void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateDeMorganConvert( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
    LIB_PART*      part = GetCurPart();

    event.Enable( GetShowDeMorgan() || ( part && part->HasConversion() ) );
    event.Check( m_convert > 1 );
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateDeMorganConvert( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
    if( m_mainToolBar == NULL )

    event.Enable( GetShowDeMorgan() || ( m_component && m_component->HasConversion() ) );
    event.Check( m_convert > 1 );
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateDeMorganNormal( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
    if( m_mainToolBar == NULL )

    LIB_PART*      part = GetCurPart();

    event.Enable( GetShowDeMorgan() || ( part && part->HasConversion() ) );
    event.Check( m_convert <= 1 );
Example #4
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::EditGraphicSymbol( wxDC* DC, LIB_ITEM* DrawItem )
    if( DrawItem == NULL )

    LIB_PART*      symbol = DrawItem->GetParent();

    DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_DRAW_ITEM dialog( this, DrawItem->GetTypeName() );

    dialog.SetWidthUnits( ReturnUnitSymbol( g_UserUnit ) );

    wxString val = StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, DrawItem->GetWidth() );
    dialog.SetWidth( val );
    dialog.SetApplyToAllUnits( DrawItem->GetUnit() == 0 );
    dialog.EnableApplyToAllUnits( symbol && symbol->GetUnitCount() > 1 );
    dialog.SetApplyToAllConversions( DrawItem->GetConvert() == 0 );
    bool enblConvOptStyle = symbol && symbol->HasConversion();
    // if a symbol contains no graphic items, symbol->HasConversion() returns false.
    // but when creating a new symbol, with DeMorgan option set, the ApplyToAllConversions
    // must be enabled even if symbol->HasConversion() returns false in order to be able
    // to create graphic items shared by all body styles
    if( GetShowDeMorgan() )
        enblConvOptStyle = true;

    dialog.EnableApplyToAllConversions( enblConvOptStyle );
    dialog.SetFillStyle( DrawItem->GetFillMode() );
    dialog.EnableFillStyle( DrawItem->IsFillable() );

    if( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    // Init default values (used to create a new draw item)
    val = dialog.GetWidth();
    m_drawLineWidth = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, val );
    m_drawSpecificConvert = !dialog.GetApplyToAllConversions();
    m_drawSpecificUnit    = !dialog.GetApplyToAllUnits();

#if 0
    /* TODO: see if m_drawFillStyle must retain the last fill option or not.
     * if the last is Filled, having next new graphic items created
     * with filled body is often bad.
     * currently m_drawFillStyle is left with the default value (not filled)
    if( DrawItem->IsFillable() )
        m_drawFillStyle = (FILL_T) dialog.GetFillStyle();

    // Save copy for undo if not in edit (edit command already handle the save copy)
    if( !DrawItem->InEditMode() )
        SaveCopyInUndoList( DrawItem->GetParent() );

    if( m_drawSpecificUnit )
        DrawItem->SetUnit( GetUnit() );
        DrawItem->SetUnit( 0 );

    if( m_drawSpecificConvert )
        DrawItem->SetConvert( GetConvert() );
        DrawItem->SetConvert( 0 );

    if( DrawItem->IsFillable() )
        DrawItem->SetFillMode( (FILL_T) dialog.GetFillStyle() );

    DrawItem->SetWidth( m_drawLineWidth );

    OnModify( );

    MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;
    DrawItem->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );
    SetMsgPanel( items );