AndroidDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType,
                                       DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics) const
  if (!AndroidBridge::Bridge() ||
      AndroidBridge::Bridge()->GetAPIVersion() < 16) {
    return false;

  if (aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("video/mp4") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("video/avc")) {
    return true;

  // When checking "audio/x-wav", CreateDecoder can cause a JNI ERROR by
  // Accessing a stale local reference leading to a SIGSEGV crash.
  // To avoid this we check for wav types here.
  if (aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/x-wav") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=1") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=6") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=7") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=65534")) {
    return false;

  if ((VPXDecoder::IsVPX(aMimeType, VPXDecoder::VP8) &&
       !GetFeatureStatus(nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_VP8_HW_DECODE)) ||
      (VPXDecoder::IsVPX(aMimeType, VPXDecoder::VP9) &&
       !GetFeatureStatus(nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_VP9_HW_DECODE))) {
    return false;

  return java::HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils::FindDecoderCodecInfoForMimeType(
bool AndroidDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType) {
  if (jni::GetAPIVersion() < 16) {
    return false;

  if (aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("video/mp4") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("video/avc")) {
    return true;

  // When checking "audio/x-wav", CreateDecoder can cause a JNI ERROR by
  // Accessing a stale local reference leading to a SIGSEGV crash.
  // To avoid this we check for wav types here.
  if (aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/x-wav") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=1") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=6") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=7") ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=65534")) {
    return false;

  if ((VPXDecoder::IsVPX(aMimeType, VPXDecoder::VP8) &&
       !GetFeatureStatus(nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_VP8_HW_DECODE)) ||
      (VPXDecoder::IsVPX(aMimeType, VPXDecoder::VP9) &&
       !GetFeatureStatus(nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_VP9_HW_DECODE))) {
    return false;

  // Prefer the gecko decoder for opus and vorbis; stagefright crashes
  // on content demuxed from mp4.
  // Not all android devices support FLAC even when they say they do.
  if (OpusDataDecoder::IsOpus(aMimeType) ||
      VorbisDataDecoder::IsVorbis(aMimeType) ||
      aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/flac")) {
    SLOG("Rejecting audio of type %s", aMimeType.Data());
    return false;

  // Prefer the gecko decoder for Theora.
  // Not all android devices support Theora even when they say they do.
  if (TheoraDecoder::IsTheora(aMimeType)) {
    SLOG("Rejecting video of type %s", aMimeType.Data());
    return false;

  return java::HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils::FindDecoderCodecInfoForMimeType(