Example #1
/* Flush request buffer if required, possibly reallocate buffer size*/
nxFlushReq(long newsize, int reply_needed)

	/* handle one-time initialization case*/
	if(reqbuf.buffer == NULL) {

	/* flush buffer if required*/
	if(reqbuf.bufptr > reqbuf.buffer) {
		char *	buf = (char*)reqbuf.buffer;
		int	todo = reqbuf.bufptr - reqbuf.buffer;

		if ( nxSharedMem != 0 ) {
			/* There is a shared memory segment used for the
			 * request buffer.  Make up a flush command and
			 * send it over the socket, to tell the server to
			 * process the shared memory segment.
			 * The 'reply_needed' argument should be non-zero
			 * when a confirmation is needed that all commands
			 * are flushed, so new ones can be filled into the
			 * request buffer.  NOTE:  This is *only* needed
			 * when explicitely flushing the request buffer, or
			 * when flushing it to make space for new commands.
			 * DO NOT REQUEST A REPLY when flushing the request
			 * buffer because the last command in the buffer
			 * will send a response:  This response would be
			 * queued up first and had to be drained before the
			 * response to the flush command itsel....
			 * So the GrReadBlock used to read replys to commands
			 * must not specify a nonzero 'reply_needed'.
			 * Not requesting a reply in this case is
			 * safe, since the command executed will wait for
			 * the reply *it* is waiting for, and thus make
			 * sure the request buffer is flushed before
			 * continuing.
			 * We have to make the protocol request by hand,
			 * as it has to be sent over the socket to wake
			 * up the Nano-X server.
			char c;
			nxShmCmdsFlushReq req;

			req.reqType = GrNumShmCmdsFlush;
			req.hilength = 0;
			req.length = sizeof(req);
			req.size = todo;
			req.reply = reply_needed;

			nxWriteSocket((char *)&req,sizeof(req));

			if ( reply_needed )
				while ( read(nxSocket, &c, 1) != 1 )
				while ( bucket_recv(nxSocket, &c, 1) != 1 )
			reqbuf.bufptr = reqbuf.buffer;

			if ( reqbuf.buffer + newsize > reqbuf.bufmax ) {
				/* Shared memory too small, critical */
				EPRINTF("nxFlushReq: shm region too small\n");

		/* Standard Socket transfer */
		reqbuf.bufptr = reqbuf.buffer;

	/* allocate larger buffer for current request, if needed*/
	if(reqbuf.bufptr + newsize >= reqbuf.bufmax) {
		reqbuf.buffer = GdRealloc(reqbuf.buffer, reqbuf.bufmax - reqbuf.buffer, newsize);
		if(!reqbuf.buffer) {
		       EPRINTF("nxFlushReq: Can't reallocate request buffer\n");
		reqbuf.bufptr = reqbuf.buffer;
		reqbuf.bufmax = reqbuf.buffer + newsize;
Example #2
 *     REGION_PtsToRegion
 *     Create an array of rectangles from a list of points.
static int REGION_PtsToRegion(int numFullPtBlocks, int iCurPtBlock,
                       POINTBLOCK *FirstPtBlock, MWCLIPREGION *reg)
    MWRECT *rects;
    MWPOINT *pts;
    POINTBLOCK *CurPtBlock;
    int i;
    MWRECT *extents;
    int numRects;

    extents = &reg->extents;

    numRects = ((numFullPtBlocks * NUMPTSTOBUFFER) + iCurPtBlock) >> 1;

    if (!(reg->rects = GdRealloc( reg->rects, sizeof(MWRECT) * reg->size, sizeof(MWRECT) * numRects )))

    reg->size = numRects;
    CurPtBlock = FirstPtBlock;
    rects = reg->rects - 1;
    numRects = 0;
    extents->left = LARGE_COORDINATE,  extents->right = SMALL_COORDINATE;

    for ( ; numFullPtBlocks >= 0; numFullPtBlocks--) {
        /* the loop uses 2 points per iteration */
        i = NUMPTSTOBUFFER >> 1;
        if (!numFullPtBlocks)
            i = iCurPtBlock >> 1;
        for (pts = CurPtBlock->pts; i--; pts += 2) {
            if (pts->x == pts[1].x)
            if (numRects && pts->x == rects->left && pts->y == rects->bottom &&
                pts[1].x == rects->right &&
                (numRects == 1 || rects[-1].top != rects->top) &&
                (i && pts[2].y > pts[1].y)) {
                rects->bottom = pts[1].y + 1;
            rects->left = pts->x;  rects->top = pts->y;
            rects->right = pts[1].x;  rects->bottom = pts[1].y + 1;
            if (rects->left < extents->left)
                extents->left = rects->left;
            if (rects->right > extents->right)
                extents->right = rects->right;
        CurPtBlock = CurPtBlock->next;

    if (numRects) {
        extents->top = reg->rects->top;
        extents->bottom = rects->bottom;
    } else {
        extents->left = 0;
        extents->top = 0;
        extents->right = 0;
        extents->bottom = 0;
    reg->numRects = numRects;
