Example #1
BOOL DumpDeviceDescr(_In_ HDEVINFO Devs, _In_ PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo)

Routine Description:

    Write device description to stdout


    Devs    )_ uniquely identify device
    DevInfo )

Return Value:

    TRUE if success

    LPTSTR desc;

    desc = GetDeviceDescription(Devs,DevInfo);
    if(!desc) {
        return FALSE;
    delete [] desc;
    return TRUE;
Example #2
BOOL DumpDevice(_In_ HDEVINFO Devs, _In_ PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo)

Routine Description:

    Write device instance & description to stdout


    Devs    )_ uniquely identify device
    DevInfo )

Return Value:

    TRUE if success

    LPTSTR desc;
    BOOL b;

    desc = GetDeviceDescription(Devs,DevInfo);
    b = DumpDeviceWithInfo(Devs,DevInfo,desc);
    if(desc) {
        delete [] desc;
    return b;
Example #3
LoadedDeviceAdapter::GetDeviceDescription(const std::string& deviceName) const
   ModuleStringBuffer descBuf(this, "GetDeviceDescription");
   bool ok = GetDeviceDescription(deviceName.c_str(), descBuf.GetBuffer(),
   if (!ok)
      throw CMMError("Cannot get description for device " +
            ToQuotedString(deviceName) + " of device adapter module " +
   return descBuf.Get();
mDNSexport void LNT_SendDiscoveryMsg(mDNS *m)
	static const char msg[] =
		"M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n"
	static const mDNSAddr multicastDest = { mDNSAddrType_IPv4, { { { 239, 255, 255, 250 } } } };
	mDNSu8* buf = (mDNSu8*)&m->omsg; //m->omsg is 8952 bytes, which is plenty
	unsigned int bufLen;
	if (!mDNSIPPortIsZero(m->UPnPRouterPort))
		if (m->SSDPSocket) { debugf("LNT_SendDiscoveryMsg destroying SSDPSocket %p", &m->SSDPSocket); mDNSPlatformUDPClose(m->SSDPSocket); m->SSDPSocket = mDNSNULL; }
		if (mDNSIPPortIsZero(m->UPnPSOAPPort) && !m->tcpDeviceInfo.sock) GetDeviceDescription(m, &m->tcpDeviceInfo);

	// Always query for WANIPConnection in the first SSDP packet
	if (m->retryIntervalGetAddr <= NATMAP_INIT_RETRY) m->SSDPWANPPPConnection = mDNSfalse;

	// Create message
	bufLen = mDNS_snprintf((char*)buf, sizeof(m->omsg), msg, m->SSDPWANPPPConnection ? "PPP" : "IP");

	debugf("LNT_SendDiscoveryMsg Router %.4a Current External Address %.4a", &m->Router.ip.v4, &m->ExternalAddress);

	if (!mDNSIPv4AddressIsZero(m->Router.ip.v4))
		if (!m->SSDPSocket) { m->SSDPSocket = mDNSPlatformUDPSocket(m, zeroIPPort); debugf("LNT_SendDiscoveryMsg created SSDPSocket %p", &m->SSDPSocket); }
		mDNSPlatformSendUDP(m, buf, buf + bufLen, 0, m->SSDPSocket, &m->Router,     SSDPPort);
		mDNSPlatformSendUDP(m, buf, buf + bufLen, 0, m->SSDPSocket, &multicastDest, SSDPPort);
	m->SSDPWANPPPConnection = !m->SSDPWANPPPConnection;
// This function parses the response to our SSDP discovery message. Basically, we look to make sure this is a response
// referencing a service we care about (WANIPConnection or WANPPPConnection), then look for the "Location:" header and copy the addressing and
// URL info we need.
mDNSexport void LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo(mDNS *m, const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, mDNSu8 *data, mDNSu16 len)
	char *ptr = (char *)data;
	char *end = (char *)data + len;
	char *stop = ptr;
	if (!mDNSIPPortIsZero(m->UPnPRouterPort)) return; // already have the info we need

	// The formatting of the HTTP header is not always the same when it comes to the placement of
	// the service and location strings, so we just look for each of them from the beginning for every response
	// figure out if this is a message from a service we care about
	while (ptr && ptr != end)
		if (*ptr == 'W' && (strncasecmp(ptr, "WANIPConnection:1", 17) == 0)) break;
	if (ptr == end)
		ptr = (char *)data;
		while (ptr && ptr != end)
			if (*ptr == 'W' && (strncasecmp(ptr, "WANPPPConnection:1", 18) == 0)) break;
	if (ptr == mDNSNULL || ptr == end) return;	// not a message we care about

	// find "Location:", starting from the beginning
	ptr = (char *)data;
	while (ptr && ptr != end)
		if ((*ptr & 0xDF) == 'L' && (strncasecmp(ptr, "Location:", 9) == 0)) break;			// find the first 'L'; is this Location? if not, keep looking
	if (ptr == mDNSNULL || ptr == end) 
		mDNSASLLog((uuid_t *)&m->asl_uuid, "natt.legacy.ssdp", "failure", "Location", "");
		return;	// not a message we care about
	ptr += 9; //Skip over 'Location:'
	while (*ptr == ' ' && ptr < end) ptr++; // skip over spaces
	if (ptr >= end) return;
	// find the end of the line
	for (stop = ptr; stop != end; stop++) { if (*stop == '\r') { end = stop; break; } }
	// fill in default port
	m->UPnPRouterPort = mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(80);

	// free string pointers and set to NULL	
	if (m->UPnPRouterAddressString != mDNSNULL)
		m->UPnPRouterAddressString = mDNSNULL;
	if (m->UPnPRouterURL != mDNSNULL)
		m->UPnPRouterURL = mDNSNULL; 
	// the Router URL should look something like "/dyndev/uuid:0013-108c-4b3f0000f3dc"
	if (ParseHttpUrl(ptr, end, &m->UPnPRouterAddressString, &m->UPnPRouterPort, &m->UPnPRouterURL) != mStatus_NoError)
		mDNSASLLog((uuid_t *)&m->asl_uuid, "natt.legacy.ssdp", "failure", "Parse URL", "");

	m->UPnPInterfaceID = InterfaceID;

	if (m->UPnPRouterAddressString == mDNSNULL) 
		mDNSASLLog((uuid_t *)&m->asl_uuid, "natt.legacy.ssdp", "failure", "Router address", "");
		LogMsg("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: UPnPRouterAddressString is NULL");
	else LogInfo("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: Router address string [%s]", m->UPnPRouterAddressString);

	if (m->UPnPRouterURL == mDNSNULL) 
		mDNSASLLog((uuid_t *)&m->asl_uuid, "natt.legacy.ssdp", "failure", "Router path", "");
		LogMsg("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: UPnPRouterURL is NULL");
	else LogInfo("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: Router URL [%s]", m->UPnPRouterURL);

	LogInfo("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: Router port %d", mDNSVal16(m->UPnPRouterPort));
	LogInfo("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo: Router interface %d", m->UPnPInterfaceID);

	// Don't need the SSDP socket anymore
	if (m->SSDPSocket) { debugf("LNT_ConfigureRouterInfo destroying SSDPSocket %p", &m->SSDPSocket); mDNSPlatformUDPClose(m->SSDPSocket); m->SSDPSocket = mDNSNULL; }

	mDNSASLLog((uuid_t *)&m->asl_uuid, "natt.legacy.ssdp", "success", "success", "");
	// now send message to get the device description
	GetDeviceDescription(m, &m->tcpDeviceInfo);