Example #1
Tests communication with printer.  It calls host supplied GetStatusInfo.
\return TRUE if communication with printer is working.
\note This implementation is appropriate for Parallel bus only.
BOOL SystemServices::PrinterIsAlive()
    BYTE status_reg;

    // Technically, this function should not even be
    // called if IOMode.bStatus is known to be FALSE
    if (!IOMode.bStatus)
        return TRUE;
    if( GetStatusInfo(&status_reg) == FALSE )
        DBG1("PrinterIsAlive: No Status-Byte Available (Default = TRUE)\n");
        return TRUE;

#define DJ6XX_OFF       (0xF8)
#define DJ400_OFF       (0xC0)
// sometimes the DJ400 reports a status byte of C8 when it's turned off
#define DJ400_OFF_BOGUS (0xC8)
#define DEVICE_IS_OK(reg) (!((reg == DJ6XX_OFF) || (reg == DJ400_OFF) || (reg == DJ400_OFF_BOGUS)))

#if defined(APDK_DEBUG) && (DBG_MASK & DBG_LVL1)
    printf("status reg is 0x%02x\n",status_reg);
    if (DEVICE_IS_OK(status_reg))
        DBG1("PrinterIsAlive: returning TRUE\n");
        DBG1("PrinterIsAlive: returning FALSE\n");

    return (DEVICE_IS_OK(status_reg));
void CHttpDownloadDlg::OnStatusCallBack(HINTERNET /*hInternet*/, DWORD dwInternetStatus, 
                                        LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, DWORD dwStatusInformationLength)
	switch (dwInternetStatus)
			SetStatus(GetResString(IDS_HTTPDOWNLOAD_RESOLVING_NAME), GetStatusInfo(lpvStatusInformation, dwStatusInformationLength));
			SetStatus(GetResString(IDS_HTTPDOWNLOAD_RESOLVED_NAME),	GetStatusInfo(lpvStatusInformation, dwStatusInformationLength));
			SetStatus(GetResString(IDS_HTTPDOWNLOAD_CONNECTING), GetStatusInfo(lpvStatusInformation, dwStatusInformationLength));
			SetStatus(GetResString(IDS_HTTPDOWNLOAD_CONNECTED), GetStatusInfo(lpvStatusInformation, dwStatusInformationLength));
			SetStatus(GetResString(IDS_HTTPDOWNLOAD_REDIRECTING), GetStatusInfo(lpvStatusInformation, dwStatusInformationLength));
Example #3
Mandatory call to be inserted in derived constructor.
This method tries to establish communications with printer and identify it.
The derived SystemServices constructor must call this base-class routine.
DRIVER_ERROR SystemServices::InitDeviceComm()
// Must be called from derived class constructor.
// (Base class must be constructed before system calls
//  below can be made.)
// Opens the port, looks for printer and
// dialogues with user if none found;
// then attempts to read and parse device ID string --
// if successful, sets IOMode.bDevID to TRUE (strings stored
// for retrieval by PrintContext).
// Returns an error only if user cancelled. Otherwise
// no error even if unidi.
// Calls: OpenPort,PrinterIsAlive,DisplayPrinterStatus,BusyWait,
//   GetDeviceID,DeviceRegistry::ParseDevIDString.
// Sets:    hPort,IOMode, strModel, strPens
    BOOL ErrorDisplayed = FALSE;
    BYTE temp;

    // Check whether this system supports passing back a status-byte
    if( GetStatusInfo(&temp) == FALSE )
        DBG1("InitDeviceComm:  No Status-Byte Available\n");
    else IOMode.bStatus = TRUE;

    // Check whether we can get a DeviceID - this may
    // still fail if the device is just turned off
    err = GetDeviceID(strDevID, DevIDBuffSize, TRUE);

    if ( err == NO_ERROR )
        DBG1("InitDeviceComm:  DevID request successful\n");
        IOMode.bDevID = TRUE;

    // PrinterIsAlive is arbitrary if we can't get the status-byte.
    // This check is also critical so a true uni-di system does not sit
    // in a loop informing the user to turn on the printer.
    if ( IOMode.bStatus == TRUE )
        // Make sure a printer is there, turned on and connected
        // before we go any further.  This takes some additional checking
        // due to the fact that the 895 returns a status byte of F8 when
        // it's out of paper, the same as a 600 when it's turned off.
        // 895 can get a devID even when 'off' so we'll key off that logic.
        if ( (err != NO_ERROR) && (PrinterIsAlive() == FALSE) )
            // Printer is actually turned off
            while(PrinterIsAlive() == FALSE)
                DBG1("PrinterIsAlive returned FALSE\n");
                ErrorDisplayed = TRUE;

                if(BusyWait(500) == JOB_CANCELED)
                    return JOB_CANCELED;
            if(ErrorDisplayed == TRUE)
                // if they just turned on/connected the printer,
                // delay a bit to let it initialize
                if(BusyWait(2000) == JOB_CANCELED)
                    return JOB_CANCELED;

                err = GetDeviceID(strDevID, DevIDBuffSize, TRUE);
                if ( err == NO_ERROR )
                    DBG1("InitDeviceComm:  DevID request successful\n");
                    IOMode.bDevID = TRUE;
        // else... we have 8xx/9xx with an out-of-paper error
        // which we will catch in the I/O handling


    if (err!=NO_ERROR)
        DBG1("InitDeviceComm:  No DeviceID Available\n");
        return NO_ERROR;

    err = DR->ParseDevIDString((const char*)strDevID, strModel, &VIPVersion, strPens);

    if (err!=NO_ERROR)
        // The DevID we got is actually garbage!
        DBG1("InitDeviceComm:  The DevID string is invalid!\n");

    return NO_ERROR;