rendering::ShadowCameraTransform rendering::lighting::DirectionalLight::CalcShadowCameraTransform(const math::Vector3D& cameraPos, const math::Quaternion& cameraRot) const
	//return BaseLight::CalcShadowCameraTransform(cameraPos, cameraRot);

	// This function in directional light allows the directional light to be casting shadows only in the area around the camera current position
	ShadowCameraTransform shadowCameraTransform(cameraPos + cameraRot.GetForward() * m_halfShadowArea, GetTransform().GetTransformedRot());

	 * The reoccurring shimmering is caused by the moving shadow camera by the value less than
	 * the shadow map texel size. If I move by, let's say, half the texel size, render the scene
	 * and generate the shadow map again, the objects aren't going to map to exactly the same texels
	 * in the shadow map. This causes approximation to be calculated slightly differently each frame.
	 * To fix the shimmering effect we have to make sure we only move by the multiple of the texel size.
	/* ==================== Fixing the shimmering effect begin ==================== */
	const auto shadowMapSize = static_cast<math::Real>(1 << GetShadowInfo()->GetShadowMapSizeAsPowerOf2());
	const auto worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize = m_halfShadowArea * 2.0f / shadowMapSize;
	// Now we transform from the world space into the light space
	auto lightSpaceCameraPos(shadowCameraTransform.pos.Rotate(shadowCameraTransform.rot.Conjugate()));

	// Now we need to snap the lightSpaceCameraPos to shadow map texel size increments
	lightSpaceCameraPos.x = worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize * math::Floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.x / worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize);
	lightSpaceCameraPos.y = worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize * math::Floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.y / worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize);

	// Now we transform back from the light space into the world space
	shadowCameraTransform.pos = lightSpaceCameraPos.Rotate(shadowCameraTransform.rot);
	/* ==================== Fixing the shimmering effect end ==================== */
	return shadowCameraTransform;
Example #2
ShadowCameraTransform DirectionalLight::CalcShadowCameraTransform(const Vector3f& mainCameraPos, const Quaternion& mainCameraRot) const
	Vector3f resultPos = mainCameraPos + mainCameraRot.GetForward() * GetHalfShadowArea();
	Quaternion resultRot = GetTransform().GetTransformedRot();
	float worldTexelSize = (GetHalfShadowArea()*2)/((float)(1 << GetShadowInfo().GetShadowMapSizeAsPowerOf2()));
	Vector3f lightSpaceCameraPos = resultPos.Rotate(resultRot.Conjugate());
	lightSpaceCameraPos.SetX(worldTexelSize * floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.GetX() / worldTexelSize));
	lightSpaceCameraPos.SetY(worldTexelSize * floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.GetY() / worldTexelSize));
	resultPos = lightSpaceCameraPos.Rotate(resultRot);
	return ShadowCameraTransform(resultPos, resultRot);