue; G_strip(buf); /* if we've found the next feature, rewind to the start of it and complete */ if (*buf == 'A' || *buf == 'a' || *buf == 'L' || *buf == 'l' || *buf == 'P' || *buf == 'p') { G_fseek(fd, offset, 0); break; } /* if we found a cat (and optionally a label), read them and continue to scan */ if (*buf == '=') { if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%ld", cat) != 1) continue; /* probably change this as G_getl2() doesn't store the new line (?) */ if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%ld%[^\n]", cat, lbl) == 2) { G_strip(lbl); Rast_set_c_cat((CELL*) cat, (CELL *) cat, lbl, labels); } continue; } if (sscanf(buf, "%s %s", east, north) != 2) { G_warning(_("Illegal coordinate <%s, %s>, skipping."), east, north); continue; } if (!G_scan_northing(north, &n, G_projection())) { G_warning(_("Illegal north coordinate <%s>, skipping."), north); continue; } if (!G_scan_easting(east, &e, G_projection())) { G_warning(_("Illegal east coordinate <%s>, skipping."), east); continue; } if (*count >= nalloc) { nalloc += 32; X = (double *)G_realloc(X, nalloc * sizeof(double)); Y = (double *)G_realloc(Y, nalloc * sizeof(double)); } X[*count] = e; Y[*count] = n; (*count)++; } *x = X; *y = Y; return 1; }
int COGRR1(double x_or, double y_or, double z_or, int n_rows, int n_cols, int n_levs, int n_points, struct quadruple *points, struct point_3d skip_point) /*C C INTERPOLATION BY FUNCTIONAL METHOD : TPS + complete regul. c */ { int secpar_loop(); static double *w2 = NULL; static double *wz2 = NULL; static double *wz1 = NULL; double amaxa; double stepix, stepiy, stepiz, RO, xx, yy, zz, xg, yg, zg, xx2; double wm, dx, dy, dz, dxx, dyy, dxy, dxz, dyz, dzz, h, bmgd1, bmgd2, etar, zcon, r, ww, wz, r2, hcell, zzcell2, etarcell, rcell, wwcell, zzcell; double x_crs,x_crsd,x_crsdd,x_crsdr2; int n1, k1, k2, k, i1, l, l1, n4, n5, m, i; int NGST, LSIZE, ngstc, nszc, ngstr, nszr, ngstl, nszl; int POINT(); int ind, ind1; static int first_time_z = 1; off_t offset, offset1, offset2; int bmask = 1; static FCELL *cell = NULL; int cond1 = (gradient != NULL) || (aspect1 != NULL) || (aspect2 != NULL); int cond2 = (ncurv != NULL) || (gcurv != NULL) || (mcurv != NULL); #define CEULER .57721566 /* C c character*32 fncdsm c normalization c */ offset1 = nsizr * nsizc; stepix = ew_res / dnorm; stepiy = ns_res / dnorm; stepiz = tb_res / dnorm; if (!w2) { if (!(w2 = (double *)G_malloc(sizeof(double) * (KMAX2 + 1)))) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Not enough memory for %s"), "w2"); } } if (!wz2) { if (!(wz2 = (double *)G_malloc(sizeof(double) * (KMAX2 + 1)))) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Not enough memory for %s"), "wz2"); } } if (!wz1) { if (!(wz1 = (double *)G_malloc(sizeof(double) * (KMAX2 + 1)))) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Not enough memory for %s"), "wz1"); } } if (cell == NULL) cell = Rast_allocate_f_buf(); for (i = 1; i <= n_points; i++) { points[i - 1].x = (points[i - 1].x - x_or) / dnorm; points[i - 1].y = (points[i - 1].y - y_or) / dnorm; points[i - 1].z = (points[i - 1].z - z_or) / dnorm; } if (cv) { skip_point.x = (skip_point.x - x_or) / dnorm; skip_point.y = (skip_point.y - y_or) / dnorm; skip_point.z = (skip_point.z - z_or) / dnorm; } n1 = n_points + 1; /* C C GENERATION OF MATRIX C C FIRST COLUMN C */ A[1] = 0.; for (k = 1; k <= n_points; k++) { i1 = k + 1; A[i1] = 1.; } /* C C OTHER COLUMNS C */ RO = rsm; for (k = 1; k <= n_points; k++) { k1 = k * n1 + 1; k2 = k + 1; i1 = k1 + k; if (rsm < 0.) { /*indicates variable smoothing */ A[i1] = points[k - 1].sm; } else { A[i1] = RO; /* constant smoothing */ } for (l = k2; l <= n_points; l++) { xx = points[k - 1].x - points[l - 1].x; yy = points[k - 1].y - points[l - 1].y; zz = points[k - 1].z - points[l - 1].z; r = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz); etar = (fi * r) / 2.; if (etar == 0.) { /* printf ("ident. points in segm. \n"); printf ("x[%d]=%lf,x[%d]=%lf,y[%d]=%lf,y[%d]=%lf\n", k - 1, points[k - 1].x, l - 1, points[l - 1].x, k - 1, points[k - 1].y, l - 1, points[l - 1].y); */ } i1 = k1 + l; A[i1] = crs(etar); } } /* C C SYMMETRISATION C */ amaxa = 1.; for (k = 1; k <= n1; k++) { k1 = (k - 1) * n1; k2 = k + 1; for (l = k2; l <= n1; l++) { m = (l - 1) * n1 + k; A[m] = A[k1 + l]; amaxa = amax1(A[m], amaxa); } } /* C RIGHT SIDE C */ n4 = n1 * n1 + 1; A[n4] = 0.; for (l = 1; l <= n_points; l++) { l1 = n4 + l; A[l1] = points[l - 1].w; } n5 = n1 * (n1 + 1); for (i = 1; i <= n5; i++) A[i] = A[i] / amaxa; /* SOLVING OF SYSTEM */ if (LINEQS(n1, n1, 1, &NERROR, &DETERM)) { for (k = 1; k <= n_points; k++) { l = n4 + k; b[k] = A[l]; } b[n_points + 1] = A[n4]; POINT(n_points, points, skip_point); if (cv) return 1; if (devi != NULL && sig1 == 1) return 1; /* C C INTERPOLATION * MOST INNER LOOPS ! C */ NGST = 1; LSIZE = 0; ngstc = (int)(x_or / ew_res + 0.5) + 1; nszc = ngstc + n_cols - 1; ngstr = (int)(y_or / ns_res + 0.5) + 1; nszr = ngstr + n_rows - 1; ngstl = (int)(z_or / tb_res + 0.5) + 1; nszl = ngstl + n_levs - 1; /* fprintf(stderr," Progress percentage for each segment ..." ); */ /*fprintf(stderr,"Before loops,ngstl = %d,nszl =%d\n",ngstl,nszl); */ for (i = ngstl; i <= nszl; i++) { /*fprintf(stderr,"level=%d\n",i); */ /* G_percent(i, nszl, 2); */ offset = offset1 * (i - 1); /* levels offset */ zg = (i - ngstl) * stepiz; for (m = 1; m <= n_points; m++) { wz = zg - points[m - 1].z; wz1[m] = wz; wz2[m] = wz * wz; } for (k = ngstr; k <= nszr; k++) { yg = (k - ngstr) * stepiy; for (m = 1; m <= n_points; m++) { wm = yg - points[m - 1].y; w[m] = wm; w2[m] = wm * wm; } if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) Rast_get_f_row(fdcell, cell, n_rows_in - k); for (l = ngstc; l <= nszc; l++) { LSIZE = LSIZE + 1; if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, l - 1, k - 1); /*bug fix 02/03/00 jh */ xg = (l - ngstc) * stepix; ww = 0.; wwcell = 0.; dx = 0.; dy = 0.; dz = 0.; dxx = 0.; dxy = 0.; dxz = 0.; dyy = 0.; dyz = 0.; dzz = 0.; /* compute everything for area which is not masked out and where cross_input map doesn't have nulls */ if (bmask == 1 && !(cell && Rast_is_f_null_value(&cell[l - 1]))) { h = b[n1]; hcell = b[n1]; for (m = 1; m <= n_points; m++) { xx = xg - points[m - 1].x; xx2 = xx * xx; if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) { zcon = (double)(cell[l - 1] * zmult - z_or) - z_orig_in * zmult; /* bug fix 02/03/00 jh */ zcon = zcon / dnorm; zzcell = zcon - points[m - 1].z; zzcell2 = zzcell * zzcell; rcell = sqrt(xx2 + w2[m] + zzcell2); etarcell = (fi * rcell) / 2.; hcell = hcell + b[m] * crs(etarcell); } r2 = xx2 + w2[m] + wz2[m]; r = sqrt(r2); etar = (fi * r) / 2.; crs_full( etar,fi, &x_crs, cond1?&x_crsd:NULL, cond2?&x_crsdr2:NULL, cond2?&x_crsdd:NULL ); h = h + b[m] * x_crs; if(cond1) { bmgd1 = b[m] * x_crsd; dx = dx + bmgd1 * xx; dy = dy + bmgd1 * w[m]; dz = dz + bmgd1 * wz1[m]; } if(cond2) { bmgd2 = b[m] * x_crsdd; bmgd1 = b[m] * x_crsdr2; dyy = dyy + bmgd2 * w2[m] + bmgd1 * w2[m]; dzz = dzz + bmgd2 * wz2[m] + bmgd1 * wz2[m]; dxy = dxy + bmgd2 * xx * w[m] + bmgd1 * xx * w[m]; dxz = dxz + bmgd2 * xx * wz1[m] + bmgd1 * xx * wz1[m]; dyz = dyz + bmgd2 * w[m] * wz1[m] + bmgd1 * w[m] * wz1[m]; } } ww = h + wmin; if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) wwcell = hcell + wmin; az[l] = ww; if (first_time_z) { first_time_z = 0; zmaxac = zminac = ww; if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) zmaxacell = zminacell = wwcell; } zmaxac = amax1(ww, zmaxac); zminac = amin1(ww, zminac); if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) { zmaxacell = amax1(wwcell, zmaxacell); zminacell = amin1(wwcell, zminacell); } if ((ww > wmax + 0.1 * (wmax - wmin)) || (ww < wmin - 0.1 * (wmax - wmin))) { static int once = 0; if (!once) { once = 1; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Overshoot -- increase in tension suggested.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Overshoot occurs at (%d,%d,%d) cell\n", l, k, i); fprintf(stderr, "The w-value is %lf, wmin is %lf,wmax is %lf\n", ww, wmin, wmax); } } } /* skip here if you are in masked area, ww should be 0 */ az[l] = ww; adx[l] = dx; ady[l] = dy; adz[l] = dz; /* printf("\n %f", ww); */ adxx[l] = dxx; adxy[l] = dxy; adxz[l] = dxz; adyy[l] = dyy; adyz[l] = dyz; adzz[l] = dzz; if ((gradient != NULL) || (aspect1 != NULL) || (aspect2 != NULL) || (ncurv != NULL) || (gcurv != NULL) || (mcurv != NULL)) if (!(secpar_loop(ngstc, nszc, l))) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Secpar_loop failed")); } if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) { zero_array_cell[l - 1] = (FCELL) (wwcell); } if (outz != NULL) { zero_array1[l - 1] = (float)(az[l] * sciz); } if (gradient != NULL) { zero_array2[l - 1] = (float)(adx[l]); } if (aspect1 != NULL) { zero_array3[l - 1] = (float)(ady[l]); } if (aspect2 != NULL) { zero_array4[l - 1] = (float)(adz[l]); } if (ncurv != NULL) { zero_array5[l - 1] = (float)(adxx[l]); } if (gcurv != NULL) { zero_array6[l - 1] = (float)(adyy[l]); } if (mcurv != NULL) { zero_array7[l - 1] = (float)(adxy[l]); } } /* columns */ ind = nsizc * (k - 1) + (ngstc - 1); ind1 = ngstc - 1; offset2 = offset + ind; /* rows*cols offset */ if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL) && (i == ngstl)) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_cell, ((off_t)ind * sizeof(FCELL)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array_cell + ind1, sizeof(FCELL), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_cell))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (outz != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_z, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array1 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_z))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (gradient != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dx, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array2 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_dx))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (aspect1 != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dy, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array3 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_dy))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (aspect2 != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dz, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array4 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_dz))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (ncurv != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_xx, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array5 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_xx))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (gcurv != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_yy, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array6 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_yy))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } if (mcurv != NULL) { G_fseek(Tmp_fd_xy, (off_t)(offset2 * sizeof(float)), 0); if (! (fwrite (zero_array7 + ind1, sizeof(float), nszc - ngstc + 1, Tmp_fd_xy))) { clean(); G_fatal_error (_("Not enough disk space--cannot write files")); } } } } } /* falls here if LINEQS() returns 0 */ /* total++; */ /*fprintf(stderr,"wminac=%lf,wmaxac=%lf\n",zminac,zmaxac); */ return 1; }
static void rtree_load_to_memory(struct gvfile *fp, off_t rootpos, struct RTree *t, int off_t_size) { struct RTree_Node *newnode = NULL; int i, j, loadnode, maxcard; struct spidxstack *last; static struct spidxstack *s = NULL; int top = 0; if (!s) { s = G_malloc(MAXLEVEL * sizeof(struct spidxstack)); for (i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++) { s[i].sn.branch = G_malloc(MAXCARD * sizeof(struct RTree_Branch)); for (j = 0; j < MAXCARD; j++) { s[i].sn.branch[j].rect.boundary = G_malloc(6 * sizeof(RectReal)); } } } /* stack size of t->rootlevel + 1 would be enough because of * depth-first postorder traversal: * only one node per level on stack at any given time */ /* add root node position to stack */ last = &(s[top]); G_fseek(fp->file, rootpos, SEEK_SET); /* read with dig__fread_port_* fns */ dig__fread_port_I(&(s[top].sn.count), 1, fp); dig__fread_port_I(&(s[top].sn.level), 1, fp); maxcard = s[top].sn.level ? t->nodecard : t->leafcard; for (j = 0; j < maxcard; j++) { dig__fread_port_D(s[top].sn.branch[j].rect.boundary, NUMSIDES, fp); dig__fread_port_O(&(s[top].pos[j]), 1, fp, off_t_size); /* leaf node: vector object IDs are stored in */ if (s[top].sn.level == 0) { s[top].sn.branch[j] = (int)s[top].pos[j]; } else { s[top].sn.branch[j].child.ptr = NULL; } } s[top].branch_id = i = 0; /* some sort of postorder traversal */ /* root node is loaded last and returned */ while (top >= 0) { last = &(s[top]); loadnode = 1; /* this is an internal node in the RTree * all its children are read first, * before it is transferred to the RTree in memory */ if (s[top].sn.level > 0) { for (i = s[top].branch_id; i < t->nodecard; i++) { if (s[top].pos[i] > 0) { s[top++].branch_id = i + 1; G_fseek(fp->file, last->pos[i], SEEK_SET); /* read with dig__fread_port_* fns */ dig__fread_port_I(&(s[top].sn.count), 1, fp); dig__fread_port_I(&(s[top].sn.level), 1, fp); maxcard = s[top].sn.level ? t->nodecard : t->leafcard; for (j = 0; j < maxcard; j++) { dig__fread_port_D(s[top].sn.branch[j].rect.boundary, NUMSIDES, fp); dig__fread_port_O(&(s[top].pos[j]), 1, fp, off_t_size); /* leaf node * vector object IDs are stored in file as * off_t but always fit into an int, see dig_structs.h * vector object IDs are transferred to */ if (s[top].sn.level == 0) { s[top].sn.branch[j] = (int)s[top].pos[j]; } else { s[top].sn.branch[j].child.ptr = NULL; } } s[top].branch_id = 0; loadnode = 0; break; } else if (last->pos[i] < 0) G_fatal_error("corrupt spatial index"); } if (loadnode) { /* nothing else found, ready to load */ s[top].branch_id = t->nodecard; } } if (loadnode) { /* ready to load node to memory */ newnode = RTreeAllocNode(t, s[top].sn.level); /* copy from stack node */ RTreeCopyNode(newnode, &(s[top].sn), t); top--; /* update child of parent node * this node is only updated if its level is > 0, i.e. * this is an internal node * children of internal nodes do not have an ID, instead * they point to the next nodes down the tree */ if (top >= 0) { s[top].sn.branch[s[top].branch_id - 1].child.ptr = newnode; } } } t->root = newnode; }
/* unused, coor file is never loaded to memory. Remove ? MM 2010 */ int dig_file_load(struct gvfile * file) { int ret, mode, load; const char *cmode; size_t size; STRUCT_STAT sbuf; G_debug(2, "dig_file_load ()"); if (file->file == NULL) { G_warning(_("Unable to load file to memory, file not open")); return -1; } /* Get mode */ mode = GV_MEMORY_NEVER; cmode = G__getenv("GV_MEMORY"); if (cmode != NULL) { if (G_strcasecmp(cmode, "ALWAYS") == 0) mode = GV_MEMORY_ALWAYS; else if (G_strcasecmp(cmode, "NEVER") == 0) mode = GV_MEMORY_NEVER; else if (G_strcasecmp(cmode, "AUTO") == 0) mode = GV_MEMORY_AUTO; else G_warning(_("Vector memory mode not supported, using 'AUTO'")); } G_debug(2, " requested mode = %d", mode); fstat(fileno(file->file), &sbuf); size = sbuf.st_size; G_debug(2, " size = %lu", (long unsigned int) size); /* Decide if the file should be loaded */ /* TODO: I don't know how to get size of free memory (portability) to decide if load or not for auto */ if (mode == GV_MEMORY_AUTO) mode = GV_MEMORY_NEVER; if (mode == GV_MEMORY_ALWAYS) load = 1; else load = 0; if (load) { file->start = G_malloc(size); if (file->start == NULL) return -1; G_fseek(file->file, 0L, 0); ret = fread(file->start, size, 1, file->file); /* Better to read in smaller portions? */ G_fseek(file->file, 0L, 0); /* reset to the beginning */ if (ret <= 0) { G_free(file->start); return -1; } file->alloc = size; file->size = size; file->current = file->start; file->end = file->start + size; file->loaded = 1; G_debug(2, " file was loaded to the memory"); return 1; } else { G_debug(2, " file was not loaded to the memory"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct GModule *module; struct { struct Option *input; struct Option *output; struct Option *null; struct Option *bytes; struct Option *order; struct Option *north; struct Option *south; struct Option *top; struct Option *bottom; struct Option *east; struct Option *west; struct Option *rows; struct Option *cols; struct Option *depths; } parm; struct { struct Flag *integer_in; struct Flag *sign; struct Flag *depth; struct Flag *row; } flag; const char *input; const char *output; int is_integer; int is_signed; int bytes; int order; int byte_swap; RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type; off_t file_size; struct History history; off_t expected; /* Need to be allocated later */ in_cell = NULL; G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* Set description */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster3d")); G_add_keyword(_("import")); G_add_keyword(_("voxel")); module->description = _("Imports a binary raster file into a GRASS 3D raster map."); parm.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT); parm.input->description = _("Name of binary 3D raster file to be imported"); parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R3_OUTPUT); parm.bytes = G_define_option(); parm.bytes->key = "bytes"; parm.bytes->type = TYPE_INTEGER; parm.bytes->required = YES; parm.bytes->options = "1,2,4,8"; parm.bytes->description = _("Number of bytes per cell in binary file"); parm.order = G_define_option(); parm.order->key = "order"; parm.order->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.order->required = NO; parm.order->options = "big,little,native,swap"; parm.order->description = _("Byte order in binary file"); parm.order->answer = "native"; parm.north = G_define_option(); parm.north->key = "north"; parm.north->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.north->required = YES; parm.north->description = _("Northern limit of geographic region (outer edge)"); parm.north->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.south = G_define_option(); parm.south->key = "south"; parm.south->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.south->required = YES; parm.south->description = _("Southern limit of geographic region (outer edge)"); parm.south->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.east = G_define_option(); parm.east->key = "east"; parm.east->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.east->required = YES; parm.east->description = _("Eastern limit of geographic region (outer edge)"); parm.east->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.west = G_define_option(); parm.west->key = "west"; parm.west->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.west->required = YES; parm.west->description = _("Western limit of geographic region (outer edge)"); parm.west->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.bottom = G_define_option(); parm.bottom->key = "bottom"; parm.bottom->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.bottom->required = YES; parm.bottom->description = _("Bottom limit of geographic region (outer edge)"); parm.bottom->guisection = _("Bounds"); = G_define_option();>key = "top";>type = TYPE_DOUBLE;>required = YES;>description = _("Top limit of geographic region (outer edge)");>guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.rows = G_define_option(); parm.rows->key = "rows"; parm.rows->type = TYPE_INTEGER; parm.rows->required = YES; parm.rows->description = _("Number of rows"); parm.rows->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.cols = G_define_option(); parm.cols->key = "cols"; parm.cols->type = TYPE_INTEGER; parm.cols->required = YES; parm.cols->description = _("Number of columns"); parm.cols->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.depths = G_define_option(); parm.depths->key = "depths"; parm.depths->type = TYPE_INTEGER; parm.depths->required = YES; parm.depths->description = _("Number of depths"); parm.depths->guisection = _("Bounds"); parm.null = G_define_option(); parm.null->key = "null"; parm.null->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.null->required = NO; parm.null->description = _("Set Value to NULL"); flag.row = G_define_flag(); flag.row->key = 'r'; flag.row->description = _("Switch the row order in output from " "north->south to south->north"); flag.depth = G_define_flag(); flag.depth->key = 'd'; flag.depth->description = _("Switch the depth order in output " "from bottom->top to top->bottom"); flag.integer_in = G_define_flag(); flag.integer_in->key = 'i'; flag.integer_in->description = _("Binary data is of type integer"); flag.sign = G_define_flag(); flag.sign->key = 's'; flag.sign->description = _("Signed data (two's complement)"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); input = parm.input->answer; output = parm.output->answer; if (G_strcasecmp(parm.order->answer, "big") == 0) order = 0; else if (G_strcasecmp(parm.order->answer, "little") == 0) order = 1; else if (G_strcasecmp(parm.order->answer, "native") == 0) order = G_is_little_endian() ? 1 : 0; else if (G_strcasecmp(parm.order->answer, "swap") == 0) order = G_is_little_endian() ? 0 : 1; byte_swap = order == (G_is_little_endian() ? 0 : 1); is_signed = !!flag.sign->answer; is_integer = 0; bytes = 8; if (parm.bytes->answer) bytes = atoi(parm.bytes->answer); if (!flag.integer_in->answer) { if (bytes && bytes < 4) G_fatal_error( _("bytes=%d; must be 4 or 8 in case of floating point input"), bytes); if (!bytes) bytes = 4; } else { is_integer = 1; } #ifndef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT if (is_integer && bytes > 4) G_fatal_error(_("Integer input doesn't support size=8 in this build")); #endif if (bytes != 1 && bytes != 2 && bytes != 4 && bytes != 8) G_fatal_error(_("bytes= must be 1, 2, 4 or 8")); = G_zone(); region.proj = G_projection(); region.rows = atoi(parm.rows->answer); region.cols = atoi(parm.cols->answer); region.depths = atoi(parm.depths->answer); = atof(>answer); region.bottom = atof(parm.bottom->answer); if (!G_scan_northing(parm.north->answer, ®ion.north, region.proj)) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal north coordinate <%s>"), parm.north->answer); if (!G_scan_northing(parm.south->answer, ®ion.south, region.proj)) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal south coordinate <%s>"), parm.south->answer); if (!G_scan_easting(parm.east->answer, ®ion.east, region.proj)) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal east coordinate <%s>"), parm.east->answer); if (!G_scan_easting(parm.west->answer, ®ion.west, region.proj)) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal west coordinate <%s>"), parm.west->answer); Rast3d_adjust_region(®ion); expected = (off_t) region.rows * region.cols * region.depths * bytes; fp = fopen(input, "rb"); if (!fp) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open <%s>"), input); /* Find File Size in Byte and Check against byte size */ G_fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = G_ftell(fp); G_fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (file_size != expected) { G_warning(_("File Size %lld ... Total Bytes %lld"), (long long int) file_size, (long long int) expected); G_fatal_error(_("Bytes do not match file size")); } map_type = (bytes > 4 ? DCELL_TYPE : FCELL_TYPE); if(is_integer && bytes >= 4) map_type = DCELL_TYPE; Rast3d_init_defaults(); /*Open the new 3D raster map */ map = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(output, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ®ion, map_type, 32); if (map == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open 3D raster map")); in_cell = G_malloc(bytes); bin_to_raster3d(parm.null->answer, map_type, is_integer, is_signed, bytes, byte_swap, flag.row->answer, flag.depth->answer); if (!Rast3d_close(map)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to close 3D raster map")); /* write input name to map history */ Rast3d_read_history(output, G_mapset(), &history); Rast_set_history(&history, HIST_DATSRC_1, input); Rast3d_write_history(output, &history); fclose(fp); if (in_cell) G_free(in_cell); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int OUTGR() { void *cf1, *cf2, *cf3, *cf4, *cf5, *cf6, *cf7; int read_val; FCELL *cell; float *data; int i, iarc, cnt; int bmask = 1; int x, y; float value; if ((cellinp != NULL) && (cellout != NULL)) { cell = Rast_allocate_f_buf(); for (i = 0; i < nsizr; i++) { /* seek to the right row */ G_fseek (Tmp_fd_cell, ((off_t)(nsizr - 1 - i) * nsizc * sizeof(FCELL)), 0); fread(cell, sizeof(FCELL), nsizc, Tmp_fd_cell); Rast_put_f_row(fdcout, cell); } } /*** Initialize output g3d region ***/ current_region.bottom = z_orig_in; = nsizl * tb_res_in + z_orig_in; if (!(data = (float *)G_malloc(sizeof(float) * nsizr * nsizc * nsizl))) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory")); } /*** Write elevation results ***/ if (outz != NULL) { cf1 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(outz, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf1 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), outz); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_z, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_z); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt]; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf1, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf1) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), outz); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), outz); } /*** Write out the gradient results ***/ if (gradient != NULL) { cf2 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(gradient, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf2 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), gradient); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dx, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_dx); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt]; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf2, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf2) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), gradient); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), gradient); } /*** Write out aspect1 results ***/ if (aspect1 != NULL) { cf3 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(aspect1, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf3 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), aspect1); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dy, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_dy); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt] * 180 / M_PI; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf3, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf3) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), aspect1); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), aspect1); } /*** Write out aspect2 results ***/ if (aspect2 != NULL) { cf4 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(aspect2, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf4 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), aspect2); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_dz, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_dz); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt] * 180 / M_PI; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf4, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf4) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), aspect2); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), aspect2); } /*** Write out ncurv results ***/ if (ncurv != NULL) { cf5 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(ncurv, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf5 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), ncurv); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_xx, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_xx); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt]; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf5, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf5) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), ncurv); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), ncurv); } /*** Write out gcurv results ***/ if (gcurv != NULL) { cf6 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(gcurv, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf6 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), gcurv); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_yy, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_yy); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt]; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf6, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf6) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), gcurv); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), gcurv); } /*** Write mcurv results ***/ if (mcurv != NULL) { cf7 = Rast3d_open_new_opt_tile_size(mcurv, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT, ¤t_region, FCELL_TYPE, 32); if (cf7 == NULL) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), mcurv); } /* seek to the beginning */ G_fseek(Tmp_fd_xy, 0L, 0); /* Read data in from temp file */ read_val = fread(data, sizeof(float), nsizr * nsizc * nsizl, Tmp_fd_xy); if (read_val < 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data from temp file")); } cnt = 0; for (iarc = 0; iarc < nsizl; iarc++) { for (y = nsizr - 1; y >= 0; y--) { /* changed by AV */ for (x = 0; x < nsizc; x++) { if (maskmap != NULL) bmask = BM_get(bitmask, x, nsizr - y - 1); else bmask = 1; value = data[cnt]; if (!bmask) Rast3d_set_null_value(&value, 1, FCELL_TYPE); if (Rast3d_put_float(cf7, x, y, iarc, value) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error( _("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f"), x, y, iarc, value); } cnt++; } } } /* Close the file */ if (Rast3d_close(cf7) == 0) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error closing output file %s"), mcurv); } else G_message(_("3D raster map <%s> created"), mcurv); } G_free(data); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input; char *output; char *title; char *temp; FILE *fd, *ft; int cf, direction, sz; struct Cell_head cellhd; struct History history; void *rast, *rast_ptr; int row, col; int nrows, ncols; double x; char y[128]; struct GModule *module; struct { struct Option *input, *output, *title, *mult, *nv, *type; } parm; struct { struct Flag *s; } flag; char *null_val_str; DCELL mult; RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type; double atof(); G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("import")); G_add_keyword(_("conversion")); G_add_keyword("ASCII"); module->description = _("Converts a GRASS ASCII raster file to binary raster map."); parm.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT); parm.input->label = _("Name of input file to be imported"); parm.input->description = _("'-' for standard input"); parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); parm.type = G_define_option(); parm.type->key = "type"; parm.type->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.type->required = NO; parm.type->options = "CELL,FCELL,DCELL"; parm.type->label = _("Storage type for resultant raster map"); parm.type->description = _("Default: CELL for integer values, DCELL for floating-point values"); parm.title = G_define_option(); parm.title->key = "title"; parm.title->key_desc = "phrase"; parm.title->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.title->required = NO; parm.title->description = _("Title for resultant raster map"); parm.mult = G_define_option(); parm.mult->key = "multiplier"; parm.mult->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.mult->description = _("Default: read from header"); parm.mult->required = NO; parm.mult->label = _("Multiplier for ASCII data"); parm.nv = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_NULL_VALUE); parm.nv->description = _("Default: read from header"); parm.nv->label = _("String representing NULL value data cell"); parm.nv->guisection = _("NULL data"); flag.s = G_define_flag(); flag.s->key = 's'; flag.s->description = _("SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII file will be imported"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); input = parm.input->answer; output = parm.output->answer; temp = G_tempfile(); ft = fopen(temp, "w+"); if (ft == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file <%s>"), temp); if ((title = parm.title->answer)) G_strip(title); if (!parm.mult->answer) Rast_set_d_null_value(&mult, 1); else if ((sscanf(parm.mult->answer, "%lf", &mult)) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Wrong entry for multiplier: %s"), parm.mult->answer); null_val_str = parm.nv->answer; data_type = -1; if (parm.type->answer) { switch(parm.type->answer[0]) { case 'C': data_type = CELL_TYPE; break; case 'F': data_type = FCELL_TYPE; break; case 'D': data_type = DCELL_TYPE; break; } } if (strcmp(input, "-") == 0) { Tmp_file = G_tempfile(); if (NULL == (Tmp_fd = fopen(Tmp_file, "w+"))) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file <%s>"), Tmp_file); unlink(Tmp_file); if (0 > file_cpy(stdin, Tmp_fd)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read input from stdin")); fd = Tmp_fd; } else fd = fopen(input, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read input from <%s>"), input); } direction = 1; sz = 0; if (flag.s->answer) { sz = getgrdhead(fd, &cellhd); /* for Surfer files, the data type is always FCELL_TYPE, the multiplier and the null_val_str are never used */ data_type = FCELL_TYPE; mult = 1.; null_val_str = ""; /* rows in surfer files are ordered from bottom to top, opposite of normal GRASS ordering */ direction = -1; } else sz = gethead(fd, &cellhd, &data_type, &mult, &null_val_str); if (!sz) G_fatal_error(_("Can't get cell header")); nrows = cellhd.rows; ncols = cellhd.cols; Rast_set_window(&cellhd); if (nrows != Rast_window_rows()) G_fatal_error(_("OOPS: rows changed from %d to %d"), nrows, Rast_window_rows()); if (ncols != Rast_window_cols()) G_fatal_error(_("OOPS: cols changed from %d to %d"), ncols, Rast_window_cols()); rast_ptr = Rast_allocate_buf(data_type); rast = rast_ptr; cf = Rast_open_new(output, data_type); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (fscanf(fd, "%s", y) != 1) { Rast_unopen(cf); G_fatal_error(_("Data conversion failed at row %d, col %d"), row + 1, col + 1); } if (strcmp(y, null_val_str)) { x = atof(y); if ((float)x == GS_BLANK) { Rast_set_null_value(rast_ptr, 1, data_type); } else { Rast_set_d_value(rast_ptr, (DCELL) (x * mult), data_type); } } else { Rast_set_null_value(rast_ptr, 1, data_type); } rast_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(rast_ptr, Rast_cell_size(data_type)); } fwrite(rast, Rast_cell_size(data_type), ncols, ft); rast_ptr = rast; } G_percent(nrows, nrows, 2); G_debug(1, "Creating support files for %s", output); sz = 0; if (direction < 0) { sz = -ncols * Rast_cell_size(data_type); G_fseek(ft, sz, SEEK_END); sz *= 2; } else { G_fseek(ft, 0L, SEEK_SET); } for (row = 0; row < nrows; row += 1) { fread(rast, Rast_cell_size(data_type), ncols, ft); Rast_put_row(cf, rast, data_type); G_fseek(ft, sz, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(ft); unlink(temp); Rast_close(cf); if (title) Rast_put_cell_title(output, title); Rast_short_history(output, "raster", &history); Rast_command_history(&history); Rast_write_history(output, &history); G_done_msg(" "); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/*! \brief Open feature index file \param[in,out] Map pointer to Map_info struct \param[out] offset pointer to Format_info_offset (OGR or PG) \return 0 on success \return -1 on error */ int Vect_open_fidx(struct Map_info *Map, struct Format_info_offset *offset) { char elem[GPATH_MAX]; char buf[5]; /* used for format version */ long length; int Version_Major, Version_Minor, Back_Major, Back_Minor, byte_order; struct gvfile fp; struct Port_info port; G_debug(1, "Vect_open_fidx(): name = %s mapset = %s format = %d", Map->name, Map->mapset, Map->format); sprintf(elem, "%s/%s", GV_DIRECTORY, Map->name); dig_file_init(&fp); fp.file = G_fopen_old(elem, GV_FIDX_ELEMENT, Map->mapset); if (fp.file == NULL) { G_debug(1, "unable to open fidx file for vector map <%s>", Vect_get_full_name(Map)); return -1; } /* Header */ if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, 5, &fp)) return -1; Version_Major = buf[0]; Version_Minor = buf[1]; Back_Major = buf[2]; Back_Minor = buf[3]; byte_order = buf[4]; /* check version numbers */ if (Version_Major > 5 || Version_Minor > 0) { if (Back_Major > 5 || Back_Minor > 0) { G_fatal_error(_("Feature index format version %d.%d is not supported by this release." " Try to rebuild topology or upgrade GRASS."), Version_Major, Version_Minor); return -1; } G_warning(_("Your GRASS version does not fully support feature index format %d.%d of the vector." " Consider to rebuild topology or upgrade GRASS."), Version_Major, Version_Minor); } dig_init_portable(&port, byte_order); dig_set_cur_port(&port); /* Body */ /* bytes 6 - 9 : header size */ if (0 >= dig__fread_port_L(&length, 1, &fp)) return -1; G_debug(4, " header size %ld", length); G_fseek(fp.file, length, SEEK_SET); /* number of records */ if (0 >= dig__fread_port_I(&(offset->array_num), 1, &fp)) return -1; /* alloc space */ offset->array = (int *) G_malloc(offset->array_num * sizeof(int)); offset->array_alloc = offset->array_num; /* offsets */ if (0 >= dig__fread_port_I(offset->array, offset->array_num, &fp)) return -1; fclose(fp.file); G_debug(3, "%d records read from fidx", offset->array_num); return 0; }
int ask_gis_files(char *type, char *file, char *xname, char *xmapset, int position) { static int use = 1; static Objects objects[] = { OTHER(pick, &use), {0} }; char msg[100]; FILE *fd; int width; int len1, len2, len; long offset; long *page_offset; int col, nlist; int line; int stat; char buf[100]; int top, bottom, left, right, center; int topx, bottomx, leftx, rightx, widthx; char name[GNAME_MAX], mapset[GMAPSET_MAX], cur_mapset[GMAPSET_MAX]; int new_mapset; Menu_msg(""); fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (fd == NULL) G_fatal_error("ask_gis_files: can't read tempfile"); if (fread(&len1, sizeof(len1), 1, fd) != 1 || fread(&len2, sizeof(len2), 1, fd) != 1 || len1 <= 0 || len2 <= 0) { fclose(fd); return 0; } sprintf(msg, "Double click on %s file to be plotted", type); /* * build a popup window at center of the screen. * 35% the height and wide enough to hold 2 columms of file names * * the window is for choosing file names and will be laid out in 2 columns * * ------------------------------------------ * | CANCEL | (MORE) | (LESS) | * ------------------------------------------ * | mapset | * ------------------------------------------ * | name1 | name2 | * ------------------------------------------ * | name3 | name4 | * ------------------------------------------ * | name5 | name6 | * | . | * | . | * | . | * ------------------------------------------ */ /* height of 1 line, based on NLINES taking up 35% vertical space */ height = (.35 * (SCREEN_BOTTOM - SCREEN_TOP)) / NLINES + 1; /* size of text, 80% of line height */ text_size = .8 * height; size = text_size - 1; /* fudge for computing pixels width of text */ /* indent for the text */ edge = .1 * height + 1; /* this is a fudge to determine the length of the largest text */ len1 = 2 * len1; /* name in 2 columns */ len2 += strlen("mapset "); len = (len1 > len2 ? len1 : len2); /* width is for max chars plus sidecar for more/less */ width = len * size + height; widthx = strlen(msg) * size; if (widthx < width) widthx = width; /* define the window */ top = (SCREEN_TOP + SCREEN_BOTTOM - height * NLINES) / 2; bottom = top + height * NLINES; center = (SCREEN_LEFT + SCREEN_RIGHT) / 2; if (position > 0) { right = (center + SCREEN_RIGHT + width) / 2; if (right >= SCREEN_RIGHT) right = SCREEN_RIGHT - 1; left = right - width; } else if (position < 0) { left = (center + SCREEN_LEFT - width) / 2; if (left <= SCREEN_LEFT) left = SCREEN_LEFT + 1; right = left + width; } else { left = center + width / 2; right = left + width; } topx = top - 3 * height; bottomx = topx + 2 * height; leftx = (left + right - widthx) / 2; if (leftx < SCREEN_LEFT) leftx = SCREEN_LEFT; rightx = leftx + widthx; /* save what is under these areas, so they can be restored */ R_panel_save(tempfile1, top, bottom + 1, left, right + 1); R_panel_save(tempfile2, topx, bottomx + 1, leftx, rightx + 1); /* fill it top with GREY, pick area with white */ R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_standard_color(GREY); R_box_abs(leftx, topx, rightx, bottomx); R_standard_color(BLACK); Outline_box(top, bottom, left, right); right -= height; /* reduce it to exclude sidecar */ Outline_box(top, bottom, left, right); /* print messages above the files */ dotext(msg, topx, topx + height, leftx, rightx, 1); dotext("Double click here to cancel", topx + height, bottomx, leftx, rightx, 1); = topx; cancel.bottom = bottomx; cancel.left = leftx; cancel.right = rightx; /* start the mouse in the cancel box */ Set_mouse_xy((leftx + rightx) / 2, (topx + bottomx) / 2); dobox(&less, "", WHITE, top, right, right + height, 0); dobox(&more, "", WHITE, bottom - height, right, right + height, 0); /* as we read the file of names, keep track of pages so we can * page backward */ page = 0; page_offset = (long *)G_calloc(npages = 1, sizeof(long)); *page_offset = G_ftell(fd); nlist = sizeof(list) / sizeof(list[0]); for (stat = -1; stat < 0;) { line = 0; count = 0; *cur_mapset = 0; col = 0; while (1) { offset = G_ftell(fd); if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fd) == NULL || sscanf(buf, "%s %s", name, mapset) != 2) break; if (new_mapset = (strcmp(cur_mapset, mapset) != 0)) { if (line) line++; if (col) line++; col = 0; } if (count >= nlist || line + new_mapset >= NLINES) { if (page + 1 == npages) { npages++; page_offset = (long *)G_realloc(page_offset, npages * sizeof(long)); page_offset[npages - 1] = offset; } break; } if (new_mapset) { struct box dummy; char label[GMAPSET_MAX + 7]; strcpy(cur_mapset, mapset); sprintf(label, "Mapset %s", mapset); dobox(&dummy, label, WHITE, top + line * height, left, right, 0); line++; } if (col) { dobox(&list[count].box, name, GREY, top + line * height, left + width / 2, right, 0); line++; col = 0; } else { dobox(&list[count].box, name, GREY, top + line * height, left, left + width / 2, 0); col = 1; } strcpy(list[count].name, name); strcpy(list[count].mapset, mapset); count++; } downarrow(&more, page + 1 < npages ? BLACK : WHITE); uparrow(&less, page > 0 ? BLACK : WHITE); which = -1; switch (Input_pointer(objects)) { case -1: /* more or less */ break; case -2: /* cancel */ stat = 0; continue; default: /* file picked */ strcpy(xname, list[which].name); strcpy(xmapset, list[which].mapset); stat = 1; continue; } G_fseek(fd, page_offset[page], 0); R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left + 1, top + 1, right - 1, bottom - 1); } /* all done. restore what was under the window */ right += height; /* move it back over the sidecar */ R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_panel_restore(tempfile1); R_panel_restore(tempfile2); R_panel_delete(tempfile1); R_panel_delete(tempfile2); R_flush(); G_free(page_offset); return stat; }