Example #1
void Canvas::SetupShader() {
	m_shader = std::unique_ptr<sf::Shader>( new sf::Shader );

	auto load_result = m_shader->loadFromMemory(
		"#version 130\n"
		"in vec2 vertex;\n"
		"in vec2 texture_coordinate;\n"
		"out vec2 vertex_texture_coordinate;\n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"\tgl_Position = vec4(vertex.xy, 1.f, 1.f);\n"
		"\tvertex_texture_coordinate = texture_coordinate;\n"
		"#version 130\n"
		"uniform sampler2D texture0;\n"
		"in vec2 vertex_texture_coordinate;\n"
		"out vec4 fragment_color;\n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"\tfragment_color = texture(texture0, vertex_texture_coordinate);\n"

	if( !load_result ) {
		non_legacy_supported = false;



	m_vertex_location = GetAttributeLocation( *m_shader, "vertex" );
	m_texture_coordinate_location = GetAttributeLocation( *m_shader, "texture_coordinate" );

	m_shader->setParameter( "texture0", m_render_texture->getTexture() );
Example #2
void ApplyPaletteShader::GetLocations()
    uTexture = GetUniformLocation("uTexture");
    uPalette = GetUniformLocation("uPalette");

    vPosition = GetAttributeLocation("vPosition");
    vTextureCoordinate = GetAttributeLocation("vTextureCoordinate");
void ApplyTransparencyShader::GetLocations()
    uOpaqueTex          = GetUniformLocation("uOpaqueTex");
    uOpaqueDepth        = GetUniformLocation("uOpaqueDepth");
    uTransparentTex     = GetUniformLocation("uTransparentTex");
    uTransparentDepth   = GetUniformLocation("uTransparentDepth");
    uPaletteTex         = GetUniformLocation("uPaletteTex");

    vPosition           = GetAttributeLocation("vPosition");
    vTextureCoordinate  = GetAttributeLocation("vTextureCoordinate");
Example #4
void DrawLineShader::GetLocations()
    uScreenSize = GetUniformLocation("uScreenSize");

    vClip = GetAttributeLocation("vClip");
    vBounds = GetAttributeLocation("vBounds");
    vColour = GetAttributeLocation("vColour");
    vDepth = GetAttributeLocation("vDepth");

    vVertMat = GetAttributeLocation("vVertMat");
 * Class constructor, loads shaders & gets locations of variables in them
AssimpLoader::AssimpLoader() {
    importerPtr = new Assimp::Importer;
    scene = NULL;
    isObjectLoaded = false;

    // shader related setup -- loading, attribute and uniform locations
    std::string vertexShader    = "shaders/modelTextured.vsh";
    std::string fragmentShader  = "shaders/modelTextured.fsh";
    shaderProgramID         = LoadShaders(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
    vertexAttribute         = GetAttributeLocation(shaderProgramID, "vertexPosition");
    vertexUVAttribute       = GetAttributeLocation(shaderProgramID, "vertexUV");
    mvpLocation             = GetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "mvpMat");
    textureSamplerLocation  = GetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "textureSampler");

Example #6
/** fmGetPolicerAttribute
 * \ingroup policer
 * \chips           FM3000, FM4000, FM6000, FM10000
 * \desc            Get a policer attribute.
 * \param[in]       sw is the switch on which to operate.
 * \param[in]       policer is the policer number whose attribute is to be
 *                  retrieved.
 * \param[in]       attr is the policer attribute to get (see
 *                  ''Policer Attributes'').
 * \param[out]      value points to caller-allocated storage where this
 *                  function should place the attribute value.
 * \return          FM_OK if successful.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH if sw is invalid.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_POLICER if policer is invalid.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if unrecognized attribute.
fm_status fmGetPolicerAttribute(fm_int     sw,
                                fm_int     policer,
                                fm_int     attr,
                                fm_voidptr value)
    void * location;
    fm_int size;

    FM_API_PREAMBLE("sw = %d, policer = %d, attr = %d, value = %p\n",
                    (void *) value);

    if (value == NULL)
        goto ABORT;

    err = GetAttributeLocation(sw, policer, attr, &location, &size);

    if (err == FM_OK)
        FM_MEMCPY_S(value, size, location, size);


}   /* end fmGetPolicerAttribute */
 * Perform inits and load the triangle's vertices/colors to GLES
void Triangle::PerformGLInits() {


    //specify 3 vertices of the triangle
    static const GLfloat    vertexBufferData[] = {
            -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
            1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f

    // Generate a vertex buffer and load the vertices into it
    glGenBuffers(1, &vertexBuffer);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexBufferData), vertexBufferData, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

    //specify colors of the 3 vertices
    static const GLfloat colorBufferData[] = {
            0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, //green
            0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, //green
            0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f  //blue

    // Generate a vertex buffer and load the colors into it
    glGenBuffers(1, &colorBuffer);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(colorBufferData), colorBufferData, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

    // shader related setup
    std::string vertexShader    = "shaders/colorTriangle.vsh";
    std::string fragmentShader  = "shaders/colorTriangle.fsh";

    // compile the vertex and fragment shaders, and link them together
    shaderProgramID = LoadShaders(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
    // fetch the locations of "vertexPosition" and "vertexColor" from the shader
    vertexAttribute = GetAttributeLocation(shaderProgramID, "vertexPosition");
    colorAttribute  = GetAttributeLocation(shaderProgramID, "vertexColor");

    // set parameters that control animation of the triangle
    triangleVertexDelta = 0;
    triangleSwapRate = 0.01; // increase this to speedup the animation

    initsDone = true;
Example #8
void DrawLineShader::GetLocations()
    uScreenSize = GetUniformLocation("uScreenSize");
    uClip       = GetUniformLocation("uClip");
    uBounds     = GetUniformLocation("uBounds");
    uColour     = GetUniformLocation("uColour");

    vIndex      = GetAttributeLocation("vIndex");
GLSLProgram::SetAttributeVariable(char* name, int val)
	int loc;
	if ((loc = GetAttributeLocation(name)) >= 0)
		glVertexAttrib1i(loc, val);
GLSLProgram::SetAttribute( char* name, float val )
	int loc;
	if( ( loc = GetAttributeLocation( name ) )  >= 0 )
		glUniform1f( loc, val );
GLSLProgram::SetAttributeVariable(char* name, float vals[3])
	int loc;
	if ((loc = GetAttributeLocation(name)) >= 0)
		glVertexAttrib3fv(loc, vals);
Example #12
void FillRectShader::GetLocations()
    uScreenSize         = GetUniformLocation("uScreenSize");
    uClip               = GetUniformLocation("uClip");
    uBounds             = GetUniformLocation("uBounds");
    uFlags              = GetUniformLocation("uFlags");
    uColour[0]          = GetUniformLocation("uColour[0]");
    uColour[1]          = GetUniformLocation("uColour[1]");
    uSourceFramebuffer  = GetUniformLocation("uSourceFramebuffer");

    vIndex              = GetAttributeLocation("vIndex");
Example #13
/** fmSetPolicerAttribute
 * \ingroup policer
 * \chips           FM3000, FM4000, FM6000, FM10000
 * \desc            Set a policer attribute.
 * \note            Some attributes are per-policer, some are per-bank and
 *                  some are global. If two policers are given conflicting
 *                  values for an attribute with bank-wide scope, the ACL
 *                  compiler (''fmCompileACL'') will try to put those policers
 *                  in different banks. If there are not enough banks in the
 *                  hardware to support all the conflicting attribute values,
 *                  the compiler will generate an error. See
 *                  ''Policer Attributes'' to determine the scope of each
 *                  attribute.
 *                                                                      \lb\lb
 * \param[in]       sw is the switch on which to operate.
 * \param[in]       policer is the policer number whose attribute is to be
 *                  set. This argument is ignored for global attributes.
 * \param[in]       attr is the policer attribute to set (see
 *                  ''Policer Attributes'').
 * \param[in]       value points to the attribute value to set.
 * \return          FM_OK if successful.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH if sw is invalid.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_POLICER if policer is invalid.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIB if attempting to set a read-only
 *                  attribute.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if unrecognized attribute.
 * \return          FM_ERR_INVALID_VALUE if value points to an invalid value
 *                  for the specified attribute.
fm_status fmSetPolicerAttribute(fm_int      sw,
                                fm_int      policer,
                                fm_int      attr,
                                const void *value)
    void *     location;
    fm_int     size;
    fm_switch *switchPtr;

    FM_API_PREAMBLE("sw = %d, policer = %d, attr = %d, value = %p\n",
                    (void *) value);

    if (value == NULL)
        goto ABORT;

    err = GetAttributeLocation(sw, policer, attr, &location, &size);

    if (err == FM_OK)
        FM_MEMCPY_S(location, size, value, size);

    switchPtr = GET_SWITCH_PTR(sw);

    if ( (err == FM_OK) && (switchPtr->SetPolicerAttribute != NULL) )
        /* for SWAG */
        err = switchPtr->SetPolicerAttribute(sw, policer, attr, value);


}   /* end fmSetPolicerAttribute */
Example #14
void DrawRectShader::GetLocations()
    uScreenSize = GetUniformLocation("uScreenSize");
    uTexture = GetUniformLocation("uTexture");
    uPaletteTex = GetUniformLocation("uPaletteTex");

    uPeelingTex = GetUniformLocation("uPeelingTex");
    uPeeling = GetUniformLocation("uPeeling");

    vClip = GetAttributeLocation("vClip");
    vTexColourAtlas = GetAttributeLocation("vTexColourAtlas");
    vTexColourBounds = GetAttributeLocation("vTexColourBounds");
    vTexMaskAtlas = GetAttributeLocation("vTexMaskAtlas");
    vTexMaskBounds = GetAttributeLocation("vTexMaskBounds");
    vPalettes = GetAttributeLocation("vPalettes");
    vFlags = GetAttributeLocation("vFlags");
    vColour = GetAttributeLocation("vColour");
    vBounds = GetAttributeLocation("vBounds");
    vDepth = GetAttributeLocation("vDepth");

    vVertMat = GetAttributeLocation("vVertMat");
    vVertVec = GetAttributeLocation("vVertVec");
Example #15
	void Shader::SetParameterf(std::string name, float val)
		glUniform1f(GetAttributeLocation(name), val);
Example #16
	void Shader::SetParameterMat4(std::string name, float* mat)
		glUniformMatrix4fv(GetAttributeLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, mat);
Example #17
	void Shader::SetParameterVec4(std::string name, float x, float y, float z, float w)
		glUniform4f(GetAttributeLocation(name), x, y, z, w);
Example #18
	void Shader::SetParameterVec3(std::string name, float x, float y, float z)
		glUniform3f(GetAttributeLocation(name), x, y, z);
Example #19
	void Shader::SetParameterVec2(std::string name, float x, float y)
		glUniform2f(GetAttributeLocation(name), x, y);
Example #20
	void Shader::SetParameteri(std::string name, int val)
		glUniform1i(GetAttributeLocation(name), val);
Example #21
NonLegacyRenderer::NonLegacyRenderer() :
	m_previous_window_size( -1, -1 ),
	m_last_vertex_count( 0 ),
	m_last_index_count( 0 ),
	m_vbo_sync_type( INVALIDATE_ALL ),
	m_vbo_synced( false ),
	m_cull( false ),
	m_use_fbo( false ) {
	if( IsAvailable() ) {
		auto load_result = m_shader.loadFromMemory(
			"#version 130\n"
			"uniform vec2 viewport_parameters;\n"
			"in vec2 vertex;\n"
			"in vec4 color;\n"
			"in vec2 texture_coordinate;\n"
			"out vec4 vertex_color;\n"
			"out vec2 vertex_texture_coordinate;\n"
			"void main() {\n"
			"\tmat4 mvp_matrix = mat4(1.f);\n"
			"\tmvp_matrix[3][0] = -1.f;\n"
			"\tmvp_matrix[3][1] = 1.f;\n"
			"\tmvp_matrix[0][0] = viewport_parameters.x;\n"
			"\tmvp_matrix[1][1] = viewport_parameters.y;\n"
			"\tmvp_matrix[2][2] = -1.f;\n"
			"\tgl_Position = mvp_matrix * vec4(vertex.xy, 1.f, 1.f);\n"
			"\tvertex_color = color;\n"
			"\tvertex_texture_coordinate = texture_coordinate;\n"
			"#version 130\n"
			"uniform sampler2D texture0;\n"
			"in vec4 vertex_color;\n"
			"in vec2 vertex_texture_coordinate;\n"
			"out vec4 fragment_color;\n"
			"void main() {\n"
			"\tfragment_color = vertex_color * texture(texture0, vertex_texture_coordinate);\n"

		if( !load_result ) {
			shader_supported = false;

#if defined( SFGUI_DEBUG )
			std::cerr << "Non-legacy renderer unavailable.\n";


		m_vertex_location = GetAttributeLocation( m_shader, "vertex" );
		m_color_location = GetAttributeLocation( m_shader, "color" );
		m_texture_coordinate_location = GetAttributeLocation( m_shader, "texture_coordinate" );

		CheckGLError( GLEXT_glGenBuffers( 1, &m_vertex_vbo ) );
		CheckGLError( GLEXT_glGenBuffers( 1, &m_color_vbo ) );
		CheckGLError( GLEXT_glGenBuffers( 1, &m_texture_vbo ) );
		CheckGLError( GLEXT_glGenBuffers( 1, &m_index_vbo ) );
	else {
#if defined( SFGUI_DEBUG )
		std::cerr << "Non-legacy renderer unavailable.\n";