Example #1
// Is it time to send a pure sync to every other player ?
bool CPlayer::IsTimeForPuresyncFar ( void )
    long long llTime = GetModuleTickCount64 ();
    if ( llTime > m_llNextFarPuresyncTime )
        int iSlowSyncRate = g_pBandwidthSettings->ZoneUpdateIntervals [ ZONE3 ];
        m_llNextFarPuresyncTime = llTime + iSlowSyncRate;
        m_llNextFarPuresyncTime += rand () % ( 1 + iSlowSyncRate / 10 );   // Extra bit to help distribute the load

        // No far sync if light sync is enabled
        if ( g_pBandwidthSettings->bLightSyncEnabled )
            // Add stats
            // Record all far sync bytes/packets that would have been sent/skipped as skipped
            int iNumPackets = m_FarPlayerList.size ();
            int iNumSkipped = ( iNumPackets * iSlowSyncRate - iNumPackets * 1000 ) / 1000;
            g_pStats->lightsync.llSyncPacketsSkipped += iNumPackets;
            g_pStats->lightsync.llSyncBytesSkipped += iNumPackets * GetApproxPuresyncPacketSize ();
            g_pStats->lightsync.llSyncPacketsSkipped += iNumSkipped;
            g_pStats->lightsync.llSyncBytesSkipped += iNumSkipped * GetApproxPuresyncPacketSize ();
            return false;   // No far sync if light sync is enabled

        // Add stats
        int iNumPackets = m_FarPlayerList.size ();
        int iNumSkipped = ( iNumPackets * iSlowSyncRate - iNumPackets * 1000 ) / 1000;
        g_pStats->puresync.llSentPacketsByZone [ ZONE3 ] += iNumPackets;
        g_pStats->puresync.llSentBytesByZone [ ZONE3 ] += iNumPackets * GetApproxPuresyncPacketSize ();
        g_pStats->puresync.llSkippedPacketsByZone [ ZONE3 ] += iNumSkipped;
        g_pStats->puresync.llSkippedBytesByZone [ ZONE3 ] += iNumSkipped * GetApproxPuresyncPacketSize ();
        return true;
    return false;
Example #2
// Dynamically increase the interval between near sync updates depending on stuffs
bool CPlayer::IsTimeToReceiveNearSyncFrom ( CPlayer* pOther, SNearInfo& nearInfo )
    int iZone = GetSyncZone ( pOther );

    int iUpdateInterval = g_pBandwidthSettings->ZoneUpdateIntervals [ iZone ];

    if ( m_iLastZoneDebug != iZone )
        // Calc direction from our camera to the other player
        const CVector& vecOtherPosition = pOther->GetPosition ();
        CVector vecDirToOther = pOther->GetPosition () - m_vecCamPosition;

        // Get distance
        float fDistSq = vecDirToOther.LengthSquared ();

        // Get angle between camera direction and direction to other
        vecDirToOther.Normalize ();
        float fDot = m_vecCamFwd.DotProduct ( &vecDirToOther );

        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "Dist:%1.0f  Dot:%0.3f  %s SyncTo %s zone changing: %d -> %d [Interval:%d] CamPos:%1.0f,%1.0f,%1.0f  CamFwd:%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f "
                ,sqrtf ( fDistSq )
                ,pOther->GetNick ()
                ,GetNick ()
            ) );

        m_iLastZoneDebug = iZone;

    long long llTimeNow = GetModuleTickCount64 ();
    long long llNextUpdateTime = nearInfo.llLastUpdateTime + iUpdateInterval;

    if ( llNextUpdateTime > llTimeNow )
        g_pStats->puresync.llSkippedPacketsByZone[ iZone ]++;
        return false;

    nearInfo.llLastUpdateTime = llTimeNow;

    g_pStats->puresync.llSentPacketsByZone[ iZone ]++;
    return true;