Example #1
bool Space::Update(Scene &scene, float dt) {
  // Offset for UV mapping, creates illusion of scrolling
  //offset -= dt/5;

  return true;
Example #2
bool Asteroid::Update(Scene &scene, float dt) {
  // Count time alive
  age += dt;

  // Animate position according to time
  position += speed * dt;

  // Rotate the object
  rotation += rotMomentum * dt;

  // Delete when alive longer than 10s or out of visibility
  if (age > 10.0f || position.y < -10) return false;

  // Collide with scene
  for (auto obj : scene.objects) {
    // Ignore self in scene
    if (obj.get() == this) continue;

    // We only need to collide with asteroids and projectiles, ignore other objects
    auto asteroid = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Asteroid>(obj);
    auto projectile = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Projectile>(obj);
    if (!asteroid && !projectile) continue;

    // When colliding with other asteroids make sure the object is older than .5s
    // This prevents excessive collisions when asteroids explode.
    if (asteroid && age < 0.5f) continue;

    // Compare distance to approximate size of the asteroid estimated from scale.
    if (glm::distance(position, obj->position) < (obj->scale.y + scale.y)*0.7f) {
      int pieces = 3;

      // Too small to split into pieces
      if (scale.y < 0.5) pieces = 0;

      // The projectile will be destroyed
      if (projectile) projectile->Destroy();

      // Generate smaller asteroids
      Explode(scene, (obj->position+position)/2.0f, (obj->scale+scale)/2.0f, pieces);

      // Destroy self
      return false;

  // Generate modelMatrix from position, rotation and scale

  return true;
Example #3
bool Projectile::Update(Scene &scene, float dt) {
  // Increase age
  age += dt;

  // Accelerate
  speed += glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f);
  rotation += rotMomentum;

  // Move the projectile
  position += speed * dt;

  // Die after 5s
  if (age > 5.0f) return false;

  return true;