virtual void SetupView(FSceneViewFamily& InViewFamily, FSceneView& InView)
		if (!bNeedsCapture)

		InView.FinalPostProcessSettings.bBufferVisualizationDumpRequired = true;
		InView.FinalPostProcessSettings.BufferVisualizationDumpBaseFilename = MoveTemp(OutputFilename);

		struct FIterator
			FFinalPostProcessSettings& FinalPostProcessSettings;
			const TArray<FString>& RenderPasses;

			FIterator(FFinalPostProcessSettings& InFinalPostProcessSettings, const TArray<FString>& InRenderPasses)
				: FinalPostProcessSettings(InFinalPostProcessSettings), RenderPasses(InRenderPasses)

			void ProcessValue(const FString& InName, UMaterial* Material, const FText& InText)
				if (!RenderPasses.Num() || RenderPasses.Contains(InName) || RenderPasses.Contains(InText.ToString()))
		} Iterator(InView.FinalPostProcessSettings, RenderPasses);

		if (PostProcessingMaterial)
			FWeightedBlendable Blendable(1.f, PostProcessingMaterial);
			PostProcessingMaterial->OverrideBlendableSettings(InView, 1.f);

		// Ensure we're rendering at full size
		InView.ViewRect = InView.UnscaledViewRect;

		bNeedsCapture = false;
Example #2
void FSceneView::ConfigureBufferVisualizationSettings()
	bool bBufferDumpingRequired = (FScreenshotRequest::IsScreenshotRequested() || GIsHighResScreenshot || GIsDumpingMovie);
	bool bVisualizationRequired = Family->EngineShowFlags.VisualizeBuffer;
	if (bVisualizationRequired || bBufferDumpingRequired)
		FinalPostProcessSettings.bBufferVisualizationDumpRequired = bBufferDumpingRequired;

		if (bBufferDumpingRequired)
			FinalPostProcessSettings.BufferVisualizationDumpBaseFilename = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(FScreenshotRequest::GetFilename(), false);

		// Get the list of requested buffers from the console
		static IConsoleVariable* CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.BufferVisualizationOverviewTargets"));
		FString SelectedMaterialNames = CVar->GetString();

		FBufferVisualizationData& BufferVisualizationData = GetBufferVisualizationData();

		if (BufferVisualizationData.IsDifferentToCurrentOverviewMaterialNames(SelectedMaterialNames))
			FString Left, Right;

			// Update our record of the list of materials we've been asked to display

			// Note - This will re-parse the list of names from the console variable every frame. It could be cached and only updated when
			// the variable value changes if this turns out to be a performance issue.
			// Extract each material name from the comma separated string
			while (SelectedMaterialNames.Len())
				// Detect last entry in the list
				if (!SelectedMaterialNames.Split(TEXT(","), &Left, &Right))
					Left = SelectedMaterialNames;
					Right = FString();

				// Lookup this material from the list that was parsed out of the global ini file
				Left = Left.Trim();
				UMaterial* Material = BufferVisualizationData.GetMaterial(*Left);

				if (Material == NULL && Left.Len() > 0)
					UE_LOG(LogBufferVisualization, Warning, TEXT("Unknown material '%s'"), *Left);

				// Add this material into the material list in the post processing settings so that the render thread
				// can pick them up and draw them into the on-screen tiles
				SelectedMaterialNames = Right;

		// Copy current material list into settings material list
		for (TArray<UMaterial*>::TConstIterator It = BufferVisualizationData.GetOverviewMaterials().CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
/** UI_COMMAND takes long for the compile to optimize */
void FLevelViewportCommands::RegisterCommands()
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleMaximize, "Maximize Viewport", "Toggles the Maximize state of the current viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleGameView, "Game View", "Toggles game view.  Game view shows the scene as it appears in game", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::G ) );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleImmersive, "Immersive Mode", "Switches this viewport between immersive mode and regular mode", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::F11 ) );

	UI_COMMAND( CreateCamera, "Create Camera Here", "Creates a new camera actor at the current location of this viewport's camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( HighResScreenshot, "High Resolution Screenshot...", "Opens the control panel for high resolution screenshots", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( UseDefaultShowFlags, "Use Defaults", "Resets all show flags to default", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( PilotSelectedActor, "Pilot Selected Actor", "Move the selected actor around using the viewport controls, and bind the viewport to the actor's location and orientation.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::P ) );
	UI_COMMAND( EjectActorPilot, "Eject from Actor Pilot", "Stop piloting an actor with the current viewport. Unlocks the viewport's position and orientation from the actor the viewport is currently piloting.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleActorPilotCameraView, "Actor Pilot Camera View", "Toggles showing the exact camera view when using the viewport to pilot a camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::C ) );

	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_OnePane, "Layout One Pane", "Changes the viewport arrangement to one pane", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesH, "Layout Two Panes (horizontal)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, side-by-side", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesV, "Layout Two Panes (vertical)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, one above the other", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesLeft, "Layout Three Panes (one left, two right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the left, two on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesRight, "Layout Three Panes (one right, two left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the right, two on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesTop, "Layout Three Panes (one top, two bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the top, two on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesBottom, "Layout Three Panes (one bottom, two top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the bottom, two on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesLeft, "Layout Four Panes (one left, three right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the left, three on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesRight, "Layout Four Panes (one right, three left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the right, three on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesTop, "Layout Four Panes (one top, three bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the top, three on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesBottom, "Layout Four Panes (one bottom, three top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the bottom, three on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanes2x2, "Layout Four Panes (2x2)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, in a 2x2 grid", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ApplyMaterialToActor, "Apply Material", "Attempts to apply a dropped material to this object", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ToggleCinematicPreview, "Toggles Cinematic Preview", "If enabled, allows Matinee or Sequencer previews to play in this viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( FindInLevelScriptBlueprint, "Find In Level Script", "Finds references of a selected actor in the level script blueprint", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control, EKeys::K) );
	UI_COMMAND( AdvancedSettings, "Advanced Settings...", "Opens the advanced viewport settings", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

	// Generate a command for each buffer visualization mode
		struct FMaterialIterator
			const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> Parent;
			FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& CommandMap;

			FMaterialIterator(const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> InParent, FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& InCommandMap)
				: Parent(InParent)
				, CommandMap(InCommandMap)

			void ProcessValue(const FString& InMaterialName, const UMaterial* InMaterial, const FText& InDisplayName)
				FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationMenu")) + InMaterialName);

				FBufferVisualizationRecord& Record = CommandMap.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
				Record.Name = *InMaterialName;
				const FText MaterialNameText = FText::FromString( InMaterialName );
				Record.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( Parent, ViewportCommandName, MaterialNameText, MaterialNameText )
					.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
					.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationOverview")));
		FBufferVisualizationRecord& OverviewRecord = BufferVisualizationModeCommands.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
		OverviewRecord.Name = NAME_None;
		OverviewRecord.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), ViewportCommandName, LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview"), LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview") )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FMaterialIterator It(this->AsShared(), BufferVisualizationModeCommands);

	const TArray<FShowFlagData>& ShowFlagData = GetShowFlagMenuItems();

	// Generate a command for each show flag
	for( int32 ShowFlag = 0; ShowFlag < ShowFlagData.Num(); ++ShowFlag )
		const FShowFlagData& SFData = ShowFlagData[ShowFlag];

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), SFData.DisplayName );
		FText LocalizedName;
		switch( SFData.Group )
		case SFG_Visualize:
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("VisualizeFlagLabel", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel", "Show {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

		//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
		const FText ShowFlagDesc;

		TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowFlagCommand 
			= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), SFData.ShowFlagName, LocalizedName, ShowFlagDesc )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton )
			.DefaultChord( SFData.InputChord )
			.Icon(SFData.Group == EShowFlagGroup::SFG_Normal ?
						FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), FEditorStyle::Join( GetContextName(), TCHAR_TO_ANSI( *FString::Printf( TEXT(".%s"), *SFData.ShowFlagName.ToString() ) ) ) ) :

		ShowFlagCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowFlagCommand, SFData.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each volume class
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllVolumes, "Show All Volumes", "Shows all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllVolumes, "Hide All Volumes", "Hides all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		TArray< UClass* > VolumeClasses;

		for( int32 VolumeClassIndex = 0; VolumeClassIndex < VolumeClasses.Num(); ++VolumeClassIndex )
			//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
			const FText VolumeDesc;
			const FName VolumeName = VolumeClasses[VolumeClassIndex]->GetFName();

			FText DisplayName;
			FEngineShowFlags::FindShowFlagDisplayName( VolumeName.ToString(), DisplayName );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel_Visualize", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowVolumeCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), VolumeName, LocalizedName, VolumeDesc )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowVolumeCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowVolumeCommand, DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for show/hide all layers
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllLayers, "Show All Layers", "Shows all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllLayers, "Hide All Layers", "Hides all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	// Generate a command for each sprite category
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllSprites, "Show All Sprites", "Shows all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllSprites, "Hide All Sprites", "Hides all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		// get all the known layers
		// Get a fresh list as GUnrealEd->SortedSpriteInfo may not yet be built.
		TArray<FSpriteCategoryInfo> SortedSpriteInfo;

		FString SpritePrefix = TEXT("ShowSprite_");
		for( int32 InfoIndex = 0; InfoIndex < SortedSpriteInfo.Num(); ++InfoIndex )
			const FSpriteCategoryInfo& SpriteInfo = SortedSpriteInfo[InfoIndex];

			const FName CommandName = FName( *(SpritePrefix + SpriteInfo.Category.ToString()) );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("SpriteName"), SpriteInfo.DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UICommands", "SpriteShowFlagName", "Show {SpriteName} Sprites"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowSpriteCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), CommandName, LocalizedName, SpriteInfo.Description )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowSpriteCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowSpriteCommand, SpriteInfo.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each Stat category
		UI_COMMAND(HideAllStats, "Hide All Stats", "Hides all Stats", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

		// Bind a listener here for any additional stat commands that get registered later.
		UEngine::NewStatDelegate.AddRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStat);
		FStatGroupGameThreadNotifier::Get().NewStatGroupDelegate.BindRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStatGroup);

	// Map the bookmark index to default key.
	// If the max bookmark number ever increases the new bookmarks will not have default keys
	TArray< FKey > NumberKeyNames;
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Zero );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::One );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Two );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Three );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Four );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Five );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Six );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Seven );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Eight );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Nine );

	for( int32 BookmarkIndex = 0; BookmarkIndex < AWorldSettings::MAX_BOOKMARK_NUMBER; ++BookmarkIndex )
		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > JumpToBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "JumpToBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark", "Jump to Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark_ToolTip", "Moves the viewport to the location and orientation stored at bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		JumpToBookmarkCommands.Add( JumpToBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > SetBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "SetBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark", "Set Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark_ToolTip", "Stores the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control, NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		SetBookmarkCommands.Add( SetBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > ClearBookMark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "ClearBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark", "Clear Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark_ToolTip", "Clears the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() ); //default chord 

		ClearBookmarkCommands.Add( ClearBookMark );
	UI_COMMAND( ClearAllBookMarks, "Clear All Bookmarks", "Clears all the bookmarks", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( EnablePreviewMesh, "Hold To Enable Preview Mesh", "When held down a preview mesh appears under the cursor", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EKeys::Backslash) );
	UI_COMMAND( CyclePreviewMesh, "Cycles Preview Mesh", "Cycles available preview meshes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::Backslash ) );
