HRESULT CDTDisplay::OnDrawAdvanced(ATL_DRAWINFO& di) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class BOOL bRunTime; GetAmbientUserMode(bRunTime); if(bRunTime) {//Draw Picture here Display the image data in the if(!m_DisplayImage.IsNull()) { m_DisplayImage.Draw(di.hdcDraw,m_DrawRect,m_SrcRect); } } else { OLE_COLOR colorOle; GetAmbientBackColor(colorOle); COLORREF colorRgb; ::OleTranslateColor(colorOle,0,&colorRgb); HBRUSH hBrush; hBrush=CreateSolidBrush(colorRgb); RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds; FillRect(di.hdcDraw,&rc,hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush); SetBkMode(di.hdcDraw,TRANSPARENT); HICON hIcon=LoadIcon(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DISPLAY)); DrawIcon(di.hdcDraw,rc.left,,hIcon); DeleteObject(hIcon); } return 0; //return __super::OnDrawAdvanced(di); }
STDMETHODIMP Cieambulant::SetClientSite(LPOLECLIENTSITE pSite) { HRESULT hr = CComControlBase::IOleObject_SetClientSite(pSite); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; if (pSite) { s_ref_count++; if (s_ref_count == 1) s_site = pSite; } else { if (s_ref_count > 0) s_ref_count--; if (s_ref_count == 0) { // clear all statics s_site = NULL; } } m_site = pSite; // if(pSite && !m_pFont) // hr = GetAmbientFontDisp(&m_pFont); GetAmbientBackColor(m_clrBackColor); GetAmbientForeColor(m_clrForeColor); //XXX std::ostream sos = new std::ostream(std::cout); //XXX ambulant::lib::logger::get_logger()->set_std_ostream(sos); // static std::ofstream log_os("C:\\Documents and Settings\\kees.AMBULANT-DEV\\My Documents\\Ambulant\\ambulant\\src\\ieambulant\\amlog.txt"); // ambulant::lib::logger::get_logger()->set_std_ostream(log_os); // s_hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMsgProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId()); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMainWindow::SetClientSite(LPOLECLIENTSITE pSite) { HRESULT hr = CComControlBase::IOleObject_SetClientSite(pSite); if(!m_pFont && pSite) { hr = GetAmbientFontDisp(&m_pFont); } GetAmbientBackColor(m_clrBackColor); GetAmbientForeColor(m_clrForeColor); return S_OK; }
/*! Draw an empty card, only contour // \param RECT &rc : // \param HDC hdcDST : // \param HDC hdcSRC : */ BOOL CAxJpgCard::DrawEmpty(RECT &rc, HDC hdcDST, HDC hdcSRC) { if ( m_clrBckColor == 0) GetAmbientBackColor( m_clrBckColor ); LOGBRUSH logBrush; logBrush.lbStyle = BS_HOLLOW; HBRUSH hBrushBck = CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBckColor); //HBRUSH hBrushBck = CreateBrushIndirect(&logBrush); HBRUSH hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdcDST, hBrushBck); // draw a empty rectangle FillRect(hdcDST, &rc, hBrushBck); SelectObject(hdcDST, hOldBrush); DeleteObject(hBrushBck); return TRUE; }