Example #1
void wxToolTip::SetWindow(wxWindow *win)

    m_window = win;

    // add the window itself
    if ( m_window )
#if !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
    // and all of its subcontrols (e.g. radio buttons in a radiobox) as well
    wxControl *control = wxDynamicCast(m_window, wxControl);
    if ( control )
        const wxArrayLong& subcontrols = control->GetSubcontrols();
        size_t count = subcontrols.GetCount();
        for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
            int id = subcontrols[n];
            HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(GetHwndOf(m_window), id);
            if ( !hwnd )
                // maybe it's a child of parent of the control, in fact?
                // (radiobuttons are subcontrols, i.e. children of the radiobox
                // for wxWidgets but are its siblings at Windows level)
                hwnd = GetDlgItem(GetHwndOf(m_window->GetParent()), id);

            // must have it by now!
            wxASSERT_MSG( hwnd, wxT("no hwnd for subcontrol?") );

#endif // !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
Example #2
bool wxRadioBox::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParent)
    if ( !wxStaticBox::Reparent(newParent) )
        return false;

    HWND hwndParent = GetHwndOf(GetParent());
    for ( size_t item = 0; item < m_radioButtons->GetCount(); item++ )
        ::SetParent((*m_radioButtons)[item], hwndParent);
    return true;
void ConflictListDialog::OnMenuDiff(wxCommandEvent&)
   int nItems = myFiles->GetItemCount();

   for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i)
      if (myFiles->IsSelected(i))
         std::string file = ((ConflictListDialog::ItemData*) myFiles->GetItemData(i))->m_Filename;
         LaunchTortoiseAct(false, CvsDiffVerb, file, "", GetHwndOf(this)); 
Example #4
// Create a drag image for the given tree control item
bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId& id)
    if ( m_hImageList )
    m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST)
        TreeView_CreateDragImage(GetHwndOf(&treeCtrl), (HTREEITEM) id.m_pItem);
    if ( !m_hImageList )
        // fall back on just the item text if there is no image
        return Create(treeCtrl.GetItemText(id));

    return true;
Example #5
void wxTextMeasure::EndMeasuring()
    if ( m_hfontOld )
        ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hfontOld);
        m_hfontOld = NULL;

    if ( m_win )
        ::ReleaseDC(GetHwndOf(m_win), m_hdc);
    //else: our HDC belongs to m_dc, don't touch it

    m_hdc = NULL;
Example #6
void wxStaticBitmap::SetImageNoCopy( wxGDIImage* image)

    m_isIcon = image->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(wxIcon) );
    // the image has already been copied
    m_image = image;

    int x, y;
    int w, h;
    GetPosition(&x, &y);
    GetSize(&w, &h);

#ifdef __WIN32__
    HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)m_image->GetHandle();
    LONG style = ::GetWindowLong( (HWND)GetHWND(), GWL_STYLE ) ;
    ::SetWindowLong( (HWND)GetHWND(), GWL_STYLE, ( style & ~( SS_BITMAP|SS_ICON ) ) |
                     ( m_isIcon ? SS_ICON : SS_BITMAP ) );
    HGDIOBJ oldHandle = (HGDIOBJ)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), STM_SETIMAGE,
                  m_isIcon ? IMAGE_ICON : IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)handle);
    // detect if this is still the handle we passed before or
    // if the static-control made a copy of the bitmap!
    if (m_currentHandle != 0 && oldHandle != (HGDIOBJ) m_currentHandle)
        // the static control made a copy and we are responsible for deleting it
        DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ) oldHandle);
    m_currentHandle = (WXHANDLE)handle;
#endif // Win32

    if ( ImageIsOk() )
        int width = image->GetWidth(),
            height = image->GetHeight();
        if ( width && height )
            w = width;
            h = height;

            ::MoveWindow(GetHwnd(), x, y, width, height, FALSE);

    RECT rect;
    rect.left   = x;
    rect.top    = y;
    rect.right  = x + w;
    rect.bottom = y + h;
    ::InvalidateRect(GetHwndOf(GetParent()), &rect, TRUE);
Example #7
bool wxTextCtrl::CanPaste() const
    if ( !IsEditable() )
        return false;

    // Standard edit control: check for straight text on clipboard
    if ( !::OpenClipboard(GetHwndOf(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow())) )
        return false;

    bool isTextAvailable = ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) != 0;

    return isTextAvailable;
Example #8
int wxColourDialog::ShowModal()
    CHOOSECOLOR chooseColorStruct;
    COLORREF custColours[16];
    memset(&chooseColorStruct, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR));

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        if (m_colourData.m_custColours[i].Ok())
            custColours[i] = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.m_custColours[i]);
            custColours[i] = RGB(255,255,255);

    chooseColorStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
    if ( m_parent )
        chooseColorStruct.hwndOwner = GetHwndOf(m_parent);
    chooseColorStruct.rgbResult = wxColourToRGB(m_colourData.m_dataColour);
    chooseColorStruct.lpCustColors = custColours;

    chooseColorStruct.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_ENABLEHOOK;
    chooseColorStruct.lCustData = (LPARAM)this;
    chooseColorStruct.lpfnHook = wxColourDialogHookProc;

    if (m_colourData.GetChooseFull())
        chooseColorStruct.Flags |= CC_FULLOPEN;

    // Do the modal dialog
    bool success = ::ChooseColor(&(chooseColorStruct)) != 0;

    // Try to highlight the correct window (the parent)
    if (GetParent())
      HWND hWndParent = (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND();
      if (hWndParent)

    // Restore values
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.m_custColours[i], custColours[i]);

    wxRGBToColour(m_colourData.m_dataColour, chooseColorStruct.rgbResult);

    return success ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL;
Example #9
void wxToolTip::SetTip( const wxString &tip )
    m_text = tip;

    if ( m_window )
#if 0
    // update it immediately
    wxToolInfo ti(GetHwndOf(m_window));
    ti.lpszText = (wxChar *)m_text.c_str();

    (void)SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, &ti);
Example #10
void wxMenuBar::Refresh()
    wxCHECK_RET( IsAttached(), wxT("can't refresh unattached menubar") );

    if (GetToolBar())
        CommandBar_DrawMenuBar((HWND) GetToolBar()->GetHWND(), 0);
    if (m_commandBar)
        DrawMenuBar((HWND) m_commandBar);
Example #11
bool wxChoice::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(WXMSG *pMsg)
    MSG *msg = (MSG *) pMsg;

    // if the dropdown list is visible, don't preprocess certain keys
    if ( msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN
        && (msg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE || msg->wParam == VK_RETURN) )
        if (::SendMessage(GetHwndOf(this), CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0))
            return false;

    return wxControl::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(pMsg);
Example #12
bool wxTaskBarIcon::RemoveIcon()
    if (!m_iconAdded)
        return false;

    m_iconAdded = false;

    NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

    bool ok = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &notifyData) != 0;
    if ( !ok )

    return ok;
Example #13
wxStatusBar95::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        WINDOWPOS *lpPos = (WINDOWPOS *)lParam;
        int x, y, w, h;
        GetPosition(&x, &y);
        GetSize(&w, &h);

        // we need real window coords and not wx client coords
        AdjustForParentClientOrigin(x, y);

        lpPos->x  = x;
        lpPos->y  = y;
        lpPos->cx = w;
        lpPos->cy = h;

        return 0;

    if ( nMsg == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN )
        // if hit-test is on gripper then send message to TLW to begin
        // resizing. It is possible to send this message to any window.
        if ( wParam == HTBOTTOMRIGHT )
            wxWindow *win;

            for ( win = GetParent(); win; win = win->GetParent() )
                if ( win->IsTopLevel() )
                    SendMessage(GetHwndOf(win), WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,
                                wParam, lParam);

                    return 0;

    return wxStatusBarBase::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
Example #14
int CocoaDialogApp::OnExit() {
#ifdef __WXMSW__
	if (m_parentWnd) {
		// Activate the parent frame
		HWND hwnd = GetHwndOf(m_parentWnd);

		delete m_parentWnd;
#endif //__WXMSW__

	wxLogDebug(wxT("wxCD exit done"));

	return wxApp::OnExit();
Example #15
bool wxSpinCtrl::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParent)
    // Reparenting both the updown control and its buddy does not seem to work:
    // they continue to be connected somehow, but visually there is no feedback
    // on the buddy edit control. To avoid this problem, we reparent the buddy
    // window normally, but we recreate the updown control and reassign its
    // buddy.

    // Get the position before changing the parent as it would be offset after
    // changing it.
    const wxRect rect = GetRect();

    if ( !wxWindowBase::Reparent(newParent) )
        return false;


    // destroy the old spin button after detaching it from this wxWindow object
    // (notice that m_hWnd will be reset by UnsubclassWin() so save it first)
    const HWND hwndOld = GetHwnd();
    if ( !::DestroyWindow(hwndOld) )

    // create and initialize the new one
    if ( !wxSpinButton::Create(GetParent(), GetId(),
                               rect.GetPosition(), rect.GetSize(),
                               GetWindowStyle(), GetName()) )
        return false;

    // reapply our values to wxSpinButton
    SetRange(m_min, m_max);

    // also set the size again with wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE flag: this is
    // necessary if our original position used -1 for either x or y
    SetSize(rect, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE);

    // associate it with the buddy control again
    ::SetParent(GetBuddyHwnd(), GetHwndOf(GetParent()));
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetBuddyHwnd(), 0);

    return true;
Example #16
wxTaskBarIcon::ShowBalloon(const wxString& title,
                           const wxString& text,
                           unsigned msec,
                           int flags)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_iconAdded, false,
                    wxT("can't be used before the icon is created") );

    const HWND hwnd = GetHwndOf(m_win);

    // we need to enable version 5.0 behaviour to receive notifications about
    // the balloon disappearance
    NotifyIconData notifyData(hwnd);
    notifyData.uFlags = 0;
    notifyData.uVersion = 3 /* NOTIFYICON_VERSION for Windows 2000/XP */;

    if ( !Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_SETVERSION, &notifyData) )

    // do show the balloon now
    notifyData = NotifyIconData(hwnd);
    notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_INFO;
    notifyData.uTimeout = msec;
    wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfo, text.t_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szInfo));
    wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfoTitle, title.t_str(),

    if ( flags & wxICON_INFORMATION )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_INFO;
    else if ( flags & wxICON_WARNING )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_WARNING;
    else if ( flags & wxICON_ERROR )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_ERROR;

    bool ok = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &notifyData) != 0;
    if ( !ok )

    return ok;
Example #17
bool wxRadioBox::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParent)
    if ( !wxStaticBox::Reparent(newParent) )
        return false;

    HWND hwndParent = GetHwndOf(GetParent());
    for ( size_t item = 0; item < m_radioButtons->GetCount(); item++ )
        ::SetParent((*m_radioButtons)[item], hwndParent);
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
    // put static box under the buttons in the Z-order
    SetWindowPos(GetHwnd(), HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
    return true;
Example #18
// Create a drag image for the given list control item
bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxListCtrl& listCtrl, long id)
    if ( m_hImageList )
    POINT pt;
    pt.x =
    pt.y = 0;
    m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST)
        ListView_CreateDragImage(GetHwndOf(&listCtrl), id, &pt);

    if ( !m_hImageList )
        // as for wxTreeCtrl, fall back on dragging just the item text
        return Create(listCtrl.GetItemText(id));

    return true;
Example #19
void wxMDIChildFrame::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
  RECT rect;
  GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rect);
  POINT point;
  point.x = rect.left;
  point.y = rect.top;

  // Since we now have the absolute screen coords,
  // if there's a parent we must subtract its top left corner
  wxMDIParentFrame * const mdiParent = GetMDIParent();
  ::ScreenToClient(GetHwndOf(mdiParent->GetClientWindow()), &point);

  if (x)
      *x = point.x;
  if (y)
      *y = point.y;
Example #20
    delete m_menuSystem;


    // after destroying an owned window, Windows activates the next top level
    // window in Z order but it may be different from our owner (to reproduce
    // this simply Alt-TAB to another application and back before closing the
    // owned frame) whereas we always want to yield activation to our parent
    if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT) )
        wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
        if ( parent )
Example #21
void wxToolTip::SetTip(const wxString& tip)
    m_text = tip;

    if ( m_window )
        // update the tip text shown by the control
        wxToolInfo ti(GetHwndOf(m_window), m_id, m_rect);

        // for some reason, changing the tooltip text directly results in
        // repaint of the controls under it, see #10520 -- but this doesn't
        // happen if we reset it first
        ti.lpszText = const_cast<wxChar *>(wxT(""));
        (void)SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, &ti);

        ti.lpszText = const_cast<wxChar *>(m_text.wx_str());
        (void)SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, &ti);
Example #22
wxNativeWindow::Create(wxWindow* parent,
                       wxWindowID winid,
                       wxNativeWindowHandle hwnd)
    wxCHECK_MSG( hwnd, false, wxS("Invalid null HWND") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( parent, false, wxS("Must have a valid parent") );
    wxASSERT_MSG( ::GetParent(hwnd) == GetHwndOf(parent),
                  wxS("The native window has incorrect parent") );

    const wxRect r = wxRectFromRECT(wxGetWindowRect(hwnd));

    // Skip wxWindow::Create() which would try to create a new HWND, we don't
    // want this as we already have one.
    if ( !CreateBase(parent, winid,
                     r.GetPosition(), r.GetSize(),
                     0, wxDefaultValidator, wxS("nativewindow")) )
        return false;



    if ( winid == wxID_ANY )
        // We allocated a new ID to the control, use it at Windows level as
        // well because we assume that our and MSW IDs are the same in many
        // places and it seems prudent to avoid breaking this assumption.
    else // We used a fixed ID.
        // For the same reason as above, check that it's the same as the one
        // used by the native HWND.
        wxASSERT_MSG( ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_ID) == winid,
                      wxS("Mismatch between wx and native IDs") );


    return true;
Example #23
                                  UINT msg,
                                  WPARAM wParam,
                                  LPARAM lParam)
    if ( msg == TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT )
        LPPOINT ppt = (LPPOINT)lParam;

        // the window on which event occurred
        HWND hwnd = ::WindowFromPoint(*ppt);

        OutputDebugString("TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT: ");
        OutputDebugString(wxString::Format("0x%08x => ", hwnd));

        // return a HWND corresponding to a wxWindow because only wxWidgets are
        // associated with tooltips using TTM_ADDTOOL
        wxWindow *win = wxGetWindowFromHWND((WXHWND)hwnd);

        if ( win )
            hwnd = GetHwndOf(win);
            OutputDebugString(wxString::Format("0x%08x\r\n", hwnd));

#if 0
            // modify the point too!
            RECT rect;
            GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);

            ppt->x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2;
            ppt->y = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2;
#endif // 0
            return (LRESULT)hwnd;
            OutputDebugString("no window\r\n");

    return ::CallWindowProc(CASTWNDPROC gs_wndprocToolTip, hwndTT, msg, wParam, lParam);
Example #24
// Operations
bool wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon, const wxString& tooltip)
    // NB: we have to create the window lazily because of backward compatibility,
    //     old applications may create a wxTaskBarIcon instance before wxApp
    //     is initialized (as samples/taskbar used to do)
    if (!m_win)
        m_win = new wxTaskBarIconWindow(this);

    m_icon = icon;
    m_strTooltip = tooltip;

    NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

    if (icon.IsOk())
        notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_ICON;
        notifyData.hIcon = GetHiconOf(icon);

    // set NIF_TIP even for an empty tooltip: otherwise it would be impossible
    // to remove an existing tooltip using this function
    notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_TIP;
    if ( !tooltip.empty() )
        wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szTip, tooltip.t_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szTip));

    bool ok = Shell_NotifyIcon(m_iconAdded ? NIM_MODIFY
                                            : NIM_ADD, &notifyData) != 0;

    if ( !ok )

    if ( !m_iconAdded && ok )
        m_iconAdded = true;

    return ok;
Example #25
bool wxNotebook::DoDrawBackground(WXHDC hDC, wxWindow *child)
    wxUxThemeHandle theme(child ? child : this, L"TAB");
    if ( !theme )
        return false;

    // get the notebook client rect (we're not interested in drawing tabs
    // themselves)
    wxRect r = GetPageSize();
    if ( r.IsEmpty() )
        return false;

    RECT rc;
    wxCopyRectToRECT(r, rc);

    // map rect to the coords of the window we're drawing in
    if ( child )
        ::MapWindowPoints(GetHwnd(), GetHwndOf(child), (POINT *)&rc, 2);

    // we have the content area (page size), but we need to draw all of the
    // background for it to be aligned correctly
                                (HDC) hDC,
                                9 /* TABP_PANE */,
                                (HDC) hDC,
                                9 /* TABP_PANE */,

    return true;
Example #26
void HtmlDialog::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
	// Clean up
	if (!m_tempPath.empty() && wxFileExists(m_tempPath)) {
	// If we have a parent, we want to pass focus to it before closing
	// (otherwise the system may activate a random window)
	wxWindow* parent = GetParent();
	if (parent) {
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		// Activate the parent frame
		HWND hwnd = GetHwndOf(parent);
#endif //__WXMSW__
	Destroy(); // Dlg is top window, so this ends the app.
Example #27
// Set the client size (i.e. leave the calculation of borders etc.
// to wxWidgets)
void wxMDIChildFrame::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height)
  HWND hWnd = GetHwnd();

  RECT rect;
  ::GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);

  RECT rect2;
  GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect2);

  // Find the difference between the entire window (title bar and all)
  // and the client area; add this to the new client size to move the
  // window
  int actual_width = rect2.right - rect2.left - rect.right + width;
  int actual_height = rect2.bottom - rect2.top - rect.bottom + height;

  if (GetStatusBar() && GetStatusBar()->IsShown())
    int sx, sy;
    GetStatusBar()->GetSize(&sx, &sy);
    actual_height += sy;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

  POINT point;
  point.x = rect2.left;
  point.y = rect2.top;

  // If there's an MDI parent, must subtract the parent's top left corner
  // since MoveWindow moves relative to the parent
  wxMDIParentFrame * const mdiParent = GetMDIParent();
  ::ScreenToClient(GetHwndOf(mdiParent->GetClientWindow()), &point);

  MoveWindow(hWnd, point.x, point.y, actual_width, actual_height, (BOOL)true);

  wxSize size(width, height);
  wxSizeEvent event(size, m_windowId);
  event.SetEventObject( this );
Example #28
bool wxSpinCtrl::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParent)
    // Reparenting both the updown control and its buddy does not seem to work:
    // they continue to be connected somehow, but visually there is no feedback
    // on the buddy edit control. To avoid this problem, we reparent the buddy
    // window normally, but we recreate the updown control and reassign its
    // buddy.

    if ( !wxWindowBase::Reparent(newParent) )
        return false;


    // preserve the old values
    const wxSize size = GetSize();
    int value = GetValue();
    const wxRect btnRect = wxRectFromRECT(wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd()));

    // destroy the old spin button
    if ( !::DestroyWindow(GetHwnd()) )

    // create and initialize the new one
    if ( !wxSpinButton::Create(GetParent(), GetId(),
                               btnRect.GetPosition(), btnRect.GetSize(),
                               GetWindowStyle(), GetName()) )
        return false;

    SetRange(m_min, m_max);

    // associate it with the buddy control again
    ::SetParent(GetBuddyHwnd(), GetHwndOf(GetParent()));
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetBuddyHwnd(), 0);

    return true;
Example #29
bool gcTaskBarIcon::RemoveIcon()
#ifdef WIN32
	if (!m_iconAdded)
		return false;

	m_iconAdded = false;

	NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

	bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &notifyData) != 0;
	if ( !ok )

	return ok;
	return false;
Example #30
File: app.cpp Project: hgwells/tive
void wxApp::WakeUpIdle()
    // Send the top window a dummy message so idle handler processing will
    // start up again.  Doing it this way ensures that the idle handler
    // wakes up in the right thread (see also wxWakeUpMainThread() which does
    // the same for the main app thread only)
    wxWindow*                       pTopWindow = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow();

    if (pTopWindow)
        if ( !::WinPostMsg(GetHwndOf(pTopWindow), WM_NULL, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0))
            // Should never happen
} // end of wxWakeUpIdle