Example #1
File: dnd.cpp Project: EdgarTx/wx
bool wxDropTarget::GetData()
    if (m_dataObject == NULL)
        return false;

    if ( !CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat() )
        return false;

    bool transferred = false;
    if ( gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource != NULL )
        wxDataObject* data = gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource->GetDataObject();

        if (data != NULL)
            size_t formatcount = data->GetFormatCount();
            wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[formatcount];
            data->GetAllFormats( array );
            for (size_t i = 0; !transferred && i < formatcount; i++)
                wxDataFormat format = array[i];
                if ( m_dataObject->IsSupported( format ) )
                    int size = data->GetDataSize( format );
                    transferred = true;

                    if (size == 0)
                        m_dataObject->SetData( format, 0, 0 );
                        char *d = new char[size];
                        data->GetDataHere( format, (void*)d );
                        m_dataObject->SetData( format, size, d );
                        delete [] d;

            delete [] array;

    if ( !transferred )
        PasteboardRef   pasteboard;

        if ( GetDragPasteboard(  (DragReference)m_currentDrag, &pasteboard ) == noErr )
            transferred = m_dataObject->GetFromPasteboard( pasteboard );

    return transferred;
Example #2
pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragReceiveHandler(
    WindowPtr theWindow,
    void *handlerRefCon,
    DragReference theDrag)
    MacTrackingGlobals* trackingGlobals = (MacTrackingGlobals*)handlerRefCon;
    if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget )
        Point mouse, localMouse;
        int localx, localy;

        PasteboardRef   pasteboard = 0;
        GetDragPasteboard( theDrag, &pasteboard );
        trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDragPasteboard( pasteboard );
        GetDragMouse( theDrag, &mouse, 0L );
        localMouse = mouse;
        localx = localMouse.h;
        localy = localMouse.v;
        wxNonOwnedWindow* tlw = wxNonOwnedWindow::GetFromWXWindow((WXWindow) theWindow);
        if ( tlw )
            tlw->GetNonOwnedPeer()->ScreenToWindow( &localx, &localy );

        // TODO : should we use client coordinates?
        if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow )
            trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow->MacRootWindowToWindow( &localx, &localy );
        if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnDrop( localx, localy ) )
            // the option key indicates copy in Mac UI, if it's not pressed do
            // move by default if it's allowed at all
                result = !(trackingGlobals->m_flags & wxDrag_AllowMove) ||
                            (GetCurrentKeyModifiers() & optionKey)
                            ? wxDragCopy
                            : wxDragMove;
            trackingGlobals->m_result =
                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnData( localx, localy, result );

    return noErr;
Example #3
File: dnd.cpp Project: EdgarTx/wx
bool wxDropTarget::CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat()
    bool supported = false;
    if (m_dataObject == NULL)
        return false;
    if ( gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource != NULL )
        wxDataObject* data = gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource->GetDataObject();

        if ( data )
            size_t formatcount = data->GetFormatCount();
            wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[formatcount];
            data->GetAllFormats( array );
            for (size_t i = 0; !supported && i < formatcount; i++)
                wxDataFormat format = array[i];
                if ( m_dataObject->IsSupported( format ) )
                    supported = true;

            delete [] array;

    if ( !supported )
        PasteboardRef   pasteboard;

        if ( GetDragPasteboard( (DragReference)m_currentDrag, &pasteboard ) == noErr )
            supported = m_dataObject->HasDataInPasteboard( pasteboard );

    return supported;
Example #4
pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragTrackingHandler(
    DragTrackingMessage theMessage, WindowPtr theWindow,
    void *handlerRefCon, DragReference theDrag )
    MacTrackingGlobals* trackingGlobals = (MacTrackingGlobals*) handlerRefCon;

    Point mouse, localMouse;
    DragAttributes attributes;

    GetDragAttributes( theDrag, &attributes );
    PasteboardRef   pasteboard = 0;
    GetDragPasteboard( theDrag, &pasteboard );
    wxNonOwnedWindow* toplevel = wxNonOwnedWindow::GetFromWXWindow( (WXWindow) theWindow );

    bool optionDown = GetCurrentKeyModifiers() & optionKey;
    wxDragResult result = optionDown ? wxDragCopy : wxDragMove;

    switch (theMessage)
        case kDragTrackingEnterHandler:
        case kDragTrackingLeaveHandler:

        case kDragTrackingEnterWindow:
            if (trackingGlobals != NULL)
                trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL;
                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL;

        case kDragTrackingInWindow:
            if (trackingGlobals == NULL)
            if (toplevel == NULL)

            GetDragMouse( theDrag, &mouse, 0L );
                int x = mouse.h ;
                int y = mouse.v ;
                toplevel->GetNonOwnedPeer()->ScreenToWindow( &x, &y );
                localMouse.h = x;
                localMouse.v = y;

                    wxWindow *win = NULL;
                    ControlPartCode controlPart;
                    ControlRef control = FindControlUnderMouse( localMouse, theWindow, &controlPart );
                    if ( control )
                        win = wxFindWindowFromWXWidget( (WXWidget) control );
                        win = toplevel;

                    int localx, localy;
                    localx = localMouse.h;
                    localy = localMouse.v;

                    if ( win )
                        win->MacRootWindowToWindow( &localx, &localy );
                    if ( win != trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow )
                        if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow )
                            // this window is left
                            if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget )
                                HideDragHilite( theDrag );
                                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDragPasteboard( pasteboard );
                                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL;
                                trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL;

                        if ( win )
                            // this window is entered
                            trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = win;
                            trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = win->GetDropTarget();
                                if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget )
                                    trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDragPasteboard( pasteboard );
                                    result = trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnEnter( localx, localy, result );

                                if ( result != wxDragNone )
                                    int x, y;

                                    x = y = 0;
                                    win->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x, &y );
                                    RgnHandle hiliteRgn = NewRgn();
                                    Rect r = { y, x, y + win->GetSize().y, x + win->GetSize().x };
                                    RectRgn( hiliteRgn, &r );
                                    ShowDragHilite( theDrag, hiliteRgn, true );
                                    DisposeRgn( hiliteRgn );
                        if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget )
                            trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDragPasteboard( pasteboard );
                            result = trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnDragOver( localx, localy, result );

                    // set cursor for OnEnter and OnDragOver
                    if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentSource && !trackingGlobals->m_currentSource->GiveFeedback( result ) )
                        if ( !trackingGlobals->m_currentSource->MacInstallDefaultCursor( result ) )
                            wxStockCursor cursorID = wxCURSOR_NONE;

                            switch (result)
                                case wxDragCopy:
                                    cursorID = wxCURSOR_COPY_ARROW;

                                case wxDragMove:
                                    cursorID = wxCURSOR_ARROW;

                                case wxDragNone:
                                    cursorID = wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY;

                                case wxDragError:
                                case wxDragLink:
                                case wxDragCancel:
                                    // put these here to make gcc happy

                            if (cursorID != wxCURSOR_NONE)
                                wxCursor cursor( cursorID );

        case kDragTrackingLeaveWindow:
            if (trackingGlobals == NULL)

            if (trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget)
                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDragPasteboard( pasteboard );
                HideDragHilite( theDrag );
                trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL;
            trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL;


    return noErr;
Example #5
static pascal OSStatus MultiCartPaneEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
	OSStatus			err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
	HIViewRef			view;
	DragRef				drag;
	PasteboardRef		pasteboard;
	PasteboardItemID	itemID;
	CFArrayRef			array;
	CFStringRef			flavorType;
	CFIndex				numFlavors;
	ItemCount			numItems;
	int					index = *((int *) inUserData);

	switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
		case kEventClassControl:
			switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
				case kEventControlDraw:
					err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &view);
					if (err == noErr)
						CGContextRef	ctx;

						err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, NULL, sizeof(CGContextRef), NULL, &ctx);
						if (err == noErr)
							HIThemeFrameDrawInfo	info;
							HIRect					bounds, frame;

							HIViewGetBounds(view, &bounds);

							CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
							CGContextFillRect(ctx, bounds);

							info.version   = 0;
							info.kind      = kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare;
							info.state     = kThemeStateInactive;
							info.isFocused = false;
							err = HIThemeDrawFrame(&bounds, &info, ctx, kHIThemeOrientationNormal);

							if (multiCartDragHilite == index && systemVersion >= 0x1040)
								err = HIThemeSetStroke(kThemeBrushDragHilite, NULL, ctx, kHIThemeOrientationNormal);
								frame = CGRectInset(bounds, 1, 1);
								CGContextAddRect(ctx, frame);

					result = noErr;

				case kEventControlDragEnter:
					err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &view);
					if (err == noErr)
						err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDragRef, typeDragRef, NULL, sizeof(DragRef), NULL, &drag);
						if (err == noErr)
							err = GetDragPasteboard(drag, &pasteboard);
							if (err == noErr)
								err = PasteboardGetItemCount(pasteboard, &numItems);
								if (err == noErr && numItems == 1)
									err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier(pasteboard, 1, &itemID);
									if (err == noErr)
										err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavors(pasteboard, itemID, &array);
										if (err == noErr)
											numFlavors = CFArrayGetCount(array);
											for (CFIndex i = 0; i < numFlavors; i++)
												flavorType = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, i);
												if (UTTypeConformsTo(flavorType, CFSTR("public.file-url")))
													Boolean	accept = true;

													err = SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamControlWouldAcceptDrop, typeBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), &accept);
													if (err == noErr)
														multiCartDragHilite = index;
														HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(view, true);
														result = noErr;



				case kEventControlDragWithin:
					result = noErr;

				case kEventControlDragLeave:
					err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &view);
					if (err == noErr)
						multiCartDragHilite = -1;
						HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(view, true);

					result = noErr;

				case kEventControlDragReceive:
					err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &view);
					if (err == noErr)
						err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDragRef, typeDragRef, NULL, sizeof(DragRef), NULL, &drag);
						if (err == noErr)
							multiCartDragHilite = -1;
							HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(view, true);

							err = GetDragPasteboard(drag, &pasteboard);
							if (err == noErr)
								err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier(pasteboard, 1, &itemID);
								if (err == noErr)
									err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavors(pasteboard, itemID, &array);
									if (err == noErr)
										numFlavors = CFArrayGetCount(array);
										for (CFIndex i = 0; i < numFlavors; i++)
											flavorType = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, i);
											if (UTTypeConformsTo(flavorType, CFSTR("public.file-url")))
												CFDataRef	flavorData;

												err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData(pasteboard, itemID, flavorType, &flavorData);
												if (err == noErr)
													CFIndex	dataSize;
													UInt8	*data;

													dataSize = CFDataGetLength(flavorData);
													data = (UInt8 *) malloc(dataSize);
													if (data)
														CFDataGetBytes(flavorData, CFRangeMake(0, dataSize), data);

														HIViewRef	ctl;
														HIViewID	cid;
														CFStringRef	str;
														CFURLRef	url;

														GetControlID(view, &cid);
														cid.signature = 'MNAM';
														HIViewFindByID(view, cid, &ctl);

														url = CFURLCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, data, dataSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL);
														str = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(url);
														SetStaticTextCFString(ctl, str, true);
														str = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
														if (multiCartPath[cid.id])
														multiCartPath[cid.id] = str;

														result = noErr;




	return (result);