bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution()

	FString Filename = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(GetSolutionPath()) + ".workspace";
	FString Directory = FPaths::GetPath(GetSolutionPath());
	FString Solution = "\"" + Directory + "/" + Filename + "\"";
	FString CodeLitePath;
		UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution: Cannot find CodeLite binary"));
		return false;

	UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution: %s %s"), *CodeLitePath, *Solution);
#ifdef USE_DBUS

	// TODO Somehow codelite is not opening the workspace using GetWorkspace()->Open(...)
	DBusMessage* message = nullptr;
	DBusMessageIter args;
	// Create new message.
	message = dbus_message_new_signal ("/org/codelite/command", "org.codelite.command", "OpenWorkSpace");

	char* fileName = TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*Solution);

	// Add parameters to the message.
	dbus_message_iter_init_append(message, &args);
	if(!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &fileName)) {
		UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Sdbus_message_iter_append_basic failed."));
		return false;
	// Send the message.
	dbus_connection_send(DBusConnection, message, nullptr);
		UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("dbus_connection_send failed: %s"), DBusError.message);
		return false;
	// Free the message resources.
	return true;


	FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*CodeLitePath, *Solution, true, false, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
		return true;
	return false;


bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioSolutionViaProcess()
	::DWORD ProcessID = 0;
	FString Path;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaProcess(ProcessID, Path, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
		case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
			// Try to bring Visual Studio to the foreground
			::HWND VisualStudioHwnd = GetTopWindowForProcess(ProcessID);
			if (VisualStudioHwnd)
				// SwitchToThisWindow isn't really intended for general use, however it can switch to 
				// the VS window, where SetForegroundWindow will fail due to process permissions
				::SwitchToThisWindow(VisualStudioHwnd, 0);
			return true;

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
		return RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution();

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running

		return false;
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioFilesInternalViaProcess(const TArray<FileOpenRequest>& Requests)
	::DWORD ProcessID = 0;
	FString Path;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaProcess(ProcessID, Path, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
		return RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolutionAndFiles(Path, "", &Requests);
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
		if (CanRunVisualStudio(Path, SolutionPath))
			return RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolutionAndFiles(Path, SolutionPath, &Requests);

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running

	return false;
void FKDevelopSourceCodeAccessor::Startup()
	// Cache this so we don't have to do it on a background thread
	// FIXME: look for kdevelop and cache the path
bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution()
	if (!Location.IsValid())
		return false;

	return OpenSolutionAtPath(GetSolutionPath());
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution() const
	FString Path;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	if (CanRunVisualStudio(Path, SolutionPath))
		return RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolutionAndFiles(Path, SolutionPath, nullptr);

	return false;
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioSolutionViaDTE()
	// Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread
	if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize())
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" ));
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = false;

	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
			// Set Focus on Visual Studio
			TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> MainWindow;
			if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_MainWindow(&MainWindow)) &&
				bSuccess = true;
				UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't set focus on Visual Studio."));

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
			// Automatically fail if there's already an attempt in progress
			if (!IsVSLaunchInProgress())
				bSuccess = RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution();

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running

	// Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE)

	return bSuccess;
bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution()
	FString Filename = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(GetSolutionPath()) + ".workspace";
	FString Directory = FPaths::GetPath(GetSolutionPath());
	FString Solution = "\"" + Directory + "/" + Filename + "\"";
	FString CodeLitePath;
		UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution: Cannot find CodeLite binary"));
		return false;

	UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution: %s %s"), *CodeLitePath, *Solution);
	FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*CodeLitePath, *Solution, true, false, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
		return true;
	return false;

void FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::Startup()
	VSLaunchTime = 0.0;

	// Setup compilation for saving all VS documents upon compilation start
	SaveVisualStudioDocumentsDelegateHandle = IHotReloadModule::Get().OnModuleCompilerStarted().AddStatic( &OnModuleCompileStarted );

	// Cache this so we don't have to do it on a background thread

bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenFileAtLine(const FString& FullPath, int32 LineNumber, int32 ColumnNumber)
	if (!Location.IsValid())
		return false;

	LineNumber = LineNumber > 0 ? LineNumber : 1;

	FString SolutionDir = GetSolutionPath();
	TArray<FString> Args;
	Args.Add(MakePath(FullPath) + FString::Printf(TEXT(" --line=%d"), LineNumber));

	return Launch(Args);
void FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::Startup()
	// Cache this so we don't have to do it on a background thread

#ifdef USE_DBUS
	dbus_error_init (&DBusError);

	DBusConnection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &DBusError);
		printf("Error connecting to the daemon bus: %s",DBusError.message);

	UE_LOG(LogCodeLiteAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Successfully connected to CodeLite DBus server."));
bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSourceFiles(const TArray<FString>& AbsoluteSourcePaths)
	if (!Location.IsValid())
		return false;

	FString SolutionDir = GetSolutionPath();
	TArray<FString> Args;

	for (const FString& SourcePath : AbsoluteSourcePaths)

	return Launch(Args);
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::SaveAllOpenDocuments() const
	bool bSuccess = false;

	// Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread
	if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize())
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" ));
		return bSuccess;
	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	if (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)) == EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen)
		// Save all documents
		TComPtr<EnvDTE::Documents> Documents;
		if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_Documents(&Documents)) &&
			bSuccess = true;
			UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't save all documents"));
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't access Visual Studio"));

	// Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE)

	return bSuccess;
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::AddSourceFiles(const TArray<FString>& AbsoluteSourcePaths, const TArray<FString>& AvailableModules)
	// This requires DTE - there is no fallback for this operation when DTE is not available
	bool bSuccess = true;

	struct FModuleNameAndPath
		FString ModuleBuildFilePath;
		FString ModulePath;
		FName ModuleName;

	TArray<FModuleNameAndPath> ModuleNamesAndPaths;
	for (const FString& AvailableModule : AvailableModules)
		static const int32 BuildFileExtensionLen = FString(TEXT(".Build.cs")).Len();

		// AvailableModule is the relative path to the .Build.cs file
		FModuleNameAndPath ModuleNameAndPath;
		ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleBuildFilePath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(AvailableModule);
		ModuleNameAndPath.ModulePath = FPaths::GetPath(ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleBuildFilePath);
		ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleName = *FPaths::GetCleanFilename(ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleBuildFilePath).LeftChop(BuildFileExtensionLen);

	struct FModuleNewSourceFiles
		FModuleNameAndPath ModuleNameAndPath;
		TArray<FString> NewSourceFiles;

	// Work out which module each source file will be in
	TMap<FName, FModuleNewSourceFiles> ModuleToNewSourceFiles;
		const FModuleNameAndPath* LastSourceFilesModule = nullptr;
		for (const FString& SourceFile : AbsoluteSourcePaths)
			// First check to see if this source file is in the same module as the last source file - this is usually the case, and saves us a lot of string compares
			if (LastSourceFilesModule && SourceFile.StartsWith(LastSourceFilesModule->ModulePath))
				FModuleNewSourceFiles& ModuleNewSourceFiles = ModuleToNewSourceFiles.FindChecked(LastSourceFilesModule->ModuleName);

			// Look for the module which will contain this file
			LastSourceFilesModule = nullptr;
			for (const FModuleNameAndPath& ModuleNameAndPath : ModuleNamesAndPaths)
				if (SourceFile.StartsWith(ModuleNameAndPath.ModulePath))
					LastSourceFilesModule = &ModuleNameAndPath;

					FModuleNewSourceFiles& ModuleNewSourceFiles = ModuleToNewSourceFiles.FindOrAdd(ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleName);
					ModuleNewSourceFiles.ModuleNameAndPath = ModuleNameAndPath;

			// Failed to find the module for this source file?
			if (!LastSourceFilesModule)
				UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Cannot add source file '%s' as it doesn't belong to a known module"), *SourceFile);
				bSuccess = false;

	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	if (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)) == EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen)
		TComPtr<EnvDTE::_Solution> Solution;
		if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_Solution(&Solution)) && Solution)
			// Process each module
			for (const auto& ModuleNewSourceFilesKeyValue : ModuleToNewSourceFiles)
				const FModuleNewSourceFiles& ModuleNewSourceFiles = ModuleNewSourceFilesKeyValue.Value;

				const FString& ModuleBuildFilePath = ModuleNewSourceFiles.ModuleNameAndPath.ModuleBuildFilePath;
				auto ANSIModuleBuildFilePath = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*ModuleBuildFilePath);
				FComBSTR COMStrModuleBuildFilePath(ANSIModuleBuildFilePath.Get());

				TComPtr<EnvDTE::ProjectItem> BuildFileProjectItem;
				if (SUCCEEDED(Solution->FindProjectItem(COMStrModuleBuildFilePath, &BuildFileProjectItem)) && BuildFileProjectItem)
					// We found the .Build.cs file in the existing solution - now we need its parent ProjectItems as that's what we'll be adding new content to
					TComPtr<EnvDTE::ProjectItems> ModuleProjectFolder;
					if (SUCCEEDED(BuildFileProjectItem->get_Collection(&ModuleProjectFolder)) && ModuleProjectFolder)
						for (const FString& SourceFile : AbsoluteSourcePaths)
							const FString ProjectRelativeSourceFilePath = SourceFile.Mid(ModuleNewSourceFiles.ModuleNameAndPath.ModulePath.Len());
							TArray<FString> SourceFileParts;
							ProjectRelativeSourceFilePath.ParseIntoArray(SourceFileParts, TEXT("/"), true);
							if (SourceFileParts.Num() == 0)
								// This should never happen as it means we somehow have no filename within the project directory
								bSuccess = false;

							TComPtr<EnvDTE::ProjectItems> CurProjectItems = ModuleProjectFolder;

							// Firstly we need to make sure that all the folders we need exist - this also walks us down to the correct place to add the file
							for (int32 FilePartIndex = 0; FilePartIndex < SourceFileParts.Num() - 1 && CurProjectItems; ++FilePartIndex)
								const FString& SourceFilePart = SourceFileParts[FilePartIndex];

								auto ANSIPart = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*SourceFilePart);
								FComBSTR COMStrFilePart(ANSIPart.Get());

								::VARIANT vProjectItemName;
								vProjectItemName.vt = VT_BSTR;
								vProjectItemName.bstrVal = COMStrFilePart;

								TComPtr<EnvDTE::ProjectItem> ProjectItem;
								if (SUCCEEDED(CurProjectItems->Item(vProjectItemName, &ProjectItem)) && !ProjectItem)
									// Add this part
									CurProjectItems->AddFolder(COMStrFilePart, nullptr, &ProjectItem);

								if (ProjectItem)
									CurProjectItems = nullptr;

							if (!CurProjectItems)
								// Failed to find or add all the path parts
								bSuccess = false;

							// Now we add the file to the project under the last folder we found along its path
							auto ANSIPath = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*SourceFile);
							FComBSTR COMStrFileName(ANSIPath.Get());
							TComPtr<EnvDTE::ProjectItem> FileProjectItem;
							if (SUCCEEDED(CurProjectItems->AddFromFile(COMStrFileName, &FileProjectItem)))
								bSuccess &= true;

						// Save the updated project to avoid a message when closing VS
						TComPtr<EnvDTE::Project> Project;
						if (SUCCEEDED(ModuleProjectFolder->get_ContainingProject(&Project)) && Project)
						UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Cannot add source files as we failed to get the parent items container for the '%s' item"), *ModuleBuildFilePath);
						bSuccess = false;
					UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Cannot add source files as we failed to find '%s' in the solution"), *ModuleBuildFilePath);
					bSuccess = false;
			UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Cannot add source files as Visual Studio failed to return a solution when queried"));
			bSuccess = false;
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Verbose, TEXT("Cannot add source files as Visual Studio is either not open or not responding"));
		bSuccess = false;

	return bSuccess;

	return false;
void FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::Startup()
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioFilesInternalViaDTE(const TArray<FileOpenRequest>& Requests, bool& bWasDeferred)
	ISourceCodeAccessModule& SourceCodeAccessModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<ISourceCodeAccessModule>(TEXT("SourceCodeAccess"));

	// Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread
	if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize())
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" ));
		return false;
	bool bDefer = false, bSuccess = false;
	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
			// Set Focus on Visual Studio
			TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> MainWindow;
			if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_MainWindow(&MainWindow)) &&
				// Get ItemOperations
				TComPtr<EnvDTE::ItemOperations> ItemOperations;
				if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ItemOperations(&ItemOperations)))
					for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests )
						// Check that the file actually exists first
						if ( !FPaths::FileExists(Request.FullPath) )
							bSuccess |= false;

						// Open File
						auto ANSIPath = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*Request.FullPath);
						FComBSTR COMStrFileName(ANSIPath.Get());
						FComBSTR COMStrKind(EnvDTE::vsViewKindTextView);
						TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> Window;
						if ( SUCCEEDED(ItemOperations->OpenFile(COMStrFileName, COMStrKind, &Window)) )
							// If we've made it this far - we've opened the file.  it doesn't matter if
							// we successfully get to the line number.  Everything else is gravy.
							bSuccess |= true;

							// Scroll to Line Number
							TComPtr<EnvDTE::Document> Document;
							TComPtr<IDispatch> SelectionDispatch;
							TComPtr<EnvDTE::TextSelection> Selection;
							if ( SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ActiveDocument(&Document)) &&
								 SUCCEEDED(Document->get_Selection(&SelectionDispatch)) &&
								 SelectionDispatch && SUCCEEDED(SelectionDispatch->QueryInterface(&Selection)) &&
								 SUCCEEDED(Selection->GotoLine(Request.LineNumber, VARIANT_TRUE)) )
								if ( !SUCCEEDED(Selection->MoveToLineAndOffset(Request.LineNumber, Request.ColumnNumber, false)) )
									UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto column number '%i' of line '%i' in '%s'"), Request.ColumnNumber, Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath);
								UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto line number '%i' in '%s'"), Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath);
							UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't open file '%s'."), *Request.FullPath);

					VSLaunchFinished( true );
					UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Log, TEXT("Couldn't get item operations. Visual Studio may still be initializing."));
					bDefer = true;
				UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't set focus on Visual Studio."));

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
			bDefer = true;

			// We can't process until we're in the main thread, if we aren't initially defer until we are
			if ( IsInGameThread() )
				// If we haven't already attempted to launch VS do so now
				if ( !IsVSLaunchInProgress() )
					// If there's no valid instance of VS running, run one if we have it installed
					if ( !RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution() )
						bDefer = false;

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsBlocked:
			// VS may be open for the solution we want, but we can't query it right now as it's blocked for some reason
			// Defer this operation so we can try it again later should VS become unblocked
			bDefer = true;

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running
		bDefer = false;
	if ( !bSuccess )
		// If we have attempted to launch VS, and it's taken too long, timeout so the user can try again
		if ( IsVSLaunchInProgress() && ( FPlatformTime::Seconds() - VSLaunchTime ) > 300 )
			// We need todo this in case the process died or was kill prior to the code gaining focus of it
			bDefer = false;

			// We failed to open the solution and file, so lets just use the platforms default opener.
			for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests )

		// Defer the request until VS is available to take hold of
		if ( bDefer )
			FScopeLock Lock(&DeferredRequestsCriticalSection);
		else if ( !bSuccess )
			UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't access Visual Studio"));

	// Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE)

	bWasDeferred = bDefer;
	return bSuccess;
bool FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::DoesSolutionExist() const
	return FPaths::FileExists(GetSolutionPath());
Example #18
CString CCompiler::GetExePath( )
    return GetSolutionPath() + "bin\\";
bool FQtCreatorSourceCodeAccessor::DoesSolutionExist() const
	FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	return FPaths::FileExists(SolutionPath);
void FCodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor::Startup()
	// Cache this so we don't have to do it on a background thread
bool FQtCreatorSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution()
	FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	return OpenSolutionAtPath(SolutionPath);
Example #22
CString CCompiler::GetCompiledExeFilePath()
    return GetSolutionPath() +"bin\\CompilerDummy.exe";
bool FKDevelopSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSolution()
	if (IsIDERunning())
		// use qdbus to open the project within session?
		STUBBED("OpenSolution: KDevelop is running, use qdbus to open the project within session?");
		return false;

	FString Solution = GetSolutionPath();
	FString IDEPath;
	if (!CanRunKDevelop(IDEPath))
		UE_LOG(LogKDevelopAccessor, Warning, TEXT("FKDevelopSourceCodeAccessor::OpenSourceFiles: cannot find kdevelop binary"));
		return false;
	FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*IDEPath, *Solution, true, false, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	if (Proc.IsValid())
		return true;
	return false;