Example #1
int ChooseItemFromArchive(ArchiveFile& archive, bool autoChooseIfOnly1, const char** ignoreExtensions, int numIgnoreExtensions)
	int prevNumIgnoreExtensions = numIgnoreExtensions;

	// prepare a list of files to choose from the archive
	ArchiveFileChooserInfo info (archive, ignoreExtensions, numIgnoreExtensions);

	// based on our list, decide which item in the archive to choose

	// check if there's nothing
	if(info.files.size() < 1)
//		DialogsOpen++;
		MessageBox(GetArchiveParentHWND(), "The archive is either empty or encrypted.", "Nothing to load!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
//		DialogsOpen--;
		return -1;

	// if there's only 1 item, choose it
	if(info.files.size() == 1 && autoChooseIfOnly1 && numIgnoreExtensions == prevNumIgnoreExtensions)
		return info.files[0].itemIndex;

	// bring up a dialog to choose the index if there's more than 1
	DialogBoxParam(hAppInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ARCHIVEFILECHOOSER), GetArchiveParentHWND(), (DLGPROC) ArchiveFileChooser,(LPARAM) &info);
	return s_archiveFileChooserResult;
int ChooseItemFromArchive(ArchiveFile& archive, bool autoChooseIfOnly1, const char** ignoreExtensions, int numIgnoreExtensions)
    int prevNumIgnoreExtensions = numIgnoreExtensions;
    archive.m_userMadeSelection = false;

    // prepare a list of files to choose from the archive
    ArchiveFileChooserInfo info (archive, ignoreExtensions, numIgnoreExtensions);

    // based on our list, decide which item in the archive to choose

    // check if there's nothing
    if(info.files.size() < 1)
        MessageBox(GetArchiveParentHWND(), "The archive is either empty or encrypted.", "Nothing to load!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
        return -1;

    // warn if all the files in the archive have extensions we should ignore
    if(numIgnoreExtensions != prevNumIgnoreExtensions)
        CString msg;
        msg.Format("The archive appears to only contain the wrong type of files.\n\n(in \"%s\")", archive.GetArchiveFileName());
        int answer = MessageBox(GetArchiveParentHWND(), msg, "Warning", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON2);
        if(answer == IDCANCEL)
            return -1;

    // if there's only 1 item, choose it
    if(info.files.size() == 1 && autoChooseIfOnly1 && numIgnoreExtensions == prevNumIgnoreExtensions)
        return info.files[0].itemIndex;

    // bring up a dialog to choose the index if there's more than 1
    DialogBoxParam(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ARCHIVEFILECHOOSER), GetArchiveParentHWND(), (DLGPROC) ArchiveFileChooser,(LPARAM) &info);
    archive.m_userMadeSelection = (s_archiveFileChooserResult != -1);
    return s_archiveFileChooserResult;