void DrawNewHouseTile(TileInfo *ti, HouseID house_id)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);

	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
		bool draw_old_one = true;
		if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS)) {
			/* Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for the house tile */
			uint32 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, 0, 0, house_id, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile), ti->tile);
			if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) draw_old_one = ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, callback_res);

		if (draw_old_one) DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED);

	HouseResolverObject object(house_id, ti->tile, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile));

	const SpriteGroup *group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(hs->grf_prop.spritegroup[0], &object);
	if (group != NULL && group->type == SGT_TILELAYOUT) {
		/* Limit the building stage to the number of stages supplied. */
		const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *tlgroup = (const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *)group;
		byte stage = GetHouseBuildingStage(ti->tile);
		DrawTileLayout(ti, tlgroup, stage, house_id);
static void DrawTileLayout(const TileInfo *ti, const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *group, byte stage, HouseID house_id)
	const DrawTileSprites *dts = group->ProcessRegisters(&stage);

	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
	PaletteID palette = hs->random_colour[TileHash2Bit(ti->x, ti->y)] + PALETTE_RECOLOUR_START;
	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_COLOUR)) {
		uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_COLOUR, 0, 0, house_id, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile), ti->tile);
		if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
			/* If bit 14 is set, we should use a 2cc colour map, else use the callback value. */
			palette = HasBit(callback, 14) ? GB(callback, 0, 8) + SPR_2CCMAP_BASE : callback;

	SpriteID image = dts->ground.sprite;
	PaletteID pal  = dts->ground.pal;

	if (HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) image += stage;
	if (HasBit(pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) pal += stage;

	if (GB(image, 0, SPRITE_WIDTH) != 0) {
		DrawGroundSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette));

	DrawNewGRFTileSeq(ti, dts, TO_HOUSES, stage, palette);
void DrawNewHouseTile(TileInfo *ti, HouseID house_id)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
	const SpriteGroup *group;
	ResolverObject object;

	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
		bool draw_old_one = true;
		if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS)) {
			/* Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for the house tile */
			uint32 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, 0, 0, house_id, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile), ti->tile);
			draw_old_one = (callback_res != 0);

		if (draw_old_one) DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED);

	NewHouseResolver(&object, house_id, ti->tile, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile));

	group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(hs->spritegroup, &object);
	if (group == NULL || group->type != SGT_TILELAYOUT) {
	} else {
		/* Limit the building stage to the number of stages supplied. */
		const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *tlgroup = (const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *)group;
		byte stage = GetHouseBuildingStage(ti->tile);
		stage = Clamp(stage - 4 + tlgroup->num_building_stages, 0, tlgroup->num_building_stages - 1);
		DrawTileLayout(ti, tlgroup, stage, house_id);
static void AnimationControl(TileIndex tile, uint16 random_bits)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));

	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP)) {
		uint32 param = (hs->extra_flags & SYNCHRONISED_CALLBACK_1B) ? (GB(Random(), 0, 16) | random_bits << 16) : Random();
		uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP, param, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);

		if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) ChangeHouseAnimationFrame(hs->grffile, tile, callback_res);
bool CanDeleteHouse(TileIndex tile)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));

	/* Humans are always allowed to remove buildings, as is water and
	 * anyone using the scenario editor. */
	if (Company::IsValidHumanID(_current_company) || _current_company == OWNER_WATER || _current_company == OWNER_NONE) {
		return true;

	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION)) {
		uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
		return (callback_res == CALLBACK_FAILED || !ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION, callback_res));
	} else {
		return !(hs->extra_flags & BUILDING_IS_PROTECTED);
bool NewHouseTileLoop(TileIndex tile)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));

	if (GetHouseProcessingTime(tile) > 0) {
		return true;

	TriggerHouse(tile, HOUSE_TRIGGER_TILE_LOOP);
	if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE) TriggerHouse(tile, HOUSE_TRIGGER_TILE_LOOP_TOP);

	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP)) {
		/* If this house is marked as having a synchronised callback, all the
		 * tiles will have the callback called at once, rather than when the
		 * tile loop reaches them. This should only be enabled for the northern
		 * tile, or strange things will happen (here, and in TTDPatch). */
		if (hs->extra_flags & SYNCHRONISED_CALLBACK_1B) {
			uint16 random = GB(Random(), 0, 16);

			if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE)  AnimationControl(tile, random);
			if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y)   AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, 1), random);
			if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X)   AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 0), random);
			if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 1), random);
		} else {
			AnimationControl(tile, 0);

	/* Check callback 21, which determines if a house should be destroyed. */
	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION)) {
		uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
		if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && Convert8bitBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION, callback_res)) {
			ClearTownHouse(Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
			return false;

	SetHouseProcessingTime(tile, hs->processing_time);
	return true;
/* Simple wrapper for GetHouseCallback to keep the animation unified. */
uint16 GetSimpleHouseCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, const HouseSpec *spec, Town *town, TileIndex tile, uint32 extra_data)
	return GetHouseCallback(callback, param1, param2, spec - HouseSpec::Get(0), town, tile, false, 0, extra_data);
void AnimateNewHouseTile(TileIndex tile)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
	byte animation_speed = hs->animation_speed;
	bool frame_set_by_callback = false;

	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_SPEED)) {
		uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_SPEED, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
		if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) animation_speed = Clamp(callback_res & 0xFF, 2, 16);

	/* An animation speed of 2 means the animation frame changes 4 ticks, and
	 * increasing this value by one doubles the wait. 2 is the minimum value
	 * allowed for animation_speed, which corresponds to 120ms, and 16 is the
	 * maximum, corresponding to around 33 minutes. */
	if (_tick_counter % (1 << animation_speed) != 0) return;

	byte frame      = GetHouseAnimationFrame(tile);
	byte num_frames = GB(hs->animation_frames, 0, 7);

	if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME)) {
		uint32 param = (hs->extra_flags & CALLBACK_1A_RANDOM_BITS) ? Random() : 0;
		uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME, param, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);

		if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
			frame_set_by_callback = true;

			switch (callback_res & 0xFF) {
				case 0xFF:
				case 0xFE:
					/* Carry on as normal. */
					frame_set_by_callback = false;
					frame = callback_res & 0xFF;

			/* If the lower 7 bits of the upper byte of the callback
			 * result are not empty, it is a sound effect. */
			if (GB(callback_res, 8, 7) != 0) PlayTileSound(hs->grffile, GB(callback_res, 8, 7), tile);

	if (!frame_set_by_callback) {
		if (frame < num_frames) {
		} else if (frame == num_frames && HasBit(hs->animation_frames, 7)) {
			/* This animation loops, so start again from the beginning */
			frame = 0;
		} else {
			/* This animation doesn't loop, so stay here */

	SetHouseAnimationFrame(tile, frame);