void do_ss_frame(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) /* * Gte the selected set and call the routine to open up an Xbae widget */ { EditPoints *ep; int gno = cg; int setno = GetSelectedSet(editp_set_item); if (setno == SET_SELECT_ERROR) { errwin("No set selected"); return; } if( setno == SET_SELECT_NEXT ) { if( (setno=nextset(gno)) != -1 ) { add_point(gno, setno, 0., 0., 0, 0, SET_XY); add_point(gno, setno, 1, 1, 0, 0, SET_XY); setcomment( gno, setno, "editor" ); update_set_status( gno, setno ); } else { errwin("No set selected"); return; } } if (isactive_set(gno, setno)) { if (((ep = (EditPoints *) geteditpoints(gno, setno)) != NULL) && (ep->top != NULL)) { XtRaise(ep->top); } else { ep = newep(gno, setno); create_ss_frame(ep); } } else { errwin("Set not active"); } }
void setsel_cred_cb(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) /* * callback to grey out forumla button if "New set" not selcted */ { if( GetSelectedSet(editp_set_item) != SET_SELECT_NEXT ) XtSetSensitive( (Widget)client_data, False ); else XtSetSensitive( (Widget)client_data, True ); }
void do_fext_proc( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data ) { int gto, feature, abs_graph = -1, abs_set = -1, abs_src; Featext_ui *ui = (Featext_ui *) client_data; feature = (int) GetChoice(ui->feature_item); gto = (int) GetChoice(ui->tograph )-1; if( gto == -1 ) gto = cg; abs_src = (int) GetChoice(ui->xval_item); if( abs_src ==2 || abs_src==3 ) { abs_set = GetSelectedSet(ui->absic_set); abs_graph = (int) GetChoice(ui->absic_graph); } fext_routine( gto, feature, abs_src, abs_set, abs_graph ); }
/* * Start up editor using GR_EDITOR variable * Note the change to the GR_EDITOR variable: If it requires a text * terminal it must provide it explicitly with an xterm -e prefix */ void do_ext_editor(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { char buf[256], tbuf[256], *fname, *mktemp(char *); char ebuf[256], *s; int setno = GetSelectedSet(editp_set_item), curgraph=cg; if (setno == SET_SELECT_ERROR) { errwin("No set selected"); return; } strcpy(tbuf, "/tmp/xmgrXXXXXX"); fname = mktemp(tbuf); if( setno == SET_SELECT_NEXT ){ if( (setno=nextset(curgraph)) == -1 ){ errwin("Not enough sets"); return; } activateset( curgraph, setno ); do_writesets(curgraph, setno, 0, fname, sformat); } else do_writesets(curgraph, setno, 0, fname, sformat); if ((s = getenv("GR_EDITOR")) != NULL) { strcpy(ebuf, s); } else { strcpy(ebuf, "xterm -e vi"); } sprintf(buf, "%s %s", ebuf, fname); system(buf); if( isactive_set( curgraph, setno ) ) { softkillset( curgraph, setno ); getdata(curgraph, fname, SOURCE_DISK, dataset_type( curgraph, setno ) ); } else { setcomment( curgraph, setno, "editor" ); getdata(curgraph, fname, SOURCE_DISK, SET_XY ); } sprintf(buf, "rm %s", fname); system(buf); update_all( curgraph ); doforce_redraw(); }
static void do_hotlink_proc(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer) { int setno, src; char fname[256]; char buf[256]; XmString xms; set_wait_cursor(); setno = GetSelectedSet(hotlink_set_item); src = GetChoice(hotlink_source_item); strcpy(fname, xv_getstr(hotlink_file_item)); sprintf(buf, "S%02d -> %s -> %s", setno, src == 0 ? "DISK" : "PIPE", fname); xms = XmStringCreateLtoR(buf, charset); XmListAddItemUnselected(hotlink_list_item, xms, 0); set_hotlink(cg, setno, TRUE, fname, src == 0 ? DISK : PIPE); XmStringFree(xms); unset_wait_cursor(); }
/* ARGSUSED */ static void do_nonl_proc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { int i, npts = 0, info; double delx, *xfit, *y, *yfit; int nsteps = (int) client_data; set_wait_cursor(); curset = nlsetno = GetSelectedSet(nonl_set_item); if (curset == SET_SELECT_ERROR) { errmsg("No set selected"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } nonl_opts.tolerance = atof((char *) xv_getstr(nonl_tol_item)); nonl_opts.parnum = GetChoice(nonl_nparm_item); strcpy(nonl_opts.formula, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_formula_item)); for (i = 0; i < nonl_opts.parnum; i++) { strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_value_item[i])); if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &nonl_parms[i].value) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in parameter field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } nonl_parms[i].constr = XmToggleButtonGetState(nonl_constr_item[i]); if (nonl_parms[i].constr) { strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_lowb_item[i])); if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &nonl_parms[i].min) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in low-bound field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_uppb_item[i])); if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &nonl_parms[i].max) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in upper-bound field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } if ((nonl_parms[i].value < nonl_parms[i].min) || (nonl_parms[i].value > nonl_parms[i].max)) { errmsg("Initial values must be within bounds"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } } } nonl_prefs.autoload = XmToggleButtonGetState(nonl_autol_item); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (XmToggleButtonGetState(nonl_load_item[i])) { nonl_prefs.load = i; break; } } if (nonl_prefs.load == LOAD_FUNCTION) { strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_start_item)); if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &nonl_prefs.start) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in start field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_stop_item)); if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &nonl_prefs.stop) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in stop field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } strcpy(buf, (char *) xv_getstr(nonl_npts_item)); if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &nonl_prefs.npoints) != 1) { errmsg("Invalid input in start field"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } } if (nsteps) { /* we are asked to fit */ sprintf(buf, "Fitting with formula: %s\n", nonl_opts.formula); stufftext(buf, 0); sprintf(buf, "Initial guesses:\n"); stufftext(buf, 0); for (i = 0; i < nonl_opts.parnum; i++) { sprintf(buf, "\ta%1d = %g\n", i, nonl_parms[i].value); stufftext(buf, 0); } sprintf(buf, "Tolerance = %g\n", nonl_opts.tolerance); stufftext(buf, 0); /* * The fit itself! */ info = do_nonlfit(cg, nlsetno, nsteps); if (info == -1) { errmsg("Memory allocation error in do_nonlfit()"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } for (i = 0; i < nonl_opts.parnum; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%g", nonl_parms[i].value); xv_setstr(nonl_value_item[i], buf); } if ((info > 0 && info < 4) || (info == 5)) { sprintf(buf, "Computed values:\n"); stufftext(buf, 0); for (i = 0; i < nonl_opts.parnum; i++) { sprintf(buf, "\ta%1d = %g\n", i, nonl_parms[i].value); stufftext(buf, 0); } } if (info >= 0 && info <= 7) { char *s; switch (info) { case 0: s = "Improper input parameters.\n"; break; case 1: s = "Relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol.\n"; break; case 2: s = "Relative error between A and the solution is at most tol.\n"; break; case 3: s = "Relative error in the sum of squares and A and the solution is at most tol.\n"; break; case 4: s = "Fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision.\n"; break; case 5: s = "\n"; break; case 6: s = "Tol is too small. No further reduction in the sum of squares is possible.\n"; break; case 7: s = "Tol is too small. No further improvement in the approximate solution A is possible.\n"; break; default: s = "\n"; errmsg("Internal error in do_nonl_proc(), please report"); break; } stufftext(s, 0); stufftext("\n", 0); } } /* endif (nsteps) */ /* * Select & activate a set to load results to */ if (!nsteps || nonl_prefs.autoload) { /* check if the set is already allocated */ if ((nlloadset == -1) || (nlloadset == nlsetno) || !getsetlength(cg, nlloadset)) { nlloadset = nextset(cg); if (nlloadset == -1) { errmsg("No more sets!"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } else { activateset(cg, nlloadset); setlength(cg, nlloadset, 1); } } switch (nonl_prefs.load) { case LOAD_VALUES: sprintf(buf, "Evaluating fitted values and loading result to set %d:\n", nlloadset); stufftext(buf, 0); npts = getsetlength(cg, nlsetno); setlength(cg, nlloadset, npts); copycol2(cg, nlsetno, cg, nlloadset, 0); break; case LOAD_RESIDUALS: sprintf(buf, "Evaluating fitted values and loading residuals to set %d:\n", nlloadset); stufftext(buf, 0); npts = getsetlength(cg, nlsetno); setlength(cg, nlloadset, npts); copycol2(cg, nlsetno, cg, nlloadset, 0); break; case LOAD_FUNCTION: sprintf(buf, "Computing fitting function and loading result to set %d:\n", nlloadset); stufftext(buf, 0); npts = nonl_prefs.npoints; if (npts <= 1) { errmsg("Number of points must be > 1"); unset_wait_cursor(); return; } setlength(cg, nlloadset, npts); delx = (nonl_prefs.stop - nonl_prefs.start)/(npts - 1); xfit = getx(cg, nlloadset); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { xfit[i] = nonl_prefs.start + i * delx; } break; } setcomment(cg, nlloadset, nonl_opts.formula); do_compute(nlloadset, 0, cg, nonl_opts.formula); if (nonl_prefs.load == LOAD_RESIDUALS) { /* load residuals */ y = gety(cg, nlsetno); yfit = gety(cg, nlloadset); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { yfit[i] -= y[i]; } } update_set_lists(cg); drawgraph(); } unset_wait_cursor(); }