bool CEditorCondition::Serialize(CArchive &ar, CChronoEventEditor* Ed) { CString ExpectedName = "CEditorCondition"; int Version = 2; if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar)) return false; if( ar.IsLoading()) { m_visible = true; m_Valid = true; ar >> mid; ar >> cndID; ar >> oid; if(Ed) Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar); ar >> m_Negate; ar >> m_Family >> m_FamilyName; ar >> m_rect_default; ar >> m_select_default; ar >> m_select_default; ar >> m_Anim.Space; ar // //m_Text - note: must call EventSheetEditor::ReformatCondition >> m_Object >> m_Script; m_Anim.m_bDestroyed = false; m_Text = ""; int size = 0; ar >> size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CEditorParam* Param = new CEditorParam; Param->Serialize(ar, Ed); params.push_back(Param); } if (oid != -1) { CString name = ""; ar >> name; OINFO* o = GetOINFO(name); if (!o) { CErrorDlg Dlg; Dlg.Error("Error in condition.", "An invalid object in a condition was referenced."); return false; } DLLIndex = o->oID; }
bool CEditorAction::Serialize(CArchive &ar, CChronoEventEditor* Ed ) { CString ExpectedName = "CEditorAction"; int Version = 2; if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar)) return false; if(ar.IsLoading()) { m_visible = true; m_Valid = true; ar >> m_Family >> m_FamilyName; ar >> actID; ar >> oid; if(Ed) Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar); ar >> m_rect_default; ar >> m_select_default; ar >> m_Anim.Space; m_Anim.m_bDestroyed = false; ar //>> m_Text - note: must call EventSheetEditor::ReformatAction >> m_Object >> m_Script; ar >> mid; m_Text = ""; int size = 0; ar >> size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CEditorParam* Param = new CEditorParam; Param->Serialize(ar, Ed); params.push_back(Param); } CString name = ""; ar >> name; OINFO* o = GetOINFO(name); if(o) DLLIndex = o->oID; else DLLIndex = -1; if(Version >= 2) ar >> m_bEnabled; else
bool CEditorCondition::IsLoop(CApplication* app) { if(m_Text != "") { return (m_Text.Find("<img>3</img>") != -1); } else { if(!app) return false; CObjType* objectType = app->FindObjTypeFromNumber(oid); if(!objectType) return false; ACESEntry2* acesEntry; if(mid == -1) // ace or custom ace acesEntry = objectType->GetACESEntry(CONDITION, cndID); else // movement { //MovementIterator mi = objectType->m_Movements.begin(); //advance(mi, mid); CBehavior* pMov = objectType->GetBehaviorByUniqueID(mid); if (pMov == NULL) throw; acesEntry = GetOINFO(pMov->BehaviorDLLIndex)->GetACEEntry(CONDITION, cndID); } // effects never have triggers if(!acesEntry) return false; if (acesEntry->aceDisplayText.Find("<img>3</img>") != -1) return true; return false; } }
void AnimatorBar::AnimationHasChanged() { if(m_pObjType) { OINFO* info = GetOINFO(m_pObjType->DLLIndex); vector<CObj*> objs; CObj* o; POSITION pos = application->layouts.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CLayout* layout = application->layouts.GetNext(pos); POSITION pos2 = layout->objects.GetStartPosition(); for (int i = 0; i < layout->objects.GetCount(); i++) { long ID; layout->objects.GetNextAssoc(pos2, ID, o); if (o->GetGlobalID() == m_pObjType->ObjectIdentifier) objs.push_back(o); } } // Now loop each of the objects and call the end animation function. for(vector<CObj*>::iterator i = objs.begin(); i!= objs.end(); i++) { if(info->ETOnNotify) info->ETOnNotify((*i)->editObject, 2); } if(objs.size() > 0) if(info->ETOnNotify) info->ETOnNotify((*objs.begin())->editObject, 3); } }
void CScriptDlg::InitPythonForObject(CObjType* pType, PyInfoClass* pClass) { OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(pType->DLLIndex); map<CString, int> possibleAttribute; int count = pType->GetTableCount(ACTION); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ACESEntry2* a = pType->GetACESEntry(ACTION, i); if(a->scriptName == "") continue; if(a->params.size() == 1) { if(a->scriptName.GetLength() > 3) { if(a->scriptName.Left(3) == "Set") { possibleAttribute[a->scriptName.Mid(3)] = 1; } } } if(a->scriptName.Left(1) == "(" || a->scriptName.Left(1) == "<") { continue; } PyInfoFunc* pFunct = &pClass->functions[a->scriptName]; pFunct->name = a->scriptName; pFunct->pParent = pClass; CString help = CString("Action: ") + pFunct->name; help += "("; for(int p = 0; p < a->params.size(); p++) { if(p>0) help += ", "; help += a->; } help += ")"; pFunct->help = help; PyInfoMapItem& item = m_IntellMap[a->scriptName]; item[pClass] = PY_FUNCTION; } count = pType->GetTableCount(CONDITION); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ACESEntry2* c = pType->GetACESEntry(CONDITION, i); if(c->scriptName == "") continue; if(c->scriptName.Left(1) == "("|| c->scriptName.Left(1) == "<") continue; PyInfoFunc* pFunct = &pClass->functions[c->scriptName]; pFunct->name = c->scriptName; pFunct->pParent = pClass; CString help = CString("Condition: ") + pFunct->name; help += "("; for(int p = 0; p < c->params.size(); p++) { if(p>0) help += ", "; help += c->; } help += ")"; pFunct->help = help; PyInfoMapItem& item = m_IntellMap[c->scriptName]; item[pClass] = PY_FUNCTION; } count = pType->GetTableCount(EXPRESSION); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ACESEntry2* e = pType->GetACESEntry(EXPRESSION, i); if(e->scriptName == "") continue; if(e->scriptName.Left(1) == "(" || e->scriptName.Left(1) == "<") continue; if(e->params.size() == 0) { map<CString, int>::iterator find = possibleAttribute.find(e->scriptName); //if(find != possibleAttribute.end()) { PyInfoVar* pVar = &pClass->variables[e->scriptName]; pVar->name = e->scriptName; pVar->pParent = pClass; PyInfoMapItem& item = m_IntellMap[e->scriptName]; item[pClass] = PY_VARIABLE; continue; } } PyInfoFunc* pFunct = &pClass->functions[e->scriptName]; pFunct->name = e->scriptName; pFunct->pParent = pClass; CString help = CString("Expression: ") + pFunct->name; help += "("; for(int p = 0; p < e->params.size(); p++) { if(p>0) help += ", "; help += e->; } help += ")"; pFunct->help = help; PyInfoMapItem& item = m_IntellMap[e->scriptName]; item[pClass] = PY_FUNCTION; } }
bool CTypeChecker::ParamValid(CString objName, CString expName, int paramNum, int numParams, ExpType type) { // Impossible to tell if this parameter is correct using an undefined type if (type == EXPTYPE_NULL) return true; objName.MakeLower(); expName.MakeLower(); CString movementName; ParseBehaviorExpression(objName, objName, movementName); CObjType* oT = LookupObjectType(objName, objMap); int DLLIndex; // Couldn't find object type: try family if (oT == NULL) { list<Family>::iterator f = find(pApp->families.begin(), pApp->families.end(), objName); // Not found if (f == pApp->families.end() || !f->is_in_use) return false; else DLLIndex = f->DLLIndex; } else DLLIndex = oT->DLLIndex; // Default value, eg. ObjectName(5) if (expName == "<default>") { // Default value is private variable flag requires one private variable parameter if (GetOINFO(DLLIndex)->ideFlags & OF_DEFAULTVALUE_PRIVATEVAR) return type == EXPTYPE_VARIABLENAME; // No other way of defining default value parameters else return true; } vector<ACESEntry2>* pTable; if (movementName != "") { CBehavior* m = LookupBehavior(oT, movementName); if (m == NULL) return false; OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(m->BehaviorDLLIndex); pTable = oInfo->GetTable(2); } else pTable = GetOINFO(DLLIndex)->GetTable(2); // Lookup the entry, and get its param type. int Count = pTable->size(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CString Exp = pTable->at(i).aceDisplayText; Exp.MakeLower(); if (Exp == expName) { switch (pTable->at(i).params[paramNum].type) { case 1: // Value return (type == EXPTYPE_INTEGER || type == EXPTYPE_FLOAT); case 2: // String return (type == EXPTYPE_STRING); case 14: // Private variable return (type == EXPTYPE_VARIABLENAME); } } } // Not found - undefined expression - allow return true; }
bool CTypeChecker::ObjectExpressionExists(CString objName, CString expName) { objName.MakeLower(); expName.MakeLower(); CString movementName; ParseBehaviorExpression(objName, objName, movementName); CObjType* oT = LookupObjectType(objName, objMap); int DLLIndex; // Couldn't find object type: try family if (oT == NULL) { list<Family>::iterator f = find(pApp->families.begin(), pApp->families.end(), objName); // Not found if (f == pApp->families.end() || !f->is_in_use) return false; else { DLLIndex = f->DLLIndex; oT = pApp->FindObjTypeFromNumber(f->identifier); } } else DLLIndex = oT->DLLIndex; // Behavior under object: objName[movementName] if (movementName != "") { CBehavior* m = LookupBehavior(oT, movementName); if (m == NULL) return false; OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(m->BehaviorDLLIndex); int Count = oInfo->GetTable(2)->size(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CString Exp = oInfo->GetACEEntry(2, i)->aceDisplayText; Exp.MakeLower(); if (Exp == expName) return true; } return false; } OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(DLLIndex); if (oInfo == NULL) return false; // get count int Count = oInfo->GetTable(2)->size(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CString Exp = oInfo->GetACEEntry(2, i)->aceDisplayText; Exp.MakeLower(); if (Exp == expName) return true; } // Expression name not found: allow if OF_UNDEFINEDEXPRESSIONS set return (oInfo->ideFlags & OF_UNDEFINEDEXPRESSIONS)!=0; }
bool CTypeChecker::CheckParamCount(CString objName, CString expName, int numParams) { objName.MakeLower(); expName.MakeLower(); CString movementName; ParseBehaviorExpression(objName, objName, movementName); CObjType* oT = LookupObjectType(objName, objMap); int DLLIndex; // Couldn't find object type: try family if (oT == NULL) { list<Family>::iterator f = find(pApp->families.begin(), pApp->families.end(), objName); // Not found if (f == pApp->families.end() || !f->is_in_use) return false; else { DLLIndex = f->DLLIndex; oT = pApp->FindObjTypeFromNumber(f->identifier); } } else DLLIndex = oT->DLLIndex; // Default value, eg. ObjectName(5) if (expName == "<default>") { // The default value is private variable flag requires 1 parameter for default value. if (GetOINFO(DLLIndex)->ideFlags & OF_DEFAULTVALUE_PRIVATEVAR) return numParams == 1; // There is no other way of defining the default value parameters else return true; } vector<ACESEntry2>* pTable; if (movementName != "") { CBehavior* m = LookupBehavior(oT, movementName); if (m == NULL) return false; OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(m->BehaviorDLLIndex); pTable = oInfo->GetTable(2); } else pTable = GetOINFO(DLLIndex)->GetTable(2); // get count int Count = pTable->size(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CString Exp = pTable->at(i).aceDisplayText; Exp.MakeLower(); if (Exp == expName) { return pTable->at(i).params.size() == numParams; } } // Not found - undefined expression - allow. return true; }
ExpType CTypeChecker::GetExpressionType(CString objName, CString expName) { objName.MakeLower(); expName.MakeLower(); // No ACE system for default params yet. Return any. if (expName == "<default>") return EXPTYPE_NULL; CString movementName; ParseBehaviorExpression(objName, objName, movementName); CObjType* oT = LookupObjectType(objName, objMap); int DLLIndex; // Couldn't find object type: try family if (oT == NULL) { list<Family>::iterator f = find(pApp->families.begin(), pApp->families.end(), objName); // Not found if (f == pApp->families.end() || !f->is_in_use) return EXPTYPE_NULL; else DLLIndex = f->DLLIndex; } else DLLIndex = oT->DLLIndex; vector<ACESEntry2>* pTable; if (movementName != "") { CBehavior* m = LookupBehavior(oT, movementName); if (m == NULL) return EXPTYPE_NULL; OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(m->BehaviorDLLIndex); pTable = oInfo->GetTable(2); } else pTable = GetOINFO(DLLIndex)->GetTable(2); // Find expression and get type int Count = pTable->size(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CString Exp = pTable->at(i).aceDisplayText; Exp.MakeLower(); if (Exp == expName) { switch (pTable->at(i).retrn) { case 0: return EXPTYPE_NULL; case RETURN_INTEGER: return EXPTYPE_INTEGER; case RETURN_FLOAT: return EXPTYPE_FLOAT; case RETURN_STRING: return EXPTYPE_STRING; case RETURN_ARRAY: return EXPTYPE_ARRAY; } } } // Return type is 'any' if not found return EXPTYPE_NULL; }
void ObjectBarDialog::OnDblClickObject(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { POSITION Pos = objects.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); int Item = objects.GetNextSelectedItem(Pos); if (Item == -1) return; CObjType* pType; long ID = objects.GetItemData(Item); if (ID == -1) // object folder { if (folderfilter == -1) //Default folder { for(int i=0; i < application->object_folders.size(); i++) { if (objects.GetItemText(Item,0) == application->object_folders[i].name) { folderfilter=i; break; } } } else //return folder { folderfilter = -1; } Refresh(); return; } application->object_types.Lookup(ID, pType); if (!pType) return; // If layout editor open.. if (parent.m_tabs.SelectionGet() == 0 && parent.m_tabs.ItemGetCount() == 2) { POSITION ObjectPos = layout->objects.GetStartPosition(); CObj* pObject; long ID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < layout->objects.GetCount(); i++) { layout->objects.GetNextAssoc(ObjectPos, ID, pObject); CObjType* type = pObject->GetObjectType(application); if (type->ObjectIdentifier == pType->ObjectIdentifier) { OINFO* info = GetOINFO(pType->DLLIndex); if(info->ETOnNotify) info->ETOnNotify(pObject->editObject, 1); return; } } } // If event sheet editor, see if it has conditions. If so, open Event Wizard if ((parent.m_tabs.SelectionGet() == 1) && (parent.m_tabs.ItemGetCount() == 2) || parent.m_tabs.ItemGetCount() == 1) { bool bUse = false; for (int i = 0; i < pType->GetTableCount(CONDITION); i++) { ACESEntry2* pAce = pType->GetACESEntry(CONDITION, i); if(pAce == NULL || pAce->aceListName == "") continue; // Ignore null entries bUse = true; } if (bUse) { parent.m_pEventView[0][0]->m_InitialStage = 2; parent.m_pEventView[0][0]->m_InitialSelect = ID; parent.m_pEventView[0][0]->m_OldName = pType->GetName(); parent.m_pEventView[0][0]->AddCondition(true); } } }
void ObjectBarDialog::OnClickObject(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { POSITION Pos = objects.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); int Item = objects.GetNextSelectedItem(Pos); if (!layout) return; if (layout->m_ObjectFrameIsLockedTo != 0) // InputLocked() return; // Select in layout editor, if it's open if (parent.m_tabs.SelectionGet() == 0 && parent.m_tabs.ItemGetCount() == 2) { parent.layout_editor[0][0]->m_sel.RemoveAll(); // This is intentionally here; clear selection if clicked on whitespace if(Item == -1) { parent.layout_editor[0][0]->Invalidate(); g_PropertyBar->Update(parent.layout_editor[0][0], TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL, layout, NULL, application); return; } // Now we have to wangle in the selected object int ObjectIdentifier = objects.GetItemData(Item); if (ObjectIdentifier==-1) return; //folder CObj* pObject = 0; CObjType* pObjectType = 0; POSITION LayerPos = layout->layers.GetHeadPosition(); // So we have to find all the CObj's with this CObjType in the layout, and add them // For each layer while(LayerPos) { CLayer* pLayer = layout->layers.GetNext(LayerPos); // Loop all objects CObjList Objects; pLayer->GetEveryObject(Objects, layout); POSITION ObjectPos = Objects.GetHeadPosition(); for (int i = 0; i < Objects.GetCount(); i++) { CObj* pTestObject; long ID = Objects.GetNext(ObjectPos); layout->objects.Lookup(ID, pTestObject); if (pTestObject->GetGlobalID() != -1) { CObjType* pTestType = pTestObject->GetObjectType(application); if (pTestType->ObjectIdentifier == ObjectIdentifier) { pObjectType = pTestType; pObject = pTestObject; long nKey = pObject->GetInstanceID(); parent.layout_editor[0][0]->m_sel.AddTail(nKey); } } } } g_PropertyBar->Update(parent.layout_editor[0][0], TYPE_OBJECT, &parent.layout_editor[0][0]->m_sel, layout, &layout->objects, application); // Show object properties parent.layout_editor[0][0]->Invalidate(); // While we're here, show animations for object // Future note: .. to be continued if(!pObjectType) return; int iRoot = -1; OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(pObjectType->DLLIndex); if (oInfo->ETGetAnimationHandle) { oInfo->ETGetAnimationHandle(pObject->editObject, iRoot); pMainWnd->animator.UpdateAnimations(application, layout, pObjectType, iRoot); } } }
BOOL UsedPluginDialog::OnInitDialog() { CExtNCW<CExtResizableDialog>::OnInitDialog(); objects.SetExtendedStyle(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); objects.InsertColumn(0, "Name" , LVCFMT_LEFT, 90); objects.InsertColumn(1, "Creator", LVCFMT_LEFT, 110); objects.InsertColumn(2, "License", LVCFMT_LEFT, 100); dialog_manager.Load(this->m_hWnd, "Software\\Construct\\UsedPlugins"); dialog_anchor.Init(this->m_hWnd); dialog_anchor.Add(IDCLOSE, ANCHOR_LEFT | ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dialog_anchor.Add(IDC_APPNAME, ANCHOR_TOP | ANCHOR_LEFT | ANCHOR_RIGHT); dialog_anchor.Add(IDC_BOX1, ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT | ANCHOR_TOPLEFT); dialog_anchor.Add(IDC_OBJECTS, ANCHOR_TOPLEFT | ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT); dialog_anchor.Add(IDC_INFORMATION, ANCHOR_RIGHT | ANCHOR_TOP); dialog_anchor.Add(IDCLOSE, ANCHOR_RIGHT | ANCHOR_TOP); SetDlgItemText(IDC_APPNAME, application->; CString Title; Title.Format("Construct : Used plugins"); SetWindowText(Title); // Loop and find all plugins CStringArray IDList; for (int j = 0; j < application->object_types.GetCount(); j++) { // Check if we have the specified ID CObjType* oT; POSITION pos = application->object_types.GetStartPosition(); long mapKey; // Loop through and add the objects while (pos != NULL) { application->object_types.GetNextAssoc(pos, mapKey, oT); // Do we have this ID bool Add = true; CString ID; ID.Format("%d", oT->DLLIndex); for (int k = 0; k < IDList.GetSize(); k++) { if (IDList.GetAt(k) == ID) Add = false; } if (Add) IDList.Add(ID); } } for (int i = 0; i < IDList.GetSize(); i++) { OINFO* oInfo = GetOINFO(atoi(IDList.GetAt(i))); char strText[1024]; LoadString(oInfo->hInstLib, OBJ_AUTHOR, strText, 1024); int item = objects.InsertItem(i, oInfo->extName, 0); objects.SetItemText(i, 1, strText); LoadString(oInfo->hInstLib, 10, strText, 1024); objects.SetItemText(i, 2, strText); } // Setup buttons close.SetWindowText(CLOSE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }