Example #1
// module MesaMicrocodeOps static functions
static void
CollectStats(CString & message)
    // collect total time

    u32 pulseCount = 0;
    LARGE_INTEGER count;
    if ((0 != s_nPulseFrequencyInCountsPerSecond) && ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&count))
        u64 currentPulseCount = (u64)(count.QuadPart) - s_nPulseBase;
        currentPulseCount *= 1000000;
        currentPulseCount /= s_nPulseFrequencyInCountsPerSecond;
        pulseCount = (u32)currentPulseCount;

    u32 milliseconds = pulseCount / 1000;
    u32 seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
    u32 minutes = seconds / 60;
    u32 minsec = seconds % 60;
    milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;

    u32 numInstructions = MesaProcessor::GetNumExecutedInstructions();

    message.Format("Mesa Processor Finished.  "
                   "Total Runtime = %s microseconds, "
                   "%s.%03d seconds, "
                   "%d:%d.%03d minutes.  "
                   "Instructions Dispatched = %s.  ",
                    GetCommaString(seconds), milliseconds,
                    minutes, minsec, milliseconds,

    // compute the microseconds per instruction or instructions per microsecond
    CString additional;
    if (pulseCount > numInstructions)
        // microseconds per instruction
        u64 microseconds = ((u64)pulseCount * 100) / numInstructions;
        u32 msi1 = (u32)(microseconds / 100);
        u32 msi2 = (u32)(microseconds % 100);
        additional.Format("%s.%02d microseconds per instruction.", GetCommaString(msi1), msi2);
        // instructions per microsecond
        u64 instructions = ((u64)numInstructions * 100) / pulseCount;
        u32 ims1 = (u32)(instructions / 100);
        u32 ims2 = (u32)(instructions % 100);
        additional.Format("%s.%02d instructions per microsecond.", GetCommaString(ims1), ims2);
    message += additional;
std::string IObject::GetValue(int index)
	MyStructMeta ** meta = this->GetMetaData();

	if(index < 0 || index >= HeaderCount())
		return ""; 
	MyStructMeta * ameta =  meta[index];

	if(ameta->eType == type_is_bstr_t)
		return ( (LPCSTR) *(bstr_t *) ((char *) this + ameta->oFieldOffset) );
	// treat like a vector of bstr for now  name=value(units)description,...
	// Big problem is multiline descriptions - not handled
	else if(ameta->eType == type_is_propertylist) 
		std::vector<bstr_t> * bstrs = (std::vector<bstr_t> *) ((char *) this + ameta->oFieldOffset);
		bstr_t a = accumulate( (*bstrs).begin(), (*bstrs).end(), bstr_t("") );
		return ((LPCSTR) a);

	else if(ameta->eType == type_is_array)  // comma delimited string
		std::vector<bstr_t> * bstrs = (std::vector<bstr_t> *) ((char *) this + ameta->oFieldOffset);
		bstr_t a = GetCommaString(bstrs,","); // accumulate( (*bstrs).begin(), (*bstrs).end(), bstr_t(",") );
		return ((LPCSTR) a);
	return "";