void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::CreateNewProject( const wxString& aPrjFullFileName,
        bool aTemplateSelector = false )
    wxFileName  newProjectName = aPrjFullFileName;
    wxChar      sep[2] = { SEP(), 0 };  // nul terminated separator wxChar string.


    // If we are creating a project from a template, make sure the template directory is sane
    if( aTemplateSelector )

        wxFileName  templatePath;
        wxString    envStr;

#ifndef __WXMAC__
        wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD" ), &envStr );

        // Add a new tab for system templates
        if( !envStr.empty() )
            // user may or may not have including terminating separator.
            if( !envStr.EndsWith( sep ) )
                envStr += sep;

            templatePath = envStr + wxT( "template" ) + sep;
            // The standard path should be in the share directory for kicad. As
            // it is normal on Windows to only have the share directory and not
            // the kicad sub-directory we fall back to that if the directory
            // doesn't exist
            templatePath = wxPathOnly( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() ) +
                           sep + wxT( ".." ) + sep + wxT( "share" ) + sep + wxT( "kicad" ) +
                           sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;

            if( !wxDirExists( templatePath.GetFullPath() ) )
                templatePath = wxPathOnly( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() ) +
                               sep + wxT( ".." ) + sep + wxT( "share" ) + sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;
        // Use what is provided in the bundle data dir
        templatePath = GetOSXKicadDataDir() + sep + wxT( "template" );

        ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "System Templates" ), templatePath );

        // Add a new tab for user templates
        wxFileName userPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() +
                              sep + wxT( "kicad" ) + sep + wxT( "template" ) + sep;

        ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "User Templates" ), userPath );

        // Check to see if a custom template location is available and setup a
        // new selection tab if there is.
        wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD_PTEMPLATES" ), &envStr );

        if( !envStr.empty() )
            if( !envStr.EndsWith( sep ) )
                envStr += sep;

            wxFileName envPath = envStr;

            ps->AddTemplatesPage( _( "Portable Templates" ), envPath );

        // Show the project template selector dialog
        int result = ps->ShowModal();

        if( ( result != wxID_OK ) || ( ps->GetSelectedTemplate() == NULL ) )
            if( ps->GetSelectedTemplate() == NULL )
                wxMessageBox( _( "No project template was selected.  Cannot generate new "
                                 "project." ),
                              _( "Error" ),
                              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
                              this );
            // The selected template widget contains the template we're attempting to use to
            // create a project
            if( !ps->GetSelectedTemplate()->CreateProject( newProjectName ) )
                wxMessageBox( _( "Problem whilst creating new project from template!" ),
                              _( "Template Error" ),
                              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
                              this );

    // Init project filename
    SetProjectFileName( newProjectName.GetFullPath() );

    // Write settings to project file
    // was: wxGetApp().WriteProjectConfig( aPrjFullFileName, GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );
    Prj().ConfigSave( Pgm().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    // Ensure a "stub" for a schematic root sheet and a board exist.
    // It will avoid messages from the schematic editor or the board editor to create a new file
    // And forces the user to create main files under the right name for the project manager
    wxFileName fn( newProjectName.GetFullPath() );
    fn.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );

    // If a <project>.sch file does not exist, create a "stub" file
    if( !fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "EESchema Schematic File Version 2\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file

    // If a <project>.kicad_pcb or <project>.brd file does not exist,
    // create a .kicad_pcb "stub" file
    fn.SetExt( KiCadPcbFileExtension );
    wxFileName leg_fn( fn );
    leg_fn.SetExt( LegacyPcbFileExtension );

    if( !fn.FileExists() && !leg_fn.FileExists() )
        wxFile file( fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write );

        if( file.IsOpened() )
            file.Write( wxT( "(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host kicad \"dummy file\") )\n" ) );

        // wxFile dtor will close the file

    // Enable the toolbar and menubar buttons and clear the help text.
    m_active_project = true;
void SystemDirsAppend( SEARCH_STACK* aSearchStack )
    // No clearing is done here, the most general approach is NOT to assume that
    // our appends will be the only thing in the stack.  This function has no
    // knowledge of caller's intentions.

    // wxPathList::AddEnvList() is broken, use SEARCH_STACK::AddPaths().
    // SEARCH_STACK::AddPaths() will verify readability and existence of
    // each directory before adding.
    SEARCH_STACK maybe;

    // User environment variable path is the first search path.  Chances are
    // if the user is savvy enough to set an environment variable they know
    // what they are doing.  It should take precedence over anything else.
    // Otherwise don't set it.
    maybe.AddPaths( wxGetenv( wxT( "KICAD" ) ) );

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // Add the directory for the user-dependent, program specific data files.
    maybe.AddPaths( GetOSXKicadUserDataDir() );

    // Global machine specific application data
    maybe.AddPaths( GetOSXKicadMachineDataDir() );

    // Global application specific data files inside bundle
    maybe.AddPaths( GetOSXKicadDataDir() );
    // This is from CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
    // Useful when KiCad is installed by `make install`.
    // Use as second ranked place.
    maybe.AddPaths( wxT( DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH ) );

    // Add the directory for the user-dependent, program specific data files.
    // According to wxWidgets documentation:
    // Unix: ~/.appname
    // Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\appname
    maybe.AddPaths( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir() );

        // Should be full path to this program executable.
        wxString   bin_dir = Pgm().GetExecutablePath();

#if defined(__MINGW32__)
        // bin_dir uses unix path separator.  So to parse with wxFileName
        // use windows separator, especially important for server inclusion:
        // like: \\myserver\local_path .
        bin_dir.Replace( wxFileName::GetPathSeparator( wxPATH_UNIX ),
                         wxFileName::GetPathSeparator( wxPATH_WIN ) );

        wxFileName bin_fn( bin_dir, wxEmptyString );

        // Dir of the global (not user-specific), application specific, data files.
        // From wx docs:
        // Unix: prefix/share/appname
        // Windows: the directory where the executable file is located
        // Mac: appname.app/Contents/SharedSupport bundle subdirectory
        wxString data_dir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir();

        if( bin_fn.GetPath() != data_dir )
            // add data_dir if it is different from the bin_dir
            maybe.AddPaths( data_dir );

        // Up one level relative to binary path with "share" appended below.
        maybe.AddPaths( bin_fn.GetPath() );

    /* The normal OS program file install paths allow for a binary to be
     * installed in a different path from the library files.  This is
     * useful for development purposes so the library and documentation
     * files do not need to be installed separately.  If someone can
     * figure out a way to implement this without #ifdef, please do.
#if defined(__MINGW32__)
    maybe.AddPaths( wxGetenv( wxT( "PROGRAMFILES" ) ) );
    maybe.AddPaths( wxGetenv( wxT( "PATH" ) ) );

#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
    maybe.Show( "maybe wish list" );

    // Append 1) kicad, 2) kicad/share, 3) share, and 4) share/kicad to each
    // possible base path in 'maybe'. Since SEARCH_STACK::AddPaths() will verify
    // readability and existence of each directory, not all of these will be
    // actually appended.
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < maybe.GetCount();  ++i )
        wxFileName fn( maybe[i], wxEmptyString );

#ifndef __WXMAC__
        if( fn.GetPath().AfterLast( fn.GetPathSeparator() ) == wxT( "bin" ) )

            if( !fn.GetDirCount() )
                continue;               // at least on linux

        aSearchStack->AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );

#ifndef __WXMAC__
        fn.AppendDir( wxT( "kicad" ) );
        aSearchStack->AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );     // add maybe[i]/kicad

        fn.AppendDir( wxT( "share" ) );
        aSearchStack->AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );     // add maybe[i]/kicad/share

        fn.RemoveLastDir();                         // ../  clear share
        fn.RemoveLastDir();                         // ../  clear kicad

        fn.AppendDir( wxT( "share" ) );
        aSearchStack->AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );     // add maybe[i]/share

        fn.AppendDir( wxT( "kicad" ) );
        aSearchStack->AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );     // add maybe[i]/share/kicad

#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
    // final results:
    aSearchStack->Show( __func__ );