Example #1
wxString HDimension::MakeText()
	wxString text;

	double units_factor = wxGetApp().m_view_units;
	case DimensionUnitsInches:
		units_factor = 25.4;
	case DimensionUnitsMM:
		units_factor = 1.0;
    case DimensionUnitsGlobal:
        units_factor = wxGetApp().m_view_units;

	wxString units_str(_T(""));
	if(fabs(units_factor - 1.0) < 0.0000000001)units_str += wxString(_T(" ")) + _("mm");
	else if(fabs(units_factor - 25.4) < 0.000000001)units_str += wxString(_T(" ")) + _("inch");

	text = wxString::Format(_T("%lg %s"), A->m_p.Distance(GetB2())/units_factor, units_str.c_str());

	return text;
Example #2
void HDimension::glCommands(bool select, bool marked, bool no_color)
	gp_Pnt b = GetB2();
	if(A->m_p.IsEqual(b, wxGetApp().m_geom_tol))return;


	gp_Dir xdir = gp_Dir(1, 0, 0).Transformed(m_trsf);
	gp_Dir ydir = gp_Dir(0, 1, 0).Transformed(m_trsf);
	gp_Dir zdir = gp_Dir(0, 0, 1).Transformed(m_trsf);
	if(m_mode == TwoPointsDimensionMode || m_mode == TwoPointsXYOnlyDimensionMode || m_mode == TwoPointsXOnlyDimensionMode)
		xdir = make_vector(A->m_p, b);
			zdir = xdir ^ ydir;
			ydir = zdir ^ xdir;

	wxString text = MakeText();

	float width, height;
	if(!wxGetApp().get_text_size(text, &width, &height))return;

	// draw arrow line
	draw_arrow_line(m_mode, A->m_p, b, GetC2(), xdir, ydir, width, m_scale);

	// draw text
	RenderText(text, GetC2(), xdir, ydir, m_scale);

Example #3
void JV_SeedRoundKey(
	uint32_t *pdwRoundKey,			// [out]	round keys for encryption or decryption
	uint8_t *pbUserKey)			// [in]		secret user key
	uint32_t A, B, C, D;				// Iuput/output values at each rounds
	uint32_t T0, T1;					// Temporary variable
	uint32_t *K = pdwRoundKey;			// Pointer of round keys

// Set up input values for Key Schedule
	A = ((uint32_t *)pbUserKey)[0];
	B = ((uint32_t *)pbUserKey)[1];
	C = ((uint32_t *)pbUserKey)[2];
	D = ((uint32_t *)pbUserKey)[3];

// Reorder for big endian
#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN
	A = EndianChange(A);
	B = EndianChange(B);
	C = EndianChange(C);
	D = EndianChange(D);

// i-th round keys( K_i,0 and K_i,1 ) are denoted as K[2*(i-1)] and K[2*i-1], respectively
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K, A, B, C, D, KC0 );	// K_1,0 and K_1,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+ 2, A, B, C, D, KC1 );	// K_2,0 and K_2,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+ 4, A, B, C, D, KC2 );	// K_3,0 and K_3,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+ 6, A, B, C, D, KC3 );	// K_4,0 and K_4,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+ 8, A, B, C, D, KC4 );	// K_5,0 and K_5,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+10, A, B, C, D, KC5 );	// K_6,0 and K_6,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+12, A, B, C, D, KC6 );	// K_7,0 and K_7,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+14, A, B, C, D, KC7 );	// K_8,0 and K_8,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+16, A, B, C, D, KC8 );	// K_9,0 and K_9,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+18, A, B, C, D, KC9 );	// K_10,0 and K_10,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+20, A, B, C, D, KC10);	// K_11,0 and K_11,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+22, A, B, C, D, KC11);	// K_12,0 and K_12,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+24, A, B, C, D, KC12);	// K_13,0 and K_13,1
	RoundKeyUpdate1(K+26, A, B, C, D, KC13);	// K_14,0 and K_14,1
	RoundKeyUpdate0(K+28, A, B, C, D, KC14);	// K_15,0 and K_15,1

	T0 = A + C - KC15;
	T1 = B - D + KC15;
	K[30] = SS0[GetB0(T0)] ^ SS1[GetB1(T0)] ^	// K_16,0
			SS2[GetB2(T0)] ^ SS3[GetB3(T0)];
	K[31] = SS0[GetB0(T1)] ^ SS1[GetB1(T1)] ^	// K_16,1
			SS2[GetB2(T1)] ^ SS3[GetB3(T1)];
