Example #1
static void test_getgenerics (void)
    GpStatus stat;
    GpFontFamily* family;
    WCHAR familyName[LF_FACESIZE];
    ZeroMemory(familyName, sizeof(familyName)/sizeof(WCHAR));

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif (&family);
    if (stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Microsoft Sans Serif not installed\n");
        goto serif;
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    if (!lstrcmpiW(familyName, Tahoma))
        todo_wine ok ((lstrcmpiW(familyName, MicrosoftSansSerif) == 0),
                      "Expected Microsoft Sans Serif, got Tahoma\n");
        ok ((lstrcmpiW(familyName, MicrosoftSansSerif) == 0),
            "Expected Microsoft Sans Serif, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(familyName));
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif (&family);
    if (stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Times New Roman not installed\n");
        goto monospace;
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(familyName, TimesNewRoman) == 0,
        "Expected Times New Roman, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(familyName));
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace (&family);
    if (stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Courier New not installed\n");
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(familyName, CourierNew) == 0,
        "Expected Courier New, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(familyName));
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);
Example #2
static void test_fontfamily (void)
    GpFontFamily *family, *clonedFontFamily;
    GpStatus stat;

    /* FontFamily cannot be NULL */
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (arial , NULL, NULL);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);

    /* FontFamily must be able to actually find the family.
     * If it can't, any subsequent calls should fail.
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (nonexistent, NULL, &family);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);

    /* Bitmap fonts are not found */
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (MSSansSerif, NULL, &family);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (arial, NULL, &family);
    if(stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Arial not installed\n");
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (family, itsName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    expect (0, lstrcmpiW(itsName, arial));

    if (0)
        /* Crashes on Windows XP SP2, Vista, and so Wine as well */
        stat = GdipGetFamilyName (family, NULL, LANG_NEUTRAL);
        expect (Ok, stat);

    /* Make sure we don't read old data */
    ZeroMemory (itsName, sizeof(itsName));
    stat = GdipCloneFontFamily(family, &clonedFontFamily);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName(clonedFontFamily, itsName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(0, lstrcmpiW(itsName, arial));

Example #3
File: font.c Project: iamfil/wine
static void test_fontfamily (void)
    GpFontFamily** family = NULL;
    GpStatus stat;

    /* FontFamily can not be NULL */
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (arial , NULL, family);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);

    family = GdipAlloc (sizeof (GpFontFamily*));

    /* FontFamily must be able to actually find the family.
     * If it can't, any subsequent calls should fail
     * We currently fail (meaning we don't) because we don't actually
     * test to see if we can successfully get a family
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (nonexistant, NULL, family);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family,itsName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);
    ok ((lstrcmpiW(itsName,nonexistant) != 0),
        "Expected a non-zero value for nonexistant font!\n");
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily(*family);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName (arial, NULL, family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family, itsName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    expect (0, lstrcmpiW(itsName,arial));

    if (0)
        /* Crashes on Windows XP SP2, Vista, and so Wine as well */
        stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family, NULL, LANG_NEUTRAL);
        expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily(*family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    if (family) GdipFree (family);
Example #4
static void test_createfont(void)
    GpFontFamily* fontfamily = NULL, *fontfamily2;
    GpFont* font = NULL;
    GpStatus stat;
    Unit unit;
    UINT i;
    REAL size;
    WCHAR familyname[LF_FACESIZE];

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(nonexistent, NULL, &fontfamily);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);
    stat = GdipDeleteFont(font);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(arial, NULL, &fontfamily);
    if(stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Arial not installed\n");
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint, &font);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    expect (UnitPoint, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &fontfamily2);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName(fontfamily2, familyname, 0);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(arial, familyname) == 0, "Expected arial, got %s\n",
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily(fontfamily2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* Test to see if returned size is based on unit (its not) */
    GdipGetFontSize(font, &size);
    ok (size == 12, "Expected 12, got %f\n", size);

    /* Make sure everything is converted correctly for all Units */
    for (i = UnitWorld; i <=UnitMillimeter; i++)
        if (i == UnitDisplay) continue; /* Crashes WindowsXP, wtf? */
        GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 24, FontStyleRegular, i, &font);
        GdipGetFontSize (font, &size);
        ok (size == 24, "Expected 24, got %f (with unit: %d)\n", size, i);
        GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
        expect (i, unit);

Example #5
File: font.c Project: miurahr/wine
 * GdipCreateFont [GDIPLUS.@]
 * Create a new font based off of a FontFamily
 *  *fontFamily     [I] Family to base the font off of
 *  emSize          [I] Size of the font
 *  style           [I] Bitwise OR of FontStyle enumeration
 *  unit            [I] Unit emSize is measured in
 *  **font          [I] the resulting Font object
 *  FAILURE: InvalidParameter if fontfamily or font is NULL.
 *  FAILURE: FontFamilyNotFound if an invalid FontFamily is given
 *  UnitDisplay is unsupported.
 *  emSize is stored separately from lfHeight, to hold the fraction.
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFont(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *fontFamily,
                        REAL emSize, INT style, Unit unit, GpFont **font)
    HFONT hfont;
    LOGFONTW lfw;
    HDC hdc;
    GpStatus stat;
    int ret;

    if (!fontFamily || !font || emSize < 0.0)
        return InvalidParameter;

    TRACE("%p (%s), %f, %d, %d, %p\n", fontFamily,
            debugstr_w(fontFamily->FamilyName), emSize, style, unit, font);

    memset(&lfw, 0, sizeof(lfw));

    stat = GdipGetFamilyName(fontFamily, lfw.lfFaceName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;

    lfw.lfHeight = -units_to_pixels(emSize, unit, fontFamily->dpi);
    lfw.lfWeight = style & FontStyleBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_REGULAR;
    lfw.lfItalic = style & FontStyleItalic;
    lfw.lfUnderline = style & FontStyleUnderline;
    lfw.lfStrikeOut = style & FontStyleStrikeout;

    hfont = CreateFontIndirectW(&lfw);
    hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    otm.otmSize = sizeof(otm);
    ret = GetOutlineTextMetricsW(hdc, otm.otmSize, &otm);

    if (!ret) return NotTrueTypeFont;

    *font = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpFont));
    if (!*font) return OutOfMemory;

    (*font)->unit = unit;
    (*font)->emSize = emSize;
    (*font)->otm = otm;

    stat = clone_font_family(fontFamily, &(*font)->family);
    if (stat != Ok)
        return stat;

    TRACE("<-- %p\n", *font);

    return Ok;
Example #6
File: font.c Project: iamfil/wine
static void test_getgenerics (void)
    GpStatus stat;
    GpFontFamily** family;
    WCHAR familyName[LF_FACESIZE];
    ZeroMemory(familyName, sizeof(familyName)/sizeof(WCHAR));

    family = GdipAlloc (sizeof (GpFontFamily*));

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    ok ((lstrcmpiW(familyName, MicrosoftSansSerif) == 0) ||
        (lstrcmpiW(familyName,MSSansSerif) == 0),
        "Expected Microsoft Sans Serif or MS Sans Serif, got %s\n",
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (*family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(familyName, TimesNewRoman) == 0,
        "Expected Times New Roman, got %s\n", debugstr_w(familyName));
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (*family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace (family);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (*family, familyName, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(familyName, CourierNew) == 0,
        "Expected Courier New, got %s\n", debugstr_w(familyName));
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily (*family);
    expect (Ok, stat);

    GdipFree (family);
Example #7
File: font.c Project: Dietr1ch/wine
static void check_family(const char* context, GpFontFamily *family, WCHAR *name)
    GpStatus stat;
    GpFont* font;

    *name = 0;
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName(family, name, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    ok(stat == Ok, "could not get the %s family name: %.8x\n", context, stat);

    stat = GdipCreateFont(family, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel, &font);
    ok(stat == Ok, "could not create a font for the %s family: %.8x\n", context, stat);
    if (stat == Ok)
        stat = GdipDeleteFont(font);
        ok(stat == Ok, "could not delete the %s family font: %.8x\n", context, stat);

    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily(family);
    ok(stat == Ok, "could not delete the %s family: %.8x\n", context, stat);
Example #8
File: font.c Project: bilboed/wine
 * GdipCreateFont [GDIPLUS.@]
 * Create a new font based off of a FontFamily
 *  *fontFamily     [I] Family to base the font off of
 *  emSize          [I] Size of the font
 *  style           [I] Bitwise OR of FontStyle enumeration
 *  unit            [I] Unit emSize is measured in
 *  **font          [I] the resulting Font object
 *  FAILURE: InvalidParameter if fontfamily or font is NULL.
 *  FAILURE: FontFamilyNotFound if an invalid FontFamily is given
 *  UnitDisplay is unsupported.
 *  emSize is stored separately from lfHeight, to hold the fraction.
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFont(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *fontFamily,
                        REAL emSize, INT style, Unit unit, GpFont **font)
    WCHAR facename[LF_FACESIZE];
    LOGFONTW* lfw;
    const NEWTEXTMETRICW* tmw;
    GpStatus stat;

    if (!fontFamily || !font)
        return InvalidParameter;

    TRACE("%p (%s), %f, %d, %d, %p\n", fontFamily,
            debugstr_w(fontFamily->FamilyName), emSize, style, unit, font);

    stat = GdipGetFamilyName (fontFamily, facename, 0);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;
    *font = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpFont));

    tmw = &fontFamily->tmw;
    lfw = &((*font)->lfw);
    ZeroMemory(&(*lfw), sizeof(*lfw));

    lfw->lfWeight = tmw->tmWeight;
    lfw->lfItalic = tmw->tmItalic;
    lfw->lfUnderline = tmw->tmUnderlined;
    lfw->lfStrikeOut = tmw->tmStruckOut;
    lfw->lfCharSet = tmw->tmCharSet;
    lfw->lfPitchAndFamily = tmw->tmPitchAndFamily;
    lstrcpynW(lfw->lfFaceName, facename, LF_FACESIZE);

    switch (unit)
        case UnitWorld:
            /* FIXME: Figure out when World != Pixel */
            lfw->lfHeight = emSize; break;
        case UnitDisplay:
            FIXME("Unknown behavior for UnitDisplay! Please report!\n");
            /* FIXME: Figure out how this works...
             * MSDN says that if "DISPLAY" is a monitor, then pixel should be
             * used. That's not what I got. Tests on Windows revealed no output,
             * and the tests in tests/font crash windows */
            lfw->lfHeight = 0; break;
        case UnitPixel:
            lfw->lfHeight = emSize; break;
        case UnitPoint:
            lfw->lfHeight = point_to_pixel(emSize); break;
        case UnitInch:
            lfw->lfHeight = inch_to_pixel(emSize); break;
        case UnitDocument:
            lfw->lfHeight = document_to_pixel(emSize); break;
        case UnitMillimeter:
            lfw->lfHeight = mm_to_pixel(emSize); break;

    lfw->lfHeight *= -1;

    lfw->lfWeight = style & FontStyleBold ? 700 : 400;
    lfw->lfItalic = style & FontStyleItalic;
    lfw->lfUnderline = style & FontStyleUnderline;
    lfw->lfStrikeOut = style & FontStyleStrikeout;

    (*font)->unit = unit;
    (*font)->emSize = emSize;
    (*font)->height = tmw->ntmSizeEM;
    (*font)->line_spacing = tmw->tmAscent + tmw->tmDescent + tmw->tmExternalLeading;

    TRACE("<-- %p\n", *font);

    return Ok;