Example #1
wxString CUpdater::GetLocalFile( build const& b, bool allow_existing )
	wxString const fn = GetFilename( b.url_ );
	wxString const dl = GetDownloadDir().GetPath();
	int i = 1;
	wxString f = dl + fn;

	while( CLocalFileSystem::GetFileType(f) != CLocalFileSystem::unknown && (!allow_existing || !VerifyChecksum(f, b.size_, b.hash_))) {
		if( ++i > 99 ) {
			return _T("");
		wxString ext;
		int pos;
		if( !fn.Right(8).CmpNoCase(_T(".tar.bz2")) ) {
			pos = fn.size() - 8;
		else {
			pos = fn.Find('.', true);

		if( pos == -1 ) {
			f = dl + fn + wxString::Format(_T(" (%d)"), i);
		else {
			f = dl + fn.Left(pos) + wxString::Format(_T(" (%d)"), i) + fn.Mid(pos);

	return f;
Example #2
HRESULT CreateAssemblyDirPath( LPCTSTR pszCustomPath, DWORD dwInstaller, DWORD dwCacheFlags,
                               BOOL bUser, LPTSTR pszPath, DWORD *pcchSize)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    LPWSTR pszCacheLoc = NULL;

    if (dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_GAC)
        hr = GetGACDir(&pszCacheLoc);
        if(hr != S_OK)
            goto exit;
        StrCpy(pszPath, pszCacheLoc);
    else if(dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_ZAP)
        hr = GetZapDir(&pszCacheLoc);
        if(hr != S_OK)
            goto exit;
        StrCpy(pszPath, pszCacheLoc);
    else if (dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_DOWNLOAD)
        if (pszCustomPath != NULL)
            // Use custom path as the base
            StrCpy(pszPath, pszCustomPath);
            StrCat(pszPath, FUSION_CACHE_DIR_DOWNLOADED_SZ);
            // Else use the default
            hr = GetDownloadDir(&pszCacheLoc);
            if(hr != S_OK)
                goto exit;
            StrCpy(pszPath, pszCacheLoc);
        // Assert;

exit :

    return hr;
Example #3
STDAPI GetCachePath(ASM_CACHE_FLAGS dwCacheFlags, LPWSTR pwzCachePath, PDWORD pcchPath)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    LPWSTR  pszTemp = NULL;
    DWORD dwLen=0;

    if( !pcchPath || !dwCacheFlags || (dwCacheFlags & (dwCacheFlags-1)))
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if(dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_ZAP)
        hr = GetZapDir(&pszTemp);
    else if(dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_GAC)
        hr = GetGACDir(&pszTemp);
    else if(dwCacheFlags & ASM_CACHE_DOWNLOAD)
        hr = GetDownloadDir(&pszTemp);
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;

        goto exit;

    dwLen = lstrlen(pszTemp);

    if(pwzCachePath && (*pcchPath > dwLen))
        StrCpy(pwzCachePath, pszTemp);

    *pcchPath = dwLen+1;

exit :

    return hr;
Example #4
HRESULT CreateMutexForCache()
    HRESULT hr=S_OK;
    CCriticalSection    cs(&g_csInitClb);
    LPWSTR pszFusion = L"__Fusion_Cache_Mutex_";
    LPWSTR pszCache = NULL;
    TCHAR szMutexName[MAX_PATH+1];
    HANDLE hMutex;

    hr = cs.Lock();
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto exit;

        goto exit;

    if(FAILED(hr = GetDownloadDir(&pszCache)))
        // This guys does not have download cache;  so we don't need mutex.
        hr = S_OK;
        g_hCacheMutex = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
        goto exit;

    if(FAILED(hr = CreateHandleName(pszFusion, pszCache, szMutexName)))
        goto exit;

    // Create the Mutex
    hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szMutexName);
        hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError();
        hr = S_OK;
        g_hCacheMutex = hMutex;

exit :
    return hr;
Example #5
bool CUpdateWizard::SetLocalFile()
	wxString filename = m_urlFile;
	int pos = filename.Find('/', true);
	if (pos != -1)
		filename = filename.Mid(pos + 1);

	const CLocalPath defaultDownloadDir = GetDownloadDir();
	CLocalPath downloadDir(COptions::Get()->GetOption(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_DOWNLOADDIR));
	if (downloadDir.empty() || !downloadDir.Exists())
		downloadDir = defaultDownloadDir;

	const int flags = wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT;

	const wxString& ext = filename.Right(4);
	wxString type;
	if (ext == _T(".exe"))
		type = _("Executable");
	if (ext == _T(".bz2"))
		type = _("Archive");
		type = _("Package");

	wxString filter = wxString::Format(_T("%s (*%s)|*%s"), type.c_str(), ext.c_str(), ext.c_str());

	wxFileDialog dialog(this, _("Select download location for package"), downloadDir.GetPath(), filename, filter, flags);
	if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
		return false;

	wxString targetFile;
	if (!downloadDir.SetPath(dialog.GetPath(), &targetFile))
		wxMessageBox(_("Error, file name cannot be parsed."));
		return false;

	if (downloadDir != defaultDownloadDir)
		COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_DOWNLOADDIR, downloadDir.GetPath());
		COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_DOWNLOADDIR, _T(""));

		wxLogNull log;
		wxRemoveFile(downloadDir.GetPath() + targetFile);

	if (wxFileName::FileExists(downloadDir.GetPath() + targetFile))
		wxMessageBox(_("Error, local file exists but cannot be removed"));
		return false;

	const wxString file = downloadDir.GetPath() + targetFile + _T(".tmp");
	m_localFile = file;

	int i = 1;
	while (wxFileName::FileExists(m_localFile))
		m_localFile = file + wxString::Format(_T("%d"), i);

	return true;