Example #1
 *    Enable Cpu Cache Flush On Halt Function
 *    @param[in]       FamilySpecificServices   The current Family Specific Services.
 *    @param[in,out]   PciAddress               Pointer to Pci address struct.
 *    @param[in,out]   AndMask                  Pointer to AND mask bits.
 *    @param[in,out]   OrMask                   Pointer to Or mask bits.
 *    @param[in]       StdHeader                Handle of Header for calling lib functions and services.
GetF10CacheFlushOnHaltRegister (
  IN       CPU_CFOH_FAMILY_SERVICES     *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN OUT   PCI_ADDR                     *PciAddress,
  IN OUT   UINT32                       *AndMask,
  IN OUT   UINT32                       *OrMask,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS            *StdHeader
  UINT32     CoreCount;

  // F3xDC[25:19] = 28h
  // F3xDC[18:16] = 111b
  PciAddress->Address.Function = FUNC_3;
  PciAddress->Address.Register = CLOCK_POWER_TIMING_CTRL2_REG;
  *AndMask = 0xFC00FFFF;
  *OrMask = 0x01470000;

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  if ((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_C2) != 0) {
    //For F10_C2 single Core, F3xDC[18:16] = 0
    GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&CoreCount, StdHeader);
    if (CoreCount == 1) {
      *OrMask = 0x01400000;
Example #2
 *    Enable DA-C Cpu Cache Flush On Halt Function
 *    @param[in]       FamilySpecificServices   The current Family Specific Services.
 *    @param[in]       EntryPoint               Timepoint designator.
 *    @param[in]       PlatformConfig           Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 *    @param[in]       StdHeader                Config Handle for library, services.
SetF10DaCacheFlushOnHaltRegister (
  IN       CPU_CFOH_FAMILY_SERVICES     *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       UINT64                       EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION       *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS            *StdHeader
  UINT32       CoreCount;
  UINT32       AndMask;
  UINT32       OrMask;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;

  if ((EntryPoint & CPU_FEAT_AFTER_POST_MTRR_SYNC) != 0) {
    // F3xDC[25:19] = 04h
    // F3xDC[18:16] = 111b
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CLOCK_POWER_TIMING_CTRL2_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFC00FFFF;
    OrMask = 0x00270000;

    GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
    if (LogicalId.Revision == AMD_F10_DA_C2) {
      //For DA_C2 single Core, F3xDC[18:16] = 0
      GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&CoreCount, StdHeader);
      if (CoreCount == 1) {
        OrMask = 0x00200000;

    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xDC
Example #3
 *  Family specific call to check if Pstate PSD is dependent.
 * @param[in]     PstateCpuServices  Pstate CPU services.
 * @param[in,out] PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]     StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               PSD is dependent.
 * @retval       FALSE              PSD is independent.
F10IsPstatePsdDependent (
  IN       PSTATE_CPU_FAMILY_SERVICES *PstateCpuServices,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID         CpuLogicalId;
  PLATFORM_FEATS         Features;

  // Initialize the union
  Features.PlatformValue = 0;
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuLogicalId, StdHeader);
  GetPlatformFeatures (&Features, PlatformConfig, StdHeader);

  // RevC and later Single link has PSD option, default is dependent.
  // If multi-link, always return independent.
  if ((Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformSingleLink) && ((CpuLogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_GT_Bx) != 0)) {
    if (PlatformConfig->ForcePstateIndependent) {
      return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Example #4
 * Family 14h model 0 - 0xF core 0 entry point for programming registers for lower
 * power consumption.
 * Set up D18F6x94[CpuPstateThrEn, CpuPstateThr], and D18F4x134[IntRateCC6DecrRate
 * according to the BKDG.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F14OptimizeForLowPowerInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT8                 NumBoostStates;
  UINT32                LocalPciRegister;
  BOOLEAN               OptimizeForLowPower;
  BOOLEAN               IsRevC;
  PCI_ADDR              PciAddress;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID        CpuFamilyRevision;

  PciAddress.AddressValue = PRODUCT_INFO_PCI_ADDR;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);

  if ((((PRODUCT_INFO_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->LowPowerDefault == 1) &&
      (CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.PlatformProfile.PlatformPowerPolicy == BatteryLife)) {
    OptimizeForLowPower = TRUE;
  } else {
    OptimizeForLowPower = FALSE;

  // Get F4x15C [4:2] NumBoostStates
  // Get IsRevC
  NumBoostStates = 0;
  IsRevC = FALSE;
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuFamilyRevision, StdHeader);
  if ((CpuFamilyRevision.Revision & AMD_F14_ON_Cx) != 0) {
    IsRevC = TRUE;
    PciAddress.AddressValue = CPB_CTRL_PCI_ADDR;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    NumBoostStates = (UINT8) ((CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->NumBoostStates;

  // F6x94[2:0] CpuPstateThr
  PciAddress.AddressValue = NB_PSTATE_CFG_HIGH_PCI_ADDR;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
  if (OptimizeForLowPower) {
    ((NB_PSTATE_CFG_HIGH_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->CpuPstateThr = 0;
  } else {
    if (NumBoostStates == 0) {
      ((NB_PSTATE_CFG_HIGH_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->CpuPstateThr = 1;
    } else {
      ((NB_PSTATE_CFG_HIGH_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->CpuPstateThr = 2;
  // F6x94[3] CpuPstateThrEn = 1
  ((NB_PSTATE_CFG_HIGH_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->CpuPstateThrEn = 1;
  LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);

  // F4x134[31:27] IntRateCC6DecrRate
  PciAddress.AddressValue = CSTATE_MON_CTRL3_PCI_ADDR;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
  ((CSTATE_MON_CTRL3_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->IntRateCC6DecrRate = (OptimizeForLowPower || IsRevC) ? 0x18 : 0x8;
  LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
Example #5
 *  Should hardware C1e be enabled
 * @param[in]    HwC1eServices      Pointer to this CPU's HW C1e family services.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               HW C1e is supported.
F10IsHwC1eSupported (
  IN       HW_C1E_FAMILY_SERVICES *HwC1eServices,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);

  if (((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_RB_ALL) & ~(AMD_F10_RB_C3)) != 0) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;
Example #6
GnbCableSafeIsSupported (
  IN      AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS   *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN                       Result;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID                LogicalId;
  SMU_FIRMWARE_REV              FirmwareRev;
  Result = FALSE;
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  FirmwareRev = NbSmuFirmwareRevision (StdHeader);
  if (SMI_FIRMWARE_REVISION (FirmwareRev) >= 0x010904 && LogicalId.Revision > AMD_F12_LN_A1) {
    Result = TRUE;
  return Result;
Example #7
 * Ids code for parse IDS feat table.
 * Feat table in IDS is used to decribe the IDS support feat and its according family,handler.
 * @param[in]     PIdsFeatTbl point to Ids Feat table
 * @param[in]     IdsOption IDS indicator value, see @ref AGESA_IDS_OPTION
 * @param[in,out] DataPtr   Data pointer.
 * @param[in]     IdsNvPtr   Ids Nvram pointer.
 * @param[in,out] StdHeader    The Pointer of AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS.
 *  @retval IDS_SUCCESS         Backend function is called successfully.
 *  @retval IDS_UNSUPPORTED     No Backend function is found.
IdsParseFeatTbl (
  IN       AGESA_IDS_OPTION IdsOption,
  IN       CONST IDS_FEAT_STRUCT * PIdsFeatTbl[],
  IN OUT   VOID *DataPtr,
  IN       IDS_NV_ITEM *IdsNvPtr,
  UINT16 i;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID CpuLogicalId;
  BOOLEAN No_Check_Bsp;
  IDS_STATUS ReturnFlag;
  IDS_STATUS status;

  status = IDS_SUCCESS;
  ReturnFlag = IDS_SUCCESS;

  for (i = 0; PIdsFeatTbl[i] != NULL; i++) {
    PIdsFeat = PIdsFeatTbl[i];
    //Does specified IdsOption reached
    if (PIdsFeat->IdsOption == IdsOption) {
      //check if bsp only
      if (PIdsFeat->IsBsp) {
        No_Check_Bsp = 0;
      } else {
        No_Check_Bsp = 1;
      if (No_Check_Bsp || IsBsp (StdHeader, &Tmpsts)) {
        //Does Family Match required
        GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuLogicalId, StdHeader);
        if ((CpuLogicalId.Family) & (PIdsFeat->CpuFamily)) {
          //Excute the code for specific Ids Feat
          status = PIdsFeat->pf_idsoption (DataPtr, StdHeader, IdsNvPtr);
          if (status != IDS_SUCCESS) {
            ReturnFlag = status;
  return ReturnFlag;
Example #8
 *    Enable BL-C Cpu Cache Flush On Halt Function
 *    @param[in]       FamilySpecificServices   The current Family Specific Services.
 *    @param[in]       EntryPoint               Timepoint designator.
 *    @param[in]       PlatformConfig           Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 *    @param[in]       StdHeader                Config Handle for library, services.
SetF10BlCacheFlushOnHaltRegister (
  IN       CPU_CFOH_FAMILY_SERVICES     *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       UINT64                       EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION       *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS            *StdHeader
  UINT32       AndMask;
  UINT32       OrMask;
  UINT32       CoreCount;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID        CpuFamilyRevision;

  if ((EntryPoint & CPU_FEAT_AFTER_POST_MTRR_SYNC) != 0) {
    GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuFamilyRevision, StdHeader);
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CLOCK_POWER_TIMING_CTRL2_REG;
    if (CpuFamilyRevision.Revision == AMD_F10_BL_C3) {
      // F3xDC[25:19] = 04h
      // F3xDC[18:16] = 111b
      AndMask = 0xFC00FFFF;
      OrMask = 0x00270000;
    } else {
      // F3xDC[25:19] = 28h
      // F3xDC[18:16] = 111b
      AndMask = 0xFC00FFFF;
      OrMask = 0x01470000;

      //For BL_C2 single Core, F3xDC[18:16] = 0
      GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&CoreCount, StdHeader);
      if (CoreCount == 1) {
        if (CpuFamilyRevision.Revision == AMD_F10_BL_C2) {
          OrMask = 0x01400000;

    // Get the Or Mask value from IDS
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xDC
Example #9
 * Performs CPU related initialization at the recovery entry point
 * This function processes the MSR and PCI register tables.
 * @param[in]  CpuRecoveryParams     Required input parameters for recovery CPU
 *                                   initialization.
 * @retval     AGESA_SUCCESS         Always succeeds.
AmdCpuRecovery (
  IN       AMD_CPU_RECOVERY_PARAMS *CpuRecoveryParams
  UINT8                  i;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID         CpuLogicalId;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES  *FamilySpecificServices;
  REGISTER_TABLE         **RegisterTableList[2];
  REGISTER_TABLE         **RegisterTable;
  REGISTER_TABLE         **TableHandle;

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuLogicalId, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);
  GetCpuServicesFromLogicalId (&CpuLogicalId, &FamilySpecificServices, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);

  RegisterTableList[0] = FamilySpecificServices->RegisterTableListBeforeApLaunch;
  RegisterTableList[1] = FamilySpecificServices->RegisterTableListAfterApLaunch;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    for (Selector = AllCores; Selector < TableCoreSelectorMax; Selector++) {
      if (IsCoreSelector (Selector, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader)) {
        // If the current core is the selected type of core, work the table list for tables for that type of core.
        TableHandle = NULL;
        RegisterTable = GetNextRegisterTable (Selector, RegisterTableList[i], &TableHandle, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);
        while (*RegisterTable != NULL) {
          SetRegistersFromTable (&CpuRecoveryParams->PlatformConfig, RegisterTable, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);
          RegisterTable = GetNextRegisterTable (Selector, RegisterTableList[i], &TableHandle, &CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);
      } else {
        // Once a selector does not match the current core, quit looking.

  LoadMicrocodePatch (&CpuRecoveryParams->StdHeader);
  return (AGESA_SUCCESS);
Example #10
GnbLibDispatchFeatures (
  IN      AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS         *StdHeader
  AGESA_STATUS    Status;
  AGESA_STATUS    AgesaStatus;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID  LogicalId;

  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  while (ConfigTable->GnbFeature != NULL) {
    if ((ConfigTable->Type & LogicalId.Family) != 0) {
      Status = ConfigTable->GnbFeature (StdHeader);
      AGESA_STATUS_UPDATE (Status, AgesaStatus);
  return AgesaStatus;
Example #11
 * BSC entry point for checking whether or not CPB is supported.
 * @param[in]  CpbServices             The current CPU's family services.
 * @param[in]  PlatformConfig          Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]  Socket                  Zero based socket number to check.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
 * @retval     TRUE                    CPB is supported.
 * @retval     FALSE                   CPB is not supported.
F14OnIsCpbSupported (
  IN       CPB_FAMILY_SERVICES    *CpbServices,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       UINT32                 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  PCI_ADDR             PciAddress;
  CPB_CTRL_REGISTER    CpbControl;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID CpuFamilyRevision;

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuFamilyRevision, StdHeader);
  if ((CpuFamilyRevision.Revision & (AMD_F14_ON_Ax | AMD_F14_ON_Bx)) != 0) {
    return FALSE;
  } else {
    PciAddress.AddressValue = CPB_CTRL_PCI_ADDR;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &CpbControl, StdHeader);
    return (BOOLEAN) (CpbControl.NumBoostStates != 0);
Example #12
 * Production Erratum for Family14h ON.
 * This function implements production errata for Family14h ON.
 * routine at AmdInitEarly.
 *  @param[in]   FamilyServices      The current Family Specific Services.
 *  @param[in]   EarlyParams         Service parameters.
 *  @param[in]   StdHeader           Config handle for library and services.
F14OnProductionErrataAtEarly (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES  *FamilyServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS   *EarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID  LogicalId;
  PCI_ADDR        PciAddr;
  UINT32          PciData;
  UINT64          MsrValue;

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  PciAddr.AddressValue = MAKE_SBDFO (0, 0, 24, FUNC_4, D18F4x164_ADDRESS);
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddr, &PciData, StdHeader);
  if (((PciData & D18F4x164_FixedErrata_0_MASK) == 1) &&
      ((LogicalId.Revision & ~(AMD_F14_ON_Ax | AMD_F14_UNKNOWN)) != 0)) {
    // Program MSRC001_1020[18] = 1 only when D18F4x164[0] == 1 on ON B0 and later parts.
    LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_LS_CFG, &MsrValue, StdHeader);
    MsrValue = MsrValue | BIT18;
    LibAmdMsrWrite (MSR_LS_CFG, &MsrValue, StdHeader);
Example #13
 * Initializer routine that may be invoked at AmdCpuEarly to return the steps
 * appropriate for the executing Rev D core.
 *  @CpuServiceMethod{::F_GET_EARLY_INIT_TABLE}.
 * @param[in]       FamilyServices    The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[out]      Table             Table of appropriate init steps for the executing core.
 * @param[in]       EarlyParams       Service Interface structure to initialize.
 * @param[in]       StdHeader         Opaque handle to standard config header.
GetF10HyEarlyInitOnCoreTable (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES                *FamilyServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS                 *EarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS                    *StdHeader
  UINT32         ProcessorPackageType;

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  ProcessorPackageType = LibAmdGetPackageType (StdHeader);

  // Check if this CPU is affected by erratum 419.
  if (((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_HY_SCM_D0) != 0) && ((ProcessorPackageType & (PACKAGE_TYPE_G34 | PACKAGE_TYPE_FR2_FR5_FR6)) == 0)) {
    // Return initialization steps such that the microcode patch is applied before
    // brand string determination is performed.
    *Table = F10HyC32D0EarlyInitOnCoreTable;
  } else {
    // No workaround is necessary.  Return the standard table.
    GetF10EarlyInitOnCoreTable (FamilyServices, Table, EarlyParams, StdHeader);
Example #14
 * Family specific fuse table patch
 * Is's correct behavior if we would have 4 states, it would be
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[0] - Goes to State 5
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[1] - Goes to State 6
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[2] - Goes to State 7
 * If we would have 4 states it would be
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[0] - Goes to State 4
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[1] - Goes to State 5
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[2] - Goes to State 6
 *   PP_FUSE_ARRAY->LclkDpmDid[3] - Goes to State 7
 * @param[in] PpFuseArray             Pointer to PP_FUSE_ARRAY
 * @param[in] StdHeader               Pointer to AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS
NbFmFuseAdjustFuseTablePatch (
  IN OUT   PP_FUSE_ARRAY       *PpFuseArray,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS   *StdHeader
  UINT8         LclkDpmMode;
  UINT8         SwSatateIndex;
  UINT8         MaxSclkIndex;
  UINT8         DpmStateIndex;
  UINT8         CurrentSclkDpmDid;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID  LogicalId;
  D18F3x15C_STRUCT      D18F3x15C;

  LclkDpmMode = GnbBuildOptions.LclkDpmEn ? LclkDpmRcActivity : LclkDpmDisabled;
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F12_LN_A0 | AMD_F12_LN_A1)) != 0) {
    LclkDpmMode = LclkDpmDisabled;

  // Read Sclk VID
  GnbLibPciRead (
    MAKE_SBDFO ( 0, 0, 0x18, 3, D18F3x15C_ADDRESS),
  PpFuseArray->SclkVid[0] = (UINT8) (D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel0);
  PpFuseArray->SclkVid[1] = (UINT8) (D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel1);
  PpFuseArray->SclkVid[2] = (UINT8) (D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel2);
  PpFuseArray->SclkVid[3] = (UINT8) (D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel3);

  //For all CPU rev  LclkDpmValid[3] = 0
  PpFuseArray->LclkDpmValid[3] = 0;
  PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[3] = 0;
  PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[3] = 0;

  // For LCLKDPM set LclkDpmVid[0] = 0, no matter if LCLK DMP enable or disable.
  PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[0] = 0;

  if (LclkDpmMode != LclkDpmRcActivity) {
    //If LCLK DPM disable (LclkDpmMode != LclkDpmRcActivity)
    // -  LclkDpmDid[1,2] = LclkDpmDid [0],  LclkDpmVid[1,2] = LclkDpmVid[0]
    // -  Execute LCLK DPM init

    PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[1] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[0];
    PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[2] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[0];
    PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[1] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[0];
    PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[2] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[0];
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (NB_MISC, "  F12 LCLK DPM Mode Disable -- use DPM0 fusing\n");

  } else {
    // If LCLK DPM enabled
    // - use fused values for LclkDpmDid[0,1,2] and appropriate voltage
    // - Execute LCLK DPM init
    PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[2] = PpFuseArray->PcieGen2Vid;
    if (GfxLibIsControllerPresent (StdHeader)) {
      //VID index = VID index associated with highest SCLK DPM state in the Powerplay state where Label_Performance=1 // This would ignore the UVD case (where Label_Performance would be 0).
      for (SwSatateIndex = 0 ; SwSatateIndex < PP_FUSE_MAX_NUM_SW_STATE; SwSatateIndex++) {
        if (PpFuseArray->PolicyLabel[SwSatateIndex] == POLICY_LABEL_PERFORMANCE) {
      MaxSclkIndex = 0;
      CurrentSclkDpmDid = 0xff;
      ASSERT (PpFuseArray->SclkDpmValid[SwSatateIndex] != 0);
      for (DpmStateIndex = 0; DpmStateIndex < PP_FUSE_MAX_NUM_DPM_STATE; DpmStateIndex++) {
        if ((PpFuseArray->SclkDpmValid[SwSatateIndex] & (1 << DpmStateIndex)) != 0) {
          if (PpFuseArray->SclkDpmDid[DpmStateIndex] < CurrentSclkDpmDid) {
            CurrentSclkDpmDid = PpFuseArray->SclkDpmDid[DpmStateIndex];
            MaxSclkIndex = DpmStateIndex;
      PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[1] = PpFuseArray->SclkDpmVid[MaxSclkIndex];
    } else {
      PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[1] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmVid[0];
      PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[1] = PpFuseArray->LclkDpmDid[0];
    // - use fused values for LclkDpmDid[0,1,2] and appropriate voltage
    //Keep using actual fusing
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (NB_MISC, "  LCLK DPM use actual fusing.\n");

  //Patch SclkThermDid to 200Mhz if not fused
  if (PpFuseArray->SclkThermDid == 0) {
    PpFuseArray->SclkThermDid = GfxLibCalculateDid (200 * 100, GfxLibGetMainPllFreq (StdHeader) * 100);
Example #15
 *  This function initializes the heap for each CPU core.
 *  Check for already initialized.  If not, determine offset of local heap in CAS and
 *  setup initial heap markers and bookkeeping status.  Also create an initial event log.
 *  @param[in]  StdHeader          Handle of Header for calling lib functions and services.
 *  @retval     AGESA_SUCCESS      This core's heap is initialized
 *  @retval     AGESA_FATAL        This core's heap cannot be initialized due to any reasons below:
 *                                 - current processor family cannot be identified.
HeapManagerInit (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  // First Time Initialization
  // Note: First 16 bytes of buffer is reserved for Heap Manager use
  UINT16                HeapAlreadyInitSizeDword;
  UINT32                HeapAlreadyRead;
  UINT8                 L2LineSize;
  UINT8                 *HeapBufferPtr;
  UINT8                 *HeapInitPtr;
  UINT32                *HeapDataPtr;
  UINT64                MsrData;
  UINT64                MsrMask;
  UINT8                 Ignored;
  CPUID_DATA            CpuId;
  BUFFER_NODE           *FreeSpaceNode;
  CACHE_INFO            *CacheInfoPtr;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID        CpuFamilyRevision;

  // Check whether this is a known processor family.
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuFamilyRevision, StdHeader);
  if ((CpuFamilyRevision.Family == 0) && (CpuFamilyRevision.Revision == 0)) {
    return AGESA_FATAL;

  GetCpuServicesOfCurrentCore (&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
  FamilySpecificServices->GetCacheInfo (FamilySpecificServices, (CONST VOID **) &CacheInfoPtr, &Ignored, StdHeader);
  HeapBufferPtr = (UINT8 *) StdHeader->HeapBasePtr;

  // Check whether the heap manager is already initialized
  LibAmdMsrRead (AMD_MTRR_VARIABLE_HEAP_MASK, &MsrData, StdHeader);

  if (!IsSecureS3 (StdHeader)) {
    if (MsrData == (CacheInfoPtr->VariableMtrrMask & AMD_HEAP_MTRR_MASK)) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (AMD_MTRR_VARIABLE_HEAP_BASE, &MsrData, StdHeader);
      if ((MsrData & CacheInfoPtr->HeapBaseMask) == ((UINT64) (UINTN) HeapBufferPtr & CacheInfoPtr->HeapBaseMask)) {
        if (((HEAP_MANAGER *) HeapBufferPtr)->Signature == HEAP_SIGNATURE_VALID) {
          // This is not a bug, there are multiple premem basic entry points,
          // and each will call heap init to make sure create struct will succeed.
          // If that is later deemed a problem, there needs to be a reasonable test
          // for the calling code to make to determine if it needs to init heap or not.
          // In the mean time, add this to the event log
          PutEventLog (AGESA_SUCCESS,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, StdHeader);
          return AGESA_SUCCESS;

    // Set variable MTRR base and mask
    MsrData = ((UINT64) (UINTN) HeapBufferPtr & CacheInfoPtr->HeapBaseMask);
    MsrMask = CacheInfoPtr->VariableMtrrHeapMask & AMD_HEAP_MTRR_MASK;

    MsrData |= 0x06;
    LibAmdMsrWrite (AMD_MTRR_VARIABLE_HEAP_BASE, &MsrData, StdHeader);
    LibAmdMsrWrite (AMD_MTRR_VARIABLE_HEAP_MASK, &MsrMask, StdHeader);

    // Set top of memory to a temp value
    LibAmdMsrRead (TOP_MEM, &MsrData, StdHeader);
    if (AMD_TEMP_TOM > MsrData) {
      MsrData = (UINT64) (AMD_TEMP_TOM);
      LibAmdMsrWrite (TOP_MEM, &MsrData, StdHeader);

  // Enable variable MTTRs
  LibAmdMsrRead (SYS_CFG, &MsrData, StdHeader);
  LibAmdMsrWrite (SYS_CFG, &MsrData, StdHeader);

  // Initialize Heap Space
  // BIOS may store to a line only after it has been allocated by a load
  LibAmdCpuidRead (AMD_CPUID_L2L3Cache_L2TLB, &CpuId, StdHeader);
  L2LineSize = (UINT8) (CpuId.ECX_Reg);
  HeapInitPtr = HeapBufferPtr ;
  for (HeapAlreadyRead = 0; HeapAlreadyRead < AMD_HEAP_SIZE_PER_CORE;
      (HeapAlreadyRead = HeapAlreadyRead + L2LineSize)) {
    Ignored = *HeapInitPtr;
    HeapInitPtr += L2LineSize;

  HeapDataPtr = (UINT32 *) HeapBufferPtr;
  for (HeapAlreadyInitSizeDword = 0; HeapAlreadyInitSizeDword < AMD_HEAP_SIZE_DWORD_PER_CORE; HeapAlreadyInitSizeDword++) {
    *HeapDataPtr = 0;

  // Note: We are reserving the first 16 bytes for Heap Manager use
  // UsedSize indicates the size of heap spaced is used for HEAP_MANAGER, BUFFER_NODE,
  //   Pad for 16-byte alignment, buffer data, and IDS SENTINEL.
  // FirstActiveBufferOffset is initalized as invalid heap offset, AMD_HEAP_INVALID_HEAP_OFFSET.
  // FirstFreeSpaceOffset is initalized as the byte right after HEAP_MANAGER header.
  // Then we set Signature of HEAP_MANAGER header as valid, HEAP_SIGNATURE_VALID.
  ((HEAP_MANAGER*) HeapBufferPtr)->UsedSize = sizeof (HEAP_MANAGER);
  ((HEAP_MANAGER*) HeapBufferPtr)->FirstActiveBufferOffset = AMD_HEAP_INVALID_HEAP_OFFSET;
  ((HEAP_MANAGER*) HeapBufferPtr)->FirstFreeSpaceOffset = sizeof (HEAP_MANAGER);
  ((HEAP_MANAGER*) HeapBufferPtr)->Signature = HEAP_SIGNATURE_VALID;
  // Create free space link
  FreeSpaceNode = (BUFFER_NODE *) (HeapBufferPtr + sizeof (HEAP_MANAGER));
  FreeSpaceNode->BufferSize = AMD_HEAP_SIZE_PER_CORE - sizeof (HEAP_MANAGER) - sizeof (BUFFER_NODE);
  FreeSpaceNode->OffsetOfNextNode = AMD_HEAP_INVALID_HEAP_OFFSET;

  StdHeader->HeapStatus = HEAP_LOCAL_CACHE;

  EventLogInitialization (StdHeader);
Example #16
 * Family 10h core 0 entry point for performing power plane initialization.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. If single plane, program lower VID code of CpuVid & NbVid for all
 *       enabled P-States.
 *    2. Configure F3xA0[SlamMode] & F3xD8[VsRampTime & VsSlamTime] based on
 *       platform requirements.
 *    3. Configure F3xD4[PowerStepUp & PowerStepDown]
 *    4. Optionally configure F3xA0[PsiVidEn & PsiVid]
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10CpuAmdPmPwrPlaneInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN   PviModeFlag;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  UINT16    PowerStepTime;
  UINT32    PowerStepEncoded;
  UINT32    PciRegister;
  UINT32    VsSlamTime;
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    NumOfCores;
  UINT32    LowCore;
  UINT32    AndMask;
  UINT32    OrMask;
  UINT64    MsrRegister;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS  IgnoredSts;

  // Initialize the union
  Features.PlatformValue = 0;
  GetPlatformFeatures (&Features, &CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig, StdHeader);

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);

  // Set SlamVidMode
  PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
  PciAddress.Address.Register = PW_CTL_MISC_REG;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  if (((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PviMode == 1) {
    PviModeFlag = TRUE;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SlamVidMode = 0;

    // Have all single plane cores adjust their NB and CPU VID fields
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F10PmPwrPlaneInitPviCore;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
    ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParams);

  } else {
    PviModeFlag = FALSE;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SlamVidMode = 1;
  ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  F10ProgramVSSlamTimeOnSocket (&PciAddress, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

  // Configure PowerStepUp/PowerStepDown
  PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC0_REG;
  if ((Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformSingleLink == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformUma == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformUmaIfcm == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformIfcm == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformIommu == 1)) {
    PowerStepEncoded = 0x8;
  } else {
    GetGivenModuleCoreRange ((UINT32) Socket,
                             (UINT32) Module,
    NumOfCores = ((NumOfCores - LowCore) + 1);
    PowerStepTime = (UINT16) (400 / NumOfCores);
    for (PowerStepEncoded = 0xF; PowerStepEncoded > 0; PowerStepEncoded--) {
      if (PowerStepTime <= PowerStepEncodings[PowerStepEncoded]) {
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PowerStepUp = 0;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PowerStepDown = 0;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PowerStepUp = PowerStepEncoded;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PowerStepDown = PowerStepEncoded;
  ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  if ((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_C3) != 0) {
    // Set up Pop up P-state register
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupPstate = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuVid = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuFid = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuDid = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupEn = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupPstate = ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PstateMaxVal;
    LibAmdMsrRead ((((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PstateMaxVal + PS_REG_BASE), &MsrRegister, StdHeader);
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuVid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuVid;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuFid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuFid;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuDid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuDid;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = POPUP_PSTATE_REG;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

    // Set AltVidStart
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC1_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL1_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->AltVidStart = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL1_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->AltVidStart = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuVid;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

    // Set up Altvid slam time
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    VsSlamTime = F10CalculateAltvidVSSlamTimeOnCore (PviModeFlag, &PciAddress, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->AltvidVSSlamTime = 0;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SlamTimeMode = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->AltvidVSSlamTime = VsSlamTime;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SlamTimeMode = 2;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  if (IsWarmReset (StdHeader) && !PviModeFlag) {
    // Configure PsiVid
    F10PmVrmLowPowerModeEnable (FamilySpecificServices, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
Example #17
GnbLoadBuildOptionDataML (
  IN      AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS               *StdHeader
  AGESA_STATUS            Status;
  GNB_HANDLE              *GnbHandle;
  GNB_BUILD_OPTIONS_ML    *GnbBuildOptionData;
  UINT32                  D0F0xBC_xC01040D0;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID          LogicalCpuid;
  D18F3xA0_STRUCT         D18F3xA0;


  GnbBuildOptionData = (GNB_BUILD_OPTIONS_ML *) GnbAllocateHeapBuffer (AMD_GNB_BUILD_OPTIONS_HANDLE, sizeof (GNB_BUILD_OPTIONS_ML), StdHeader);
  ASSERT (GnbBuildOptionData != NULL);

  GnbHandle = GnbGetHandle (StdHeader);
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgScsSupport = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgScsSupport;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgUmaSteering = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgUmaSteering;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.GmcPowerGating = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.GmcPowerGating;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgGmcClockGating = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgGmcClockGating;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgOrbDynWakeEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgOrbDynWakeEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgOrbClockGatingEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgOrbClockGatingEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgIommuL1ClockGatingEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgIommuL1ClockGatingEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgIommuL2ClockGatingEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgIommuL2ClockGatingEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.LclkDeepSleepEn = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.LclkDeepSleepEn;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.LclkDpmEn = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.LclkDpmEn;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgIocLclkClockGatingEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgIocLclkClockGatingEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgBapmSupport = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgBapmSupport;
  GnbBuildOptionData->GnbCommonOptions.CfgDcTdpEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.GnbCommonOptions.CfgDcTdpEnable;

  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgLhtcSupport = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgLhtcSupport;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSviRevision = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgSviRevision;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSamuPatchEnabled = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgSamuPatchEnabled;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgTdcSupport = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgTdcSupport;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgNativeGen1PLL = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgNativeGen1PLL;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgPciePhyIsolationEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgPciePhyIsolationEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgLinkBwNotificationEn = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgLinkBwNotificationEn;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgBatteryBoostEn = UserOptions.CfgBatteryBoostEn;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSpgClockGatingEnable = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgSpgClockGatingEnable;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgPspDpmEn = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgPspDpmEn;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSMUServiceEnablementBitMap = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgSMUServiceEnablementBitMap;
  GnbBuildOptionData->CfgUseSMUServices = GnbBuildOptionsML.CfgUseSMUServices;

  // Check for BAPM capability
  GnbRegisterReadML (GnbHandle, D18F3xA0_TYPE, D18F3xA0_ADDRESS, &D18F3xA0, 0, StdHeader);
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalCpuid, StdHeader);
  if (((LogicalCpuid.Family & AMD_FAMILY_16_ML) != 0)
      && ((LogicalCpuid.Revision & AMD_F16_ML_A0) != 0)
      && (D18F3xA0.Field.ConfigId < 35)) {
    // BAPM is not supported on A0 ES1 config IDs
    // Reduce SMU service enablement to supported services
    GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSMUServiceEnablementBitMap = 0x003C0040ul;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "SMUServiceEnablementBitMap = 0x%x\n", GnbBuildOptionData->CfgSMUServiceEnablementBitMap);


  // Check fuse state of BBB feature.
  GnbRegisterReadML (GnbHandle, D0F0xBC_xC01040D0_TYPE, D0F0xBC_xC01040D0_ADDRESS, &D0F0xBC_xC01040D0, 0, StdHeader);
  if ((D0F0xBC_xC01040D0 & BIT15) == 0) {
    GnbBuildOptionData->CfgBatteryBoostEn = FALSE;

  GnbDumpBuildOptionDataML (GnbBuildOptionData);
  return Status;
Example #18
PcieMidPortInitCallbackKV (
  IN       PCIe_ENGINE_CONFIG    *Engine,
  IN OUT   VOID                  *Buffer,
  DxFxx68_STRUCT          DxFxx68;
  D0F0xE4_PIF_0012_STRUCT D0F0xE4_PIF_0012;
  PCIe_SUBLINK_INFO       *SublinkInfo;
  PCIe_WRAPPER_INFO       *WrapperInfo;
  PCIe_WRAPPER_CONFIG     *Wrapper;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID          LogicalId;
  UINT8                   Count;
  UINT8                   Nibble;

  PciePortProgramRegisterTable (PortInitMidTableKV.Table, PortInitMidTableKV.Length, Engine, TRUE, Pcie);
  if (PcieConfigCheckPortStatus (Engine, INIT_STATUS_PCIE_TRAINING_SUCCESS) || Engine->Type.Port.PortData.LinkHotplug != HotplugDisabled) {
    PcieEnableSlotPowerLimitV5 (Engine, Pcie);
    if (GnbFmCheckIommuPresent ((GNB_HANDLE*) PcieConfigGetParentSilicon (Engine), GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie))) {
      PcieInitPortForIommuV4 (Engine, Pcie);
    // After GFX link is trained up and before ASPM is enabled, AGESA needs to check link width,
    // if it equals to x16, then apply the following change to GFX port:
    // Per port register 0xA1 - PCIE LC TRAINING CONTROL, bit16 - LC_EXTEND_WAIT_FOR_SKP = 1
    GnbLibPciRead (
      Engine->Type.Port.Address.AddressValue | DxFxx68_ADDRESS,
      GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie)
    if (DxFxx68.Field.NegotiatedLinkWidth == 16) {
      PciePortRegisterRMW (
        (1 << DxFxxE4_xA1_LcExtendWaitForSkp_OFFSET),

  Wrapper = PcieConfigGetParentWrapper (Engine);
  SublinkInfo = &(((PCIe_INFO_BUFFER *)Buffer)->SublinkInfo[MIN (Engine->EngineData.StartLane, Engine->EngineData.EndLane) / 4]);
  WrapperInfo = &(((PCIe_INFO_BUFFER *)Buffer)->WrapperInfo[Wrapper->WrapId]);
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, (AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *)Pcie->StdHeader);
  // Check if this CPU is KV A0
  // UBTS468566
  if ((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F15_KV_A0) != 0) {

    Count = SublinkInfo->GppPortCount;
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "x1x2 PortCount = %02x\n", Count);

    if (Count == 2) {
      // If number of GPP ports under the same sublink is 2, Delay L1 Exit (prolong minimum time spent in L1)
      PciePortRegisterRMW (
        DxFxxE4_xA0_LcDelayCount_MASK |
        (0 << DxFxxE4_xA0_LcDelayCount_OFFSET) |
        (1 << DxFxxE4_xA0_LcDelayL1Exit_OFFSET),
    } else if (Count > 2) {
      // If number of GPP ports > 2
      if (SublinkInfo->MaxGenCapability > Gen1) {
        // If at least 1 GPP is Gen2 capable, Disable PLL Power down feature
        Wrapper = PcieConfigGetParentWrapper (Engine);
        Nibble = (UINT8) ((MIN (Engine->EngineData.StartLane, Engine->EngineData.EndLane) % 8) / 4);
        // Only PSD and PPD can have x1/x2 links, so we assume that PIF number is always 0
        D0F0xE4_PIF_0012.Value = PcieRegisterRead (
                                   PIF_SPACE (Wrapper->WrapId, 0, D0F0xE4_PIF_0012_ADDRESS + Nibble),

        D0F0xE4_PIF_0012.Field.PllPowerStateInOff = PifPowerStateL0;
        D0F0xE4_PIF_0012.Field.PllPowerStateInTxs2 = PifPowerStateL0;

        PcieRegisterWrite (
          PIF_SPACE (Wrapper->WrapId, 0, D0F0xE4_PIF_0012_ADDRESS + Nibble),
      } else {
        // All ports are only Gen1
        PciePortRegisterRMW (
          0x2 << DxFxxE4_xC0_StrapMedyTSxCount_OFFSET,
  PcieRegisterRMW (
    WRAP_SPACE (Wrapper->WrapId, D0F0xE4_WRAP_0802_ADDRESS + (0x100 * Engine->Type.Port.PortId)),
    (WrapperInfo->L1ExitLatencyValue << D0F0xE4_WRAP_0802_StrapBifL1ExitLatency_OFFSET),
  if (WrapperInfo->DisableL1OnWrapper == TRUE) {
    Engine->Type.Port.PortData.LinkAspm &= ~(AspmL1);
  PcieEnableAspm (Engine,  Pcie);
Example #19
 * Support routine for F10PmAfterReset to perform MSR initialization on all
 * cores of a family 10h socket.
 * This function implements steps 2 - 24 on each core.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader          Config handle for library and services.
F10PmAfterResetCore (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 Ignored;
  UINT32 PsMaxVal;
  UINT32 LocalPciRegister;
  UINT64 LocalMsrRegister;
  UINT64 SavedMsr;
  UINT64 CurrentLimitMsr;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  GO_TO_STEP GoToStep;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  // Step 2 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  GetCpuServicesFromLogicalId (&LogicalId, &FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
  if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
      LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);


  LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_PSTATE_CURRENT_LIMIT, &CurrentLimitMsr, StdHeader);
  PsMaxVal = (UINT32) (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal);

  // Step 3 If MSRC001_0071[CurPstate] != F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], go to step 20
  LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
  if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurPstate !=
      ((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal) {
    GoToStep = STEP20;
  } else {
    // Step 4 If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] = 0 || F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] != 4, go to step 7
    if ((PsMaxVal == 0) || (PsMaxVal != 4)) {
      GoToStep = STEP7;
    } else {
      // Step 5 If MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] <= F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1, go to step 17
      if (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->CurPstateLimit <=
          (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal - 1)) {
        GoToStep = STEP17;
  switch (GoToStep) {
    // Step 6 Exit the sequence
  case STEP7:
    // Workaround for S3 ----Save the value of [The PState[4:0] Registers] MSRC001_00[68:64]
    //                      pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] + 1
    LibAmdMsrRead ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &SavedMsr, StdHeader);

    // Step 7 Copy the P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the P-state
    //        register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1
    LibAmdMsrRead ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + PsMaxVal), &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    LibAmdMsrWrite ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 8 Write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Ignored, &IgnoredSts);
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal = PsMaxVal + 1;
    LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 9 Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) (PsMaxVal + 1), (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 10 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch ((UINT32) (PsMaxVal + 1), StdHeader);

    // Step 11 Copy (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) PsMaxVal, (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 12 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch (PsMaxVal, StdHeader);

    // Step 13 If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 1) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 14 If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
    //         P-state register pointed to by MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] using the NB COF
    //         and VID transition sequence after a warm reset

    // Step 15 Write 0 to PstateEn of the P-state register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    // Workaround for S3----Restore the value of [The PState[4:0] Registers] MSRC001_00[68:64]
    //                   pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] + 1
    ((PSTATE_MSR *) &SavedMsr)->PsEnable = 0;
    LibAmdMsrWrite ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &SavedMsr, StdHeader);

    // Step 16 Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal = PsMaxVal;
    LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
  case STEP17:
    // Step 17 Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) (PsMaxVal - 1), (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 18 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch ((UINT32) (PsMaxVal - 1), StdHeader);

    // Step 19 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 0) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Fall through from step 19 to step 20
  case STEP20:
    // Step 20 Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) PsMaxVal, (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 21 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch (PsMaxVal, StdHeader);

    // Step 22 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis] and exit
    //         the sequence
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 1) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 23 Issue an LDTSTOP and exit the sequence

    // Step 24 If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
    //         P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] using the NB COF and VID
    //         transition sequence after a warm reset