Example #1
/**\brief Retrieves nearby QuadTrees
 * \param c Coordinate
 * \param r Radius
 * \return std::list of QuadTree pointers.
list<QuadTree*> SpriteManager::GetQuadrantsNear( Coordinate c, float r) {
	// The possibleQuadrants are those trees adjacent and within a radius r
	// Gather more trees when r is greater than the size of a quadrant
	map<Coordinate,QuadTree*>::iterator iter;
	list<QuadTree*> nearbyQuadrants;
	set<Coordinate> possibleQuadrants;

	Coordinate center = GetQuadrantCenter(c);

	possibleQuadrants.insert( center );
	float R = r;
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,-0)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-0,+R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+0,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,+0)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,+R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,+R)));
	set<Coordinate>::iterator it;
	for(it = possibleQuadrants.begin(); it != possibleQuadrants.end(); ++it) {
		//here we're checking to see if this possible quadrant is one of the existing quadrants
		// and if it is then we add its QuadTree to the vector we're returning
		//how about we try creating the quadrant if it does not already exist
		iter = trees.find(*it);
		if(iter != trees.end() && iter->second->PossiblyNear(c,r)){
	return nearbyQuadrants;
Example #2
/**\brief Retrieves nearby QuadTrees
 * \param c Coordinate
 * \param r Radius
 * \return std::list of QuadTree pointers.
list<QuadTree*> SpriteManager::GetQuadrantsNear( Coordinate c, float r) {
	// The possibleQuadrants are those trees adjacent and within a radius r
	// Gather more trees when r is greater than the size of a quadrant
	map<Coordinate,QuadTree*>::iterator iter;
	list<QuadTree*> nearbyQuadrants;
	set<Coordinate> possibleQuadrants;
	possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c));
	float R = r;
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,-0)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-0,+R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+0,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,+0)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(-R,+R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,-R)));
		possibleQuadrants.insert( GetQuadrantCenter(c + Coordinate(+R,+R)));
	set<Coordinate>::iterator it;
	for(it = possibleQuadrants.begin(); it != possibleQuadrants.end(); ++it) {
		iter = trees.find(*it);
		if(iter != trees.end() && iter->second->PossiblyNear(c,r)){
	return nearbyQuadrants;
Example #3
/**\brief Draws the current sprites
void SpriteManager::Draw() {
	if( OPTION(int,"options/development/debug-quadtree") )
		GetQuadrant( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate() )->Draw( GetQuadrantCenter( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate() ) );

	list<Sprite *>::iterator i;
	list<Sprite*> *onscreen;
	float r = (Video::GetHalfHeight() < Video::GetHalfWidth() ? Video::GetHalfWidth() : Video::GetHalfHeight()) *V_SQRT2;
	onscreen = GetSpritesNear( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate(), r, DRAW_ORDER_ALL);


	for( i = onscreen->begin(); i != onscreen->end(); ++i ) {
	delete onscreen;
Example #4
/**\brief Returns QuadTree at Coordinate
 * \param point Coordinate
QuadTree* SpriteManager::GetQuadrant( Coordinate point ) {
	Coordinate treeCenter = GetQuadrantCenter(point);

	// Check in the known Quadrant
	map<Coordinate,QuadTree*>::iterator iter;
	iter = trees.find( treeCenter );
	if( iter != trees.end() ) {
		return iter->second;

	// Create the new Tree and attach it to the universe
	QuadTree *newTree = new QuadTree(treeCenter, QUADRANTSIZE);
	assert(treeCenter == newTree->GetCenter() );
	trees.insert(make_pair(treeCenter, newTree));

	// Debug
	//cout<<"A Tree at "<<treeCenter<<" was created to contain "<<point<<". "<<trees.size()<<" Quadrants exist now."<<endl;

	return newTree;
Example #5
/**\brief Retrieves nearby QuadTrees in a square band at <bandIndex> quadrants distant from the coordinate
 * \param c Coordinate
 * \param bandIndex number of quadrants distant from c
 * \return std::list of QuadTree pointers.
list<QuadTree*> SpriteManager::GetQuadrantsInBand ( Coordinate c, int bandIndex) {
	// The possibleQuadrants here are the quadrants that are in the square band
	//  at distance bandIndex from the coordinate
	// After we get the possible quadrants we prune them by making sure they exist
	//  (ie that something is in them)

	list<QuadTree*> nearbyQuadrants;
	set<Coordinate> possibleQuadrants;

	//note that the QUADRANTSIZE define is the
	//	distance from the middle to the edge of a quadrant
	//to get the square band of co-ordinates we have to
	//		- start at bottom left 
	//			loop over increasing Y (to get 'west' line)
	//			loop over increasing X (to get 'south' line)
	//		- start at top right
	//			loop over decreasing Y (to get 'east' line)
	//			loop over decreasing X (to get 'north' line)
	int edgeDistance = bandIndex * QUADRANTSIZE * 2;		//number of pixels from middle to the band
	Coordinate bottomLeft (c - Coordinate (edgeDistance, edgeDistance));
	Coordinate topLeft (c + Coordinate (-edgeDistance, edgeDistance));
	Coordinate topRight (c + Coordinate (edgeDistance, edgeDistance));
	Coordinate bottomRight (c + Coordinate (edgeDistance, -edgeDistance));

	//the 'full' length of one of the lines is (bandindex * 2) + 1
	//we don't need the +1 as we deal with the corners individually, separately
	int bandLength = (bandIndex * 2);

	//deal with the un-included corners first
	//we're using bottomLeft and topRight as the anchors, 
	// so topLeft and bottomRight are added here
	possibleQuadrants.insert (GetQuadrantCenter (topLeft));
	possibleQuadrants.insert (GetQuadrantCenter (bottomRight));
	for (int i = 0; i < bandLength; i ++) {
		int offset = ((QUADRANTSIZE * 2) * i);
		Coordinate west, south, north, east;

		west = GetQuadrantCenter (bottomLeft + Coordinate (0, offset));
		south = GetQuadrantCenter (bottomLeft + Coordinate (offset, 0));
		north = GetQuadrantCenter (topRight - Coordinate (offset, 0));
		east = GetQuadrantCenter (topRight - Coordinate (0, offset));

		possibleQuadrants.insert (west);		//west
		possibleQuadrants.insert (south);		//south
		possibleQuadrants.insert (north);		//north
		possibleQuadrants.insert (east);		//east

	//here we're checking to see if this possible quadrant is one of the existing quadrants
	// and if it is then we add its QuadTree to the vector we're returning
	// if it's not then there's nothing in it anyway so we don't care about it
	set<Coordinate>::iterator it;
	map<Coordinate,QuadTree*>::iterator iter;
	for(it = possibleQuadrants.begin(); it != possibleQuadrants.end(); ++it) {
		iter = trees.find(*it);
		if(iter != trees.end()) {
	return nearbyQuadrants;
Example #6
/**\brief Draws the current sprites
void SpriteManager::DrawQuadrantMap( Coordinate focus ) {
	GetQuadrant( focus )->Draw( GetQuadrantCenter( focus ) );
Example #7
/**\brief Draws the current sprites
void SpriteManager::DrawQuadrantMap() {
	GetQuadrant( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate() )->Draw( GetQuadrantCenter( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate() ) );