Example #1
static void DoStatement (void)
/* Handle the 'do' statement */
    /* Get the loop control labels */
    unsigned LoopLabel      = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BreakLabel     = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned ContinueLabel  = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Skip the while token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Add the loop to the loop stack */
    AddLoop (BreakLabel, ContinueLabel);

    /* Define the loop label */
    g_defcodelabel (LoopLabel);

    /* Parse the loop body */
    Statement (0);

    /* Output the label for a continue */
    g_defcodelabel (ContinueLabel);

    /* Parse the end condition */
    Consume (TOK_WHILE, "`while' expected");
    TestInParens (LoopLabel, 1);
    ConsumeSemi ();

    /* Define the break label */
    g_defcodelabel (BreakLabel);

    /* Remove the loop from the loop stack */
    DelLoop ();
Example #2
static void WhileStatement (void)
/* Handle the 'while' statement */
    int         PendingToken;
    CodeMark    CondCodeStart;  /* Start of condition evaluation code */
    CodeMark    CondCodeEnd;    /* End of condition evaluation code */
    CodeMark    Here;           /* "Here" location of code */

    /* Get the loop control labels */
    unsigned LoopLabel  = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BreakLabel = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned CondLabel  = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Skip the while token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Add the loop to the loop stack. In case of a while loop, the condition
    ** label is used for continue statements.
    AddLoop (BreakLabel, CondLabel);

    /* We will move the code that evaluates the while condition to the end of
    ** the loop, so generate a jump here.
    g_jump (CondLabel);

    /* Remember the current position */
    GetCodePos (&CondCodeStart);

    /* Emit the code position label */
    g_defcodelabel (CondLabel);

    /* Test the loop condition */
    TestInParens (LoopLabel, 1);

    /* Remember the end of the condition evaluation code */
    GetCodePos (&CondCodeEnd);

    /* Define the head label */
    g_defcodelabel (LoopLabel);

    /* Loop body */
    Statement (&PendingToken);

    /* Move the test code here */
    GetCodePos (&Here);
    MoveCode (&CondCodeStart, &CondCodeEnd, &Here);

    /* Exit label */
    g_defcodelabel (BreakLabel);

    /* Eat remaining tokens that were delayed because of line info
    ** correctness
    SkipPending (PendingToken);

    /* Remove the loop from the loop stack */
    DelLoop ();
Example #3
static int IfStatement (void)
/* Handle an 'if' statement */
    unsigned Label1;
    unsigned TestResult;
    int GotBreak;

    /* Skip the if */
    NextToken ();

    /* Generate a jump label and parse the condition */
    Label1 = GetLocalLabel ();
    TestResult = TestInParens (Label1, 0);

    /* Parse the if body */
    GotBreak = Statement (0);

    /* Else clause present? */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_ELSE) {

        g_defcodelabel (Label1);

        /* Since there's no else clause, we're not sure, if the a break
        ** statement is really executed.
        return 0;

    } else {

        /* Generate a jump around the else branch */
        unsigned Label2 = GetLocalLabel ();
        g_jump (Label2);

        /* Skip the else */
        NextToken ();

        /* If the if expression was always true, the code in the else branch
        ** is never executed. Output a warning if this is the case.
        if (TestResult == TESTEXPR_TRUE) {
            Warning ("Unreachable code");

        /* Define the target for the first test */
        g_defcodelabel (Label1);

        /* Total break only if both branches had a break. */
        GotBreak &= Statement (0);

        /* Generate the label for the else clause */
        g_defcodelabel (Label2);

        /* Done */
        return GotBreak;
Example #4
void DefaultLabel (void)
/* Handle a default label */
    /* Default case */
    NextToken ();

    /* Now check if we're inside a switch statement */
    if (Switch != 0) {

        /* Check if we do already have a default branch */
        if (Switch->DefaultLabel == 0) {

            /* Generate and emit the default label */
            Switch->DefaultLabel = GetLocalLabel ();
            g_defcodelabel (Switch->DefaultLabel);

        } else {
            /* We had the default label already */
            Error ("Multiple default labels in one switch");

    } else {

        /* case keyword outside a switch statement */
        Error ("`default' label not within a switch statement");


    /* Skip the colon */
    ConsumeColon ();
Example #5
CodeLabel* CS_GenLabel (CodeSeg* S, struct CodeEntry* E)
/* If the code entry E does already have a label, return it. Otherwise
 * create a new label, attach it to E and return it.
    CodeLabel* L;

    if (CE_HasLabel (E)) {

	/* Get the label from this entry */
	L = CE_GetLabel (E, 0);

    } else {

	/* Get a new name */
	const char* Name = LocalLabelName (GetLocalLabel ());

	/* Generate the hash over the name */
	unsigned Hash = HashStr (Name) % CS_LABEL_HASH_SIZE;

	/* Create a new label */
	L = CS_NewCodeLabel (S, Name, Hash);

	/* Attach this label to the code entry */
	CE_AttachLabel (E, L);


    /* Return the label */
    return L;
Example #6
SymEntry* AddLabelSym (const char* Name, unsigned Flags)
/* Add a goto label to the label table */
    /* Do we have an entry with this name already? */
    SymEntry* Entry = FindSymInTable (LabelTab, Name, HashStr (Name));
    if (Entry) {

        if (SymIsDef (Entry) && (Flags & SC_DEF) != 0) {
            /* Trying to define the label more than once */
            Error ("Label `%s' is defined more than once", Name);
        Entry->Flags |= Flags;

    } else {

        /* Create a new entry */
        Entry = NewSymEntry (Name, SC_LABEL | Flags);

        /* Set a new label number */
        Entry->V.Label = GetLocalLabel ();

        /* Generate the assembler name of the label */
        Entry->AsmName = xstrdup (LocalLabelName (Entry->V.Label));

        /* Add the entry to the label table */
        AddSymEntry (LabelTab, Entry);


    /* Return the entry */
    return Entry;
Example #7
static void WhileStatement (void)
/* Handle the 'while' statement */
    int PendingToken;

    /* Get the loop control labels */
    unsigned LoopLabel  = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BreakLabel = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Skip the while token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Add the loop to the loop stack. In case of a while loop, the loop head
     * label is used for continue statements.
    AddLoop (BreakLabel, LoopLabel);

    /* Define the head label */
    g_defcodelabel (LoopLabel);

    /* Test the loop condition */
    TestInParens (BreakLabel, 0);

    /* Loop body */
    Statement (&PendingToken);

    /* Jump back to loop top */
    g_jump (LoopLabel);

    /* Exit label */
    g_defcodelabel (BreakLabel);

    /* Eat remaining tokens that were delayed because of line info
     * correctness
    SkipPending (PendingToken);

    /* Remove the loop from the loop stack */
    DelLoop ();
Example #8
static Literal* NewLiteral (const void* Buf, unsigned Len)
/* Create a new literal and return it */
    /* Allocate memory */
    Literal* L = xmalloc (sizeof (*L));

    /* Initialize the fields */
    L->Label    = GetLocalLabel ();
    L->RefCount = 0;
    L->Output   = 0;
    SB_Init (&L->Data);
    SB_AppendBuf (&L->Data, Buf, Len);

    /* Return the new literal */
    return L;
Example #9
static Function* NewFunction (struct SymEntry* Sym)
/* Create a new function activation structure and return it */
    /* Allocate a new structure */
    Function* F = (Function*) xmalloc (sizeof (Function));

    /* Initialize the fields */
    F->FuncEntry  = Sym;
    F->ReturnType = GetFuncReturn (Sym->Type);
    F->Desc       = GetFuncDesc (Sym->Type);
    F->Reserved   = 0;
    F->RetLab     = GetLocalLabel ();
    F->TopLevelSP = 0;
    F->RegOffs    = RegisterSpace;
    F->Flags      = IsTypeVoid (F->ReturnType) ? FF_VOID_RETURN : FF_NONE;

    /* Return the new structure */
    return F;
Example #10
void SwitchStatement (void)
/* Handle a switch statement for chars with a cmp cascade for the selector */
    ExprDesc    SwitchExpr;     /* Switch statement expression */
    CodeMark    CaseCodeStart;  /* Start of code marker */
    CodeMark    SwitchCodeStart;/* Start of switch code */
    CodeMark    SwitchCodeEnd;  /* End of switch code */
    unsigned    ExitLabel;      /* Exit label */
    unsigned    SwitchCodeLabel;/* Label for the switch code */
    int         HaveBreak = 0;  /* True if the last statement had a break */
    int         RCurlyBrace;    /* True if last token is right curly brace */
    SwitchCtrl* OldSwitch;      /* Pointer to old switch control data */
    SwitchCtrl  SwitchData;     /* New switch data */

    /* Eat the "switch" token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Read the switch expression and load it into the primary. It must have
     * integer type.
    ConsumeLParen ();
    Expression0 (&SwitchExpr);
    if (!IsClassInt (SwitchExpr.Type))  {
        Error ("Switch quantity is not an integer");
        /* To avoid any compiler errors, make the expression a valid int */
        ED_MakeConstAbsInt (&SwitchExpr, 1);
    ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Add a jump to the switch code. This jump is usually unnecessary,
     * because the switch code will moved up just behind the switch
     * expression. However, in rare cases, there's a label at the end of
     * the switch expression. This label will not get moved, so the code
     * jumps around the switch code, and after moving the switch code,
     * things look really weird. If we add a jump here, we will never have
     * a label attached to the current code position, and the jump itself
     * will get removed by the optimizer if it is unnecessary.
    SwitchCodeLabel = GetLocalLabel ();
    g_jump (SwitchCodeLabel);

    /* Remember the current code position. We will move the switch code
     * to this position later.
    GetCodePos (&CaseCodeStart);

    /* Setup the control structure, save the old and activate the new one */
    SwitchData.Nodes        = NewCollection ();
    SwitchData.ExprType     = UnqualifiedType (SwitchExpr.Type[0].C);
    SwitchData.Depth        = SizeOf (SwitchExpr.Type);
    SwitchData.DefaultLabel = 0;
    OldSwitch = Switch;
    Switch = &SwitchData;

    /* Get the exit label for the switch statement */
    ExitLabel = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Create a loop so we may use break. */
    AddLoop (ExitLabel, 0);

    /* Make sure a curly brace follows */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_LCURLY) {
        Error ("`{' expected");

    /* Parse the following statement, which will actually be a compound
     * statement because of the curly brace at the current input position
    HaveBreak = Statement (&RCurlyBrace);

    /* Check if we had any labels */
    if (CollCount (SwitchData.Nodes) == 0 && SwitchData.DefaultLabel == 0) {
        Warning ("No case labels");

    /* If the last statement did not have a break, we may have an open
     * label (maybe from an if or similar). Emitting code and then moving
     * this code to the top will also move the label to the top which is
     * wrong. So if the last statement did not have a break (which would
     * carry the label), add a jump to the exit. If it is useless, the
     * optimizer will remove it later.
    if (!HaveBreak) {
        g_jump (ExitLabel);

    /* Remember the current position */
    GetCodePos (&SwitchCodeStart);

    /* Output the switch code label */
    g_defcodelabel (SwitchCodeLabel);

    /* Generate code */
    if (SwitchData.DefaultLabel == 0) {
        /* No default label, use switch exit */
        SwitchData.DefaultLabel = ExitLabel;
    g_switch (SwitchData.Nodes, SwitchData.DefaultLabel, SwitchData.Depth);

    /* Move the code to the front */
    GetCodePos (&SwitchCodeEnd);
    MoveCode (&SwitchCodeStart, &SwitchCodeEnd, &CaseCodeStart);

    /* Define the exit label */
    g_defcodelabel (ExitLabel);

    /* Exit the loop */
    DelLoop ();

    /* Switch back to the enclosing switch statement if any */
    Switch = OldSwitch;

    /* Free the case value tree */
    FreeCaseNodeColl (SwitchData.Nodes);

    /* If the case statement was (correctly) terminated by a closing curly
     * brace, skip it now.
    if (RCurlyBrace) {
        NextToken ();
Example #11
static void ForStatement (void)
/* Handle a 'for' statement */
    ExprDesc lval1;
    ExprDesc lval3;
    int HaveIncExpr;
    CodeMark IncExprStart;
    CodeMark IncExprEnd;
    int PendingToken;

    /* Get several local labels needed later */
    unsigned TestLabel    = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BreakLabel   = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned IncLabel     = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BodyLabel    = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Skip the FOR token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Add the loop to the loop stack. A continue jumps to the start of the
    ** the increment condition.
    AddLoop (BreakLabel, IncLabel);

    /* Skip the opening paren */
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* Parse the initializer expression */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_SEMI) {
        Expression0 (&lval1);
    ConsumeSemi ();

    /* Label for the test expressions */
    g_defcodelabel (TestLabel);

    /* Parse the test expression */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_SEMI) {
        Test (BodyLabel, 1);
        g_jump (BreakLabel);
    } else {
        g_jump (BodyLabel);
    ConsumeSemi ();

    /* Remember the start of the increment expression */
    GetCodePos (&IncExprStart);

    /* Label for the increment expression */
    g_defcodelabel (IncLabel);

    /* Parse the increment expression */
    HaveIncExpr = (CurTok.Tok != TOK_RPAREN);
    if (HaveIncExpr) {
        Expression0 (&lval3);

    /* Jump to the test */
    g_jump (TestLabel);

    /* Remember the end of the increment expression */
    GetCodePos (&IncExprEnd);

    /* Skip the closing paren */
    ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Loop body */
    g_defcodelabel (BodyLabel);
    Statement (&PendingToken);

    /* If we had an increment expression, move the code to the bottom of
    ** the loop. In this case we don't need to jump there at the end of
    ** the loop body.
    if (HaveIncExpr) {
        CodeMark Here;
        GetCodePos (&Here);
        MoveCode (&IncExprStart, &IncExprEnd, &Here);
    } else {
        /* Jump back to the increment expression */
        g_jump (IncLabel);

    /* Skip a pending token if we have one */
    SkipPending (PendingToken);

    /* Declare the break label */
    g_defcodelabel (BreakLabel);

    /* Remove the loop from the loop stack */
    DelLoop ();
Example #12
void InitLiteralPool (void)
/* Initialize the literal pool */
    /* Get the pool label */
    LiteralPoolLabel = GetLocalLabel ();