void FGenericPlatformMallocCrash::Free( void* Ptr )
	if( IsOnCrashedThread() )
		if( IsPtrInSmallPool(Ptr) )
			FMallocCrashPool* Pool = FindPoolFromSize( GetAllocationSize(Ptr) );
			if( Pool )
				Pool->TryFreeFromPool( (uint8*)Ptr );
		else if( IsPtrInLargePool(Ptr) )
			// Not implemented yet.
			// From the previous allocator.
void* FGenericPlatformMallocCrash::Realloc( void* Ptr, SIZE_T NewSize, uint32 Alignment )
	if( IsOnCrashedThread() )
		void* Result = nullptr;
		if( Ptr && NewSize )
			SIZE_T PtrSize = 0;
			const bool bPreviousMalloc = NewSize > 0 && Ptr && !(IsPtrInLargePool(Ptr)||IsPtrInSmallPool(Ptr));

			if( bPreviousMalloc )
				// At this moment, we can safely get allocation size only from the binned malloc, this may change in future.
				if( FCStringWide::Strcmp( PreviousMalloc->GetDescriptiveName(), TEXT("binned") ) == 0 )
					// Realloc from the previous allocator.
					if( PtrSize == 0 )
						PtrSize = 0;
				// There is nothing we can do about it.
					FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugString( TEXT( "Realloc from previous malloc, exiting...\n" ) );
					FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( true );	
				PtrSize = GetAllocationSize(Ptr);
			Result = Malloc( NewSize, REQUIRED_ALIGNMENT );
			FMemory::Memcpy( Result, Ptr, FMath::Min(NewSize,PtrSize) );
			if( PtrSize > 32768 )
				FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf( TEXT( "Realloc PtrSize=%u NewSize=%u PooledPtr=0x%016llx\n" ), (uint32)PtrSize, (uint32)NewSize, (uint64)Ptr );

			Free( Ptr );
		else if( Ptr == nullptr )
			Result = Malloc( NewSize, REQUIRED_ALIGNMENT );
			Free( Ptr );
			Result = nullptr;
		return Result;
	return nullptr;
Example #3
bool ff::BufferCache::BorrowAndMapBuffer(size_t nBytes, ID3D11Buffer **ppBuffer, void **ppMapped)
	assertRetVal(ppBuffer, false);

	size_t nBuffer        = GetBufferIndex(nBytes);
	size_t nLargestBuffer = _countof(_buffers) - 1;

	// Try to reuse a cached buffer

	for (ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> *pCur = _buffers[nBuffer].GetFirst();
		pCur; pCur = _buffers[nBuffer].GetNext(*pCur))
		size_t nCurSize = GetBufferSize(*pCur);

		if (nCurSize >= nBytes)
			if (ppMapped)
				// Try to lock the buffer

				assertRetVal(SUCCEEDED(_device->GetContext()->Map(*pCur, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map)), false);
				*ppMapped = map.pData;

			*ppBuffer = pCur->AddRef();

			return true;

	// See if one of the large buffers should be thrown away
	// (to make room for a larger one)

	if (nBuffer == nLargestBuffer &&
		_allocated[nLargestBuffer] >= GetMaxBufferCount() &&
		// Throw away one of the "large" buffers, it isn't large enough

		for (ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> *pCur = _buffers[nLargestBuffer].GetFirst();
			pCur; pCur = _buffers[nLargestBuffer].GetNext(*pCur))
			size_t nCurSize = GetBufferSize(*pCur);

			if (nCurSize < nBytes)


	// Add a few empty buffers for later

	if (nBuffer != nLargestBuffer && !_allocated[nBuffer])
		for (size_t i = 0; i < GetMaxBufferCount() - 1; i++)
			ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> pBuffer;
			assertRetVal(CreateBuffer(GetAllocationSize(nBytes), &pBuffer), false);

	// Can't reuse an existing buffer, so create a new one
		ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> pBuffer;
		assertRetVal(CreateBuffer(GetAllocationSize(nBytes), &pBuffer), false);

		if (ppMapped)
			assertRetVal(SUCCEEDED(_device->GetContext()->Map(pBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map)), false);
			*ppMapped = map.pData;

		*ppBuffer = pBuffer.Detach();


		return true;