wxString FilesGroupsAndMasks::GetFileMasks(unsigned int group) const
    if (group >= m_Groups.GetCount())
        return wxEmptyString;
    const FileGroups* fg = m_Groups[group];
    return GetStringFromArray(fg->fileMasks);
void AdvancedCompilerOptionsDlg::ReadExtensions(int nr)
    wxChoice* cmb = XRCCTRL(*this, "lstExt", wxChoice);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Commands[nr].size(); ++i)
        cmb->Append(GetStringFromArray(m_Commands[nr][i].extensions, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SEP, false));
wxString FilesGroupsAndMasks::GetFileMasks(unsigned int group) const
    if (group >= m_Groups.GetCount())
        return wxEmptyString;
    const FileGroups* fg = m_Groups[group];

    // Clean-up file masks that appear twice or more
    return GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray(fg->fileMasks, false) );
Example #4
        wxString ExecuteAndGetOutput(const wxString& command)
            if (!SecurityAllows(_T("Execute"), command))
                return wxEmptyString;

            wxArrayString output;
            wxExecute(command, output, wxEXEC_NODISABLE);

            return GetStringFromArray(output, _T("\n"));
Example #5
        wxString ExecuteAndGetOutputAndError(const wxString& command, bool prepend_error = true)
            if (!SecurityAllows(_T("Execute"), command))
                return wxEmptyString;

            wxArrayString output;
            wxArrayString error;
            wxExecute(command, output, error, wxEXEC_NODISABLE);

            wxString str_out;

            if ( prepend_error && !error.IsEmpty())
                str_out += GetStringFromArray(error,  _T("\n"));

            if (!output.IsEmpty())
                str_out += GetStringFromArray(output, _T("\n"));

            if (!prepend_error && !error.IsEmpty())
                str_out += GetStringFromArray(error,  _T("\n"));

            return  str_out;
wxString ExpandBackticks(wxString& str) // backticks are written in-place to str
    wxString ret;

    // this function is not windows-only anymore because we parse the backticked command's output
    // for compiler/linker search dirs

    size_t start = str.find(_T('`'));
    if (start == wxString::npos)
        return ret; // no backticks here
    size_t end = str.find(_T('`'), start + 1);
    if (end == wxString::npos)
        return ret; // no ending backtick; error?

    while (start != wxString::npos && end != wxString::npos)
        wxString cmd = str.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1);
        if (cmd.IsEmpty())

        wxString bt;
        BackticksMap::iterator it = m_Backticks.find(cmd);
        if (it != m_Backticks.end()) // in the cache :)
            bt = it->second;
            Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Caching result of `%s`"), cmd.wx_str()));
            wxArrayString output;
            if (platform::WindowsVersion() >= platform::winver_WindowsNT2000)
                wxExecute(_T("cmd /c ") + cmd, output, wxEXEC_NODISABLE);
                wxExecute(cmd,                 output, wxEXEC_NODISABLE);
            bt = GetStringFromArray(output, _T(" "), false);
            // add it in the cache
            m_Backticks[cmd] = bt;
        ret << bt << _T(' ');
        str = str.substr(0, start) + bt + str.substr(end + 1, wxString::npos);

        // find next occurrence
        start = str.find(_T('`'));
        end = str.find(_T('`'), start + 1);

    return ret; // return a list of the replaced expressions
void FilesGroupsAndMasks::Save()
    ConfigManager* conf = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("project_manager"));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Groups.GetCount(); ++i)
        FileGroups* fg = m_Groups[i];
        wxString key;
        key << _T("/file_groups/group") << wxString::Format(_T("%d"), i) << _T("/") << _T("name");
        conf->Write(key, fg->groupName);
        key << _T("/file_groups/group") << wxString::Format(_T("%d"), i) << _T("/") << _T("mask");
        conf->Write(key, GetStringFromArray(fg->fileMasks, _T(";")));
void AdvancedCompilerOptionsDlg::SaveCommands(int cmd, int ext)
    if (cmd == -1 || ext == -1)
    if (CompilerTool* tool = GetCompilerTool(cmd, ext))
        wxTextCtrl* text = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtCommand",   wxTextCtrl);
        wxTextCtrl* gen  = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtGenerated", wxTextCtrl);
        if (text->GetValue() != tool->command) // last command was changed; save it
            tool->command = text->GetValue();
        wxString gens = GetStringFromArray(tool->generatedFiles, _T("\n"), false);
        if (gen->GetValue() != gens) // last genfiles are changed; save it
            tool->generatedFiles = GetArrayFromString(gen->GetValue(), _T("\n"));
void AdvancedCompilerOptionsDlg::DisplayCommand(int cmd, int ext)
    wxTextCtrl* text = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtCommand", wxTextCtrl);
    wxTextCtrl* gen = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtGenerated", wxTextCtrl);
	if (CompilerTool* tool = GetCompilerTool(cmd,ext))
		gen->SetValue(GetStringFromArray(tool->generatedFiles, _T("\n"), false));
	m_LastCmdIndex = cmd;
	m_LastExtIndex = ext;
} // end of DisplayCommand
Example #10
void DebuggerTree::BuildTreeCDB(Watch* watch, const wxString& infoText)
//Local variables
// hThisInstance = 0x00400000
// hPrevInstance = 0x00000000
// lpszArgument = 0x00151ef5 ""
// nCmdShow = 10
// hwnd = 0x7ffd8000
// messages = struct tagMSG
// wincl = struct tagWNDCLASSEXA

    wxTreeItemId parent = m_pTree->GetRootItem();
    wxTreeItemId node = parent;

    wxArrayString lines = GetArrayFromString(infoText, _T('\n'), false);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.GetCount(); ++i)
        size_t thiscol = lines[i].find_first_not_of(_T(" \t"));
        size_t nextcol = i < lines.GetCount() - 1 ? lines[i + 1].find_first_not_of(_T(" \t")) : wxString::npos;
        bool opbrace = false;
        bool clbrace = false;
        if (thiscol < nextcol)
            // add child node
            parent = node;
            opbrace = true;
        else if (thiscol > nextcol)
            // go one level up
            parent = m_pTree->GetItemParent(parent);
            clbrace = true;

		if (opbrace)
			lines[i].Append(_T(" = {"));
		if (clbrace)
    wxString str = GetStringFromArray(lines, _T(","));
    ParseEntry(m_RootEntry, watch, str);
Example #11
DirListDlg::DirListDlg(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id)
	wxButton* Button1;
	wxButton* Button2;
	wxStaticBoxSizer* StaticBoxSizer1;

	Create(parent, id, _("List of directories with libraries"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, _T("id"));
	FlexGridSizer1 = new wxFlexGridSizer(0, 1, 0, 0);
	StaticBoxSizer1 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Scanned directories:"));
	DirList = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_TEXTCTRL1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(292,194), wxTE_MULTILINE, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_TEXTCTRL1"));
	StaticBoxSizer1->Add(DirList, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
	BoxSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
	Button1 = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON1, _("Add dir"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON1"));
	BoxSizer1->Add(Button1, 0, wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
	Button2 = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON2, _("Clear All"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON2"));
	BoxSizer1->Add(Button2, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
	StaticBoxSizer1->Add(BoxSizer1, 0, wxALIGN_TOP, 0);
	FlexGridSizer1->Add(StaticBoxSizer1, 1, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
	BoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	Button3 = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON3, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON3"));
	BoxSizer2->Add(Button3, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
	Button4 = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON4, _("Next"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON4"));
	BoxSizer2->Add(Button4, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
	FlexGridSizer1->Add(BoxSizer2, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0);

	ConfigManager* mgr = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager( _T("lib_finder") );
	wxArrayString DirsLoc = mgr->ReadArrayString(_T("search_dirs"));
	DirList->SetValue( GetStringFromArray(DirsLoc, _T("\n")) );
Example #12
void EditPathDlg::OnBrowse(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/)
    wxFileName path;
    wxArrayString multi;

    wxString val = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtPath", wxTextCtrl)->GetValue();
    int idx = val.Find(DEFAULT_ARRAY_SEP);
    if (idx != -1)
    wxFileName fname(val);

    if (m_WantDir)
        // try to "decode" custom var
        wxString bkp = val;
        fname = val;
        m_Path = fname.GetFullPath();

        path = ChooseDirectory(this, m_Message, (m_Path.IsEmpty() ? s_LastPath : m_Path),
                m_Basepath, false, m_ShowCreateDirButton);

        if (path.GetFullPath().IsEmpty())

        // if it was a custom var, see if we can re-insert it
        if (bkp != val)
            wxString tmp = path.GetFullPath();
            if (tmp.Replace(val, bkp) != 0)
                // done here
                XRCCTRL(*this, "txtPath", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(tmp);
        wxFileDialog dlg(this, m_Message, (fname.GetPath().IsEmpty() ? s_LastPath : fname.GetPath()),
                fname.GetFullName(), m_Filter, wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | (m_AllowMultiSel ? wxFD_MULTIPLE : 0) );

        if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
            if (m_AllowMultiSel)
                path = dlg.GetPath();

    if (m_AllowMultiSel && multi.GetCount() != 0 && !multi[0].IsEmpty())
        s_LastPath = multi[0];
    else if (!path.GetFullPath().IsEmpty())
        s_LastPath = path.GetFullPath();

    wxString result;
    if (m_AskMakeRelative && !m_Basepath.IsEmpty())
        // ask the user if he wants it to be kept as relative
        if (cbMessageBox(_("Keep this as a relative path?"),
                        wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO, this) == wxID_YES)
            if (m_AllowMultiSel)
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multi.GetCount(); ++i)
                    path = multi[i];
                    multi[i] = path.GetFullPath();
                result = GetStringFromArray(multi);
                result = path.GetFullPath();
            if (m_AllowMultiSel)
                result = GetStringFromArray(multi);
                result = path.GetFullPath();
    else // always absolute path
        if (m_AllowMultiSel)
            result = GetStringFromArray(multi);
            result = path.GetFullPath();

    // finally set the path
    XRCCTRL(*this, "txtPath", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(result);
Example #13
void Compiler::SaveSettings(const wxString& baseKey)
    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("compiler"));

    // save settings version
    cfg->Write(_T("settings_version"), CompilerSettingsVersion);

    wxString tmp;

    // delete old-style keys (using integer IDs)
    tmp.Printf(_T("%s/set%3.3d"), baseKey.c_str(), CompilerFactory::GetCompilerIndex(this) + 1);

    tmp.Printf(_T("%s/%s"), baseKey.c_str(), m_ID.c_str());

    cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/name"),   m_Name);
    cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/parent"), m_ParentID, true);

    if (m_Mirror.CompilerOptions_ != m_CompilerOptions)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray(m_CompilerOptions);
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/compiler_options"), key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.LinkerOptions != m_LinkerOptions)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray(m_LinkerOptions);
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/linker_options"),   key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.IncludeDirs != m_IncludeDirs)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray(m_IncludeDirs, true) );
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/include_dirs"),     key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.ResIncludeDirs != m_ResIncludeDirs)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray(m_ResIncludeDirs, true) );
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/res_include_dirs"), key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.LibDirs != m_LibDirs)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray(m_LibDirs, true) );
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/library_dirs"),     key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.LinkLibs != m_LinkLibs)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray(m_LinkLibs);
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/libraries"),        key, false);
    if (m_Mirror.CmdsBefore != m_CmdsBefore)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray(m_CmdsBefore);
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/commands_before"),  key, true);
    if (m_Mirror.CmdsAfter != m_CmdsAfter)
        wxString key = GetStringFromArray(m_CmdsAfter);
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/commands_after"),   key, true);

    if (m_Mirror.MasterPath != m_MasterPath)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/master_path"),     m_MasterPath,         true);
    if (m_Mirror.ExtraPaths != m_ExtraPaths)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/extra_paths"),     GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray(m_ExtraPaths, true), _T(";") ), true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.C != m_Programs.C)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/c_compiler"),      m_Programs.C,         true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.CPP != m_Programs.CPP)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/cpp_compiler"),    m_Programs.CPP,       true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.LD != m_Programs.LD)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/linker"),          m_Programs.LD,        true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.LIB != m_Programs.LIB)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/lib_linker"),      m_Programs.LIB,       true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.WINDRES != m_Programs.WINDRES)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/res_compiler"),    m_Programs.WINDRES,   true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.MAKE != m_Programs.MAKE)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/make"),            m_Programs.MAKE,      true);
    if (m_Mirror.Programs.DBG != m_Programs.DBG)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/debugger"),        m_Programs.DBG,       true);

    for (int i = 0; i < ctCount; ++i)
        for (size_t n = 0; n < m_Commands[i].size(); ++n)
            if (n >= m_Mirror.Commands[i].size() || m_Mirror.Commands[i][n] != m_Commands[i][n])
                wxString key = wxString::Format(_T("%s/macros/%s/tool%d/"), tmp.c_str(), CommandTypeDescriptions[i].c_str(), n);
                cfg->Write(key + _T("command"), m_Commands[i][n].command);
                cfg->Write(key + _T("extensions"), m_Commands[i][n].extensions);
                cfg->Write(key + _T("generatedFiles"), m_Commands[i][n].generatedFiles);

    // switches
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.includeDirs != m_Switches.includeDirs)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/includes"),                m_Switches.includeDirs,     true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.libDirs != m_Switches.libDirs)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/libs"),                    m_Switches.libDirs,         true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.linkLibs != m_Switches.linkLibs)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/link"),                    m_Switches.linkLibs,        true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.defines != m_Switches.defines)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/define"),                  m_Switches.defines,         true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.genericSwitch != m_Switches.genericSwitch)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/generic"),                 m_Switches.genericSwitch,   true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.objectExtension != m_Switches.objectExtension)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/objectext"),               m_Switches.objectExtension, true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.needDependencies != m_Switches.needDependencies)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/deps"),                    m_Switches.needDependencies);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.forceCompilerUseQuotes != m_Switches.forceCompilerUseQuotes)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/forceCompilerQuotes"),     m_Switches.forceCompilerUseQuotes);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.forceLinkerUseQuotes != m_Switches.forceLinkerUseQuotes)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/forceLinkerQuotes"),       m_Switches.forceLinkerUseQuotes);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.logging != m_Switches.logging)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/logging"),                 m_Switches.logging);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.libPrefix != m_Switches.libPrefix)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/libPrefix"),               m_Switches.libPrefix,       true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.libExtension != m_Switches.libExtension)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/libExtension"),            m_Switches.libExtension,    true);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.linkerNeedsLibPrefix != m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibPrefix)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/linkerNeedsLibPrefix"),    m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibPrefix);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.linkerNeedsLibExtension != m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibExtension)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/linkerNeedsLibExtension"), m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibExtension);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.forceFwdSlashes != m_Switches.forceFwdSlashes)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/forceFwdSlashes"),         m_Switches.forceFwdSlashes);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.supportsPCH != m_Switches.supportsPCH)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/supportsPCH"),             m_Switches.supportsPCH);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.PCHExtension != m_Switches.PCHExtension)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/pchExtension"),            m_Switches.PCHExtension);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.UseFlatObjects != m_Switches.UseFlatObjects)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/UseFlatObjects"),          m_Switches.UseFlatObjects);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.UseFullSourcePaths != m_Switches.UseFullSourcePaths)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/UseFullSourcePaths"),      m_Switches.UseFullSourcePaths);
    if (m_Mirror.Switches.Use83Paths != m_Switches.Use83Paths)
        cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/Use83Paths"),              m_Switches.Use83Paths);

    // regexes
    cfg->DeleteSubPath(tmp + _T("/regex"));
    wxString group;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RegExes.Count(); ++i)
        if (i < m_Mirror.RegExes.GetCount() && m_Mirror.RegExes[i] == m_RegExes[i])

        group.Printf(_T("%s/regex/re%3.3d"), tmp.c_str(), i + 1);
        RegExStruct& rs = m_RegExes[i];
        cfg->Write(group + _T("/description"),  rs.desc,  true);
        if (rs.lt != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/type"),     rs.lt);
        cfg->Write(group + _T("/regex"),        rs.regex, true);
        if (rs.msg[0] != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/msg1"),     rs.msg[0]);
        if (rs.msg[1] != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/msg2"),     rs.msg[1]);
        if (rs.msg[2] != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/msg3"),     rs.msg[2]);
        if (rs.filename != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/filename"), rs.filename);
        if (rs.line != 0)
            cfg->Write(group + _T("/line"),     rs.line);

    // custom vars
    wxString configpath = tmp + _T("/custom_variables/");
    const StringHash& v = GetAllVars();
    for (StringHash::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
        cfg->Write(configpath + it->first, it->second);
Example #14
wxString cbAuiNotebook::SavePerspective(const wxString projectTitle)
    // Build list of panes/tabs
    wxString tabs, tabsTmp;
    wxArrayString panes;

    // first get all tab-controls

    wxAuiPaneInfoArray& all_panes = m_mgr.GetAllPanes();
    const size_t pane_count = all_panes.GetCount();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pane_count; ++i)
        wxAuiPaneInfo& pane = all_panes.Item(i);
        if (pane.name == wxT("dummy"))

        wxAuiTabCtrl* tabCtrl = nullptr;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m_TabCtrls.GetCount(); ++j)
            if (pane.window == GetTabFrameFromTabCtrl(m_TabCtrls.Item(j)))
                tabCtrl = m_TabCtrls.Item(j);
        if (tabCtrl)
            // add tab id's
            size_t page_count = tabCtrl->GetPageCount();
            for (size_t p = 0; p < page_count; ++p)
                wxAuiNotebookPage& page = tabCtrl->GetPage(p);
                const size_t page_idx = m_tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(page.window);

                wxString id = UniqueIdFromTooltip(GetPageToolTip(page_idx));

                // file does not belong to any project, so don't save
                if (id.BeforeLast(':').empty())

                // if we save a project (projectTitle non empty), but file does not belong to the project
                // skip it
                if (!projectTitle.empty() && id.BeforeLast(':') != projectTitle)

                if (!tabsTmp.empty())
                    tabsTmp += wxT(",");

#if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
                if ((int)page_idx == m_curPage)
                if ((int)page_idx == m_curpage)
                    tabsTmp += wxT("*");
                else if ((int)p == tabCtrl->GetActivePage())
                    tabsTmp += wxT("+");

                tabsTmp += wxString::Format(wxT("%lu"), static_cast<unsigned long>(page_idx));
                tabsTmp += wxT(";");
                tabsTmp += id;
            if (!tabsTmp.empty())
                if (!tabs.empty())
                    tabs += wxT("|");

                tabs += pane.name;
                tabs += wxT("=");
                tabs += tabsTmp;
    tabs += wxT("@");

    tabsTmp = m_mgr.SavePerspective();

    wxArrayString arTabsTmp = GetArrayFromString(tabsTmp, wxT("|"));

    for (size_t i = arTabsTmp.GetCount(); i > 0 ; )
        if (arTabsTmp.Item(--i).StartsWith(wxT("name=")))
            wxString strTmp = arTabsTmp.Item(i).AfterFirst('=').BeforeFirst(';');
            if (strTmp == wxT("dummy"))
            if (panes.Index(strTmp) < 0)

    tabsTmp = GetStringFromArray(arTabsTmp, wxT("|"));

    // Add frame perspective
    tabs += tabsTmp;

    return tabs;
Example #15
tstring	CNetworkAdapter::GetGatewayAddr( int nGateway ) const { return GetStringFromArray( &m_GatewayList, nGateway ); }
Example #16
tstring	CNetworkAdapter::GetDnsAddr( int nDns )			const { return GetStringFromArray( &m_DnsAddresses, nDns ); }
Example #17
void EditorColourSet::Save()
    // no need for syntax highlighting if batch building
    if (Manager::IsBatchBuild())

    wxString key;
    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"));

    //FIXME: Commenting out the following line is no definite cure, but it hides the annoying disappearing colourset for now
    //NOTE (mandrav): uncommenting it doesn't seem to cause any trouble (at least now). What was the problem?
    cfg->DeleteSubPath(_T("/colour_sets/") + m_Name);

    // write the theme name
    cfg->Write(_T("/colour_sets/") + m_Name + _T("/name"), m_Name);

    for (OptionSetsMap::iterator it = m_Sets.begin(); it != m_Sets.end(); ++it)
        if (it->first == HL_NONE || it->first == HL_AUTO)
        wxString lang = it->first;

        bool gsaved = false;

        key << _T("/colour_sets/") << m_Name << _T('/') << lang;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < it->second.m_Colours.GetCount(); ++i)
            OptionColour* opt = it->second.m_Colours.Item(i);
            wxString tmpKey;
            tmpKey << key << _T("/style") << wxString::Format(_T("%u"), i);

            bool saved = false;

            if (opt->fore != opt->originalfore)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/fore"), opt->fore);
                saved = true;
            if (opt->back != opt->originalback)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/back"), opt->back);
                saved = true;
            if (opt->bold != opt->originalbold)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/bold"),       opt->bold);
                saved = true;
            if (opt->italics != opt->originalitalics)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/italics"),    opt->italics);
                saved = true;
            if (opt->underlined != opt->originalunderlined)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/underlined"), opt->underlined);
                saved = true;
            if (opt->isStyle != opt->originalisStyle)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/isStyle"),    opt->isStyle);
                saved = true;

            if (saved)
                cfg->Write(tmpKey + _T("/name"), opt->name, true);
                gsaved = true;
        wxString tmpkey;
        for (int i = 0; i <= wxSCI_KEYWORDSET_MAX; ++i)
            if (it->second.m_Keywords[i] != it->second.m_originalKeywords[i])
                tmpkey.Printf(_T("%s/editor/keywords/set%d"), key.c_str(), i);
                cfg->Write(tmpkey, it->second.m_Keywords[i]);
                gsaved = true;
        tmpkey.Printf(_T("%s/editor/filemasks"), key.c_str());
        wxString tmparr = GetStringFromArray(it->second.m_FileMasks, _T(","));
        wxString tmparrorig = GetStringFromArray(it->second.m_originalFileMasks, _T(","));
        if (tmparr != tmparrorig)
            cfg->Write(tmpkey, tmparr);
            gsaved = true;

        if (gsaved)
            cfg->Write(key + _T("/name"), it->second.m_Langs);
wxString MakeUniqueString(const wxString& text, const wxString& separator, bool caseSens)
    return GetStringFromArray( MakeUniqueArray( GetArrayFromString(text, separator), caseSens ), separator, false );