Example #1
nsInlineFrame::GetSkipSides() const
  PRIntn skip = 0;
  if (!IsLeftMost()) {
    nsInlineFrame* prev = (nsInlineFrame*) GetPrevContinuation();
        (prev && (prev->mRect.height || prev->mRect.width))) {
      // Prev continuation is not empty therefore we don't render our left
      // border edge.
      skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_LEFT;
    else {
      // If the prev continuation is empty, then go ahead and let our left
      // edge border render.
  if (!IsRightMost()) {
    nsInlineFrame* next = (nsInlineFrame*) GetNextContinuation();
        (next && (next->mRect.height || next->mRect.width))) {
      // Next continuation is not empty therefore we don't render our right
      // border edge.
      skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_RIGHT;
    else {
      // If the next continuation is empty, then go ahead and let our right
      // edge border render.

  if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_SPECIAL) {
    // All but the last part of an {ib} split should skip the "end" side (as
    // determined by this frame's direction) and all but the first part of such
    // a split should skip the "start" side.  But figuring out which part of
    // the split we are involves getting our first continuation, which might be
    // expensive.  So don't bother if we already have the relevant bits set.
    PRBool ltr = (NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_LTR == GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection);
    PRIntn startBit = (1 << (ltr ? NS_SIDE_LEFT : NS_SIDE_RIGHT));
    PRIntn endBit = (1 << (ltr ? NS_SIDE_RIGHT : NS_SIDE_LEFT));
    if (((startBit | endBit) & skip) != (startBit | endBit)) {
      // We're missing one of the skip bits, so check whether we need to set it.
      // Only get the first continuation once, as an optimization.
      nsIFrame* firstContinuation = GetFirstContinuation();
      if (nsLayoutUtils::FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit(firstContinuation)) {
        skip |= endBit;
      if (nsLayoutUtils::FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit(firstContinuation)) {
        skip |= startBit;

  return skip;
Example #2
nsPopupSetFrame::List(FILE* out, PRInt32 aIndent) const
  IndentBy(out, aIndent);
#ifdef DEBUG_waterson
  fprintf(out, " [parent=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mParent));
  if (HasView()) {
    fprintf(out, " [view=%p]", static_cast<void*>(GetView()));
  if (nsnull != mNextSibling) {
    fprintf(out, " next=%p", static_cast<void*>(mNextSibling));
  if (nsnull != GetPrevContinuation()) {
    fprintf(out, " prev-continuation=%p", static_cast<void*>(GetPrevContinuation()));
  if (nsnull != GetNextContinuation()) {
    fprintf(out, " next-continuation=%p", static_cast<void*>(GetNextContinuation()));
  fprintf(out, " {%d,%d,%d,%d}", mRect.x, mRect.y, mRect.width, mRect.height);
  if (0 != mState) {
    fprintf(out, " [state=%08x]", mState);
  fprintf(out, " [content=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mContent));
  nsPopupSetFrame* f = const_cast<nsPopupSetFrame*>(this);
  if (f->HasOverflowRect()) {
    nsRect overflowArea = f->GetOverflowRect();
    fprintf(out, " [overflow=%d,%d,%d,%d]", overflowArea.x, overflowArea.y,
            overflowArea.width, overflowArea.height);
  fprintf(out, " [sc=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mStyleContext));
  nsIAtom* pseudoTag = mStyleContext->GetPseudoType();
  if (pseudoTag) {
    nsAutoString atomString;
    fprintf(out, " pst=%s",

  // Output the children
  nsIAtom* listName = nsnull;
  PRInt32 listIndex = 0;
  PRBool outputOneList = PR_FALSE;
  do {
    nsIFrame* kid = GetFirstChild(listName);
    if (nsnull != kid) {
      if (outputOneList) {
        IndentBy(out, aIndent);
      outputOneList = PR_TRUE;
      nsAutoString tmp;
      if (nsnull != listName) {
        fputs(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(tmp).get(), out);
      fputs("<\n", out);
      while (nsnull != kid) {
        // Verify the child frame's parent frame pointer is correct
        NS_ASSERTION(kid->GetParent() == (nsIFrame*)this, "bad parent frame pointer");

        // Have the child frame list
        nsIFrameDebug*  frameDebug = do_QueryFrame(kid);
        if (frameDebug) {
          frameDebug->List(out, aIndent + 1);
        kid = kid->GetNextSibling();
      IndentBy(out, aIndent);
      fputs(">\n", out);
    listName = GetAdditionalChildListName(listIndex++);
  } while(nsnull != listName);

  // XXXmats the above is copy-pasted from nsContainerFrame::List which is lame,
  // clean this up after bug 399111 is implemented.

  if (mPopupList) {
    fputs("<\n", out);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    nsAutoString tmp;
    fputs(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(tmp).get(), out);
    fputs(" for ", out);
    fputs(" <\n", out);
    for (nsPopupFrameList* l = mPopupList; l; l = l->mNextPopup) {
      nsIFrameDebug* frameDebug = do_QueryFrame(l->mPopupFrame);
      if (frameDebug) {
        frameDebug->List(out, aIndent);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(">\n", out);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(">\n", out);
    outputOneList = PR_TRUE;

  if (!outputOneList) {
    fputs("<>\n", out);

  return NS_OK;
nsPopupSetFrame::List(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent, uint32_t aFlags) const
  IndentBy(out, aIndent);
#ifdef DEBUG_waterson
  fprintf(out, " [parent=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mParent));
  if (HasView()) {
    fprintf(out, " [view=%p]", static_cast<void*>(GetView()));
  if (GetNextSibling()) {
    fprintf(out, " next=%p", static_cast<void*>(GetNextSibling()));
  if (nullptr != GetPrevContinuation()) {
    fprintf(out, " prev-continuation=%p", static_cast<void*>(GetPrevContinuation()));
  if (nullptr != GetNextContinuation()) {
    fprintf(out, " next-continuation=%p", static_cast<void*>(GetNextContinuation()));
  fprintf(out, " {%d,%d,%d,%d}", mRect.x, mRect.y, mRect.width, mRect.height);
  if (0 != mState) {
    fprintf(out, " [state=%016llx]", (unsigned long long)mState);
  fprintf(out, " [content=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mContent));
  nsPopupSetFrame* f = const_cast<nsPopupSetFrame*>(this);
  if (f->HasOverflowAreas()) {
    nsRect overflowArea = f->GetVisualOverflowRect();
    fprintf(out, " [vis-overflow=%d,%d,%d,%d]",
            overflowArea.x, overflowArea.y,
            overflowArea.width, overflowArea.height);
    overflowArea = f->GetScrollableOverflowRect();
    fprintf(out, " [scr-overflow=%d,%d,%d,%d]",
            overflowArea.x, overflowArea.y,
            overflowArea.width, overflowArea.height);
  fprintf(out, " [sc=%p]", static_cast<void*>(mStyleContext));
  nsIAtom* pseudoTag = mStyleContext->GetPseudo();
  if (pseudoTag) {
    nsAutoString atomString;
    fprintf(out, " pst=%s",

  // Output the children
  bool outputOneList = false;
  ChildListIterator lists(this);
  for (; !lists.IsDone(); lists.Next()) {
    if (outputOneList) {
      IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    outputOneList = true;
    fprintf(out, "%s<\n", mozilla::layout::ChildListName(lists.CurrentID()));
    nsFrameList::Enumerator childFrames(lists.CurrentList());
    for (; !childFrames.AtEnd(); childFrames.Next()) {
      nsIFrame* kid = childFrames.get();
      // Verify the child frame's parent frame pointer is correct
      NS_ASSERTION(kid->GetParent() == this, "bad parent frame pointer");

      // Have the child frame list
      kid->List(out, aIndent + 1, aFlags);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(">\n", out);

  // XXXmats the above is copy-pasted from nsContainerFrame::List which is lame,
  // clean this up after bug 399111 is implemented.

  if (!mPopupList.IsEmpty()) {
    fputs("<\n", out);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(mozilla::layout::ChildListName(kPopupList), out);
    fputs(" for ", out);
    fputs(" <\n", out);
    for (nsFrameList::Enumerator e(mPopupList); !e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
      e.get()->List(out, aIndent, aFlags);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(">\n", out);
    IndentBy(out, aIndent);
    fputs(">\n", out);
    outputOneList = true;

  if (!outputOneList) {
    fputs("<>\n", out);

  return NS_OK;