Example #1
void FGPropagate::Debug(int from)
  if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;

  if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
    if (from == 0) { // Constructor

  if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
    if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGPropagate" << endl;
    if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed:    FGPropagate" << endl;
  if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
  if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
  if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
    if (from == 2) { // State sanity checking
      if (fabs(VState.vPQR.Magnitude()) > 1000.0) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle rotation rate is excessive (>1000 rad/sec): " << VState.vPQR.Magnitude() << endl;
      if (fabs(VState.vUVW.Magnitude()) > 1.0e10) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle velocity is excessive (>1e10 ft/sec): " << VState.vUVW.Magnitude() << endl;
      if (fabs(GetDistanceAGL()) > 1e10) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle altitude is excessive (>1e10 ft): " << GetDistanceAGL() << endl;
  if (debug_lvl & 64) {
    if (from == 0) { // Constructor
      cout << IdSrc << endl;
      cout << IdHdr << endl;
Example #2
void FGPropagate::Debug(int from)
  if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;

  if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
    if (from == 0) { // Constructor

  if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
    if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGPropagate" << endl;
    if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed:    FGPropagate" << endl;
  if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
  if (debug_lvl & 8 && from == 2) { // Runtime state variables
    cout << endl << fgblue << highint << left
         << "  Propagation Report (English units: ft, degrees) at simulation time " << FDMExec->GetSimTime() << " seconds"
         << reset << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Earth Position Angle (deg): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset
         << GetEarthPositionAngleDeg() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Body velocity (ft/sec): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << VState.vUVW << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Local velocity (ft/sec): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << vVel << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Inertial velocity (ft/sec): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << VState.vInertialVelocity << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Inertial Position (ft): " << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << reset << VState.vInertialPosition << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Latitude (deg): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << VState.vLocation.GetLatitudeDeg() << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Longitude (deg): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << VState.vLocation.GetLongitudeDeg() << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Altitude ASL (ft): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << GetAltitudeASL() << endl;
//    cout << highint << "  Acceleration (NED, ft/sec^2): " << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << reset << Tb2l*GetUVWdot() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << highint << "  Matrix ECEF to Body (Orientation of Body with respect to ECEF): "
                    << reset << endl << Tec2b.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tec2b.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Body to ECEF (Orientation of ECEF with respect to Body):"
                    << reset << endl << Tb2ec.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tb2ec.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Local to Body (Orientation of Body with respect to Local):"
                    << reset << endl << Tl2b.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tl2b.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Body to Local (Orientation of Local with respect to Body):"
                    << reset << endl << Tb2l.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tb2l.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Local to ECEF (Orientation of ECEF with respect to Local):"
                    << reset << endl << Tl2ec.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tl2ec.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix ECEF to Local (Orientation of Local with respect to ECEF):"
                    << reset << endl << Tec2l.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tec2l.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix ECEF to Inertial (Orientation of Inertial with respect to ECEF):"
                    << reset << endl << Tec2i.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tec2i.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Inertial to ECEF (Orientation of ECEF with respect to Inertial):"
                    << reset << endl << Ti2ec.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Ti2ec.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Inertial to Body (Orientation of Body with respect to Inertial):"
                    << reset << endl << Ti2b.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Ti2b.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Body to Inertial (Orientation of Inertial with respect to Body):"
                    << reset << endl << Tb2i.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tb2i.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Inertial to Local (Orientation of Local with respect to Inertial):"
                    << reset << endl << Ti2l.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Ti2l.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << highint << "  Matrix Local to Inertial (Orientation of Inertial with respect to Local):"
                    << reset << endl << Tl2i.Dump("\t", "    ") << endl;
    cout << highint << "    Associated Euler angles (deg): " << setw(8)
                    << setprecision(3) << reset << (Tl2i.GetQuaternion().GetEuler()*radtodeg)
                    << endl << endl;

    cout << setprecision(6); // reset the output stream
  if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
    if (from == 2) { // State sanity checking
      if (fabs(VState.vPQR.Magnitude()) > 1000.0) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle rotation rate is excessive (>1000 rad/sec): " << VState.vPQR.Magnitude() << endl;
      if (fabs(VState.vUVW.Magnitude()) > 1.0e10) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle velocity is excessive (>1e10 ft/sec): " << VState.vUVW.Magnitude() << endl;
      if (fabs(GetDistanceAGL()) > 1e10) {
        cerr << endl << "Vehicle altitude is excessive (>1e10 ft): " << GetDistanceAGL() << endl;
  if (debug_lvl & 64) {
    if (from == 0) { // Constructor
      cout << IdSrc << endl;
      cout << IdHdr << endl;
Example #3
void FGPropagate::WriteStateFile(int num)
  ofstream outfile;

  if (num == 0) return;

  string filename = FDMExec->GetFullAircraftPath();

  string sim_time = to_string((double)FDMExec->GetSimTime());
  if (filename.empty()) filename = "initfile.";
  else                  filename.append("/initfile.");

  // Append sim time to the filename since there may be more than one created during a simulation run
  filename += to_string((double)FDMExec->GetSimTime())+".xml";

  switch(num) {
  case 1:
    if (outfile.is_open()) {
      outfile << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << endl;
      outfile << "<initialize name=\"reset00\">" << endl;
      outfile << "  <ubody unit=\"FT/SEC\"> " << VState.vUVW(eU) << " </ubody> " << endl;
      outfile << "  <vbody unit=\"FT/SEC\"> " << VState.vUVW(eV) << " </vbody> " << endl;
      outfile << "  <wbody unit=\"FT/SEC\"> " << VState.vUVW(eW) << " </wbody> " << endl;
      outfile << "  <phi unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(ePhi)*radtodeg << " </phi>" << endl;
      outfile << "  <theta unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(eTht)*radtodeg << " </theta>" << endl;
      outfile << "  <psi unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(ePsi)*radtodeg << " </psi>" << endl;
      outfile << "  <longitude unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.vLocation.GetLongitudeDeg() << " </longitude>" << endl;
      outfile << "  <latitude unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.vLocation.GetLatitudeDeg() << " </latitude>" << endl;
      outfile << "  <altitude unit=\"FT\"> " << GetDistanceAGL() << " </altitude>" << endl;
      outfile << "</initialize>" << endl;
    } else {
      cerr << "Could not open and/or write the state to the initial conditions file: " << filename << endl;
  case 2:
    if (outfile.is_open()) {
      outfile << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << endl;
      outfile << "<initialize name=\"IC File\" version=\"2.0\">" << endl;
      outfile << "" << endl;
      outfile << "  <position frame=\"ECEF\">" << endl;
      outfile << "    <latitude unit=\"DEG\" type=\"geodetic\"> " << VState.vLocation.GetGeodLatitudeDeg() << " </latitude>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <longitude unit=\"DEG\"> " << VState.vLocation.GetLongitudeDeg() << " </longitude>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <altitudeMSL unit=\"FT\"> " << GetAltitudeASL() << " </altitudeMSL>" << endl;
      outfile << "  </position>" << endl;
      outfile << "" << endl;
      outfile << "  <orientation unit=\"DEG\" frame=\"LOCAL\">" << endl;
      outfile << "    <yaw> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEulerDeg(eYaw) << " </yaw>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <pitch> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEulerDeg(ePitch) << " </pitch>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <roll> " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEulerDeg(eRoll) << " </roll>" << endl;
      outfile << "  </orientation>" << endl;
      outfile << "" << endl;
      outfile << "  <velocity unit=\"FT/SEC\" frame=\"LOCAL\">" << endl;
      outfile << "    <x> " << GetVel(eNorth) << " </x>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <y> " << GetVel(eEast) << " </y>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <z> " << GetVel(eDown) << " </z>" << endl;
      outfile << "  </velocity>" << endl;
      outfile << "" << endl;
      outfile << "  <attitude_rate unit=\"DEG/SEC\" frame=\"BODY\">" << endl;
      outfile << "    <roll> " << (VState.vPQR*radtodeg)(eRoll) << " </roll>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <pitch> " << (VState.vPQR*radtodeg)(ePitch) << " </pitch>" << endl;
      outfile << "    <yaw> " << (VState.vPQR*radtodeg)(eYaw) << " </yaw>" << endl;
      outfile << "  </attitude_rate>" << endl;
      outfile << "" << endl;
      outfile << "</initialize>" << endl;
    } else {
      cerr << "Could not open and/or write the state to the initial conditions file: " << filename << endl;
    cerr << "When writing a state file, the supplied value must be 1 or 2 for the version number of the resulting IC file" << endl;