void TorrentTabFilesWidget::on_FilePriorityRegulator__valueChanged (int prio)
		for (auto idx : GetSelectedIndexes ())
			idx = idx.sibling (idx.row (), TorrentFilesModel::ColumnPriority);
			Ui_.FilesView_->model ()->setData (idx, prio);
Example #2
// _110313_054719 Still does not support passive.
void ShelveInfoModule::Pop(bool active)
	if (!active) throw gcnew NotSupportedException("Passive panel is not supported");
	_panel->_postSelected = GetSelectedIndexes();
	void TorrentTabFilesWidget::on_FilesView__customContextMenuRequested (const QPoint& pos)
		const auto itm = Core::Instance ()->GetProxy ()->GetIconThemeManager ();

		QMenu menu;

		const auto& selected = GetSelectedIndexes ();
		const auto& openable = Util::Filter (selected,
				[] (const QModelIndex& idx)
					const auto progress = idx.data (TorrentFilesModel::RoleProgress).toDouble ();
					return idx.model ()->rowCount (idx) ||
							std::abs (progress - 1) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon ();
		if (!openable.isEmpty ())
			const auto& openActName = openable.size () == 1 ?
					tr ("Open file") :
					tr ("Open %n file(s)", 0, openable.size ());
			const auto openAct = menu.addAction (openActName);
			openAct->setIcon (itm->GetIcon ("document-open"));
			new Util::SlotClosure<Util::DeleteLaterPolicy>
				[openable, this]
					for (const auto& idx : openable)
						CurrentFilesModel_->HandleFileActivated (ProxyModel_->mapToSource (idx));
				SIGNAL (triggered ()),

			menu.addSeparator ();

		const auto& cachedRoots = Util::Map (selected,
				[] (const QModelIndex& idx)
					return qMakePair (idx, idx.data (TorrentFilesModel::RoleFullPath).toString ());
		const auto& priorityRoots = Util::Map (Util::Filter (cachedRoots,
					[&cachedRoots] (const QPair<QModelIndex, QString>& idxPair)
						return std::none_of (cachedRoots.begin (), cachedRoots.end (),
								[&idxPair] (const QPair<QModelIndex, QString>& existing)
									return idxPair.first != existing.first &&
											idxPair.second.startsWith (existing.second);
				[] (const QPair<QModelIndex, QString>& idxPair)
					return idxPair.first
							.sibling (idxPair.first.row (), TorrentFilesModel::ColumnPriority);
		if (!priorityRoots.isEmpty ())
			const auto subMenu = menu.addMenu (tr ("Change priority"));
			const QList<QPair<int, QString>> descrs
				{ 0, tr ("File is not downloaded.") },
				{ 1, tr ("Normal priority, download order depends on availability.") },
				{ 2, tr ("Pieces are preferred over the pieces with same availability.") },
				{ 3, tr ("Empty pieces are preferred just as much as partial pieces.") },
				{ 4, tr ("Empty pieces are preferred over partial pieces with the same availability.") },
				{ 5, tr ("Same as previous.") },
				{ 6, tr ("Pieces are considered to have highest availability.") },
				{ 7, tr ("Maximum file priority.") }

			for (const auto& descr : descrs)
				const auto prio = descr.first;

				const auto act = subMenu->addAction (QString::number (prio) + " " + descr.second);

				new Util::SlotClosure<Util::DeleteLaterPolicy>
					[this, prio, openable]
						for (const auto& idx : openable)
							ProxyModel_->setData (idx, prio);
					SIGNAL (triggered ()),

		menu.addAction (tr ("Expand all"), Ui_.FilesView_, SLOT (expandAll ()));
		menu.addAction (tr ("Collapse all"), Ui_.FilesView_, SLOT (collapseAll ()));

		menu.exec (Ui_.FilesView_->viewport ()->mapToGlobal (pos));