Example #1
// PURPOSE:   Delete Relationship from ER Model
                        zSHORT nReposition )
   zVIEW    vTZEREMD1;
   zVIEW    vSubtask;   // to refresh ER Diagram
   zSHORT   nRC;
   zLONG    lEntityZKey;
   LPLIBRARY hLibrary = 0;  // used for dynamic call to ER control func's
   zFARPROC_RemoveFunc lpfn = 0;

//  Position and determine if there are any relationships involving
//  this Entity prior to deleting the Entity.
   nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZEREMD1, vTZEREMDO, 0 );
   nRC = GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lEntityZKey, vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity", "ZKey" );
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity_2",
                                        "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                        "EntpER_Model" );

//  Delete the entity if it is involved in any relationships.
   if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      //  Loop and Delete all ER RelLinks
      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );
            nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" ) )
         oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship( vTZEREMDO, zREPOS_NONE, 1 );
      //  Check to if all relationships were deleted.
      if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity_2",
                                          "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                          "EntpER_Model" ) >= zCURSOR_SET )
         DropView( vTZEREMD1 );
         return( -1 );

// Delete ER Entity
   if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "TZEREMDD", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
             GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                             (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                             "TZCTL", "RemoveEntity",
                                             "(tzlooprs)" );
      if ( lpfn )
        (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

   nRC = DeleteEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_Entity", nReposition );

   // It is possible that the ER_Entity we just deleted is part of an
   // opened Subject Area.  If so, we must be sure that Subject Area doesn't
   // have hanging SA_Entity entities.
   if ( GetViewByName( &vTZERSASO, "TZERSASO", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", 0 );
      while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZERSASO, "ER_Entity" ) < zCURSOR_SET )
            if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "SAVIEW", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
               if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
                  lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                     GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                                     (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                                     "TZCTL", "RemoveEntity",
                                                     "(tzlooprs)" );
               if ( lpfn )
               (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

            DeleteEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", zREPOS_NONE );

         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", 0 );

   DropView( vTZEREMD1 );
   return( 0 );
Example #2
// OPERATION: oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship
// PURPOSE:   Delete Relationship from ER Model
oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship( zVIEW  vTZEREMDO,
                              zSHORT nReposition,
                              zSHORT nQuietMode )
   zVIEW          vTZERSASO;
   zVIEW          vSubtask;
   zVIEW          vERD;
   zSHORT         nRC;
   unsigned long  ulZKey;
   LPLIBRARY      hLibrary = 0;  // used for dynamic call to ER control func's
   zFARPROC_RemoveFunc lpfn = 0;

   //  Positon on ER_RelType on Right Side( side representing relationships
   //  only ) thus allowing a single Delete to cascade and Delete all
   //  representations of the Relationship on both sides of the Object.
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByEntityCsr( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType",
                                          vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType_1",
                                          "EntpER_Model" );

   if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "TZEREMDD", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
         lpfn =(zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                  GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,(LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                     "TZCTL", "RemoveRelationship", "(tzlooprs)" );

      if ( lpfn )
        (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

   // if delete Relationship and this Relationship is a part of the
   // Identifier, then delete the Relationship from the Identifier
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vERD, vTZEREMDO, 0 );

   for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "" );
         nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "" ) )
      GetIntegerFromAttribute( &ulZKey, vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "ZKey" );
      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vERD, "ER_RelLinkIdentifier",
                  "ZKey", ulZKey, "EntpER_Model" );
            nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vERD, "ER_RelLinkIdentifier",
                  "ZKey", ulZKey, "EntpER_Model" ))
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vERD, "ER_AttributeIdentifier" ) == zCURSOR_NULL )

            DeleteEntity( vERD, "ER_FactType", zREPOS_NONE );


   DropView( vERD );

   nRC = DeleteEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType", nReposition );
   if ( nReposition != zREPOS_NONE )
      if ( nReposition == zREPOS_NEXT )
         SetCursorNextEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );
         SetCursorPrevEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );

   // It is possible that the ER_RelType we just deleted is part of an
   // opened Subject Area.  If so, we must be sure that Subject Area doesn't
   // have hanging SA_RelType entities that result from the deleted
   // relationships.
   if ( GetViewByName( &vTZERSASO, "TZERSASO", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", 0 );
      while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZERSASO, "ER_RelType" ) < zCURSOR_SET )
            if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "SAVIEW", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
               if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
                  lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                     GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                                     (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                                     "(tzlooprs)" );
               if ( lpfn )
               (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

            DeleteEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", zREPOS_NONE );

         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", 0 );

   return( 0 );
Example #3
//   bSubcontrol - TRUE  - add controls to existing pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl
//                 FALSE - delete existing pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl and start
//                         a new list
CreateZeidonCtrls( zVIEW    vSubobject,
                   ZSubtask *pZSubtask,
                   CWnd     *pWndParent,
                   ZMapAct  *pzmaComposite,
                   zSHORT   nOffsetX,
                   zSHORT   nOffsetY,
                   zBOOL    bSubcontrol )
   zKZWDLGXO_Ctrl_DEF CtrlDef;
   zFARPROC_CONTROL lpfnCtrlProc;
   LPLIBRARY hCCtlLibrary;
   zPCHAR    pchDLL_Name;
   zPCHAR    pchCOP;
   zSHORT    nRC;

#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineX( "CreateZeidonCtrls parent - ", (zLONG) pZSubtask );

   nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl );
   if ( bSubcontrol == FALSE )
      mDeleteInit( pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl );
      if ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         zLONG  lTempCtrlCnt;       // just to get the long temporarily

         GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lTempCtrlCnt, pZSubtask->m_vDialog,
                                  szlWnd, "CtrlCnt" );
//       TraceLineI( "CreateZeidonCtrls count ", lTempCtrlCnt );
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl =
                     new ZMultiIdxSet( (fnCOMPARE) fnCompareCtrlNodes,
                                       (fnCOMPARE) fnSeekCtrlNode,
                                       lTempCtrlCnt );
         // Instead of having ZMultiIdxSet delete the nodes itself, we call
         // a recursive routine (fnDeleteCtrls) to guarantee the child
         // controls are deleted before their parents.
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl = 0;

      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &(pZSubtask->m_vPE),
                                 pZSubtask->m_vDialog );

   zmemset( CtrlDef.Tag, 0xFE, sizeof( CtrlDef ) );
// CtrlDef.CheckByte = 0xFE;
   while ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
      // Get the structure of attributes for this control.
      zPCHAR pch = 0;   // for derived Text attribute

      GetStructFromEntityAttrs( (zPCHAR) CtrlDef.Tag, vSubobject, szlCtrl );
      if ( CtrlDef.CheckByte != 0xFE )
         MessageBox( 0, "CtrlDef Structure Length Error",
                     "GetStructFromEntityAttrs", MB_OK );
   // zPCHAR pchCheckByte = (zPCHAR) &(CtrlDef.CheckByte);
   // pchCheckByte--;
   // if ( *pchCheckByte == (char) 0xFE )
   //    TraceLineS( "zdrctl CtrlDef CheckByte error??", "" );
      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pch, vSubobject, szlCtrl, szlD_Text );
      if ( *pch )
         zstrcpy( CtrlDef.Text, pch );

#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
      TraceLineS( "Tag ", CtrlDef.Tag );
      TraceLineI( "Type ", CtrlDef.Type );
      TraceLineI( "IdNbr ", CtrlDef.IdNbr );
      TraceLineI( "PSDLG_X ", CtrlDef.PSDLG_X );
      TraceLineI( "PSDLG_Y ", CtrlDef.PSDLG_Y );
      TraceLineI( "SZDLG_X ", CtrlDef.SZDLG_X );
      TraceLineI( "SZDLG_Y ", CtrlDef.SZDLG_Y );

      // The token is validated by the painter and/or conversion to
      // the executable object, but we check here anyway.
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE,
                                           szlCtrl, szlKey,
                                           CtrlDef.Type, 0 );
      if ( nRC != zCURSOR_SET )
         TraceLine( "(drvr) ID (%d) not found (%d) in PPE for Ctrl: %s.%s.%s",
                    CtrlDef.Type, nRC,
                    pZSubtask->m_pzsDlgTag ? *(pZSubtask->m_pzsDlgTag) : "?",
                    pZSubtask->m_pzsWndTag ? *(pZSubtask->m_pzsWndTag) : "?",
                    CtrlDef.Tag );
         DisplayEntityInstance( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl );
         DisplayObjectInstance( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, 0, 0 );

         // Skip this one and try the next.
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl, 0 );

      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pchDLL_Name,
                           pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl, szlDLL );
      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pchCOP,
                           pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl, szlCOP );

      // If the DLL name is added to the list, this is the first time it
      // has been encountered ... so call its initialization routine.
      pZSubtask->m_pZTask->AddApplicationDLL( pZSubtask, pchDLL_Name );

      hCCtlLibrary = 0;  // set to zero for GetOperationDynamicCallAddress

      lpfnCtrlProc = (zFARPROC_CONTROL)
           GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( pZSubtask->m_vDialog,
                                           (LPLPLIBRARY) &hCCtlLibrary,
                                           pchDLL_Name, pchCOP,
                                           "(drvr) Ctrl" );

         if ( lpfnCtrlProc ) // && (k % 2) == 0 )
//          TraceLineS( "Create Control: ", pchCOP );
            (*lpfnCtrlProc)( pZSubtask, pWndParent, pzmaComposite,
                             vSubobject, nOffsetX, nOffsetY, &CtrlDef );
#if 0
      catch( CResourceException *e )
         zCHAR szMsg[ 256 ];
         e->GetErrorMessage( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ) );
         zstrcat( szMsg,
      catch( CException *e )
         zCHAR szMsg[ 256 ];

         e->GetErrorMessage( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ) );
         MessageSend( pZSubtask->m_vDialog, 0, "Zeidon Control", szMsg,
                      zMSGQ_MODAL_ERROR, FALSE );

      nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl, 0 );

   }  // end of: while ( nRC == zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )  looping thru controls

   if ( bSubcontrol == FALSE )
      DropView( pZSubtask->m_vPE );
      pZSubtask->m_vPE = 0;  // using this to determine Ctrls have been created

      // Ctrl creation is complete ... notify each ctrl.
      if ( pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl )
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl->VisitInorder( (fnVISIT_INORDER) fnPostCreateCtrls,
                                               0, 0, 0 );