Example #1
 * ProjectilesMove; called for every frame.  
 *   dt is number of milliseconds since last time animation timer went off.
 * Return True iff some projectile moved.
Bool ProjectilesMove(int dt)
   list_type l, next;

   if (current_room.projectiles == NULL)
      return False;

   // Have to be careful here, since deleting items from list as we go down it
   l = current_room.projectiles;
   while (l != NULL)
      Projectile *p = (Projectile *) (l->data);
      next = l->next;

      if (MoveSingle(&p->motion, dt))
         current_room.projectiles = list_delete_item(current_room.projectiles, p, 
      else if (p->flags & PROJ_FLAG_FOLLOWGROUND)
	 p->motion.z = GetPointFloor(p->motion.x, p->motion.y);
      l = next;

   return True;
Example #2
 * MoveTooCloseToWall:  User is moving from (old_x, old_y) to (new_x, new_y).
 *   Return True if this moves user too close to an impassable wall.
Bool MoveTooCloseToWall(BSPTree tree, int old_x, int old_y, int new_x, int new_y,
                        int min_distance)
   int i, last_x, last_y, x, y, z;

   // Divide move into a few pieces to prevent a move that jumps clear through
   // a wall, but where either endpoint isn't too close to a wall

   last_x = old_x;
   last_y = old_y;   

   for (i=1; i <= STEPS_PER_MOVE; i++)
      // Find height of floor at object's current location
      z = GetPointFloor(tree, last_x, last_y);

      x = old_x + (new_x - old_x) * i / STEPS_PER_MOVE;
      y = old_y + (new_y - old_y) * i / STEPS_PER_MOVE;

      if (MoveCheckBSPNode(tree, last_x, last_y, x, y, z, min_distance) == True)
	 return True;

      last_x = x;
      last_y = y;
   return False;
Example #3
 * D3DParticleIsAlive: Decrements particle energy, checks if particle
 *                     is alive and can be displayed. Doesn't check if
 *                     particle is behind the player, because position
 *                     and velocity still need to be updated for these.
Bool D3DParticleIsAlive(emitter *pEmitter, particle *pParticle)
   if (pParticle->energy == 0)
      return false;

   if (--pParticle->energy <= 0)
      pParticle->energy = 0;

      return false;

   if (pEmitter->emitterFlags & PS_WEATHER_EFFECT)
      PDIB pdibCeiling = NULL;
      pdibCeiling = GetPointCeilingTexture(pParticle->pos.x, pParticle->pos.y);
      if (pdibCeiling)
         pParticle->energy = 0;

         return false;

   // If we don't allow this type of particle to survive inside the ground, destroy it.
   if ((pEmitter->emitterFlags & PS_GROUND_DESTROY)
      && (pParticle->pos.z < GetPointFloor(pParticle->pos.x, pParticle->pos.y)))
      //debug(("destroying particle, floor: %i, pHeight: %6.1f \n",
      //   GetPointFloor(pParticle->pos.x, pParticle->pos.y), pParticle->pos.z));
      pParticle->energy = 0;

      return false;

   return true;