Example #1
void PlayerAttackedHeadMiner( UINT8 ubMinerProfileId )
	UINT8 ubMineIndex;
	INT8 bTownId;

	// get the index of his mine
	ubMineIndex = GetHeadMinersMineIndex( ubMinerProfileId );

	// if it's the first time he's been attacked
	if ( gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fAttackedHeadMiner == FALSE )
		// shut off production at his mine (Permanently!)
		ShutOffMineProduction( ubMineIndex );
		MineShutdownIsPermanent( ubMineIndex );

		// get the index of his town
		bTownId = GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex );
		// penalize associated town's loyalty

		// don't allow this more than once
		gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fAttackedHeadMiner = TRUE;
// adds text to mine info box
void AddTextToMineBox( void )
	UINT8 ubMineIndex;
	UINT8 ubTown;
	UINT32 hStringHandle;
	CHAR16 wString[ 64 ];

	ubMineIndex = GetMineIndexForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );

	// name of town followed by "mine"
	//swprintf( wString, L"%s %s", pTownNames[ GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex ) ], pwMineStrings[ 0 ] );
	swprintf( wString, L"%s %s", pTownNames[ GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex ) ], MineralsName[gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType].sType );
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// blank line
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, L"" );

	// sector

	// mine status
	swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 9 ]);
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// check if mine is empty (abandoned) or running out
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty)
		// abandonded
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 5 ] );
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fShutDown)
		// shut down
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 6 ] );
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fRunningOut)
		// running out
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 7 ] );
		// producing
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 8 ] );
	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// if still producing
	if (!gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty)
		// current production
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 3 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		swprintf( wString, L"%d", PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine( ubMineIndex, TRUE ) );
		InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
		InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// potential production
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 4 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine( ubMineIndex ) );
		InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
		InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// if potential is not nil
		if (GetMaxPeriodicRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) > 0)
			// production rate (current production as a percentage of potential production)
			swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 10 ]);
			AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine(ubMineIndex, TRUE) * 100 ) / GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) );
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// town control percentage
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 12 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		//swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ) *	100) / GetTownSectorSize( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ));
		swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ) *	100) / GetTownSectorSize( gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ));
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		//ubTown = gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown;
		ubTown = gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown;
		if( gTownLoyalty[ ubTown ].fStarted && gfTownUsesLoyalty[ ubTown ])
			// town loyalty percentage
			swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 13 ]);
			AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			//swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ].ubRating);
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ].ubRating);
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

/* gradual monster infestation concept was ditched, now simply IN PRODUCTION or SHUT DOWN
		// percentage of miners working
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 14 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gubMonsterMineInfestation[ gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bMonsters ]);
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// ore type (silver/gold
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 11 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, MineralsName[gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType].sMinerals );
		//AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, (gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType == SILVER_MINE) ? pwMineStrings[ 1 ] : pwMineStrings[ 2 ] );

#ifdef _DEBUG
	// dollar amount remaining in mine
	wcscpy( wString, L"Remaining (DEBUG):");
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetTotalLeftInMine( ubMineIndex ) );
	InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
	InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
