Example #1
void idTraceModel::SetupOctahedron( const idBounds &octBounds ) {
	int i, e0, e1, v0, v1, v2;
	idVec3 v;

	if ( type != TRM_OCTAHEDRON ) {

	offset = ( octBounds[0] + octBounds[1] ) * 0.5f;
	v[0] = octBounds[1][0] - offset[0];
	v[1] = octBounds[1][1] - offset[1];
	v[2] = octBounds[1][2] - offset[2];

	// set vertices
	verts[0].Set( offset.x + v[0], offset.y, offset.z );
	verts[1].Set( offset.x - v[0], offset.y, offset.z );
	verts[2].Set( offset.x, offset.y + v[1], offset.z );
	verts[3].Set( offset.x, offset.y - v[1], offset.z );
	verts[4].Set( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z + v[2] );
	verts[5].Set( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z - v[2] );

	// set polygons
	for ( i = 0; i < numPolys; i++ ) {
		e0 = polys[i].edges[0];
		e1 = polys[i].edges[1];
		v0 = edges[abs(e0)].v[INTSIGNBITSET(e0)];
		v1 = edges[abs(e0)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e0)];
		v2 = edges[abs(e1)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e1)];
		// polygon plane
		polys[i].normal = ( verts[v1] - verts[v0] ).Cross( verts[v2] - verts[v0] );
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[v0];
		// polygon bounds
		polys[i].bounds[0] = polys[i].bounds[1] = verts[v0];
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v1] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v2] );

	// trm bounds
	bounds = octBounds;


  The origin is placed at the center of the bone.
void idTraceModel::SetupBone( const float length, const float width ) {
	int i, j, edgeNum;
	float halfLength = length * 0.5f;

	if ( type != TRM_BONE ) {
	// offset to center
	offset.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	// set vertices
	verts[0].Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, -halfLength );
	verts[1].Set( 0.0f, width * -0.5f, 0.0f );
	verts[2].Set( width * 0.5f, width * 0.25f, 0.0f );
	verts[3].Set( width * -0.5f, width * 0.25f, 0.0f );
	verts[4].Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, halfLength );
	// set bounds
	bounds[0].Set( width * -0.5f, width * -0.5f, -halfLength );
	bounds[1].Set( width * 0.5f, width * 0.25f, halfLength );
	// poly plane normals
	polys[0].normal = ( verts[2] - verts[0] ).Cross( verts[1] - verts[0] );
	polys[2].normal.Set( -polys[0].normal[0], polys[0].normal[1], polys[0].normal[2] );
	polys[3].normal.Set( polys[0].normal[0], polys[0].normal[1], -polys[0].normal[2] );
	polys[5].normal.Set( -polys[0].normal[0], polys[0].normal[1], -polys[0].normal[2] );
	polys[1].normal = (verts[3] - verts[0]).Cross(verts[2] - verts[0]);
	polys[4].normal.Set( polys[1].normal[0], polys[1].normal[1], -polys[1].normal[2] );
	// poly plane distances
	for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[ edges[ abs(polys[i].edges[0]) ].v[0] ];
		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
			edgeNum = polys[i].edges[ j ];
			polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[ edges[abs(edgeNum)].v[edgeNum < 0] ] );

	dlog(DEBUG_CM, "idTraceModel::SetupBone bounds %s %s\n", bounds[0].ToString(), bounds[1].ToString());
Example #3
void idTraceModel::Rotate( const idMat3 &rotation ) {
	int i, j, edgeNum;

	for ( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ ) {
		verts[i] *= rotation;

	for ( i = 0; i < numPolys; i++ ) {
		polys[i].normal *= rotation;
		edgeNum = 0;
		for ( j = 0; j < polys[i].numEdges; j++ ) {
			edgeNum = polys[i].edges[j];
			polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[edges[abs(edgeNum)].v[INTSIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]] );
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[edges[abs(edgeNum)].v[INTSIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]];
		bounds += polys[i].bounds;

Example #4

  Initialize size independent box.
void idTraceModel::InitBox( void ) {
	int i;

	type = TRM_BOX;
	numVerts = 8;
	numEdges = 12;
	numPolys = 6;

	// set box edges
	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
		edges[ i + 1 ].v[0] = i;
		edges[ i + 1 ].v[1] = (i + 1) & 3;
		edges[ i + 5 ].v[0] = 4 + i;
		edges[ i + 5 ].v[1] = 4 + ((i + 1) & 3);
		edges[ i + 9 ].v[0] = i;
		edges[ i + 9 ].v[1] = 4 + i;

	// all edges of a polygon go counter clockwise
	polys[0].numEdges = 4;
	polys[0].edges[0] = -4;
	polys[0].edges[1] = -3;
	polys[0].edges[2] = -2;
	polys[0].edges[3] = -1;
	polys[0].normal.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );

	polys[1].numEdges = 4;
	polys[1].edges[0] = 5;
	polys[1].edges[1] = 6;
	polys[1].edges[2] = 7;
	polys[1].edges[3] = 8;
	polys[1].normal.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );

	polys[2].numEdges = 4;
	polys[2].edges[0] = 1;
	polys[2].edges[1] = 10;
	polys[2].edges[2] = -5;
	polys[2].edges[3] = -9;
	polys[2].normal.Set( 0.0f, -1.0f,  0.0f );

	polys[3].numEdges = 4;
	polys[3].edges[0] = 2;
	polys[3].edges[1] = 11;
	polys[3].edges[2] = -6;
	polys[3].edges[3] = -10;
	polys[3].normal.Set( 1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f );

	polys[4].numEdges = 4;
	polys[4].edges[0] = 3;
	polys[4].edges[1] = 12;
	polys[4].edges[2] = -7;
	polys[4].edges[3] = -11;
	polys[4].normal.Set( 0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f );

	polys[5].numEdges = 4;
	polys[5].edges[0] = 4;
	polys[5].edges[1] = 9;
	polys[5].edges[2] = -8;
	polys[5].edges[3] = -12;
	polys[5].normal.Set( -1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f );

	// convex model
	isConvex = true;

Example #5
void idTraceModel::SetupCone( const idBounds &coneBounds, const int numSides ) {
	int i, n, ii;
	float angle;
	idVec3 halfSize;

	n = numSides;
	if ( n < 2 ) {
		n = 3;
	if ( n + 1 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCone: too many vertices\n" );
	if ( n * 2 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCone: too many edges\n" );
	if ( n + 1 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCone: too many polygons\n" );

	type = TRM_CONE;
	numVerts = n + 1;
	numEdges = n * 2;
	numPolys = n + 1;
	offset = ( coneBounds[0] + coneBounds[1] ) * 0.5f;
	halfSize = coneBounds[1] - offset;
	verts[n].Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, halfSize.z + offset.z );
	for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
		// verts
		angle = idMath::TWO_PI * i / n;
		verts[i].x = idMath::Cos( angle ) * halfSize.x + offset.x;
		verts[i].y = idMath::Sin( angle ) * halfSize.y + offset.y;
		verts[i].z = -halfSize.z + offset.z;
		// edges
		ii = i + 1;
		edges[ii].v[0] = i;
		edges[ii].v[1] = ii % n;
		edges[n+ii].v[0] = i;
		edges[n+ii].v[1] = n;
		// vertical polygon edges
		polys[i].numEdges = 3;
		polys[i].edges[0] = ii;
		polys[i].edges[1] = n + (ii % n) + 1;
		polys[i].edges[2] = -(n + ii);
		// bottom polygon edges
		polys[n].edges[i] = -(n - i);
	// bottom polygon numEdges
	polys[n].numEdges = n;

	// polygons
	for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
		// polygon plane
		polys[i].normal = (verts[(i+1)%n] - verts[i]).Cross( verts[n] - verts[i] );
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[i];
		// polygon bounds
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[i] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[(i+1)%n] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[n] );
	// bottom polygon plane
	polys[n].normal.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
	polys[n].dist = -coneBounds[0][2];
	// trm bounds
	bounds = coneBounds;
	// bottom polygon bounds
	polys[n].bounds = bounds;
	polys[n].bounds[1][2] = bounds[0][2];
	// convex model
	isConvex = true;

Example #6
void idTraceModel::SetupDodecahedron( const idBounds &dodBounds ) {
	int i, e0, e1, e2, e3, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4;
	float s, d;
	idVec3 a, b, c;

	if ( type != TRM_DODECAHEDRON ) {

	a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 0.5773502691896257f; // 1.0f / ( 3.0f ) ^ 0.5f;
	b[0] = b[1] = b[2] = 0.3568220897730899f; // ( ( 3.0f - ( 5.0f ) ^ 0.5f ) / 6.0f ) ^ 0.5f;
	c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0.9341723589627156f; // ( ( 3.0f + ( 5.0f ) ^ 0.5f ) / 6.0f ) ^ 0.5f;
	d = 0.5f / c[0];
	s = ( dodBounds[1][0] - dodBounds[0][0] ) * d;
	a[0] *= s;
	b[0] *= s;
	c[0] *= s;
	s = ( dodBounds[1][1] - dodBounds[0][1] ) * d;
	a[1] *= s;
	b[1] *= s;
	c[1] *= s;
	s = ( dodBounds[1][2] - dodBounds[0][2] ) * d;
	a[2] *= s;
	b[2] *= s;
	c[2] *= s;

	offset = ( dodBounds[0] + dodBounds[1] ) * 0.5f;

	// set vertices
	verts[ 0].Set( offset.x + a[0], offset.y + a[1], offset.z + a[2] );
	verts[ 1].Set( offset.x + a[0], offset.y + a[1], offset.z - a[2] );
	verts[ 2].Set( offset.x + a[0], offset.y - a[1], offset.z + a[2] );
	verts[ 3].Set( offset.x + a[0], offset.y - a[1], offset.z - a[2] );
	verts[ 4].Set( offset.x - a[0], offset.y + a[1], offset.z + a[2] );
	verts[ 5].Set( offset.x - a[0], offset.y + a[1], offset.z - a[2] );
	verts[ 6].Set( offset.x - a[0], offset.y - a[1], offset.z + a[2] );
	verts[ 7].Set( offset.x - a[0], offset.y - a[1], offset.z - a[2] );
	verts[ 8].Set( offset.x + b[0], offset.y + c[1], offset.z        );
	verts[ 9].Set( offset.x - b[0], offset.y + c[1], offset.z        );
	verts[10].Set( offset.x + b[0], offset.y - c[1], offset.z        );
	verts[11].Set( offset.x - b[0], offset.y - c[1], offset.z        );
	verts[12].Set( offset.x + c[0], offset.y       , offset.z + b[2] );
	verts[13].Set( offset.x + c[0], offset.y       , offset.z - b[2] );
	verts[14].Set( offset.x - c[0], offset.y       , offset.z + b[2] );
	verts[15].Set( offset.x - c[0], offset.y       , offset.z - b[2] );
	verts[16].Set( offset.x       , offset.y + b[1], offset.z + c[2] );
	verts[17].Set( offset.x       , offset.y - b[1], offset.z + c[2] );
	verts[18].Set( offset.x       , offset.y + b[1], offset.z - c[2] );
	verts[19].Set( offset.x       , offset.y - b[1], offset.z - c[2] );

	// set polygons
	for ( i = 0; i < numPolys; i++ ) {
		e0 = polys[i].edges[0];
		e1 = polys[i].edges[1];
		e2 = polys[i].edges[2];
		e3 = polys[i].edges[3];
		v0 = edges[abs(e0)].v[INTSIGNBITSET(e0)];
		v1 = edges[abs(e0)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e0)];
		v2 = edges[abs(e1)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e1)];
		v3 = edges[abs(e2)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e2)];
		v4 = edges[abs(e3)].v[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(e3)];
		// polygon plane
		polys[i].normal = ( verts[v1] - verts[v0] ).Cross( verts[v2] - verts[v0] );
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[v0];
		// polygon bounds
		polys[i].bounds[0] = polys[i].bounds[1] = verts[v0];
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v1] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v2] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v3] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[v4] );

	// trm bounds
	bounds = dodBounds;

Example #7
alt_alignment makes even-sided cylinders align faces with the x/y axes
void idTraceModel::SetupCylinder( const idBounds &cylBounds, const int numSides, const bool alt_alignment ) {
	int i, n, ii, n2;
	float angle;
	idVec3 halfSize;

	n = numSides;
	if ( n < 3 ) {
		n = 3;
	if ( n * 2 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCylinder: too many vertices\n" );
	if ( n * 3 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCylinder: too many sides\n" );
	if ( n + 2 > MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS ) {
		idLib::common->Printf( "WARNING: idTraceModel::SetupCylinder: too many polygons\n" );

	float angle_bias = alt_alignment ? (idMath::PI / n) : 0.0f;

	numVerts = n * 2;
	numEdges = n * 3;
	numPolys = n + 2;
	offset = ( cylBounds[0] + cylBounds[1] ) * 0.5f;
	halfSize = cylBounds[1] - offset;
	for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
		// verts
		angle = (idMath::TWO_PI * i / n) + angle_bias;
		verts[i].x = idMath::Cos( angle ) * halfSize.x + offset.x;
		verts[i].y = idMath::Sin( angle ) * halfSize.y + offset.y;
		verts[i].z = -halfSize.z + offset.z;
		verts[n+i].x = verts[i].x;
		verts[n+i].y = verts[i].y;
		verts[n+i].z = halfSize.z + offset.z;
		// edges
		ii = i + 1;
		n2 = n << 1;
		edges[ii].v[0] = i;
		edges[ii].v[1] = ii % n;
		edges[n+ii].v[0] = edges[ii].v[0] + n;
		edges[n+ii].v[1] = edges[ii].v[1] + n;
		edges[n2+ii].v[0] = i;
		edges[n2+ii].v[1] = n + i;
		// vertical polygon edges
		polys[i].numEdges = 4;
		polys[i].edges[0] = ii;
		polys[i].edges[1] = n2 + (ii % n) + 1;
		polys[i].edges[2] = -(n + ii);
		polys[i].edges[3] = -(n2 + ii);
		// bottom and top polygon edges
		polys[n].edges[i] = -(n - i);
		polys[n+1].edges[i] = n + ii;
	// bottom and top polygon numEdges
	polys[n].numEdges = n;
	polys[n+1].numEdges = n;
	// polygons
	for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
		// vertical polygon plane
		polys[i].normal = (verts[(i+1)%n] - verts[i]).Cross( verts[n+i] - verts[i] );
		polys[i].dist = polys[i].normal * verts[i];
		// vertical polygon bounds
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[i] );
		polys[i].bounds.AddPoint( verts[(i+1)%n] );
		polys[i].bounds[0][2] = -halfSize.z + offset.z;
		polys[i].bounds[1][2] = halfSize.z + offset.z;
	// bottom and top polygon plane
	polys[n].normal.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
	polys[n].dist = -cylBounds[0][2];
	polys[n+1].normal.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	polys[n+1].dist = cylBounds[1][2];
	// trm bounds
	bounds = cylBounds;
	// bottom and top polygon bounds
	polys[n].bounds = bounds;
	polys[n].bounds[1][2] = bounds[0][2];
	polys[n+1].bounds = bounds;
	polys[n+1].bounds[0][2] = bounds[1][2];
	// convex model
	isConvex = true;
