bool CRemoteDataObject::SetData(size_t len, const void* buf) { char* data = (char*)buf; if (data[len - 1] != 0) return false; if (!m_xmlFile.ParseData(data)) return false; TiXmlElement* pElement = m_xmlFile.GetElement(); if (!pElement || !(pElement = pElement->FirstChildElement("RemoteDataObject"))) return false; m_processId = GetTextElementInt(pElement, "ProcessId", -1); if (m_processId == -1) return false; TiXmlElement* pServer = pElement->FirstChildElement("Server"); if (!pServer || !::GetServer(pServer, m_server)) return false; wxString path = GetTextElement(pElement, "Path"); if (path == _T("") || !m_path.SetSafePath(path)) return false; m_fileList.clear(); TiXmlElement* pFiles = pElement->FirstChildElement("Files"); if (!pFiles) return false; for (TiXmlElement* pFile = pFiles->FirstChildElement("File"); pFile; pFile = pFile->NextSiblingElement("File")) { t_fileInfo info; = GetTextElement(pFile, "Name"); if ( == _T("")) return false; const int dir = GetTextElementInt(pFile, "Dir", -1); if (dir == -1) return false; info.dir = dir == 1; info.size = GetTextElementLongLong(pFile, "Size", -2); if (info.size <= -2) return false; = GetTextElementBool(pFile, "Link", false); m_fileList.push_back(info); } return true; }
void CFilterManager::LoadFilters() { if (m_loaded) { m_filters = m_globalFilters; m_filterSets = m_globalFilterSets; m_currentFilterSet = m_globalCurrentFilterSet; return; } m_loaded = true; CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_FILTERS); wxFileName file(wxGetApp().GetSettingsDir(), _T("filters.xml")); if (!file.FileExists()) { wxFileName defaults(wxGetApp().GetResourceDir(), _T("defaultfilters.xml")); if (defaults.FileExists()) { TiXmlElement* pDocument = GetXmlFile(defaults); if (pDocument) SaveXmlFile(file, pDocument); } } TiXmlElement* pDocument = GetXmlFile(file); if (!pDocument) { wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not load \"%s\", please make sure the file is valid and can be accessed.\nAny changes made in the Site Manager could not be saved."), file.GetFullPath().c_str()); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return; } TiXmlElement *pFilters = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Filters"); if (!pFilters) { delete pDocument->GetDocument(); return; } TiXmlElement *pFilter = pFilters->FirstChildElement("Filter"); while (pFilter) { CFilter filter; = GetTextElement(pFilter, "Name"); if ( == _T("")) { pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); continue; } filter.filterFiles = GetTextElement(pFilter, "ApplyToFiles") == _T("1"); filter.filterDirs = GetTextElement(pFilter, "ApplyToDirs") == _T("1"); wxString type = GetTextElement(pFilter, "MatchType"); if (type == _T("Any")) filter.matchType = CFilter::any; else if (type == _T("None")) filter.matchType = CFilter::none; else filter.matchType = CFilter::all; filter.matchCase = GetTextElement(pFilter, "MatchCase") == _T("1"); TiXmlElement *pConditions = pFilter->FirstChildElement("Conditions"); if (!pConditions) { pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); continue; } TiXmlElement *pCondition = pConditions->FirstChildElement("Condition"); while (pCondition) { CFilterCondition condition; int type = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Type", 0); if (type < 0 || type >= filterType_size) { pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); continue; } condition.type = (enum t_filterType)type; condition.condition = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Condition", 0); condition.strValue = GetTextElement(pCondition, "Value"); condition.matchCase = filter.matchCase; if (condition.strValue == _T("")) { pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); continue; } // TODO: 64bit filesize if (condition.type == size) { unsigned long tmp; condition.strValue.ToULong(&tmp); condition.value = tmp; } else if (condition.type == attributes || condition.type == permissions) { if (condition.strValue == _T("0")) condition.value = 0; else condition.value = 1; } filter.filters.push_back(condition); pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); } if (!filter.filters.empty()) m_globalFilters.push_back(filter); pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); } m_filters = m_globalFilters; TiXmlElement* pSets = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Sets"); if (!pSets) { delete pDocument->GetDocument(); return; } for (TiXmlElement* pSet = pSets->FirstChildElement("Set"); pSet; pSet = pSet->NextSiblingElement("Set")) { CFilterSet set; TiXmlElement* pItem = pSet->FirstChildElement("Item"); while (pItem) { wxString local = GetTextElement(pItem, "Local"); wxString remote = GetTextElement(pItem, "Remote"); set.local.push_back(local == _T("1") ? true : false); set.remote.push_back(remote == _T("1") ? true : false); pItem = pItem->NextSiblingElement("Item"); } if (!m_globalFilterSets.empty()) { = GetTextElement(pSet, "Name"); if ( == _T("")) continue; } if (set.local.size() == m_filters.size()) m_globalFilterSets.push_back(set); } m_filterSets = m_globalFilterSets; wxString attribute = GetTextAttribute(pSets, "Current"); unsigned long value; if (attribute.ToULong(&value)) { if (value < m_globalFilterSets.size()) m_globalCurrentFilterSet = value; } m_currentFilterSet = m_globalCurrentFilterSet; delete pDocument->GetDocument(); }
bool GetServer(pugi::xml_node node, CServer& server) { wxASSERT(node); std::wstring host = GetTextElement(node, "Host"); if (host.empty()) { return false; } int port = GetTextElementInt(node, "Port"); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { return false; } if (!server.SetHost(host, port)) { return false; } int const protocol = GetTextElementInt(node, "Protocol"); if (protocol < 0 || protocol > ServerProtocol::MAX_VALUE) { return false; } server.SetProtocol(static_cast<ServerProtocol>(protocol)); int type = GetTextElementInt(node, "Type"); if (type < 0 || type >= SERVERTYPE_MAX) { return false; } server.SetType(static_cast<ServerType>(type)); int logonType = GetTextElementInt(node, "Logontype"); if (logonType < 0 || logonType >= LOGONTYPE_MAX) { return false; } server.SetLogonType(static_cast<LogonType>(logonType)); if (server.GetLogonType() != ANONYMOUS) { std::wstring user = GetTextElement(node, "User"); std::wstring pass, key; if ((long)NORMAL == logonType || (long)ACCOUNT == logonType) { auto passElement = node.child("Pass"); if (passElement) { std::wstring encoding = GetTextAttribute(passElement, "encoding"); if (encoding == _T("base64")) { std::string decoded = fz::base64_decode(passElement.child_value()); pass = fz::to_wstring_from_utf8(decoded); } else if (!encoding.empty()) { server.SetLogonType(ASK); } else { pass = GetTextElement(passElement); } } } else if ((long)KEY == logonType) { key = GetTextElement(node, "Keyfile"); // password should be empty if we're using a key file pass.clear(); server.SetKeyFile(key); } if (!server.SetUser(user, pass)) { return false; } if ((long)ACCOUNT == logonType) { std::wstring account = GetTextElement(node, "Account"); if (account.empty()) { return false; } if (!server.SetAccount(account)) { return false; } } } int timezoneOffset = GetTextElementInt(node, "TimezoneOffset"); if (!server.SetTimezoneOffset(timezoneOffset)) { return false; } wxString pasvMode = GetTextElement(node, "PasvMode"); if (pasvMode == _T("MODE_PASSIVE")) server.SetPasvMode(MODE_PASSIVE); else if (pasvMode == _T("MODE_ACTIVE")) server.SetPasvMode(MODE_ACTIVE); else server.SetPasvMode(MODE_DEFAULT); int maximumMultipleConnections = GetTextElementInt(node, "MaximumMultipleConnections"); server.MaximumMultipleConnections(maximumMultipleConnections); wxString encodingType = GetTextElement(node, "EncodingType"); if (encodingType == _T("Auto")) { server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_AUTO); } else if (encodingType == _T("UTF-8")) { server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_UTF8); } else if (encodingType == _T("Custom")) { std::wstring customEncoding = GetTextElement(node, "CustomEncoding"); if (customEncoding.empty()) { return false; } if (!server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_CUSTOM, customEncoding)) { return false; } } else { server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_AUTO); } if (CServer::SupportsPostLoginCommands(server.GetProtocol())) { std::vector<std::wstring> postLoginCommands; auto element = node.child("PostLoginCommands"); if (element) { for (auto commandElement = element.child("Command"); commandElement; commandElement = commandElement.next_sibling("Command")) { std::wstring command = fz::to_wstring_from_utf8(commandElement.child_value()); if (!command.empty()) { postLoginCommands.emplace_back(std::move(command)); } } } if (!server.SetPostLoginCommands(postLoginCommands)) { return false; } } server.SetBypassProxy(GetTextElementInt(node, "BypassProxy", false) == 1); server.SetName(GetTextElement_Trimmed(node, "Name")); if (server.GetName().empty()) { server.SetName(GetTextElement_Trimmed(node)); } return true; }
void CVerifyCertDialog::LoadTrustedCerts() { CReentrantInterProcessMutexLocker mutex(MUTEX_TRUSTEDCERTS); if (!m_xmlFile.Modified()) { return; } TiXmlElement* pElement = m_xmlFile.Load(); if (!pElement) { return; } m_trustedCerts.clear(); if (!(pElement = pElement->FirstChildElement("TrustedCerts"))) return; bool modified = false; TiXmlElement* pCert = pElement->FirstChildElement("Certificate"); while (pCert) { wxString value = GetTextElement(pCert, "Data"); TiXmlElement* pRemove = 0; t_certData data; if (value.empty() || !( = ConvertStringToHex(value, data.len))) pRemove = pCert; = GetTextElement(pCert, "Host"); data.port = GetTextElementInt(pCert, "Port"); if ( || data.port < 1 || data.port > 65535) pRemove = pCert; wxLongLong activationTime = GetTextElementLongLong(pCert, "ActivationTime", 0); if (activationTime == 0 || activationTime > wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) pRemove = pCert; wxLongLong expirationTime = GetTextElementLongLong(pCert, "ExpirationTime", 0); if (expirationTime == 0 || expirationTime < wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) pRemove = pCert; if (IsTrusted(, data.port,, data.len, true)) // Weed out duplicates pRemove = pCert; if (!pRemove) m_trustedCerts.push_back(data); else delete []; pCert = pCert->NextSiblingElement("Certificate"); if (pRemove) { modified = true; pElement->RemoveChild(pRemove); } } if (modified) m_xmlFile.Save(false); }
bool GetServer(TiXmlElement *node, CServer& server) { wxASSERT(node); wxString host = GetTextElement(node, "Host"); if (host.empty()) return false; int port = GetTextElementInt(node, "Port"); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) return false; if (!server.SetHost(host, port)) return false; int const protocol = GetTextElementInt(node, "Protocol"); if (protocol < 0 || protocol > ServerProtocol::MAX_VALUE) { return false; } server.SetProtocol(static_cast<ServerProtocol>(protocol)); int type = GetTextElementInt(node, "Type"); if (type < 0 || type >= SERVERTYPE_MAX) return false; server.SetType((enum ServerType)type); int logonType = GetTextElementInt(node, "Logontype"); if (logonType < 0) return false; server.SetLogonType((enum LogonType)logonType); if (server.GetLogonType() != ANONYMOUS) { wxString user = GetTextElement(node, "User"); wxString pass; if ((long)NORMAL == logonType || (long)ACCOUNT == logonType) pass = GetTextElement(node, "Pass"); if (!server.SetUser(user, pass)) return false; if ((long)ACCOUNT == logonType) { wxString account = GetTextElement(node, "Account"); if (account.empty()) return false; if (!server.SetAccount(account)) return false; } } int timezoneOffset = GetTextElementInt(node, "TimezoneOffset"); if (!server.SetTimezoneOffset(timezoneOffset)) return false; wxString pasvMode = GetTextElement(node, "PasvMode"); if (pasvMode == _T("MODE_PASSIVE")) server.SetPasvMode(MODE_PASSIVE); else if (pasvMode == _T("MODE_ACTIVE")) server.SetPasvMode(MODE_ACTIVE); else server.SetPasvMode(MODE_DEFAULT); int maximumMultipleConnections = GetTextElementInt(node, "MaximumMultipleConnections"); server.MaximumMultipleConnections(maximumMultipleConnections); wxString encodingType = GetTextElement(node, "EncodingType"); if (encodingType == _T("Auto")) server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_AUTO); else if (encodingType == _T("UTF-8")) server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_UTF8); else if (encodingType == _T("Custom")) { wxString customEncoding = GetTextElement(node, "CustomEncoding"); if (customEncoding.empty()) return false; if (!server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_CUSTOM, customEncoding)) return false; } else server.SetEncodingType(ENCODING_AUTO); if (CServer::SupportsPostLoginCommands(server.GetProtocol())) { std::vector<wxString> postLoginCommands; TiXmlElement* pElement = node->FirstChildElement("PostLoginCommands"); if (pElement) { TiXmlElement* pCommandElement = pElement->FirstChildElement("Command"); while (pCommandElement) { TiXmlNode* textNode = pCommandElement->FirstChild(); if (textNode && textNode->ToText()) { wxString command = ConvLocal(textNode->Value()); if (!command.empty()) postLoginCommands.push_back(command); } pCommandElement = pCommandElement->NextSiblingElement("Command"); } } if (!server.SetPostLoginCommands(postLoginCommands)) return false; } server.SetBypassProxy(GetTextElementInt(node, "BypassProxy", false) == 1); server.SetName(GetTextElement_Trimmed(node, "Name")); if (server.GetName().empty()) server.SetName(GetTextElement_Trimmed(node)); return true; }
void CFilterManager::LoadFilters() { if (m_loaded) return; m_loaded = true; CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_FILTERS); wxFileName file(wxGetApp().GetSettingsDir(), _T("filters.xml")); if (!file.FileExists()) { wxFileName defaults(wxGetApp().GetResourceDir(), _T("defaultfilters.xml")); if (defaults.FileExists()) { TiXmlElement* pDocument = GetXmlFile(defaults); if (pDocument) { SaveXmlFile(file, pDocument); delete pDocument->GetDocument(); } } } CXmlFile xml(file); TiXmlElement* pDocument = xml.Load(); if (!pDocument) { wxString msg = xml.GetError() + _T("\n\n") + _("Any changes made to the filters will not be saved."); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return; } TiXmlElement *pFilters = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Filters"); if (!pFilters) return; TiXmlElement *pFilter = pFilters->FirstChildElement("Filter"); while (pFilter) { CFilter filter; = GetTextElement(pFilter, "Name"); if ( == _T("")) { pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); continue; } filter.filterFiles = GetTextElement(pFilter, "ApplyToFiles") == _T("1"); filter.filterDirs = GetTextElement(pFilter, "ApplyToDirs") == _T("1"); wxString type = GetTextElement(pFilter, "MatchType"); if (type == _T("Any")) filter.matchType = CFilter::any; else if (type == _T("None")) filter.matchType = CFilter::none; else filter.matchType = CFilter::all; filter.matchCase = GetTextElement(pFilter, "MatchCase") == _T("1"); TiXmlElement *pConditions = pFilter->FirstChildElement("Conditions"); if (!pConditions) { pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); continue; } TiXmlElement *pCondition = pConditions->FirstChildElement("Condition"); while (pCondition) { CFilterCondition condition; int type = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Type", 0); switch (type) { case 0: condition.type = filter_name; break; case 1: condition.type = filter_size; break; case 2: condition.type = filter_attributes; break; case 3: condition.type = filter_permissions; break; case 4: condition.type = filter_path; break; default: pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); continue; } condition.condition = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Condition", 0); condition.strValue = GetTextElement(pCondition, "Value"); condition.matchCase = filter.matchCase; if (condition.strValue == _T("")) { pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); continue; } // TODO: 64bit filesize if (condition.type == filter_size) { unsigned long tmp; condition.strValue.ToULong(&tmp); condition.value = tmp; } else if (condition.type == filter_attributes || condition.type == filter_permissions) { if (condition.strValue == _T("0")) condition.value = 0; else condition.value = 1; } filter.filters.push_back(condition); pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition"); } if (!filter.filters.empty()) m_globalFilters.push_back(filter); pFilter = pFilter->NextSiblingElement("Filter"); } CompileRegexes(); TiXmlElement* pSets = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Sets"); if (!pSets) return; for (TiXmlElement* pSet = pSets->FirstChildElement("Set"); pSet; pSet = pSet->NextSiblingElement("Set")) { CFilterSet set; TiXmlElement* pItem = pSet->FirstChildElement("Item"); while (pItem) { wxString local = GetTextElement(pItem, "Local"); wxString remote = GetTextElement(pItem, "Remote"); set.local.push_back(local == _T("1") ? true : false); set.remote.push_back(remote == _T("1") ? true : false); pItem = pItem->NextSiblingElement("Item"); } if (!m_globalFilterSets.empty()) { = GetTextElement(pSet, "Name"); if ( == _T("")) continue; } if (set.local.size() == m_globalFilters.size()) m_globalFilterSets.push_back(set); } wxString attribute = GetTextAttribute(pSets, "Current"); unsigned long value; if (attribute.ToULong(&value)) { if (value < m_globalFilterSets.size()) m_globalCurrentFilterSet = value; } }
void CVerifyCertDialog::LoadTrustedCerts() { CReentrantInterProcessMutexLocker mutex(MUTEX_TRUSTEDCERTS); if (!m_xmlFile.Modified()) { return; } auto element = m_xmlFile.Load(); if (!element) { return; } m_trustedCerts.clear(); if (!(element = element.child("TrustedCerts"))) return; bool modified = false; auto cert = element.child("Certificate"); while (cert) { wxString value = GetTextElement(cert, "Data"); pugi::xml_node remove; t_certData data; if (value.empty() || !( = ConvertStringToHex(value, data.len))) remove = cert; = GetTextElement(cert, "Host"); data.port = GetTextElementInt(cert, "Port"); if ( || data.port < 1 || data.port > 65535) remove = cert; int64_t activationTime = GetTextElementInt(cert, "ActivationTime", 0); if (activationTime == 0 || activationTime > wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) remove = cert; int64_t expirationTime = GetTextElementInt(cert, "ExpirationTime", 0); if (expirationTime == 0 || expirationTime < wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) remove = cert; if (IsTrusted(, data.port,, data.len, true)) // Weed out duplicates remove = cert; if (!remove) m_trustedCerts.push_back(data); else delete []; cert = cert.next_sibling("Certificate"); if (remove) { modified = true; element.remove_child(remove); } } if (modified) m_xmlFile.Save(false); }
bool CFilterManager::LoadFilter(TiXmlElement* pElement, CFilter& filter) { = GetTextElement(pElement, "Name"); filter.filterFiles = GetTextElement(pElement, "ApplyToFiles") == _T("1"); filter.filterDirs = GetTextElement(pElement, "ApplyToDirs") == _T("1"); wxString const matchType = GetTextElement(pElement, "MatchType"); if (matchType == _T("Any")) filter.matchType = CFilter::any; else if (matchType == _T("None")) filter.matchType = CFilter::none; else filter.matchType = CFilter::all; filter.matchCase = GetTextElement(pElement, "MatchCase") == _T("1"); TiXmlElement *pConditions = pElement->FirstChildElement("Conditions"); if (!pConditions) return false; for (TiXmlElement *pCondition = pConditions->FirstChildElement("Condition"); pCondition; pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("Condition")) { CFilterCondition condition; int const type = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Type", 0); switch (type) { case 0: condition.type = filter_name; break; case 1: condition.type = filter_size; break; case 2: condition.type = filter_attributes; break; case 3: condition.type = filter_permissions; break; case 4: condition.type = filter_path; break; case 5: condition.type = filter_date; break; default: continue; } condition.condition = GetTextElementInt(pCondition, "Condition", 0); if (condition.type == filter_size) { if (condition.value == 3) condition.value = 2; else if (condition.value >= 2) ++condition.value; } condition.strValue = GetTextElement(pCondition, "Value"); condition.matchCase = filter.matchCase; if (condition.strValue.empty()) continue; if (condition.type == filter_size) { unsigned long long tmp; condition.strValue.ToULongLong(&tmp); condition.value = tmp; } else if (condition.type == filter_attributes || condition.type == filter_permissions) { if (condition.strValue == _T("0")) condition.value = 0; else condition.value = 1; } else if (condition.type == filter_date) { = CDateTime(condition.strValue, CDateTime::local); if (! { continue; } } filter.filters.push_back(condition); } return true; }