bool MCDensityMappedImageRep::GetGeometry(uindex_t &r_width, uindex_t &r_height)
	uindex_t t_match;
	if (!GetBestMatch(m_last_density, t_match))
		return false;
	return m_sources[t_match]->GetGeometry(r_width, r_height);
uindex_t MCDensityMappedImageRep::GetFrameCount()
	uindex_t t_match;
	if (!GetBestMatch(m_last_density, t_match))
		return 0;
	return m_sources[t_match]->GetFrameCount();
MCGFloat MCDensityMappedImageRep::GetDensity()
	uindex_t t_match;
	if (!GetBestMatch(m_last_density, t_match))
		return 1.0;
	return m_source_densities[t_match];
uint32_t MCDensityMappedImageRep::GetDataCompression()
	uindex_t t_match;
	if (!GetBestMatch(m_last_density, t_match))
		return F_RLE;
	return m_sources[t_match]->GetDataCompression();
bool MCDensityMappedImageRep::LockImageFrame(uindex_t p_index, bool p_premultiplied, MCGFloat p_density, MCImageFrame *&r_frame)
	uindex_t t_match;
	if (!GetBestMatch(p_density, t_match))
		return false;
	m_last_density = p_density;

	m_locked = m_sources[t_match]->LockImageFrame(p_index, p_premultiplied, p_density, r_frame);
	m_locked_source = t_match;
	if (m_locked)
		r_frame->density = m_source_densities[t_match];
	return m_locked;
Example #6
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MLB::Utility::VersionNumber LocateDllPredicate::GetBestMatchVersion() const
Example #7
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
std::string LocateDllPredicate::GetBestMatchName() const
Example #8
std::string GetBestMatch(const std::vector<std::string>& a, const std::string& s, double* distance  )
    auto arr = LSL::Util::vectorToArrayString(a);
    return STD_STRING(GetBestMatch(arr, TowxString(s), distance));
Example #9
void AutoHost::OnSaidBattle( const wxString& /*unused*/, const wxString& msg )
	// do nothing if autohost functionality is disabled

	if ( !m_enabled )

	// protect against command spam

	time_t currentTime = time( NULL );

	if ( ( currentTime - m_lastActionTime ) < 5 )

	// check for autohost commands
	wxString command = msg.BeforeFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
	wxString params = msg.AfterFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
	if ( command == _T( "!start" ) ) {
	else if ( command == _T( "!balance" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.Autobalance( IBattle::balance_random, false, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing alliances ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!cbalance" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.Autobalance( IBattle::balance_random, true, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing alliances ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!help" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "The following commands are available ( <> = mandatory value, {} = optional value ):" ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!addbox <topx> <topy> <bottomx> <bottomy> {allynumber}: adds a <allynumber> start restriction to the given coordinates, coordinates range from 0 to 200." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!balance {number}: tries to put players into allyteams by how many start boxes there are, uses {number} allyteams if present." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!cbalance {number}: see !balance but tries to put clanmates together first." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!fixcolors: changes players duplicate colours so they are unique." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!fixids {number}: tries to put players into control teams by number, if number is omitted it assignes as different controlteam per player." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!cfixids {number}: see !fixids but tries to put clanmates together first." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!help: this guide." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!listprofiles: lists the available battle profiles." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!loadprofile profilename: loads an available battle profile." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!lock: prevents more people to join." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!map <name>: switches to <name>." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!removebox <allynumber>: deletes <allynumber> start restriction's box." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!ring {name}: rings players that are not ready or {name} if specified." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!set <optionname> <value>: sets battle option <optionname> to <value>" ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!spectunsynced: sets all players with unsynced status to be spectators." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!start: starts the battle." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!unlock: opens the battle again." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!ring" ) ) {
		if ( !params.IsEmpty() )
			wxString user = GetBestMatch( m_userlist, params );
				User& u = m_battle.GetUser( user );
				m_battle.RingPlayer( u );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is ringing " ) + user );
			catch ( ... )
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot ring " ) + user );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is ringing players not ready ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!listprofiles" ) ) {
		wxArrayString profilelist = m_battle.GetPresetList();
		unsigned int count = profilelist.GetCount();
		if ( count == 0 ) {
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "There are no presets available." ) );
		else {
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "The following presets are available:" ) );
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
				m_battle.DoAction( profilelist[i] );
	else if ( command == _T( "!loadprofile" ) ) {
		wxString profilename = GetBestMatch( m_battle.GetPresetList(), params );
		if ( !m_battle.LoadOptionsPreset( profilename ) )
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "Profile not found, use !listprofiles for a list of available profiles." ) );
		else m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has loaded profile: " ) + profilename );
	else if ( command == _T( "!fixcolors" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is fixing colors." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!lock" ) ) {
		m_battle.SetIsLocked( true );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has locked the battle." ) );
		m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Locked );
	else if ( command == _T( "!unlock" ) ) {
		m_battle.SetIsLocked( false );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has unlocked the battle." ) );
		m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Locked );
	else if ( command == _T( "!fixids" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.FixTeamIDs( IBattle::balance_divide, false, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing control teams ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!cfixids" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.FixTeamIDs( IBattle::balance_divide, true, true, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing control teams ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!spectunsynced" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is forcing unsynced players to be spectators." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!map" ) ) {
		if ( params.IsEmpty() ) m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot switch to void mapname" ) );
			wxString mapname = GetBestMatch( usync().GetMapList(), params );
				UnitSyncMap map = usync().GetMap( mapname );
				m_battle.SetLocalMap( map );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is switching to map " ) + mapname );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Map );
			} catch ( ... )
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot switch to map " ) + mapname );
	else if ( command == _T( "!set" ) ) {
		wxString key = params.BeforeFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
		wxString value = params.AfterFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
		bool exists = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().keyExists( key );
		if ( exists )
			bool result = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key, value );
			if ( result )
				OptionsWrapper::GameOption section = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetSection( key );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( wxString::Format( _T( "%d_%s" ), section, key.c_str() ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has set option " ) + key + _T( " to value " ) + value );
			else m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot set option " ) + key + _T( " to value " ) + value + _T( ", reason: invalid value." ) );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot find option entry " ) + key );
	else if ( command == _T( "!addbox" ) ) {
		long allynumber;
		long topleftx;
		long toplefty;
		long bottomrightx;
		long bottomrighty;
		wxArrayString values = wxStringTokenize( params, _T( " " ) );
		int numvalues = values.GetCount();
		if ( numvalues > 4 || numvalues < 3 ) m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid number of params for !addbox" ) );
			bool valueok = values[0].ToLong( &topleftx );
			valueok = valueok && values[1].ToLong( &toplefty );
			valueok = valueok && values[2].ToLong( &bottomrightx );
			valueok = valueok && values[3].ToLong( &bottomrighty );
			if ( numvalues == 5 )
				valueok = valueok && values[4].ToLong( &allynumber );
				valueok = valueok && ( allynumber > 0 );
				allynumber = m_battle.GetNextFreeRectIdx();
			valueok = valueok && ( topleftx >= 0 ) && ( topleftx <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( toplefty >= 0 ) && ( toplefty <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( bottomrightx >= 0 ) && ( bottomrightx <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( bottomrighty >= 0 ) && ( bottomrighty <= 200 );
			if ( valueok )
				allynumber = allynumber - 1;
				BattleStartRect rect = m_battle.GetStartRect( allynumber );
				if ( rect.IsOk() )
					m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot add a startbox for allyteam " ) + TowxString( allynumber ) + _T( " because one is already present." ) );
					m_battle.AddStartRect( allynumber, topleftx, toplefty, bottomrightx, bottomrighty );
					m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );
					m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has added start box for allyteam " ) + TowxString( allynumber ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid param for !addbox" ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!removebox" ) ) {
		long boxnumber;
		bool numberok = params.ToLong( &boxnumber );
		if ( numberok )
			boxnumber = boxnumber - 1;
			BattleStartRect rect = m_battle.GetStartRect( boxnumber );
			if ( rect.IsOk() )
				m_battle.RemoveStartRect( boxnumber );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has removed the start box for allyteam " ) + TowxString( boxnumber ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot find start box " ) + params );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid param to !removebox command" ) );
	else return;
	m_lastActionTime = currentTime;
void wxTextCtrlHist::OnChar(wxKeyEvent & event)
		const int keyCode = event.GetKeyCode();
		const int modifier = event.GetModifiers();

        if ( current_pos == int(Historical.GetCount()) ) {
            m_original = GetValue();

        if(keyCode == WXK_UP)
            if(current_pos > 0)
        if(keyCode == WXK_DOWN)
            if(current_pos < static_cast<int>(Historical.GetCount())-1)
                current_pos = Historical.GetCount();
                SetValue( m_original );
		if(keyCode == WXK_TAB )
			if ( ( modifier & wxMOD_CONTROL ) != 0 ){
				ui().mw().GetChatTab().AdvanceSelection( ( modifier & wxMOD_SHIFT ) == 0 );
			else {
				wxString text = this->GetValue();
				long pos_Cursor = this->GetInsertionPoint();
				wxString selection_Begin_InsertPos = this->GetRange( 0, pos_Cursor );
				wxString selection_InsertPos_End = this->GetRange( pos_Cursor, this->GetLastPosition() );

				// Search for the shortest Match, starting from the Insertionpoint to the left, until we find a "\ "
				// Special Characters according to regular Expression Syntax needs to be escaped: [,]
				wxRegEx regex_currentWord;
				regex_currentWord.Compile( wxT("(_|\\[|\\]|\\w)+$"), wxRE_ADVANCED );
				regex_currentWord.Compile( wxT("(_|\\[|\\]|\\w)+$"), wxRE_EXTENDED );

				if ( regex_currentWord.Matches( selection_Begin_InsertPos ) ) {
					wxString currentWord = regex_currentWord.GetMatch( selection_Begin_InsertPos );
					// std::cout << "#########: Current Word: (" << currentWord.char_str() << ")" << std::endl;

					wxString selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord = this->GetRange( 0, pos_Cursor - currentWord.length() );
					// std::cout << "#########: selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord: (" << selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord.char_str() << ")" << std::endl;

					HashMap_String_String hm = textcompletiondatabase.GetMapping( currentWord );

					// std::cout << "#########: Mapping-Size: (" << hm.size() << ")" << std::endl;

					wxString completed_Text;
					int new_Cursor_Pos = 0;
					if( hm.size() == 1 ) {
						completed_Text.append( selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord );
						completed_Text.append( hm.begin()->second );
						completed_Text.append( selection_InsertPos_End );
						new_Cursor_Pos = selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord.length() + hm.begin()->second.length();
					} else {
						//match nearest only makes sense when there's actually more than one match
						if ( hm.size() > 1 && sett().GetCompletionMethod() == Settings::MatchNearest ) {
							wxArrayString matches;
							GetArrayStringFromHashMap( hm , matches );
							wxString newWord = GetBestMatch( matches, currentWord );

							bool realCompletion = newWord.Len() >= currentWord.Len(); // otherwise we have actually less word than before :P
							if ( realCompletion )
								currentWord =  newWord;

							completed_Text.append( selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord );
							completed_Text.append( currentWord );
							completed_Text.append( selection_InsertPos_End );
							new_Cursor_Pos = selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord.length() + currentWord.length();

							// We ring the System Bell, to signalise the User, that no Completion was applied.
							if (!realCompletion)
						else {
							completed_Text.append( selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord );
							completed_Text.append( currentWord );
							completed_Text.append( selection_InsertPos_End );
							new_Cursor_Pos = selection_Begin_BeforeCurrentWord.length() + currentWord.length();
							// We ring the System Bell, to signalise the User, that no Completion was applied.
					// Replace the old Text with our completed Text
					// or
					// if nothing was found remove the typed TAB, so that the User stays comfortable not to remove the TAB by himself.
					this->ChangeValue( completed_Text );
					this->SetInsertionPoint( new_Cursor_Pos );
				} else {
					wxString old_Text;
					old_Text.append( selection_Begin_InsertPos );
					old_Text.append( selection_InsertPos_End );
					this->ChangeValue( old_Text );
					this->SetInsertionPoint( selection_Begin_InsertPos.length() );
