Example #1
bool wxListBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                       const wxPoint& pos,
                       const wxSize& size,
                       int n, const wxString choices[],
                       long style,
                       const wxValidator& validator,
                       const wxString& name)
    if ( !wxListBoxBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style & ~(wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL), validator, name) )
        return false;

    m_noItems = 0 ; // this will be increased by our append command
    m_selected = 0;

    Rect bounds ;
    Str255 title ;

    MacPreControlCreate( parent , id ,  wxEmptyString , pos , size ,style, validator , name , &bounds , title ) ;

    ListDefSpec listDef;
    listDef.defType = kListDefUserProcType;
    if ( macListDefUPP == NULL )
        macListDefUPP = NewListDefUPP( wxMacListDefinition );
    listDef.u.userProc = macListDefUPP ;

    Str255 fontName ;
    SInt16 fontSize ;
    Style fontStyle ;
    GetThemeFont(kThemeViewsFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
    GetFontName( kFontIDMonaco , fontName ) ;
    fontSize = 9 ;
    fontStyle = normal ;
    SetFont( wxFont (fontSize, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL , false , wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( fontName ) ) ) ;
    Size asize;

    CreateListBoxControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetRootWindow()), &bounds, false, 0, 1, (style & wxLB_HSCROLL), true,
                          kwxMacListItemHeight, kwxMacListItemHeight, false, &listDef, (ControlRef *)&m_macControl );

    GetControlData( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, kControlNoPart, kControlListBoxListHandleTag,
                   sizeof(ListHandle), (Ptr) &m_macList, &asize);

    SetControlReference( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, (long) this);
    SetControlVisibility( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, false, false);


    long    result ;
    wxStAppResource resload ;
    m_macControl = (WXWidget) ::NewControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetRootWindow()) , &bounds , title , false ,
                  (style & wxLB_HSCROLL) ? kwxMacListWithVerticalAndHorizontalScrollbar : kwxMacListWithVerticalScrollbar ,
                  0 , 0, kControlListBoxProc , (long) this ) ;
    ::GetControlData( (ControlHandle) m_macControl , kControlNoPart , kControlListBoxListHandleTag ,
               sizeof( ListHandle ) , (char*) &m_macList  , &result ) ;

    HLock( (Handle) m_macList ) ;
    ldefHandle ldef ;
    ldef = (ldefHandle) NewHandle( sizeof(ldefRec) ) ;
    if (  (**(ListHandle)m_macList).listDefProc != NULL )
      (**ldef).instruction = 0x4EF9;  /* JMP instruction */
      (**ldef).function = (void(*)()) listDef.u.userProc;
      (**(ListHandle)m_macList).listDefProc = (Handle) ldef ;

    Point pt = (**(ListHandle)m_macList).cellSize ;
    pt.v = kwxMacListItemHeight ;
    LCellSize( pt , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
    LAddColumn( 1 , 0 , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
    OptionBits  options = 0;
    if ( style & wxLB_MULTIPLE )
        options += lExtendDrag + lUseSense  ;
    else if ( style & wxLB_EXTENDED )
        // default behaviour
        options = (OptionBits) lOnlyOne ;
    SetListSelectionFlags((ListHandle)m_macList, options);

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
        Append( choices[i] ) ;

    MacPostControlCreate() ;

    LSetDrawingMode( true , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;

    return true;
Example #2
void UMAInitToolbox( UInt16 inMoreMastersCalls, bool isEmbedded )
    for (long i = 1; i <= inMoreMastersCalls; i++)

    if (!isEmbedded)
        ::FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);

    long total,contig;
    PurgeSpace(&total, &contig);


    if ( Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &sUMASystemVersion) != noErr)
        sUMASystemVersion = 0x0000 ;

    long theAppearance ;
    if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceAttr, &theAppearance ) == noErr )
        sUMAHasAppearance = true ;
        OSStatus status = RegisterAppearanceClient();
        // If status equals appearanceProcessRegisteredErr it means the
        // appearance client already was registered (For example if we run
        // embedded, the host might have registered it). In such a case
        // we don't unregister it later on.
        if (status != appearanceProcessRegisteredErr)
            // Appearance client wasn't registered yet.
            sUMAHasInittedAppearance = true;

        if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceVersion, &theAppearance ) == noErr )
            sUMAAppearanceVersion = theAppearance ;
            sUMAAppearanceVersion = 0x0100 ;
    if ( Gestalt( gestaltWindowMgrAttr, &sUMAWindowManagerAttr ) == noErr )
        sUMAHasWindowManager = sUMAWindowManagerAttr & gestaltWindowMgrPresent ;

// Call currently implicitely done :        InitFloatingWindows() ;
    if (!isEmbedded)
        if ( sUMAHasWindowManager )
            InitFloatingWindows() ;

    if ( NavServicesAvailable() )
        NavLoad() ;

  long menuMgrAttr ;
  Gestalt( gestaltMenuMgrAttr , &menuMgrAttr ) ;
  if ( menuMgrAttr & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask )
    sUMAHasAquaLayout = true ;

  if ( TXNInitTextension != (void*) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress )
    FontFamilyID fontId ;
    Str255 fontName ;
    SInt16 fontSize ;
    Style fontStyle ;
    GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
    GetFNum( fontName, &fontId );

    TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription fontDescriptions[] =
        { fontId , (fontSize << 16) ,kTXNDefaultFontStyle, kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding }
    } ;
    int noOfFontDescriptions = sizeof( fontDescriptions ) / sizeof(TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription) ;

      // kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextMask might be desirable because of speed increases but it crashes the app under OS X upon key stroke
#if 0
    // leads to unexpected content for clients, TODO configurable
    OptionBits options = kTXNWantMoviesMask | kTXNWantSoundMask | kTXNWantGraphicsMask ;
    OptionBits options = 0 ;

    if ( !UMAHasAquaLayout() )
        options |= kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextMask ;
      TXNInitTextension(fontDescriptions,  noOfFontDescriptions, options );


Example #3
void wxMacToolTip::Draw()
    if ( m_label.Length() == 0 )
        return ;
    if ( m_window == s_ToolTipWindowRef )
        m_shown = true ;
        HMHelpContentRec tag ;
        tag.version = kMacHelpVersion;
        SetRect( &tag.absHotRect , m_position.x - 2 , m_position.y - 2 , m_position.x + 2 , m_position.y + 2 ) ;

        QDLocalToGlobalRect( GetWindowPort( m_window ) , &tag.absHotRect ) ;

        m_helpTextRef.Assign( m_label  , wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT ) ;
        tag.content[kHMMinimumContentIndex].contentType = kHMCFStringContent ;
        tag.content[kHMMinimumContentIndex].u.tagCFString = m_helpTextRef ;
        tag.content[kHMMaximumContentIndex].contentType = kHMCFStringContent ;
        tag.content[kHMMaximumContentIndex].u.tagCFString = m_helpTextRef ;
        tag.tagSide = kHMDefaultSide;
        HMDisplayTag( &tag );
        wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( m_window ) );
        FontFamilyID fontId ;
        Str255 fontName ;
        SInt16 fontSize ;
        Style fontStyle ;
        GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
        GetFNum( fontName, &fontId );
        TextFont( fontId ) ;
        TextSize( fontSize ) ;
        TextFace( fontStyle ) ;
        FontInfo fontInfo;
        short lineh = fontInfo.ascent + fontInfo.descent + fontInfo.leading;
        short height = 0 ;
        int i = 0 ;
        int length = m_label.Length() ;
        int width = 0 ;
        int thiswidth = 0 ;
        int laststop = 0 ;
        wxCharBuffer text = m_label.mb_str( wxConvLocal)  ;

        while( i < length )
            if( text[i] == 13 || text[i] == 10)
                thiswidth = ::TextWidth( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
                if ( thiswidth > width )
                    width = thiswidth ;
                height += lineh ;
                laststop = i+1 ;
            i++ ;
        if ( i - laststop > 0 )
            thiswidth = ::TextWidth( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
            if ( thiswidth > width )
                width = thiswidth ;
            height += lineh ;
        m_rect.left = m_position.x + kTipOffset;
        m_rect.top = m_position.y + kTipOffset;
        m_rect.right = m_rect.left + width + 2 * kTipBorder;

        m_rect.bottom = m_rect.top + height + 2 * kTipBorder;
        Rect r ;
        GetPortBounds( GetWindowPort( m_window ) , &r ) ;
        if ( m_rect.top < 0 )
            m_rect.bottom += -m_rect.top ;
            m_rect.top = 0 ;
        if ( m_rect.left < 0 )
            m_rect.right += -m_rect.left ;
            m_rect.left = 0 ;
        if ( m_rect.right > r.right )
            m_rect.left -= (m_rect.right - r.right ) ;
            m_rect.right = r.right ;
        if ( m_rect.bottom > r.bottom )
            m_rect.top -= (m_rect.bottom - r.bottom) ;
            m_rect.bottom = r.bottom ;
        ClipRect( &m_rect ) ;
        BackColor( whiteColor ) ;
        ForeColor(blackColor ) ;
        GWorldPtr port ;            
        NewGWorld( &port , wxDisplayDepth() , &m_rect , NULL , NULL , 0 ) ;
        CGrafPtr    origPort ;
        GDHandle    origDevice ;
        GetGWorld( &origPort , &origDevice ) ;
        SetGWorld( port , NULL ) ;
        m_backpict = OpenPicture(&m_rect);
        SetGWorld( origPort , origDevice ) ;
        DisposeGWorld( port ) ;
        PenNormal() ;
        RGBColor tooltipbackground = { 0xFFFF , 0xFFFF , 0xC000 } ;
        BackColor( whiteColor ) ;
        RGBForeColor( &tooltipbackground ) ;
        PaintRect( &m_rect ) ;
        ForeColor(blackColor ) ;
        FrameRect( &m_rect ) ;
        SetThemeTextColor(kThemeTextColorNotification,wxDisplayDepth(),true) ;
        ::MoveTo( m_rect.left + kTipBorder , m_rect.top + fontInfo.ascent + kTipBorder);
        i = 0 ;
        laststop = 0 ;
        height = 0 ;
        while( i < length )
            if( text[i] == 13 || text[i] == 10)
                ::DrawText( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
                height += lineh ;
                ::MoveTo( m_rect.left + kTipBorder , m_rect.top + fontInfo.ascent + kTipBorder + height );
                laststop = i+1 ;
            i++ ;
        ::DrawText( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
        ::TextMode( srcOr ) ;        