Example #1
static  word    LookUp( word sdtseg, word seg, word global )
    dword       sdtoff;
    dword       sdtlim;
    dword       linear;
    word        otherseg;

    sdtlim = SegLimit( sdtseg );
    linear = GetLinear( seg, 0 );
    for( sdtoff = 0; sdtoff < sdtlim; sdtoff += 8 ) {
        if( sdtoff == ( seg & 0xfff8 ) ) continue;
        otherseg = sdtoff + ( global ? 0 : 4 );
        if( !WriteOk( otherseg ) ) continue;
        if( GetLinear( otherseg, 0 ) != linear ) continue;
                                                                          _DBG3(("lookup %4.4x", otherseg));
        return( otherseg );
    return( 0 );
Example #2
int CValueCurveDef::GetChancePercent( int iSkillPercent ) const
	// ARGS:
	//  iSkillPercent = 0 - 1000 = 0 to 100.0 percent
	//  m_Rate[3] = the 3 advance rate control numbers, 0,50,100 skill levels
	//   (How many uses for a gain of .1 (div by 100))
	//  percent chance of success * 10 = 0 - 1000.

	// How many uses for a gain of .1 (div by 100)
	int iChance = GetLinear( iSkillPercent );
	if ( iChance <= 0 )
		return 0; // less than no chance ?
	// Express uses as a percentage * 10.
	return( 100000 / iChance );
Example #3
trap_retval ReqSet_watch( void )
    watch        *curr;
    set_watch_req       *acc;
    set_watch_ret       *ret;
    int          i,needed;

    _DBG0(( "AccSetWatch" ));
    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    ret->multiplier = 20000;
    ret->err = 1;
    if( WatchCount < MAX_WP ) {
        ret->err = 0;
        curr = WatchPoints + WatchCount;
        curr->addr = acc->watch_addr;
        ReadMemory( &acc->watch_addr, (byte *)&curr->value, 4 );
        curr->linear = GetLinear( curr->addr.segment, curr->addr.offset );
        curr->len = acc->size;
        curr->dregs = ( curr->linear & (curr->len-1) ) ? 2 : 1;
        curr->linear &= ~(curr->len-1);
        needed = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < WatchCount; ++i ) {
            needed += WatchPoints[ i ].dregs;
        if( needed <= 4 ) ret->multiplier |= USING_DEBUG_REG;
        "addr %4.4x:%8.8lx "
        "linear %8.8x "
        "len %d "
        "needed %d "
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Example #4
int CValueRangeDef::GetRandomLinear( int iPercent ) const
	return( ( GetRandom() + GetLinear(iPercent) ) / 2 ); 
Example #5
int CValueCurveDef::GetRandomLinear( int iSkillPercent  ) const
	return ( GetLinear( iSkillPercent ) + GetRandom() ) / 2;
Example #6
int CValueCurveDef::GetRandom( ) const
	return GetLinear( Calc_GetRandVal( 1000 ) );