INT_PTR CSametimeProto::onMenuCreateChat(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)wParam; debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::onMenuCreateChat() hContact=[%x]"), hContact); mwAwareIdBlock id_block; mwIdBlock idb; if (my_login_info && GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { TCHAR title[512]; TCHAR* ts = mir_utf8decodeT(my_login_info->user_name); mir_sntprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), TranslateT("%s's conference"), ts); mir_free(ts); idb.user = id_block.user; =; invite_queue.push(idb.user); if (!my_conference) { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::onMenuCreateChat() mwConference_open")); char* utfs; my_conference = mwConference_new(service_conference, utfs = mir_utf8encodeT(title)); mwConference_open(my_conference); mir_free(utfs); } else { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::onMenuCreateChat() ClearInviteQueue")); ClearInviteQueue(); } free(id_block.user); } return 0; }
HANDLE SendMessageToUserW(HANDLE hContact, wchar_t *msg) { mwIdBlock idb; mwAwareIdBlock id_block; char text[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, msg, -1, text, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE * sizeof(char), 0, 0); if(GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { idb.user = id_block.user; =; mwConversation *conv = mwServiceIm_getConversation(service_im, &idb); if(conv) { if(!mwConversation_isOpen(conv)) { EnterCriticalSection(&q_cs); contact_message_queue[hContact].push(text); LeaveCriticalSection(&q_cs); mwConversation_open(conv); } else mwConversation_send(conv, mwImSend_PLAIN, (gconstpointer)text); free(id_block.user); return (HANDLE)conv; } free(id_block.user); } return 0; }
void CloseIm(HANDLE hContact) { mwIdBlock idb; mwAwareIdBlock id_block; if(GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { idb.user = id_block.user; =; mwConversation *conv = mwServiceIm_getConversation(service_im, &idb); if(conv) { if(mwConversation_isOpen(conv)) mwConversation_close(conv, 0); } free(id_block.user); } }
void CSametimeProto::UserListCreate() { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::UserListCreate() start")); mwServiceAware_unsetAttribute(service_aware, mwAttribute_SPEAKERS); mwServiceAware_unsetAttribute(service_aware, mwAttribute_MICROPHONE); mwServiceAware_unsetAttribute(service_aware, mwAttribute_VIDEO_CAMERA); mwServiceAware_setAttributeBoolean(service_aware, mwAttribute_AV_PREFS_SET, TRUE); mwServiceAware_setAttributeBoolean(service_aware, mwAttribute_FILE_TRANSFER, TRUE); aware_list = mwAwareList_new(service_aware, &mwAwareList_handler); // add all contacts DBVARIANT dbv; mwAwareIdBlock id_block; GList *gl = 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (db_get_b(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ChatRoom", 0) == 0 /*&& proto && !mir_strcmp( PROTO, proto)*/) { if (!db_get_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "stid", &dbv)) { if (dbv.pszVal) { if (GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { // add user to aware list gl = g_list_prepend(0, &id_block); mwAwareList_addAware(aware_list, gl); free(id_block.user); g_list_free(gl); } } db_free(&dbv); } } } // add self - might be necessary for some servers if (!db_get_utf(0, m_szModuleName, "stid", &dbv)) { id_block.type = mwAware_USER; id_block.user = dbv.pszVal; = 0; gl = g_list_prepend(0, &id_block); mwAwareList_addAware(aware_list, gl); g_list_free(gl); db_free(&dbv); } }
void SendTyping(HANDLE hContact, bool typing) { mwIdBlock idb; mwAwareIdBlock id_block; if(GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { idb.user = id_block.user; =; mwConversation *conv = mwServiceIm_getConversation(service_im, &idb); if(conv) { if(mwConversation_isOpen(conv)) mwConversation_send(conv, mwImSend_TYPING, (gconstpointer)GUINT_TO_POINTER(typing ? 1 : 0)); } free(id_block.user); } }
int CSametimeProto::ContactDeleted(MCONTACT hContact) { mwAwareIdBlock id_block; if (db_get_b(hContact, m_szModuleName, "ChatRoom", 0)) return 0; debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::ContactDeleted()")); if (GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { GList* gl = g_list_prepend(NULL, &id_block); mwAwareList_removeAware(aware_list, gl); g_list_free(gl); free(id_block.user); } return 0; }
MCONTACT CSametimeProto::AddContact(mwSametimeUser* user, bool temporary) { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::AddContact() start")); const char* id = mwSametimeUser_getUser(user); const char* name = mwSametimeUser_getShortName(user); const char* nick = mwSametimeUser_getAlias(user); //const char* nick = mwSametimeUser_getShortName(user); mwSametimeUserType type = mwSametimeUser_getType(user); MCONTACT hContact = FindContactByUserId(id); bool new_contact = false; if (!hContact) { hContact = (MCONTACT)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); if (!hContact) { debugLog(_T("AddContact(): Failed to create Sametime contact")); return NULL; ///TODO error handling } if (Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName) != 0) { CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); debugLog(_T("AddContact(): Failed to register Sametime contact")); return NULL; ///TODO error handling } new_contact = true; } else if (!temporary) { db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); } // add to miranda if (new_contact) db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "stid", id); if (name && mir_strlen(name)) db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Name", name); if (nick && mir_strlen(nick)) { db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick", nick); } else if (name && mir_strlen(name)) { db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick", name); } else { db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Nick", id); } db_set_b(hContact, m_szModuleName, "type", (BYTE)type); if (new_contact) { //add to our awareness list mwAwareIdBlock id_block; if (GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { GList* gl = g_list_prepend(NULL, &id_block); mwAwareList_addAware(aware_list, gl); g_list_free(gl); free(id_block.user); } } if (temporary) { db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); } else { db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); } return hContact; }
void CSametimeProto::ExportContactsToList(mwSametimeList* user_list) { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::ExportContactsToList() start")); mwSametimeGroup* stgroup = 0; char* group_name; char* group_alias; mwSametimeGroupType group_type; bool group_open; mwSametimeUser* stuser; char* user_alias; char* user_shortName; mwSametimeUserType user_type; DBVARIANT dbv, dbv2; char buff[256]; mwAwareIdBlock id_block; mwIdBlock uid; GList* gl = 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (!db_get_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "stid", &dbv)) { if (dbv.pszVal) { if (GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { if (!db_get_utf(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv2)) { group_alias = _strdup(dbv2.pszVal); db_free(&dbv2); } else group_alias = _strdup(Translate("None")); if (group_alias) { mir_snprintf(buff, "GT_%s", group_alias); group_type = (mwSametimeGroupType)db_get_b(0, szProtoGroups, buff, (BYTE)mwSametimeGroup_NORMAL); // apparently we don't want to upload contacts in dynamic groups - see gaim sametime plugin comments if (group_type == mwSametimeGroup_DYNAMIC) { db_free(&dbv); free(id_block.user); free(group_alias); hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName); continue; } mir_snprintf(buff, "GN_%s", group_alias); if (!db_get_utf(0, szProtoGroups, buff, &dbv2)) { group_name = _strdup(dbv2.pszVal); db_free(&dbv2); } else group_name = _strdup(group_alias); //group_open = (db_get_b(0, szProtoGroups, buff, 0) == 1); ptrT ptszGroup(mir_utf8decodeT(group_alias)); HANDLE hGroup = Clist_GroupExists(ptszGroup); if (hGroup) { int expanded; CallService(MS_CLIST_GROUPGETNAME, (WPARAM)hGroup, (LPARAM)&expanded); group_open = (expanded != 0); } else { mir_snprintf(buff, "GO_%s", group_alias); group_open = (db_get_b(0, szProtoGroups, buff, 0) == 1); } stgroup = 0; stgroup = mwSametimeList_findGroup(user_list, group_name); if (!stgroup) { if (group_name) stgroup = mwSametimeGroup_new(user_list, group_type, group_name); mwSametimeGroup_setAlias(stgroup, group_alias); mwSametimeGroup_setOpen(stgroup, group_open); } free(group_name); free(group_alias); if (!db_get_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Name", &dbv2)) { user_shortName = _strdup(dbv2.pszVal); db_free(&dbv2); } else user_shortName = 0; if (!db_get_utf(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", &dbv2)) { user_alias = _strdup(dbv2.pszVal); db_free(&dbv2); } else user_alias = 0; user_type = (mwSametimeUserType)db_get_b(hContact, m_szModuleName, "type", (BYTE)mwSametimeUser_NORMAL); uid.user = id_block.user; =; stuser = mwSametimeUser_new(stgroup, user_type, &uid); if (user_shortName) { mwSametimeUser_setShortName(stuser, user_shortName); free(user_shortName); } if (user_alias) { mwSametimeUser_setAlias(stuser, user_alias); free(user_alias); } } free(id_block.user); } } db_free(&dbv); } } }
HANDLE CSametimeProto::SendFilesToUser(MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR** files, const TCHAR* ptszDesc) { debugLog(_T("CSametimeProto::SendFilesToUser() start")); mwAwareIdBlock id_block; if (GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) { mwIdBlock idb; idb.user = id_block.user; =; FileTransferClientData *ftcd, *prev_ftcd = 0, *first_ftcd = 0; mwFileTransfer *ft, *first_ft = 0; for (int i = 0; files[i]; i++) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(files[i], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD filesize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0); TCHAR *fn = _tcsrchr(files[i], '\\'); if (fn) fn++; else fn = files[i]; ft = mwFileTransfer_new(service_files, &idb, T2Utf(ptszDesc), T2Utf(fn), filesize); ftcd = new FileTransferClientData; memset(ftcd, 0, sizeof(FileTransferClientData)); ftcd->ft = ft; ftcd->hContact = hContact; ftcd->next = 0; if (prev_ftcd) { prev_ftcd->next = ftcd; // link into list // each node contains a pointer to the first - it will contain infor linke the count etc ftcd->first = prev_ftcd->first; } else ftcd->first = ftcd; if (!first_ft) first_ft = ft; ftcd->sending = true; ftcd->hFile = hFile; ftcd->hFt = (HANDLE)first_ft; ftcd->save_path = 0; ftcd->buffer = new char[FILE_BUFF_SIZE]; ftcd->ft_number = ftcd->first->ft_count; ftcd->first->ft_count++; ftcd->sizeToHere = ftcd->first->totalSize; ftcd->first->totalSize += filesize; mwFileTransfer_setClientData(ft, (gpointer)ftcd, 0); prev_ftcd = ftcd; } } free(id_block.user); if (first_ft) { mwFileTransfer_offer(first_ft); return (HANDLE)first_ft; } } return 0; }