Example #1
// Purpose: Gives back the cursor and stops centering of mouse
void CInput::DeactivateMouse (void)
	// This gets called whenever the mouse should be inactive. We only respond to it if we had 
	// previously activated the mouse. We'll show the cursor in here.
	if ( !m_fMouseActive )

	if ( m_fMouseInitialized )
		if ( m_fRestoreSPI )
#ifdef WIN32
			SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, m_rgOrigMouseParms, 0 );
		m_fMouseActive = false;
		g_pInputStackSystem->SetCursorIcon( m_hInputContext, g_pInputSystem->GetStandardCursor( INPUT_CURSOR_ARROW ) );

		// Clear accumulated error, too
		for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
			GetPerUser().m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement = 0;
			GetPerUser().m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement = 0;
Example #2
// Purpose: Hides cursor and starts accumulation/re-centering
void CInput::ActivateMouse (void)
	if ( m_fMouseActive )

	if ( m_fMouseInitialized )
		if ( m_fMouseParmsValid )
#ifdef WIN32
			m_fRestoreSPI = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, m_rgNewMouseParms, 0) ? true : false;
		m_fMouseActive = true;

		g_pInputStackSystem->SetCursorIcon( m_hInputContext, INPUT_CURSOR_HANDLE_INVALID );

		// Clear accumulated error, too
		for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
			GetPerUser( hh ).m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement = 0;
			GetPerUser( hh ).m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement = 0;

routines to start the process of moving the cam in or out 
using the mouse
void CASWInput::CAM_StartDistance(void)
	// asw
void CASWInput::CAM_Think( void )
	Assert( engine->IsLocalPlayerResolvable() );

	UpdateOrderArrow();	// update the arrow direction if we're in the middle of ordering a marine (see in_main.cpp)

	switch( GetPerUser().m_nCamCommand )



	if( !GetPerUser().m_fCameraInThirdPerson )

	GetPerUser().m_vecCameraOffset[ PITCH ] = ASW_GetCameraPitch();
	GetPerUser().m_vecCameraOffset[ YAW ]   = ASW_GetCameraYaw();
	GetPerUser().m_vecCameraOffset[ DIST ]  = 0;
Example #5
// Purpose: ClearStates -- Resets mouse accumulators so you don't get a pop when returning to trapped mouse
void CInput::ClearStates (void)
	if ( !m_fMouseActive )

	for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
		GetPerUser().m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement = 0;
		GetPerUser().m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement = 0;
Example #6
// Purpose: One-time initialization
void CInput::Init_Mouse (void)
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-nomouse" ) ) 

	for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
		GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseXPosition = 0.0f;
		GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseYPosition = 0.0f;

	m_fMouseInitialized = true;

	m_fMouseParmsValid = false;

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-useforcedmparms" ) ) 
#ifdef WIN32
		m_fMouseParmsValid = SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, m_rgOrigMouseParms, 0 ) ? true : false;
		m_fMouseParmsValid = false;
		if ( m_fMouseParmsValid )
			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemspd" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ];
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = true;

			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemaccel" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ];
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ];
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = true;
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = true;
Example #7
// Purpose: AccumulateMouse
void CInput::AccumulateMouse( int nSlot )
	if( !cl_mouseenable.GetBool() )

	if( !UsingMouselook( nSlot ) )

	int w, h;
	engine->GetScreenSize( w, h );

	// x,y = screen center
	int x = w >> 1;
	int y = h >> 1;

	// Clamp
	if ( m_fMouseActive )
		int ox, oy;
		GetMousePos( ox, oy );
		ox = clamp( ox, 0, w - 1 );
		oy = clamp( oy, 0, h - 1 );
		SetMousePos( ox, oy );

	//only accumulate mouse if we are not moving the camera with the mouse
	PerUserInput_t &user = GetPerUser( nSlot );

	if ( !user.m_fCameraInterceptingMouse && vgui::surface()->IsCursorLocked() )
		//Assert( !vgui::surface()->IsCursorVisible() );

#ifdef WIN32
		int current_posx, current_posy;

		GetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);

		user.m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement += current_posx - x;
		user.m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement += current_posy - y;

		// force the mouse to the center, so there's room to move
#elif defined(OSX)
		CGMouseDelta deltaX, deltaY;
		CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
		user.m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement += deltaX;
		user.m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement += deltaY;
Example #8
// Purpose: GetMouseDelta -- Filters the mouse and stores results in old position
// Input  : mx - 
//			my - 
//			*oldx - 
//			*oldy - 
//			*x - 
//			*y - 
void CInput::GetMouseDelta( int nSlot, float inmousex, float inmousey, float *pOutMouseX, float *pOutMouseY )
	// Apply filtering?
	static SplitScreenConVarRef s_m_filter( "m_filter" );
	if ( s_m_filter.GetBool( nSlot ) )
		// Average over last two samples
		*pOutMouseX = ( inmousex + GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseXPosition ) * 0.5f;
		*pOutMouseY = ( inmousey + GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseYPosition ) * 0.5f;
		*pOutMouseX = inmousex;
		*pOutMouseY = inmousey;

	// Latch previous
	GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseXPosition = inmousex;
	GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseYPosition = inmousey;

Example #9
// Purpose: GetAccumulatedMouse -- the mouse can be sampled multiple times per frame and
//  these results are accumulated each time. This function gets the accumulated mouse changes and resets the accumulators
// Input  : *mx - 
//			*my - 
void CInput::GetAccumulatedMouseDeltasAndResetAccumulators( int nSlot, float *mx, float *my )
	Assert( mx );
	Assert( my );

	PerUserInput_t &user = GetPerUser( nSlot );

	*mx = user.m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement;
	*my = user.m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement;

	user.m_flAccumulatedMouseXMovement = 0;
	user.m_flAccumulatedMouseYMovement = 0;
Example #10
// Purpose: ApplyMouse -- applies mouse deltas to CUserCmd
// Input  : viewangles - 
//			*cmd - 
//			mouse_x - 
//			mouse_y - 
void CInput::ApplyMouse( int nSlot, QAngle& viewangles, CUserCmd *cmd, float mouse_x, float mouse_y )
	PerUserInput_t &user = GetPerUser( nSlot );

	//roll the view angles so roll is 0 (the HL2 assumed state) and mouse adjustments are relative to the screen.
	//Assuming roll is unchanging, we want mouse left to translate to screen left at all times (same for right, up, and down)

	if ( !((in_strafe.GetPerUser( nSlot ).state & 1) || lookstrafe.GetInt()) )
		if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() )
			if ( mouse_x )
				// use the mouse to orbit the camera around the player, and update the idealAngle
				user.m_vecCameraOffset[ YAW ] -= m_yaw.GetFloat() * mouse_x;
				cam_idealyaw.SetValue( user.m_vecCameraOffset[ YAW ] - viewangles[ YAW ] );

				// why doesn't this work??? CInput::AdjustYaw is why
				//cam_idealyaw.SetValue( cam_idealyaw.GetFloat() - m_yaw.GetFloat() * mouse_x );
			// Otherwize, use mouse to spin around vertical axis

				viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.GetFloat() * mouse_x;
		// If holding strafe key or mlooking and have lookstrafe set to true, then apply
		//  horizontal mouse movement to sidemove.
		cmd->sidemove += m_side.GetFloat() * mouse_x;

	// If mouselooking and not holding strafe key, then use vertical mouse
	//  to adjust view pitch.
	if (!(in_strafe.GetPerUser( nSlot ).state & 1))
		if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() )
			if ( mouse_y )
				// use the mouse to orbit the camera around the player, and update the idealAngle
				user.m_vecCameraOffset[ PITCH ] += m_pitch->GetFloat() * mouse_y;
				cam_idealpitch.SetValue( user.m_vecCameraOffset[ PITCH ] - viewangles[ PITCH ] );

				// why doesn't this work??? CInput::AdjustYaw is why
				//cam_idealpitch.SetValue( cam_idealpitch.GetFloat() + m_pitch->GetFloat() * mouse_y );

				viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch->GetFloat() * mouse_y;

			// Check pitch bounds
			if (viewangles[PITCH] > cl_pitchdown.GetFloat())
				viewangles[PITCH] = cl_pitchdown.GetFloat();
			if (viewangles[PITCH] < -cl_pitchup.GetFloat())
				viewangles[PITCH] = -cl_pitchup.GetFloat();
		// Otherwise if holding strafe key and noclipping, then move upward
/*		if ((in_strafe.state & 1) && IsNoClipping() )
			cmd->upmove -= m_forward.GetFloat() * mouse_y;
		else */
			// Default is to apply vertical mouse movement as a forward key press.
			cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward.GetFloat() * mouse_y;

	// Finally, add mouse state to usercmd.
	// NOTE:  Does rounding to int cause any issues?  ywb 1/17/04
	cmd->mousedx = (int)mouse_x;
	cmd->mousedy = (int)mouse_y;
Example #11
// Purpose: Advanced joystick setup
void CInput::Joystick_Advanced( bool bSilent )
	m_fJoystickAdvancedInit = true;

	// called whenever an update is needed
	int	i;
	DWORD dwTemp;

	if ( IsX360() )
		// Xbox always uses a joystick
		in_joystick.SetValue( 1 );

	for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )

		PerUserInput_t &user = GetPerUser();

		// Initialize all the maps
		for ( i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES; i++ )
			user.m_rgAxes[i].AxisMap = GAME_AXIS_NONE;
			user.m_rgAxes[i].ControlMap = JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS;

		if ( !joy_advanced.GetBool() )
			// default joystick initialization
			// 2 axes only with joystick control
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_X].AxisMap = GAME_AXIS_YAW;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Y].AxisMap = GAME_AXIS_FORWARD;
			if ( !bSilent && 
				hh == 0 && Q_stricmp( joy_name.GetString(), "joystick") )
				// notify user of advanced controller
				Msg( "Using joystick '%s' configuration\n", joy_name.GetString() );

			static SplitScreenConVarRef s_joy_movement_stick( "joy_movement_stick" );

			bool bJoyMovementStick = s_joy_movement_stick.GetBool( hh );

			// advanced initialization here
			// data supplied by user via joy_axisn cvars
			dwTemp = ( bJoyMovementStick ) ? (DWORD)joy_advaxisu.GetInt() : (DWORD)joy_advaxisx.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_X].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_X].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
			dwTemp = ( bJoyMovementStick ) ? (DWORD)joy_advaxisr.GetInt() : (DWORD)joy_advaxisy.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Y].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Y].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;

			dwTemp = (DWORD)joy_advaxisz.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Z].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Z].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;

			dwTemp = ( bJoyMovementStick ) ? (DWORD)joy_advaxisy.GetInt() : (DWORD)joy_advaxisr.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_R].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_R].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;

			dwTemp = ( bJoyMovementStick ) ? (DWORD)joy_advaxisx.GetInt() : (DWORD)joy_advaxisu.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_U].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_U].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
			dwTemp = (DWORD)joy_advaxisv.GetInt();
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_V].AxisMap = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
			user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_V].ControlMap = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;

			if ( !bSilent )
				Msg( "Advanced joystick settings initialized for joystick %d\n------------\n", hh + 1 );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "x axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_X] );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "y axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Y] );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "z axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_Z] );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "r axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_R] );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "u axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_U] );
				DescribeJoystickAxis( hh, "v axis", &user.m_rgAxes[JOY_AXIS_V] );

#if defined( SWARM_DLL )
	// If we have an xbox controller, load the cfg file if it hasn't been loaded.
	ConVarRef var( "joy_xcontroller_found" );
	if ( var.IsValid() && var.GetBool() && in_joystick.GetBool() )
		if ( joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.GetBool() == false )
			if ( IsPC() )
				engine->ClientCmd( "exec 360controller_pc.cfg" );
			else if ( IsX360() )
				engine->ClientCmd( "exec 360controller_xbox.cfg" );

			joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.SetValue( 1 );
	else if ( joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.GetBool() )
		engine->ClientCmd( "exec undo360controller.cfg" );
		joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.SetValue( 0 );
#else // SWARM_DLL 
	if ( IsPC() )
		// If we have an xcontroller on the PC, load the cfg file if it hasn't been loaded.
		ConVarRef var( "joy_xcontroller_found" );
		if ( var.IsValid() && var.GetBool() && in_joystick.GetBool() )
			if ( joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.GetBool() == false )
				engine->ClientCmd( "exec 360controller.cfg" );
				joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.SetValue( 1 );
		else if ( joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.GetBool() )
			engine->ClientCmd( "exec undo360controller.cfg" );
			joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded.SetValue( 0 );
#endif // SWARM_DLL

void CASWInput::CAM_StartMouseMove(void)
Example #13
// Purpose: MouseMove -- main entry point for applying mouse
// Input  : *cmd - 
void CInput::MouseMove( int nSlot, CUserCmd *cmd )
	float	mouse_x, mouse_y;
	float	mx, my;
	QAngle	viewangles;

	// Get view angles from engine
	engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );

	// Validate mouse speed/acceleration settings

	// Don't drift pitch at all while mouselooking.
	view->StopPitchDrift ();

	//jjb - this disables normal mouse control if the user is trying to 
	//      move the camera, or if the mouse cursor is visible 
	if ( !GetPerUser( nSlot ).m_fCameraInterceptingMouse && g_pInputStackSystem->IsTopmostEnabledContext( m_hInputContext ) )
		// Sample mouse one more time
		AccumulateMouse( nSlot );

		// Latch accumulated mouse movements and reset accumulators
		GetAccumulatedMouseDeltasAndResetAccumulators( nSlot, &mx, &my );

		// Filter, etc. the delta values and place into mouse_x and mouse_y
		GetMouseDelta( nSlot, mx, my, &mouse_x, &mouse_y );

		// Apply scaling factor
		ScaleMouse( nSlot, &mouse_x, &mouse_y );

		// Let the client mode at the mouse input before it's used
		GetClientMode()->OverrideMouseInput( &mouse_x, &mouse_y );

		// Add mouse X/Y movement to cmd
		ApplyMouse( nSlot, viewangles, cmd, mouse_x, mouse_y );

		// Re-center the mouse.

	// Store out the new viewangles.
	engine->SetViewAngles( viewangles );