void PositionTownMineInfoBox( void )
	// position town mine info box
	SGPRect pDimensions;
	SGPPoint pPosition;
	INT16 sX =0, sY = 0;
	INT16 sNewMargin = 0;

	// position the box based on x and y of the selected sector
  GetScreenXYFromMapXY( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, &sX, &sY);

	// set box position
	pPosition.iX = sX;
	pPosition.iY = sY;

	// set new position
	SetBoxPosition( ghTownMineBox, pPosition );

	// get box size
	GetBoxSize( ghTownMineBox, &pDimensions );

	// get position
	GetBoxPosition( ghTownMineBox, &pPosition);

	if( pDimensions.iRight < ( sTotalButtonWidth + 30 ) )
		SpecifyBoxMinWidth( ghTownMineBox, ( sTotalButtonWidth + 30 )  );
		pDimensions.iRight = sTotalButtonWidth + 30;

	// now position box - the x axis
	if( pPosition.iX < MapScreenRect.iLeft )
		pPosition.iX = MapScreenRect.iLeft + 5;

	if( pPosition.iX + pDimensions.iRight > MapScreenRect.iRight )
		pPosition.iX = MapScreenRect.iRight - pDimensions.iRight - 5; 

	// position - the y axis
	if( pPosition.iY < MapScreenRect.iTop )
		pPosition.iY = MapScreenRect.iTop + 5;

	if(  pPosition.iY + pDimensions.iBottom > MapScreenRect.iBottom )
		pPosition.iY = MapScreenRect.iBottom - pDimensions.iBottom - 8; 


	// reset position
	SetBoxPosition( ghTownMineBox, pPosition );

void CheckBoxObject::SaveToXml(TiXmlElement * elem)
    TiXmlElement * str = new TiXmlElement( "String" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( str );
    str->SetAttribute("value", GetString().c_str());

    TiXmlElement * checked = new TiXmlElement( "Checked" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( checked );
    checked->SetAttribute("value", static_cast<bool>(IsChecked()));

    TiXmlElement * font = new TiXmlElement( "Font" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( font );
    font->SetAttribute("value", GetFont().c_str());

    TiXmlElement * characterSize = new TiXmlElement( "CharacterSize" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( characterSize );
    characterSize->SetAttribute("value", GetCharacterSize());

    TiXmlElement * backgroundColorElem = new TiXmlElement( "BackgroundColorScheme" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( backgroundColorElem );

    TiXmlElement * borderColorElem = new TiXmlElement( "BorderColorScheme" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( borderColorElem );

    TiXmlElement * textColorElem = new TiXmlElement( "TextColorScheme" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( textColorElem );

    TiXmlElement * checkColorElem = new TiXmlElement( "CheckColorScheme" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( checkColorElem );

    TiXmlElement * borderWidthElem = new TiXmlElement( "BorderWidth" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( borderWidthElem );
    borderWidthElem->SetAttribute("value", GetBorderWidth());

    TiXmlElement * paddingElem = new TiXmlElement( "Padding" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( paddingElem );
    paddingElem->SetAttribute("value", GetPadding());

    TiXmlElement * boxSizeElem = new TiXmlElement( "BoxSize" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( boxSizeElem );
    boxSizeElem->SetAttribute("value", GetBoxSize());

    TiXmlElement * checkSignSizeElem = new TiXmlElement( "CheckSignSize" );
    elem->LinkEndChild( checkSignSizeElem );
    checkSignSizeElem->SetAttribute("value", GetCheckSignSize());
void CheckBoxObject::UpdateProperties()
    //Update BackgroundColor
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "BackgroundColor", backgroundColor->unfocusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":PRELIGHT", "BackgroundColor", backgroundColor->hoveredColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":ACTIVE", "BackgroundColor", backgroundColor->focusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":INSENSITIVE", "BackgroundColor", backgroundColor->disabledColor );

    //Update BorderColor
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "BorderColor", borderColor->unfocusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":PRELIGHT", "BorderColor", borderColor->hoveredColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":ACTIVE", "BorderColor", borderColor->focusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":INSENSITIVE", "BorderColor", borderColor->disabledColor );

    //Update TextColor
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + "", "Color", textColor->unfocusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":PRELIGHT", "Color", textColor->hoveredColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":ACTIVE", "Color", textColor->focusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":INSENSITIVE", "Color", textColor->disabledColor );

    //Update CheckColor
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + "", "CheckColor", checkColor->unfocusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":PRELIGHT", "CheckColor", checkColor->hoveredColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":ACTIVE", "CheckColor", checkColor->focusedColor );
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<sf::Color>( "CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + ":INSENSITIVE", "CheckColor", checkColor->disabledColor );

    //Update font size
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<unsigned int>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId() + "", "FontSize", GetCharacterSize());
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<std::string>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "FontName", std::string("gdres:") + GetFont());

    //Update border width and padding
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<float>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "BorderWidth", static_cast<float>(GetBorderWidth()));
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<float>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "Padding", static_cast<float>(GetPadding()));
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<float>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "BoxSize", static_cast<float>(GetBoxSize()));
    sfg::Context::Get().GetEngine().SetProperty<float>("CheckButton#" + obj->GetId(), "CheckSize", static_cast<float>(GetCheckSignSize()));

void AddInventoryButtonForMapPopUpBox( void )
	INT16 sX, sY;
	SGPRect pDimensions;
	SGPPoint pPosition;
	UINT32 uiObject;
	ETRLEObject	*pTrav;
	INT16 sWidthA = 0, sWidthB = 0, sTotalBoxWidth = 0;
	HVOBJECT hHandle;

	// load the button
	VObjectDesc.fCreateFlags = VOBJECT_CREATE_FROMFILE;
	FilenameForBPP("INTERFACE\\mapinvbtns.sti", VObjectDesc.ImageFile);
	AddVideoObject( &VObjectDesc, &uiObject );

	// Calculate smily face positions...
	GetVideoObject( &hHandle, uiObject );
	pTrav = &(hHandle->pETRLEObject[ 0 ] );

	sWidthA = pTrav->usWidth;

	pTrav = &(hHandle->pETRLEObject[ 1 ] );
	sWidthB = pTrav->usWidth;

	sTotalBoxWidth = sTotalButtonWidth;

	GetBoxSize( ghTownMineBox , &pDimensions );
	GetBoxPosition( ghTownMineBox, &pPosition );

	sX = pPosition.iX + ( pDimensions.iRight - sTotalBoxWidth ) / 3;
	sY = pPosition.iY + pDimensions.iBottom - ( (	BOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 5 ) );

	guiMapButtonInventoryImage[0] =	LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\mapinvbtns.sti" ,-1,0,-1,2,-1 );

	guiMapButtonInventory[0] = CreateIconAndTextButton( guiMapButtonInventoryImage[0], pMapPopUpInventoryText[ 0 ], BLOCKFONT2,
														FONT_WHITE, FONT_BLACK,
														FONT_WHITE, FONT_BLACK,
														(INT16)(sX ), (INT16)( sY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE , MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST - 1,
														DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)MapTownMineInventoryButtonCallBack );

	sX = sX + sWidthA + ( pDimensions.iRight - sTotalBoxWidth ) / 3;
	sY = pPosition.iY + pDimensions.iBottom - ( ( BOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 5) );

	guiMapButtonInventoryImage[1] =	LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\mapinvbtns.sti" ,-1,1,-1,3,-1 );

	guiMapButtonInventory[1] = CreateIconAndTextButton( guiMapButtonInventoryImage[1], pMapPopUpInventoryText[ 1 ], BLOCKFONT2,
														FONT_WHITE, FONT_BLACK,
														FONT_WHITE, FONT_BLACK,
														(INT16)(sX ), (INT16)( sY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE , MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST - 1,
														DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)MapTownMineExitButtonCallBack );

	// delete video object
	DeleteVideoObjectFromIndex( uiObject );

	// if below ground disable
	if( iCurrentMapSectorZ )
		DisableButton( guiMapButtonInventory[ 0 ] );

void CreateDestroyTownInfoBox( void )
	// create destroy pop up box for town/mine info
	static BOOLEAN fCreated = FALSE;
	SGPRect pDimensions;
	SGPPoint pPosition;
	INT8 bTownId = 0;

	if( ( fCreated == FALSE ) && ( fShowTownInfo == TRUE ) )
		// create pop up box
		CreateTownInfoBox( );

		// decide what kind of text to add to display

		if ( bCurrentTownMineSectorZ == 0 )
			// only show the mine info when mines button is selected, otherwise we need to see the sector's regular town info
			if ( ( IsThereAMineInThisSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) == TRUE) && fShowMineFlag )
				AddTextToMineBox( );
				bTownId = GetTownIdForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );

				// do we add text for the town box?
				if( bTownId != BLANK_SECTOR )
					// add text for town box
					AddTextToTownBox( );
					// just a blank sector (handles SAM sites if visible)
					AddTextToBlankSectorBox( );

			// add "militia", "militia training", "control" "enemy forces", etc. lines text to any popup box
		else	// underground
			// sector


		// set font type
	SetBoxFont(ghTownMineBox, BLOCKFONT2);

		// set highlight color
		SetBoxHighLight(ghTownMineBox, FONT_WHITE);

		SetBoxSecondColumnForeground( ghTownMineBox, FONT_WHITE );
		SetBoxSecondColumnBackground( ghTownMineBox, FONT_BLACK );
		SetBoxSecondColumnHighLight( ghTownMineBox, FONT_WHITE );
		SetBoxSecondColumnShade( ghTownMineBox, FONT_BLACK );
		SetBoxSecondColumnFont( ghTownMineBox, BLOCKFONT2 );
		SetBoxSecondColumnMinimumOffset( ghTownMineBox, 20 );

		// unhighlighted color
		SetBoxForeground(ghTownMineBox, FONT_YELLOW);

		// background color
		SetBoxBackground(ghTownMineBox, FONT_BLACK);

		// shaded color..for darkened text
		SetBoxShade( ghTownMineBox, FONT_BLACK );

		// give title line (0) different color from the rest
		SetBoxLineForeground( ghTownMineBox, 0, FONT_LTGREEN );

		// ressize box to text
		ResizeBoxToText( ghTownMineBox );

		// make box bigger to this size
		GetBoxSize( ghTownMineBox , &pDimensions );

		if( pDimensions.iRight < BOX_BUTTON_WIDTH )
			// resize box to fit button
			pDimensions.iRight += BOX_BUTTON_WIDTH;

		pDimensions.iBottom += BOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT;

		SetBoxSize( ghTownMineBox, pDimensions );

		ShowBox( ghTownMineBox );

		// now position box
		MinWidthOfTownMineInfoBox( );
		PositionTownMineInfoBox( );

		// now add the button
		AddInventoryButtonForMapPopUpBox( );

		// now position box
		PositionTownMineInfoBox( );

		fCreated = TRUE;
	else if( ( fCreated == TRUE ) && ( fShowTownInfo == FALSE ) )

		// get box size
		GetBoxSize( ghTownMineBox, &pDimensions );

		// get position
		GetBoxPosition( ghTownMineBox, &pPosition);

		// destroy pop up box
		RemoveBox( ghTownMineBox );
		ghTownMineBox = -1;

		// remove inventory button
		RemoveInventoryButtonForMapPopUpBox( );

		// restore background
		RestoreExternBackgroundRect( ( INT16 )pPosition.iX, ( INT16 )pPosition.iY, ( INT16 ) ( pDimensions.iRight - pDimensions.iLeft ), ( INT16 ) ( pDimensions.iBottom - pDimensions.iTop + 3 ) );

		fCreated = FALSE;
