Example #1
 * SetDebugInterrupts32
 * called to setup for 32-bit interrupts (by debugger or Dr. WATCOM)
 * - check for WDEBUG.386 (can't work without it!)
 * - stomp the IDT for INT1 and INT3.  What actually happens is that
 *   WDEBUG.386 stomps the IDT to point at its own routine in the 32-bit
 *   world.  This routine sets some internal state so that it knows
 *   that an int1/3 occurred, and then calls the 16-bit routine that
 *   we provide using HookIDT.  This routine must cause some fault,
 *   (in our case, we cause an illegal instruction fault), which then
 *   causes us to go through the normal fault handling.
 *   NOTE: after a int1/3 occurs, the WDEBUG.386 restores the IDT back
 *   to normal.  Thus, when you wish to start handling int1/int3's again,
 *   the IDT must be reset to our handler (DoneWithInterrupt does this)
 * - register our interrupt callback routine with WDEBUG.386.  This routine
 *   is invoked whenever a 32-bit fault occurs.  The routine runs on a
 *   stack that we specify.  WDEBUG.386 copies the register information
 *   into the provided structure (&SaveEAX) before it invokes the callback
 *   routine. NOTE:  "invoking" the callback routine really means that
 *   WDEBUG.386 changes the registers of the Windows VM such that the
 *   next time it runs, it begins execution at the callback routine.
 *   No actual calls occur.
int FAR PASCAL SetDebugInterrupts32( void )
    if( SetCount > 1 ) {
        return( 1 );

    if( CheckWin386Debug() != WGOD_VERSION ) {
        return( 0 );
    DPL = (GetCS() & 0x03) << 5;
    OurOwnInt = false;

     * set up our IDT
    IDTInit( IDTSel );
    HookIDT( ReflectInt1Int3 );

    InterruptStackSel = FP_SEG( IStack );
    InterruptStackOff = (DWORD) (FP_OFF( IStack ) + MAX_ISTACK-16);

     * set up to be notified of faults by wgod
    RegisterInterruptCallback( (LPVOID) InterruptCallback,
                        (LPVOID) &SaveEAX,
                        (LPVOID) &IStack[MAX_ISTACK-16] );

    return( 1 );

} /* SetDebugInterrupts32 */
Example #2
void CodeLoad( struct LoadDefinitionStructure *loaded, samp_block_kinds kind )
    seg_offset          ovl_tbl;
    char                buff[256];

    ovl_tbl.segment = 0;
    ovl_tbl.offset  = 0;
    memcpy( buff, loaded->LDFileName + 1, loaded->LDFileName[0] );
    buff[loaded->LDFileName[0]] = '\0';
    WriteCodeLoad( ovl_tbl, buff, kind );
    WriteAddrMap( 1, GetCS(), loaded->LDCodeImageOffset );
Example #3
void StartTimer( void )
    TimerMod = TimerMult;
    old_timer_handler = HookTimer( MK_FP( GetCS(), (int)&timer_handler ) );

    //  Only access the clock if we have overridden the default
    if(DEF_MULT != TimerMult)
        outp( TIMER0, DIVISOR & 0xff );
        outp( TIMER0, DIVISOR >> 8 );
Example #4
// this definition needs to occur after __OS2MainInit() so that
// the #undef of _STACKLOW doesn't break things
void __OS2Init( int is_dll, thread_data *tdata )
    sys_info                    _sysinfo;

    __Is_DLL = is_dll;
    __FirstThreadData = tdata;

                     &_sysinfo, sizeof( sys_info )  );
    _RWD_osmajor = _sysinfo.version_major;
    _RWD_osminor = _sysinfo.version_minor;
    __saved_CS = GetCS();
#ifndef __SW_BM
#undef _STACKLOW
    _STACKLOW = (unsigned)&_end;            // cortns in F77
Example #5
trap_retval ReqProg_load( void )
    prog_load_ret       *ret;

                                                                          _DBG(("We're in AccLoadProg"));
    GetSysRegs( &SysRegs );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    ret->err = 0;
    ret->task_id = 4;
    ret->mod_handle = 0;
    Regs.DS = Regs.ES = Regs.FS = Regs.GS = GetDS();
    Regs.SS = GetSS();
    Regs.ESP = (dword)ADSStack + ADSSTACK_SIZE - sizeof( dword );
    Regs.CS = GetCS();
    Regs.EIP = (dword)&ADSLoop;
    Regs.EFL = GetFL();
    Regs.EAX = Regs.EBX = Regs.ECX = Regs.EDX = Regs.ESI = 0;
    Regs.EDI = Regs.EBP = 0;
    IntNum = -1;
                                                                          _DBG(("We're back from AccLoadProg"));
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Example #6
static void TestASM()
	println("testing asm");
	printf("Accumulator EAX: %p\n", GetEAX());
	printf("Base        EBX: %p\n", GetEBX());
	printf("Counter     ECX: %p\n", GetECX());
	printf("Data        EDX: %p\n", GetEDX());

	printf("src str ndx ESI: %p\n", GetESI());
	printf("dst str ndx EDI: %p\n", GetEDI());

	printf("stack top   ESP: %p\n", GetESP());
	printf("frame base  EBP: %p\n", GetEBP());
//	printf("insn ptr    EIP: %p\n", GetEIP());

	printf("code segment CS: %p\n", GetCS());
	printf("stack        SS: %p\n", GetSS());

	printf("data segment DS: %p\n", GetDS());
	printf("data segment ES: %p\n", GetES());

Example #7
 * AccLoadProg - create a new process for debugging
trap_retval ReqProg_load( void )
    char            *parm;
    char            *src;
    char            *dst;
    char            *endsrc;
    char            exe_name[PATH_MAX];
    char            ch;
    BOOL            rc;
    int             len;
    MYCONTEXT       con;
    thread_info     *ti;
    HANDLE          handle;
    prog_load_req   *acc;
    prog_load_ret   *ret;
    header_info     hi;
    WORD            stack;
    WORD            version;
    DWORD           pid;
    DWORD           pid_started;
    DWORD           cr_flags;
    char            *buff = NULL;
    size_t          nBuffRequired = 0;
    char            *dll_name;
    char            *service_name;
    char            *dll_destination;
    char            *service_parm;

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    parm = GetInPtr( sizeof( *acc ) );

     * reset status variables
    LastExceptionCode = -1;
    DebugString = NULL;
    DebugeeEnded = FALSE;
    DidWaitForDebugEvent = FALSE;
    DebugeePid = 0;
    DebugeeTid = 0;
    SupportingExactBreakpoints = 0;

     * check if pid is specified
    ParseServiceStuff( parm, &dll_name, &service_name, &dll_destination, &service_parm );
    pid = 0;
    src = parm;

    //  Just to be really safe!
    nBuffRequired = GetTotalSize() + PATH_MAX + 16;
    if( NULL == ( buff = malloc( nBuffRequired ) ) ) {
        ret->err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
        return( sizeof( *ret ) );

    if( *src == '#' ) {
        pid = strtoul( src, &endsrc, 16 );
        if( pid == 0 ) {
            pid = -1;
        strcpy( buff, endsrc );
    } else {
        while( isdigit( *src ) ) {
        if( *src == 0 && src != parm ) {
            pid = atoi( parm );

     * get program to debug.  If the user has specified a pid, then
     * skip directly to doing a DebugActiveProcess
    IsWOW = FALSE;
#if !defined( MD_x64 )
    IsDOS = FALSE;
    if( pid == 0 ) {
        if( FindFilePath( parm, exe_name, ExtensionList ) != 0 ) {
            ret->err = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
            goto error_exit;

         * Get type of application
        handle = CreateFile( (LPTSTR)exe_name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
        if( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
            ret->err = GetLastError();
            goto error_exit;
        GetFullPathName( exe_name, MAX_PATH, CurrEXEName, NULL );

         * get the parm list
        if( strchr( CurrEXEName, ' ' ) != NULL ) {
            strcpy( buff, "\"" );
            strcat( buff, CurrEXEName );
            strcat( buff, "\"" );
        } else {
            strcpy( buff, CurrEXEName );
        dst = &buff[strlen( buff )];
        src = parm;
        while( *src != 0 ) {
        // parm layout
        // <--parameters-->0<--program_name-->0<--arguments-->0
        for( len = GetTotalSize() - sizeof( *acc ) - (src - parm) - 1; len > 0; --len ) {
            ch = *src;
            if( ch == 0 ) {
                ch = ' ';
            *dst = ch;
        *dst = 0;

        cr_flags = DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS;

        if( !GetEXEHeader( handle, &hi, &stack ) ) {
            ret->err = GetLastError();
            CloseHandle( handle );
            goto error_exit;
        if( hi.sig == EXE_PE ) {
            if( IS_PE64( hi.u.peh ) ) {
                DebugeeSubsystem = PE64( hi.u.peh ).subsystem;
            } else {
                DebugeeSubsystem = PE32( hi.u.peh ).subsystem;
#if defined( MD_x64 )
                IsWOW = TRUE;
            if( DebugeeSubsystem == SS_WINDOWS_CHAR ) {
                cr_flags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;
#if !defined( MD_x64 )
        } else if( hi.sig == EXE_NE ) {
            IsWOW = TRUE;
             * find out the pid of WOW, if it is already running.
            pVDMEnumProcessWOW( EnumWOWProcessFunc, (LPARAM)&pid );
            if( pid != 0 ) {
                version = LOWORD( GetVersion() );
                if( LOBYTE( version ) == 3 && HIBYTE( version ) < 50 ) {
                    int kill = MessageBox( NULL, TRP_NT_wow_warning, TRP_The_WATCOM_Debugger, MB_APPLMODAL + MB_YESNO );
                    if( kill == IDYES ) {
                        HANDLE hprocess = OpenProcess( axs, FALSE, pid );

                        if( hprocess != 0 && TerminateProcess( hprocess, 0 ) ) {
                            CloseHandle( hprocess );
                            pid = 0;
                } else {
                    cr_flags |= CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM;
                    pid = 0; // always start a new VDM.
            if( pid != 0 ) {
                ret->err = GetLastError();
                CloseHandle( handle );
                goto error_exit;
        } else {
            IsDOS = TRUE;
        CloseHandle( handle );

     * start the debugee
    pid_started = pid;
    if( *dll_name ) {
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_DELIM );
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_DLLNAME );
        strcat( buff, dll_name );
    if( *service_name ) {
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_DELIM );
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_SERVICE );
        strcat( buff, service_name );
    if( *dll_destination ) {
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_DELIM );
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_COPYDIR );
        strcat( buff, dll_destination );
    if( *service_parm ) {
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_DELIM );
        strcat( buff, LOAD_PROG_STR_SERVICEPARM );
        strcat( buff, service_parm );
    ret->err = StartControlThread( buff, &pid_started, cr_flags );
    if( ret->err != 0 ) {
        goto error_exit;
     * CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT will always be the first debug event.
     * If it is not, then something is horribly wrong.
    rc = MyWaitForDebugEvent();
    if( !rc || ( DebugEvent.dwDebugEventCode != CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT ) || ( DebugEvent.dwProcessId != pid_started ) ) {
        ret->err = GetLastError();
        goto error_exit;
    ProcessInfo.pid = DebugEvent.dwProcessId;
    ProcessInfo.process_handle = DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess;
    ProcessInfo.base_addr = DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage;
    AddProcess( &hi );
    AddThread( DebugEvent.dwThreadId, DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpStartAddress );
    DebugeePid = DebugEvent.dwProcessId;
    DebugeeTid = DebugEvent.dwThreadId;
    LastDebugEventTid = DebugEvent.dwThreadId;

#if defined( MD_x86 )
#ifdef WOW
    if( IsWOW ) {
        ret->flags = LD_FLAG_IS_PROT;
        ret->err = 0;
        ret->task_id = DebugeePid;
         * we use our own CS and DS as the Flat CS and DS, for lack
         * of anything better
        FlatDS = GetDS();
        FlatCS = GetCS();
        if( !executeUntilVDMStart() ) {
            ret->err = GetLastError();
            goto error_exit;
        if( pid ) {
        } else {
         * we save the starting CS:IP of the WOW app, since we will use
         * it to force execution of code later
        ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
        MyGetThreadContext( ti, &con );
        WOWAppInfo.segment = ( WORD ) con.SegCs;
        WOWAppInfo.offset = ( WORD ) con.Eip;
        con.SegSs = con.SegDs; // Wow lies about the stack segment.  Reset it
        con.Esp = stack;
        MySetThreadContext( ti, &con );
    } else if( IsDOS ) {
        // TODO! Clean up this code
        ret->flags = 0; //LD_FLAG_IS_PROT;
        ret->err = 0;
        ret->task_id = DebugeePid;
         * we use our own CS and DS as the Flat CS and DS, for lack
         * of anything better
        FlatDS = GetDS();
        FlatCS = GetCS();
        if( !executeUntilVDMStart() ) {
            ret->err = GetLastError();
            goto error_exit;
#if 0
        if( pid ) {
        } else {
         * we save the starting CS:IP of the WOW app, since we will use
         * it to force execution of code later
        ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
        MyGetThreadContext( ti, &con );
        WOWAppInfo.segment = ( WORD )con.SegCs;
        WOWAppInfo.offset = ( WORD )con.Eip;
        con.SegSs = con.SegDs; // Wow lies about the stack segment.  Reset it
        con.Esp = stack;
        MySetThreadContext( ti, &con );
    } else {
        LPVOID base;

        if( pid == 0 ) {
            base = (LPVOID)DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpStartAddress;
        } else {
            base = 0;

        ret->flags = LD_FLAG_IS_PROT;
        ret->err = 0;
        ret->task_id = DebugeePid;
        if( executeUntilStart( pid != 0 ) ) {
            LPVOID old;
             * make the application load our DLL, so that we can have it
             * run code out of it.  One small note: this will not work right
             * if the app does not load our DLL at the same address the
             * debugger loaded it at!!!

            ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
            MyGetThreadContext( ti, &con );
            old = (LPVOID)AdjustIP( &con, 0 );
            if( base != 0 ) {
                SetIP( &con, base );
            MySetThreadContext( ti, &con );
            SetIP( &con, old );
            MySetThreadContext( ti, &con );
        ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
        MyGetThreadContext( ti, &con );
#if defined( MD_x86 )
        FlatCS = con.SegCs;
        FlatDS = con.SegDs;
        ret->flags |= LD_FLAG_IS_BIG;
    ret->flags |= LD_FLAG_HAVE_RUNTIME_DLLS;
    if( pid != 0 ) {
        ret->flags |= LD_FLAG_IS_STARTED;
    ret->mod_handle = 0;

    if( buff ) {
        free( buff );
        buff = NULL;
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );


trap_retval ReqProg_kill( void )
    prog_kill_ret   *ret;

    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    ret->err = 0;
    DelProcess( TRUE );
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Example #8
const char *RemoteLink( const char *parms, bool server )
#ifdef SERVER
    unsigned long       link;
  #if defined(ACAD)
        XVersion = 2;
        if( GetCS() & 3 ) {
            Meg1 = 0x37;
        } else {
            Meg1 = 0x60;
  #elif defined(PHARLAP)
        CONFIG_INF              config;
        static unsigned char    buff[256];

        _dx_config_inf(&config, buff );
        XVersion = config.c_major;
        if( XVersion >= 3 ) {
            Meg1 = config.c_dos_sel;
        } else {
            Meg1 = 0x60;
  #elif defined(CAUSEWAY)
    Meg1 = GetZeroSel();
    parms = parms;
    link = GetDosLong( LINK_VECTOR * 4 );
    if( link >= (1024UL * 1024UL) || GetDosLong( link ) != LINK_SIGNATURE ) {
        return( TRP_ERR_not_from_command );
    RMBuffPtr = RMLinToPM( GetDosLong( link + 4 ), 0 );
    RMProcAddr = GetDosLong( link + 8 );
    PutDosLong( LINK_VECTOR * 4, GetDosLong( link + 12 ) );
    static char     fullpath[256];              /* static because ss != ds */
    static char     buff[256];
    static char     *endname;
    char            *name;
    char            *buffp;
    char            *endparm;
    void            __far *link[4];
    void            __far * __far * link_ptr;
    unsigned        len;
  #if defined(PHARLAP)
    const char      *exe_name;

    _DBG_EnterFunc( "RemoteLink()" );
    BackFromFork = 0;
    link_ptr = (void __far *)(LINK_VECTOR * 4);
    link[ 3 ] = *link_ptr;
    link[ 2 ] = MK_FP( GetCS(), (unsigned )BackFromProtMode );
    link[ 1 ] = (void __far *)MK_LINEAR( &Buff );
    link[ 0 ] = (void __far *)LINK_SIGNATURE;
    *link_ptr = (void __far *)MK_LINEAR( &link );
    // parms has following format
    // "trap parameters string"+"\0"+"command line string"+"\0"
    _DBG_Write( "Parms: " );
    _DBG_NoTabWriteln( parms );
    while( *parms == ' ' )
    if( *parms == '`' ) {
        buffp = buff;
        while( *parms != '\0' ) {
            if( *parms == '`' ) {
            *buffp++ = *parms++;
        *buffp = '\0';
    while( *parms == ' ' )
    if( setjmp( RealModeState ) == 0 ) {
        name = FindExtender( fullpath, &endname );
        if( name == NULL ) {
            _DBG_ExitFunc( "RemoteLink(), unable to find extender" );
            return( TRP_ERR_no_extender );
        _DBG_Write( "Extender name: " );
        _DBG_NoTabWriteln( name );
        while( *endname++ != '\0' ) {}      // skip after extender name + '\0'
  #if defined(ACAD)
        buffp = buff;
        *buffp = '\0';
            static char     *endhelp;
            const char      *help_name;

    #if defined(PHARLAP)
            exe_name = parms;
            while( *exe_name++ != '\0' ) {} // skip to command line
            help_name = GetHelpName( exe_name );
            help_name = HELPNAME;
            buffp = SearchPath( DOSEnvFind( "PATH" ), help_name, buff, &endhelp );
            if( *buffp == '\0' ) {
                _DBG_ExitFunc( "RemoteLink(), unable to find extender help file" );
                return( TRP_ERR_no_extender );
        _DBG_Write( "Extender help name: " );
        _DBG_NoTabWriteln( buffp );
        endparm = CopyStr( parms, endname + 1 );     // reserve length byte
        endparm = CopyStr( buffp, CopyStr( " ", endparm ) );
  #if defined(PHARLAP)
        endparm = CopyStr( " ", endparm );
        endparm = CopyStr( exe_name, endparm );     // add extra executable name
        len = endparm - ( endname + 1 );
        if( len > 126 )
            len = 126;
        *endname = len;       // setup length byte
        endparm = endname + len + 1;
        endparm[0] = '\r';
        endparm[1] = '\0';
        _DBG_Write( "Extender Cmd line: " );
        _DBG_NoTabWriteln( endname + 1 );
        _DBG_Writeln( "calling _fork() to start extender/debugee" );
        if( _fork( name, endname ) != 0 ) {
            _DBG_ExitFunc( "RemoteLink(), unable to start extender" );
            return( TRP_ERR_cant_start_extender );
    } else if( BackFromFork || !BeenToProtMode ) {
        _DBG_ExitFunc( "RemoteLink(), extender could not start extender help file" );
        return( TRP_ERR_cant_start_extender );
    server = server;
    _DBG_ExitFunc( "RemoteLink()" );
    return( NULL );