Example #1
static void    XMulDivMix( int op, bool cmplx_scalar, uint_16 typ_info ) {

// Binary F-Code processor for mixed multiplication and division.

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_name     s;
    cg_type     s_typ;
    cg_type     z_typ;
    cg_name     s_1;
    cg_name     s_2;

    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        z_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        s_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
    } else {
        s_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        z_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
    z_typ = ResCGType( s_typ, CmplxBaseType( z_typ ) );
    CloneCGName( s, &s_1, &s_2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, z.imagpart, s_1, z_typ ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, z.realpart, s_2, z_typ ) );
Example #2
static  void    Equivalent( cg_op op_code ) {

    cg_name     op1;
    cg_name     op2;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    op1 = XPopValue( typ1 );
    op2 = XPopValue( typ2 );
    typ1 = CGType( op1 );
    if( typ1 != TY_BOOLEAN ) {
        op1 = CGCompare( O_NE, op1, CGInteger( 0, typ1 ), typ1 );
    typ2 = CGType( op2 );
    if( typ2 != TY_BOOLEAN ) {
        op2 = CGCompare( O_NE, op2, CGInteger( 0, typ2 ), typ2 );
    XPush( CGCompare( op_code, op1, op2, TY_UINT_1 ) );
Example #3
static void    XCmplxMixOp( RTCODE rtn_id, bool cmplx_scalar ) {

// F-Code processor for binary complex number operations involving
// runtime routines.
// x / (c,d) or (c,d) / x

    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_type     s_typ;
    cg_type     x_typ;
    cg_name     s;
    cg_cmplx    x;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        x_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        s_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &x, x_typ );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
    } else {
        s_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        x_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &x, x_typ );
    x_typ = ResCGType( s_typ, CmplxBaseType( x_typ ) );
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        // currently, the only time XCmplxMixOp() is called when the left
        // operand is complex and the right operand is a scalar, is for
        // exponentiation
        s_typ = PromoteIntType( s_typ );
        if( s_typ == TY_INT_4 ) {
            DoCmplxScalarOp( RT_C8POWI, x.realpart, x.imagpart, s );
        } else {
            DoCmplxOp( rtn_id, x.realpart, x.imagpart, s, CGInteger( 0, x_typ ) );
    } else {
        DoCmplxOp( rtn_id, s, CGInteger( 0, x_typ ), x.realpart, x.imagpart );
Example #4
static void    CCCompare( int op ) {

// Complex/Complex compare.

    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;
    uint_16     typ_info;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    XPopCmplx( &x, GetType1( typ_info ) );
    XPopCmplx( &y, GetType2( typ_info ) );
    CCCmp( op, x.realpart, x.imagpart, y.realpart, y.imagpart );
Example #5
static void    XMixed( int op, bool cmplx_scalar ) {

// Binary F-Code processor for cmplx-scalar addition & subtraction.
// cx   - true if complex OP scalar, false if scalar OP complex.

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_name     x;
    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_type     z_typ;
    cg_type     x_typ;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        z_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        x_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
    } else {
        x_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        z_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
    z_typ = CmplxBaseType( z_typ );
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, z.realpart, x, ResCGType( z_typ, x_typ ) ) );
    } else {
        if( op == O_MINUS ) {
            XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, z.imagpart, z_typ ) );
        } else {
            XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, x, z.realpart, ResCGType( x_typ, z_typ ) ) );
Example #6
static  void    CXCompare( int op ) {

// Complex/Scalar compare.

    cg_name     x;
    cg_cmplx    z;
    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_type     typ2;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    XPopCmplx( &z, GetType1( typ_info ) );
    x = XPopValue( typ2 );
    CCCmp( op, z.realpart, z.imagpart, x, CGInteger( 0, typ2 ) );
Example #7
static void    XCmplxOp( RTCODE rtn_id ) {

// F-Code processor for binary complex number operations involving
// runtime routines.
// ( a, b ) OP ( c, d ).

    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    XPopCmplx( &x, GetType1( typ_info ) );
    XPopCmplx( &y, GetType2( typ_info ) );
    DoCmplxOp( rtn_id, x.realpart, x.imagpart, y.realpart, y.imagpart );
Example #8
void    XCCompare( int op ) {

// Scalar/Complex compare.

    cg_name     x;
    cg_cmplx    z;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     typ1;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    x = XPopValue( typ1 );
    XPopCmplx( &z, GetType2( typ_info ) );
    CCCmp( op, x, CGInteger( 0, typ1 ), z.realpart, z.imagpart );
Example #9
static  void    XLogic( int op_code ) {

// Logical operator F-Code processor.

    cg_name     op1;
    cg_name     op2;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    op1 = XPopValue( typ1 );
    op2 = XPopValue( typ2 );
    XPush( CGFlow( op_code, op1, op2 ) );
Example #10
static  void    XCmplx( int op ) {

// Binary operator F-Code processor for complex addition and subtraction.

    uint_16     typ_info;
    int         typ1;
    int         typ2;
    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    XPopCmplx( &x, typ1 );
    XPopCmplx( &y, typ2 );
    typ1 = CmplxBaseType( typ1 );
    typ2 = CmplxBaseType( typ2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, x.imagpart, y.imagpart, ResCGType( typ1, typ2 ) ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, x.realpart, y.realpart, ResCGType( typ1, typ2 ) ) );
Example #11
static void    InLineMulCC( uint_16 typ_info ) {

// Do complex multiplication in-line.
// (c,d) * (a,b).

    cg_name     d_1;
    cg_name     d_2;
    cg_name     c_1;
    cg_name     c_2;
    cg_name     b_1;
    cg_name     b_2;
    cg_name     a_1;
    cg_name     a_2;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;
    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;

    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    XPopCmplx( &x, typ1 );
    XPopCmplx( &y, typ2 );
    typ1 = CmplxBaseType( typ1 );
    typ2 = CmplxBaseType( typ2 );
    CloneCGName( x.realpart, &a_1, &a_2 );
    CloneCGName( x.imagpart, &b_1, &b_2 );
    CloneCGName( y.realpart, &c_1, &c_2 );
    CloneCGName( y.imagpart, &d_1, &d_2 );
    typ1 = ResCGType( typ1, typ2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, a_1, d_1, typ1 ),
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, b_1, c_1, typ1 ),
                     typ1 ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( O_MINUS,
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, a_2, c_2, typ1 ),
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, b_2, d_2, typ1 ),
                     typ1 ) );
Example #12
void    FCSubString( void ) {

// Do substring operation.

    sym_id      char_var;
    sym_id      dest;
    cg_name     src;
    cg_name     first_1;
    cg_name     first_2;
    cg_name     last;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_name     len;
    cg_name     ptr;
    call_handle call;

    char_var = GetPtr();
    typ_info = GetU16();
    src = XPop();
    first_1 = XPopValue( GetType1( typ_info ) );
    if( char_var == NULL ) { // i.e. chr(i:i)
        len = CGInteger( GetInt(), TY_INTEGER );
        if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
            CloneCGName( first_1, &first_1, &last );
            last = CGBinary( O_PLUS, last, len, TY_INTEGER );
            last = CGBinary( O_MINUS, last, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                             TY_INTEGER );
    } else {
        last = XPop();
        if( last == NULL ) {
            if( char_var->ns.xt.size == 0 ) {
                last = CharItemLen( char_var );
            } else {
                last = CGInteger( char_var->ns.xt.size, TY_INTEGER );
        } else {
            XPush( last );
            last = XPopValue( GetType2( typ_info ) );
        if( !( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) ) {
            CloneCGName( first_1, &first_1, &first_2 );
            len = CGBinary( O_MINUS, last, first_2, TY_INTEGER );
            len = CGBinary( O_PLUS, len, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    dest = GetPtr();
    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_SUBSTRING );
        CGAddParm( call, CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGAddParm( call, last, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, first_1, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, src, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        XPush( CGBinary( O_COMMA, CGCall( call ), CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ),
                         TY_LOCAL_POINTER ) );
    } else {
        ptr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, SCBPointer( src ),
                        CGBinary( O_MINUS, first_1, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                  TY_INTEGER ),
                        TY_GLOBAL_POINTER );
        CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBLenAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
                           len, TY_INTEGER ) );
        // Assumption is that the pointer in the SCB is the first field in
        // the SCB so that when we push the cg_name returned by CGAssign()
        // it is a pointer to the SCB.  We must leave the assignment of the
        // pointer into the SCB in the tree so that the aliasing information
        // is not lost.
        XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
                           ptr, TY_GLOBAL_POINTER ) );
// Don't do it the following way:
//        CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
//                           ptr, TY_GLOBAL_POINTER ) );
//        XPush( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) );
Example #13
void    FCPop( void ) {

// Process POP F-Code.

    sym_id      sym;
    cg_name     dst;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     dst_typ;
    cg_type     src_typ;
    sym_id      fd;

    sym = GetPtr();
    typ_info = GetU16();
    dst_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
    src_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
    if( ( dst_typ == TY_COMPLEX ) || ( dst_typ == TY_DCOMPLEX )
        || ( dst_typ == TY_XCOMPLEX ) ) {
        CmplxAssign( sym, dst_typ, src_typ );
    } else {
        if( (sym->ns.flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM ) {
            // it's a statement function
            if( !(OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) ) {
                dst = SymAddr( sym );
        } else {
            fd = NULL;
            if( sym->ns.typ == FT_STRUCTURE ) {
                if( GetU16() ) {
                    // target is a sub-field
                    dst = XPop();
                    if( dst_typ == TY_USER_DEFINED ) {
                        // sub-field is a structure or an array element
                        fd = GetPtr();
                } else {
                    dst = SymAddr( sym );
            } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
                // target is an array element
                dst = XPop();
            } else {
                dst = SymAddr( sym );
            if( dst_typ == TY_USER_DEFINED ) {
                if( fd == NULL ) {
                    dst_typ = sym->ns.xt.record->cg_typ;
                } else {
                    dst_typ = fd->fd.xt.record->cg_typ;
                XPush( CGAssign( dst, CGUnary( O_POINTS, XPop(), dst_typ ),
                                 dst_typ ) );
        if( (src_typ == TY_COMPLEX) || (src_typ == TY_DCOMPLEX)
            || (src_typ == TY_XCOMPLEX) ) {
            src_typ = CmplxBaseType( src_typ );
        if( ((sym->ns.flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM) &&
            (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE ) ) return;
        XPush( CGAssign( dst, XPopValue( src_typ ), dst_typ ) );