Example #1
void CCOF2ASM::MakeListLabels() {
   // Attach names to all image directories
   SCOFF_ImageDirAddress dir;
   uint32 i;

   for (i = 0; i < NumImageDirs; i++) {
      if (GetImageDir(i, &dir)) {
         // Found a directory. Make label for it
         Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, dir.VirtualAddress, 4, 0, 1, 0, dir.Name);
Example #2
void FftWaveUi::InitWidget()
    xyz_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("XYZ");
    x_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("X");
    y_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("Y");
    z_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("Z");

    QButtonGroup* bgroup = new QButtonGroup;

    QString dir;
    back_tbtn_ = new QToolButton;
    back_tbtn_->setIcon(QIcon(dir + IMG_BACK));
    back_tbtn_->setIconSize(QSize(24, 24));

    fft_image_ = new FftImage;
    close_btn_ = new QPushButton(STRING_CLOSE);
Example #3
void CCOFF::PrintImportExport() {
   // Print imported and exported symbols

   // Table directory address
   SCOFF_ImageDirAddress dir;

   uint32 i;                                     // Index into OrdinalTable and NamePointerTable
   uint32 Ordinal;                               // Index into ExportAddressTable
   uint32 Address;                               // Virtual address of exported symbol
   uint32 NameOffset;                            // Section offset of symbol name
   uint32 SectionOffset;                         // Section offset of table
   const char * Name;                            // Name of symbol

   // Check if 64 bit
   int Is64bit = OptionalHeader->h64.Magic == COFF_Magic_PE64;

   // Exported names
   if (GetImageDir(0, &dir)) {

      // Beginning of export section is export directory
      SCOFF_ExportDirectory * pExportDirectory = &Get<SCOFF_ExportDirectory>(dir.FileOffset);

      // Find ExportAddressTable
      SectionOffset = pExportDirectory->ExportAddressTableRVA - dir.VirtualAddress;
      if (SectionOffset == 0 || SectionOffset >= dir.MaxOffset) {
         // Points outside section
         err.submit(2035);  return;
      uint32 * pExportAddressTable = &Get<uint32>(dir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

      // Find ExportNameTable
      SectionOffset = pExportDirectory->NamePointerTableRVA - dir.VirtualAddress;
      if (SectionOffset == 0 || SectionOffset >= dir.MaxOffset) {
         // Points outside section
         err.submit(2035);  return;
      uint32 * pExportNameTable = &Get<uint32>(dir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

      // Find ExportOrdinalTable
      SectionOffset = pExportDirectory->OrdinalTableRVA - dir.VirtualAddress;
      if (SectionOffset == 0 || SectionOffset >= dir.MaxOffset) {
         // Points outside section
         err.submit(2035);  return;
      uint16 * pExportOrdinalTable = &Get<uint16>(dir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

      // Get further properties
      uint32 NumExports = pExportDirectory->AddressTableEntries;
      uint32 NumExportNames = pExportDirectory->NamePointerEntries;
      uint32 OrdinalBase = pExportDirectory->OrdinalBase;

      // Print exported names
      printf("\n\nExported symbols:");

      // Loop through export tables
      for (i = 0; i < NumExports; i++) {

         Address = 0;
         Name = "(None)";

         // Get ordinal from table
         Ordinal = pExportOrdinalTable[i];
         // Address table is indexed by ordinal
         if (Ordinal < NumExports) {
            Address = pExportAddressTable[Ordinal];
         // Find name if there is a name list entry
         if (i < NumExportNames) {
            NameOffset = pExportNameTable[i] - dir.VirtualAddress;
            if (NameOffset && NameOffset < dir.MaxOffset) {
               Name = &Get<char>(dir.FileOffset + NameOffset);
         // Print ordinal, address and name
         printf("\n  Ordinal %3i, Address %6X, Name %s",
            Ordinal + OrdinalBase, Address, Name);
   // Imported names
   if (GetImageDir(1, &dir)) {

      // Print imported names
      printf("\n\nImported symbols:");

      // Pointer to current import directory entry
      SCOFF_ImportDirectory * ImportEntry = &Get<SCOFF_ImportDirectory>(dir.FileOffset);
      // Pointer to current import lookup table entry
      int32 * LookupEntry = 0;
      // Pointer to current hint/name table entry
      SCOFF_ImportHintName * HintNameEntry;

      // Loop through import directory until null entry
      while (ImportEntry->DLLNameRVA) {
         // Get DLL name
         NameOffset = ImportEntry->DLLNameRVA - dir.VirtualAddress;
         if (NameOffset < dir.MaxOffset) {
            Name = &Get<char>(dir.FileOffset + NameOffset);
         else {
            Name = "Error";
         // Print DLL name
         printf("\nFrom %s", Name);

         // Get lookup table
         SectionOffset = ImportEntry->ImportLookupTableRVA;
         if (SectionOffset == 0) SectionOffset = ImportEntry->ImportAddressTableRVA;
         if (SectionOffset == 0) continue;
         SectionOffset -= dir.VirtualAddress;
         if (SectionOffset >= dir.MaxOffset) break;  // Out of range
         LookupEntry = &Get<int32>(dir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

         // Loop through lookup table
         while (LookupEntry[0]) {
            if (LookupEntry[Is64bit] < 0) {
               // Imported by ordinal
               printf("\n  Ordinal %i", uint16(LookupEntry[0]));
            else {
               // Find entry in hint/name table
               SectionOffset = (LookupEntry[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF) - dir.VirtualAddress;;
               if (SectionOffset >= dir.MaxOffset) continue;  // Out of range
               HintNameEntry = &Get<SCOFF_ImportHintName>(dir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

               // Print name
               printf("\n  %04X  %s", HintNameEntry->Hint, HintNameEntry->Name);

               // Check if exported
               if (HintNameEntry->Hint) {
                 // printf(",  Export entry %i", HintNameEntry->Hint);
            // Loop next
            LookupEntry += Is64bit ? 2 : 1;

         // Loop next
Example #4
// Debug dump
void CCOFF::Dump(int options) {
   uint32 i, j;

   if (options & DUMP_FILEHDR) {
      // File header
      printf("\nDump of PE/COFF file %s", FileName);
      printf("\nFile size: %i", GetDataSize());
      printf("\nFile header:");
      printf("\nMachine: %s", Lookup(COFFMachineNames,FileHeader->Machine));
      printf("\nTimeDate: 0x%08X", FileHeader->TimeDateStamp);
      printf(" - %s", timestring(FileHeader->TimeDateStamp));
      printf("\nNumber of sections: %2i", FileHeader->NumberOfSections);
      printf("\nNumber of symbols:  %2i", FileHeader->NumberOfSymbols);
      printf("\nOptional header size: %i", FileHeader->SizeOfOptionalHeader);
      printf("\nFlags: 0x%04X", FileHeader->Flags);

      // May be removed:
      printf("\nSymbol table offset: %i", FileHeader->PSymbolTable);
      printf("\nString table offset: %i", FileHeader->PSymbolTable + FileHeader->NumberOfSymbols * SIZE_SCOFF_SymTableEntry);
      printf("\nSection headers offset: %i", (uint32)sizeof(SCOFF_FileHeader) + FileHeader->SizeOfOptionalHeader);

      // Optional header
      if (OptionalHeader) {
         printf("\n\nOptional header:");
         if (OptionalHeader->h32.Magic != COFF_Magic_PE64) {
            // 32 bit optional header
            printf("\nMagic number: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.Magic);
            printf("\nSize of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfCode);
            printf("\nSize of uninitialized data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfInitializedData);
            printf("\nAddress of entry point: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.AddressOfEntryPoint);
            printf("\nBase of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.BaseOfCode);
            printf("\nBase of data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.BaseOfData);
            printf("\nImage base: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.ImageBase);
            printf("\nSection alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SectionAlignment);
            printf("\nFile alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.FileAlignment);
            printf("\nSize of image: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfImage);
            printf("\nSize of headers: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeaders);
            printf("\nDll characteristics: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.DllCharacteristics);
            printf("\nSize of stack reserve: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfStackReserve);
            printf("\nSize of stack commit: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfStackCommit);
            printf("\nSize of heap reserve: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeapReserve);
            printf("\nSize of heap commit: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeapCommit);
         else {
            // 64 bit optional header
            printf("\nMagic number: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.Magic);
            printf("\nSize of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfCode);
            printf("\nSize of uninitialized data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfInitializedData);
            printf("\nAddress of entry point: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.AddressOfEntryPoint);
            printf("\nBase of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.BaseOfCode);
            printf("\nImage base: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.ImageBase), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.ImageBase));
            printf("\nSection alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SectionAlignment);
            printf("\nFile alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.FileAlignment);
            printf("\nSize of image: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfImage);
            printf("\nSize of headers: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeaders);
            printf("\nDll characteristics: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.DllCharacteristics);
            printf("\nSize of stack reserve: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackReserve), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackReserve));
            printf("\nSize of stack commit: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackCommit), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackCommit));
            printf("\nSize of heap reserve: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapReserve), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapReserve));
            printf("\nSize of heap commit: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapCommit), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapCommit));
         // Data directories
         SCOFF_ImageDirAddress dir;

         for (i = 0; i < NumImageDirs; i++) {
            if (GetImageDir(i, &dir)) {
               printf("\nDirectory %2i, %s:\n  Address 0x%04X, Size 0x%04X, Section %i, Offset 0x%04X", 
                  i, dir.Name,
                  dir.VirtualAddress, dir.Size, dir.Section, dir.SectionOffset);

   if ((options & DUMP_STRINGTB) && FileHeader->PSymbolTable && StringTableSize > 4) {
      // String table
      char * p = StringTable + 4;
      uint32 nread = 4, len;
      printf("\n\nString table:");
      while (nread < StringTableSize) {
         len = (int)strlen(p);
         if (len > 0) {
            printf("\n>>%s<<", p);
            nread += len + 1;
            p += len + 1;
   // Symbol tables
   if (options & DUMP_SYMTAB) {
      // Symbol table (object file)
      if (NumberOfSymbols) PrintSymbolTable(-1);

      // Import and export tables (executable file)
      if (OptionalHeader) PrintImportExport();

   // Section headers
   if (options & (DUMP_SECTHDR | DUMP_SYMTAB | DUMP_RELTAB)) {
      for (j = 0; j < (uint32)NSections; j++) {
         SCOFF_SectionHeader * SectionHeader = &SectionHeaders[j];
         printf("\n\n%2i Section %s", j+1, GetSectionName(SectionHeader->Name));

         //printf("\nFile offset of header: 0x%X", (int)((int8*)SectionHeader-buffer));
         printf("\nVirtual size: 0x%X", SectionHeader->VirtualSize);
         if (SectionHeader->VirtualAddress) {
            printf("\nVirtual address: 0x%X", SectionHeader->VirtualAddress);}
         if (SectionHeader->PRawData || SectionHeader->SizeOfRawData) {
            printf("\nSize of raw data: 0x%X", SectionHeader->SizeOfRawData);
            printf("\nRaw data pointer: 0x%X", SectionHeader->PRawData);
         printf("\nCharacteristics: ");

         // print relocations
         if ((options & DUMP_RELTAB) && SectionHeader->NRelocations > 0) {
            printf("\nRelocation entries: %i", SectionHeader->NRelocations);
            printf("\nRelocation entries pointer: 0x%X", SectionHeader->PRelocations);

            // Pointer to relocation entry
            union {
               SCOFF_Relocation * p;  // pointer to record
               int8 * b;              // used for address calculation and incrementing
            } Reloc;
            Reloc.b = Buf() + SectionHeader->PRelocations;

            for (i = 0; i < SectionHeader->NRelocations; i++) {
               printf("\nAddr: 0x%X, symi: %i, type: %s",
                  (WordSize == 32) ? Lookup(COFF32RelNames,Reloc.p->Type) : Lookup(COFF64RelNames,Reloc.p->Type));
               if (Reloc.p->Type < COFF32_RELOC_SEG12) 
                  // Check if address is within file
                  if (SectionHeader->PRawData + Reloc.p->VirtualAddress < GetDataSize()) {
                     int32 addend = *(int32*)(Buf() + SectionHeader->PRawData + Reloc.p->VirtualAddress);
                     if (addend) printf(", Implicit addend: %i", addend);
                  else {
                     printf(". Error: Address is outside file");
               Reloc.b += SIZE_SCOFF_Relocation; // Next relocation record
         // print line numbers
         if (SectionHeader->NLineNumbers > 0) {
            printf("\nLine number entries: %i", SectionHeader->NLineNumbers);
            printf("  Line number pointer: %i\nLines:", SectionHeader->PLineNumbers);
            // Pointer to line number entry
            union {
               SCOFF_LineNumbers * p;  // pointer to record
               int8 * b;              // used for address calculation and incrementing
            } Linnum;
            Linnum.b = Buf() + SectionHeader->PLineNumbers;
            for (i = 0; i < SectionHeader->NLineNumbers; i++) {
               if (Linnum.p->Line) {  // Record contains line number
                  printf(" %i:%i", Linnum.p->Line, Linnum.p->Addr);
               else { // Record contains function name
               Linnum.b += SIZE_SCOFF_LineNumbers;  // Next line number record
Example #5
void WaveExplorerUi::CreateMenu()
    QString dir;

    menu_ = new QMenu(this);

    xyz_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    east_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    north_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    deep_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    tilt_to_dc_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    bandpass_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);
    notch_action_ = new QWidgetAction(this);

    xyz_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("XYZ");
    x_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("X");
    y_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("Y");
    z_rbtn_ = new QRadioButton("Z");

    tilt_to_dc_cbox_ = new QCheckBox(STRING_WAVEEXPLORER_TILT_TO_DC);
    bandpass_cbox_ = new QCheckBox(STRING_WAVEEXPLORER_BANDPASS);
    notch_cbox_ = new QCheckBox(STRING_FILTERSETUP_TRAPED_WAVE);

    QButtonGroup* bg = new QButtonGroup(this);

    min_label_ = new QLabel("Min");
    max_label_ = new QLabel("Max");
    min_dsbox_ = new QDoubleSpinBox;
    max_dsbox_ = new QDoubleSpinBox;




    QGridLayout* bp_layout_g = new QGridLayout;
    bp_layout_g->addWidget(bandpass_cbox_, 0, 0, 1, 3);
    bp_layout_g->addWidget(min_label_, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    bp_layout_g->addWidget(min_dsbox_, 1, 2, 1, 3);
    bp_layout_g->addWidget(max_label_, 2, 1, 1, 1);
    bp_layout_g->addWidget(max_dsbox_, 2, 2, 1, 3);

    bp_wgt_ = new QWidget;




Example #6
void CCOF2ASM::MakeExportList() {
   // Make exported symbols for executable files

   // Define entry point
   if (OptionalHeader->h32.AddressOfEntryPoint) {
      Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, OptionalHeader->h32.AddressOfEntryPoint, 0, 0x83, 4, 0, "Entry_point");

   // Get export table directory address
   SCOFF_ImageDirAddress expdir;

   // Exported names
   if (!GetImageDir(0, &expdir)) {
      // No export directory

   // Beginning of export section is export directory
   SCOFF_ExportDirectory * pExportDirectory = &Get<SCOFF_ExportDirectory>(expdir.FileOffset);

   // Find ExportAddressTable
   uint32 ExportAddressTableOffset = pExportDirectory->ExportAddressTableRVA - expdir.VirtualAddress;
   if (ExportAddressTableOffset == 0 || ExportAddressTableOffset >= expdir.MaxOffset) {
      // Points outside section
      err.submit(2035);  return;
   uint32 * pExportAddressTable = &Get<uint32>(expdir.FileOffset + ExportAddressTableOffset);

   // Find ExportNameTable
   uint32 ExportNameTableOffset = pExportDirectory->NamePointerTableRVA - expdir.VirtualAddress;
   if (ExportNameTableOffset == 0 || ExportNameTableOffset >= expdir.MaxOffset) {
      // Points outside section
      err.submit(2035);  return;
   uint32 * pExportNameTable = &Get<uint32>(expdir.FileOffset + ExportNameTableOffset);

   // Find ExportOrdinalTable
   uint32 ExportOrdinalTableOffset = pExportDirectory->OrdinalTableRVA - expdir.VirtualAddress;
   if (ExportOrdinalTableOffset == 0 || ExportOrdinalTableOffset >= expdir.MaxOffset) {
      // Points outside section
      err.submit(2035);  return;
   uint16 * pExportOrdinalTable = &Get<uint16>(expdir.FileOffset + ExportOrdinalTableOffset);

   // Get further properties
   uint32 NumExports = pExportDirectory->AddressTableEntries;
   uint32 NumExportNames = pExportDirectory->NamePointerEntries;
   uint32 OrdinalBase = pExportDirectory->OrdinalBase;

   uint32 i;                                     // Index into pExportOrdinalTable and pExportNameTable
   uint32 Ordinal;                               // Index into pExportAddressTable
   uint32 Address;                               // Image-relative address of symbol
   uint32 NameOffset;                            // Section-relative address of name
   uint32 FirstName = 0;                         // Image-relative address of first name table entry
   const char * Name = 0;                        // Name of symbol
   char NameBuffer[64];                          // Buffer for making name

   // Loop through export tables
   for (i = 0; i < NumExports; i++) {

      Address = 0;
      Name = "?";

      // Get ordinal from table
      Ordinal = pExportOrdinalTable[i];
      // Address table is indexed by ordinal
      if (Ordinal < NumExports) {
         Address = pExportAddressTable[Ordinal];
      // Find name if there is a name list entry
      if (i < NumExportNames) {
         NameOffset = pExportNameTable[i] - expdir.VirtualAddress;
         if (NameOffset && NameOffset < expdir.MaxOffset) {
            Name = &Get<char>(expdir.FileOffset + NameOffset);
            if (FirstName == 0) FirstName = pExportNameTable[i];
      else {
         // No name. Make name from ordinal number
         sprintf(NameBuffer, "Ordinal_%i", Ordinal + OrdinalBase);
         Name = NameBuffer;

      // Define symbol
      Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, Address, 0, 0x83, 4, 0, Name);

   // Make label for export section
   Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, expdir.VirtualAddress, 4, 3, 2, 0, "Export_tables");

   // Make labels for export tables
   Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, ExportAddressTableOffset - expdir.FileOffset + expdir.VirtualAddress, 4, 3, 2, 0, "Export_address_table");
   Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, ExportOrdinalTableOffset - expdir.FileOffset + expdir.VirtualAddress, 4, 3, 2, 0, "Export_ordinal_table");
   Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, ExportNameTableOffset - expdir.FileOffset + expdir.VirtualAddress, 4, 3, 2, 0, "Export_name_pointer_table");
   Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, FirstName, 1, 1, 2, 0, "Export_name_table");
Example #7
void CCOF2ASM::MakeImportList() {
   // Make imported symbols for executable files

   // Find import table
   SCOFF_ImageDirAddress impdir;
   if (!GetImageDir(1, &impdir)) {
      // No import table found

   // Beginning of import section is import directory
   SCOFF_ImportDirectory * pImportDirectory = &Get<SCOFF_ImportDirectory>(impdir.FileOffset);

   // Check if 64 bit
   int Is64bit = OptionalHeader->h64.Magic == COFF_Magic_PE64; // 1 if 64 bit
   uint32 EntrySize = Is64bit ? 8 : 4;           // Size of address table entries

   uint32 NameOffset;                            // Offset to name
   const char * SymbolName;                      // Name of symbol
   const char * DLLName;                         // Name of DLL containing symbol
   char NameBuffer[64];                          // Buffer for creating name of ordinal symbols
   uint32 SectionOffset;                         // Section-relative address of current entry
   uint32 HintNameOffset;                        // Section-relative address of hint/name table
   uint32 FirstHintNameOffset = 0;               // First HintNameOffset = start of hint/name table
   uint32 AddressTableOffset;                    // Offset of import address table relative to import lookup table

   // Pointer to current import directory entry
   SCOFF_ImportDirectory * ImportEntry = pImportDirectory;
   // Pointer to current import lookup table entry
   int32 * LookupEntry = 0;
   // Pointer to current hint/name table entry
   SCOFF_ImportHintName * HintNameEntry;

   // Loop through import directory until null entry
   while (ImportEntry->DLLNameRVA) {
      // Get DLL name
      NameOffset = ImportEntry->DLLNameRVA - impdir.VirtualAddress;
      if (NameOffset < impdir.MaxOffset) {
         DLLName = &Get<char>(impdir.FileOffset + NameOffset);
      else {
         DLLName = "?";

      // Get lookup table
      SectionOffset = ImportEntry->ImportLookupTableRVA;
      if (SectionOffset == 0) SectionOffset = ImportEntry->ImportAddressTableRVA;
      if (SectionOffset == 0) continue;
      // Get distance from import lookup table to import address table
      AddressTableOffset = ImportEntry->ImportAddressTableRVA - SectionOffset;
      // Section relative address
      SectionOffset -= impdir.VirtualAddress;
      if (SectionOffset >= impdir.MaxOffset) break;  // Out of range

      // Loop through lookup table
      while (1) {
         // Pointer to lookup table entry
         LookupEntry = &Get<int32>(impdir.FileOffset + SectionOffset);

         // End when entry is empty
         if (!LookupEntry[0]) break;

         if (LookupEntry[Is64bit] < 0) {
            // Imported by ordinal. Give it a name
            strncpy(NameBuffer, DLLName, 20);
            // Remove dot from name
            char * dot = strchr(NameBuffer,'.');
            if (dot) *dot = 0;
            // Add ordinal number to name
            sprintf(NameBuffer+strlen(NameBuffer), "_Ordinal_%i", uint16(LookupEntry[0]));
            SymbolName = NameBuffer;
         else {
            // Find entry in hint/name table
            HintNameOffset = (LookupEntry[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF) - impdir.VirtualAddress;
            if (HintNameOffset >= impdir.MaxOffset) goto LOOPNEXT;  // Out of range
            if (!FirstHintNameOffset) FirstHintNameOffset = HintNameOffset;
            HintNameEntry = &Get<SCOFF_ImportHintName>(impdir.FileOffset + HintNameOffset);
            // Get name
            SymbolName = HintNameEntry->Name;
         // Add symbol
         Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, impdir.VirtualAddress + SectionOffset + AddressTableOffset,
            EntrySize, 0xC, 0x20, 0, SymbolName, DLLName);

         // Loop next
         SectionOffset += EntrySize;

      // Loop next

   // Make label for import name table
   if (FirstHintNameOffset) {
      Disasm.AddSymbol(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, impdir.VirtualAddress + FirstHintNameOffset, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Import_name_table");
Example #8
void CCOF2ASM::MakeDynamicRelocations() {
   // Make dynamic base relocations for executable files
   // Find base relocation table
   SCOFF_ImageDirAddress reldir;
   if (!GetImageDir(5, &reldir)) {
      // No base relocation table found

   SCOFF_BaseRelocationBlock * pBaseRelocation;  // Start of dynamic base relocation section

   // Beginning of .reloc section is first base relocation block
   pBaseRelocation = &Get<SCOFF_BaseRelocationBlock>(reldir.FileOffset);

   uint32 ROffset = 0;                        // Offset into .reloc section
   uint32 BlockEnd;                           // Offset of end of current block
   uint32 PageOffset;                         // Image-relative address of begin of page

   // Make pointer to header or entry in .reloc section
   union {
      SCOFF_BaseRelocationBlock * header;
      SCOFF_BaseRelocation * entry;
      int8 * b;
   } Pointer;

   // Loop throung .reloc section
   while (ROffset < reldir.MaxOffset) {
      // Set Pointer to current position
      Pointer.header = pBaseRelocation;
      Pointer.b += ROffset;

      // Read base relocation block
      PageOffset = Pointer.header->PageRVA;
      BlockEnd = ROffset + Pointer.header->BlockSize;

      // Read entries in this block
      ROffset   += sizeof(SCOFF_BaseRelocationBlock);
      Pointer.b += sizeof(SCOFF_BaseRelocationBlock);
      // Loop through entries
      while (ROffset < BlockEnd) {
         // Set Pointer to current position
         Pointer.header = pBaseRelocation;
         Pointer.b += ROffset;

         if (Pointer.entry->Type == COFF_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW) {
            // Add relocation record, 32 bit
            // Section = ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL means offset is image-relative
            // Type = 0x20 means already relocated to image base
            Disasm.AddRelocation(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, Pointer.entry->Offset + PageOffset, 0, 0x21, 4, 0);
         else if (Pointer.entry->Type == COFF_REL_BASED_DIR64) {
            // Add relocation record, 64 bit
            Disasm.AddRelocation(ASM_SEGMENT_IMGREL, Pointer.entry->Offset + PageOffset, 0, 0x21, 8, 0);

         // Go to next
         ROffset += sizeof(SCOFF_BaseRelocation);
         if (Pointer.entry->Type == COFF_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ) ROffset += sizeof(SCOFF_BaseRelocation);
      // Finished block. Align by 4
      ROffset = (ROffset + 3) & uint32(-4);