Example #1
u16 CGameFont::SplitByWidth( u16 * puBuffer , u16 uBufferSize , float fTargetWidth , const char * pszText )
	VERIFY( puBuffer && uBufferSize && pszText );

	wide_char wsStr[ MAX_MB_CHARS ] , wsPos[ MAX_MB_CHARS ];
	float fCurWidth = 0.0f , fDelta = 0.0f;
	u16 nLines = 0;

	u16	len	= mbhMulti2Wide( wsStr , wsPos , MAX_MB_CHARS , pszText );

	for ( u16 i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++ ) {

		fDelta = GetCharTC( wsStr[ i ] ).z - 2;

		if ( IsNeedSpaceCharacter( wsStr[ i ] ) )
			fDelta += fXStep;

		if ( 
				( ( fCurWidth + fDelta ) > fTargetWidth ) && // overlength
				( ! IsBadStartCharacter( wsStr[ i ] ) ) && // can start with this character
				( i < len ) && // is not the last character
				( ( i > 1 ) && ( ! IsBadEndCharacter( wsStr[ i - 1 ] ) ) ) // && // do not stop the string on a "bad" character
//				( ( i > 1 ) && ( ! ( ( IsAlphaCharacter( wsStr[ i - 1 ] ) ) && (  IsAlphaCharacter( wsStr[ i ] ) ) ) ) ) // do not split numbers or words
		) {
			fCurWidth = fDelta;
			VERIFY( nLines < uBufferSize );
			puBuffer[ nLines++ ] = wsPos[ i - 1 ];
		} else 
			fCurWidth += fDelta;

	return nLines;
Example #2
float CGameFont::SizeOf_(LPCSTR s,float size)
	if (s&&s[0]){
		int		len			= xr_strlen(s);
		float	X			= 0;
		if (len) 
			for (int j=0; j<len; j++) 
				X			+= GetCharTC(s[j]).z;
		return				(X*vInterval.x/**vTS.x*/);
	return 0;
Example #3
float CGameFont::SizeOf_( const wide_char *wsStr )
	if ( ! ( wsStr && wsStr[ 0 ] ) )
		return 0;

	unsigned int len = wsStr[ 0 ];
	float X	= 0.0f , fDelta = 0.0f;

	if ( len )
		for ( unsigned int j=1 ; j <= len ; j++ ) {
			fDelta = GetCharTC( wsStr[ j ] ).z - 2;
			if ( IsNeedSpaceCharacter( wsStr[ j ] ) )
				fDelta += fXStep;
			X += fDelta;

	return ( X * vInterval.x );
Example #4
float CGameFont::SizeOf_( LPCSTR s )
	if ( ! ( s && s[ 0 ] ) )
		return 0;

	if ( IsMultibyte() ) {
		wide_char wsStr[ MAX_MB_CHARS ];

		mbhMulti2Wide( wsStr , NULL , MAX_MB_CHARS , s );

		return SizeOf_( wsStr );

	int		len			= xr_strlen(s);
	float	X			= 0;
	if (len)
		for (int j=0; j<len; j++)
			X			+= GetCharTC( ( u16 ) ( u8 ) s[ j ] ).z;

	return				(X*vInterval.x);
Example #5
u16 CGameFont::GetCutLengthPos( float fTargetWidth , const char * pszText )
	VERIFY( pszText );

	wide_char wsStr[ MAX_MB_CHARS ], wsPos[ MAX_MB_CHARS ];
	float fCurWidth = 0.0f , fDelta = 0.0f;

	u16	len	= mbhMulti2Wide( wsStr , wsPos , MAX_MB_CHARS , pszText );

	for ( u16 i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++ ) {

		fDelta = GetCharTC( wsStr[ i ] ).z - 2;

		if ( IsNeedSpaceCharacter( wsStr[ i ] ) )
			fDelta += fXStep;

		if ( ( fCurWidth + fDelta ) > fTargetWidth )
			fCurWidth += fDelta;

	return wsPos[ i - 1 ];
Example #6
float CGameFont::SizeOf_( const char cChar )
	return ( GetCharTC( ( u16 ) ( u8 ) ( ( ( IsMultibyte() && cChar == ' ' ) ) ? 0 : cChar) ).z * vInterval.x );
Example #7
float CGameFont::SizeOf_(char s,float size)
	return		( GetCharTC(s).z*vInterval.x/* *vTS.x*/ );
Example #8
void CGameFont::OnRender()
	VERIFY				(g_bRendering);
	if (pShader)		RCache.set_Shader	(pShader);

	if (!(uFlags&fsValid)){
		CTexture* T		= RCache.get_ActiveTexture(0);
		vTS.set			((int)T->get_Width(),(int)T->get_Height());
		vHalfPixel.set	(0.5f/float(vTS.x),0.5f/float(vTS.y));
		for (int i=0; i<256; i++){
			Fvector& tc	= TCMap[i];
			tc.x		/= float(vTS.x);
			tc.y		/= float(vTS.y);
			tc.z		/= float(vTS.x);
		fTCHeight		= fHeight/float(vTS.y);
		uFlags			|= fsValid;
		fTCHeight		= fHeight/float(vTS.y);
		uFlags			|= fsValid;

	for (u32 i=0; i<strings.size(); ){
		// calculate first-fit
		int		count	=	1;
		int		length	=	xr_strlen(strings[i].string);
		while	((i+count)<strings.size()) {
			int	L	=	xr_strlen(strings[i+count].string);
			if ((L+length)<MAX_CHARS){
				count	++;
				length	+=	L;
			else		break;

		// lock AGP memory
		u32	vOffset;
		FVF::TL* v		= (FVF::TL*)RCache.Vertex.Lock	(length*4,pGeom.stride(),vOffset);
		FVF::TL* start	= v;

		// fill vertices
		u32 last		= i+count;
		for (; i<last; i++) {
			String		&PS	= strings[i];
			int			len	= xr_strlen(PS.string);
			if (len) {
				float	X	= float(iFloor(PS.x));
				float	Y	= float(iFloor(PS.y));
				float	S	= PS.height*g_current_font_scale.y;
				float	Y2	= Y+S;

				case alCenter:	
						X	-= ( iFloor(SizeOf_(PS.string,PS.height)*.5f) ) * g_current_font_scale.x;	
				case alRight:	
						X	-=	iFloor(SizeOf_(PS.string,PS.height));		

				u32	clr,clr2;
				clr2 = clr	= PS.c;
				if (uFlags&fsGradient){
					u32	_R	= color_get_R	(clr)/2;
					u32	_G	= color_get_G	(clr)/2;
					u32	_B	= color_get_B	(clr)/2;
					u32	_A	= color_get_A	(clr);
					clr2	= color_rgba	(_R,_G,_B,_A);

				float	tu,tv;
				for (int j=0; j<len; j++)
					int c			= GetCharRM	(PS.string[j]);
					Fvector l		= GetCharTC	(PS.string[j]);
					float scw		= l.z * g_current_font_scale.x;
//.					float scw		= vTS.x * l.z * g_current_font_scale.x;
					float fTCWidth	= l.z/vTS.x;

					if ((c>=0)&&!fis_zero(l.z))
						tu			= l.x/vTS.x;//+vHalfPixel.x;
						tv			= l.y/vTS.y;//+vHalfPixel.y;
						v->set		(X-0.5f,		Y2-0.5f,	clr2,tu,			tv+fTCHeight);	v++;
						v->set		(X-0.5f,		Y-0.5f,		clr, tu,			tv);			v++;
						v->set		(X+scw-0.5f,	Y2-0.5f,	clr2,tu+fTCWidth,	tv+fTCHeight);	v++;
						v->set		(X+scw-0.5f,	Y-0.5f,		clr, tu+fTCWidth,	tv);			v++;

		// Unlock and draw
		u32 vCount = (u32)(v-start);
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(vCount,pGeom.stride());
		if (vCount){
			RCache.set_Geometry		(pGeom);
			RCache.Render			(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,vOffset,0,vCount,0,vCount/2);
	strings.clear_not_free			();