Example #1
static int
    EventRecord theEvent;
    int eventFound = 0, needsUpdate = 0;
    Point currentMouse;
    WindowRef windowRef;
    Rect mouseRect;

     * Check for mouse moved events.  These events aren't placed on the
     * system event queue unless we call WaitNextEvent.

    if ((notifier.eventProcPtr != NULL) &&
	    !EqualPt(currentMouse, notifier.lastMousePosition)) {
	notifier.lastMousePosition = currentMouse;
	theEvent.what = nullEvent;
	if ((*notifier.eventProcPtr)(&theEvent) == true) {
	    eventFound = 1;

     * Check for update events.  Since update events aren't generated
     * until we call GetNextEvent, we may need to force a call to
     * GetNextEvent, even if the queue is empty.

    for (windowRef = FrontWindow(); windowRef != NULL;
	    windowRef = GetNextWindow(windowRef)) {
	GetWindowUpdateRgn(windowRef, notifier.utilityRgn);
	if (!EmptyRgn(notifier.utilityRgn)) {
	    needsUpdate = 1;
     * Process events from the OS event queue.

    while (needsUpdate || (GetEvQHdr()->qHead != NULL)) {
	SetRect(&mouseRect, currentMouse.h, currentMouse.v,
		currentMouse.h + 1, currentMouse.v + 1);
	RectRgn(notifier.utilityRgn, &mouseRect);
	WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent, 5, notifier.utilityRgn);
	needsUpdate = 0;
	if ((notifier.eventProcPtr != NULL)
		&& ((*notifier.eventProcPtr)(&theEvent) == true)) {
	    eventFound = 1;
    return eventFound;
Example #2
void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacInvalidate( const WXRECTPTR rect, bool eraseBackground )
    GrafPtr formerPort ;
    GetPort( &formerPort ) ;
    SetPortWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ;

    m_macNeedsErasing |= eraseBackground ;

    // if we already know that we will have to erase, there's no need to track the rest
    if ( !m_macNeedsErasing)
        // we end only here if eraseBackground is false
        // if we already have a difference between m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn and UpdateRgn
        // we will have to erase anyway

        RgnHandle       updateRgn = NewRgn();
        RgnHandle       diffRgn = NewRgn() ;
        if ( updateRgn && diffRgn )
            GetWindowUpdateRgn( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , updateRgn );
            Point pt = {0,0} ;
            LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ;
            OffsetRgn( updateRgn , -pt.h , -pt.v ) ;
            DiffRgn( updateRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn , diffRgn ) ;
            if ( !EmptyRgn( diffRgn ) )
                m_macNeedsErasing = true ;
        if ( updateRgn )
            DisposeRgn( updateRgn );
        if ( diffRgn )
            DisposeRgn( diffRgn );

        if ( !m_macNeedsErasing )
            RgnHandle rectRgn = NewRgn() ;
            SetRectRgn( rectRgn , ((Rect*)rect)->left , ((Rect*)rect)->top , ((Rect*)rect)->right , ((Rect*)rect)->bottom ) ;
            UnionRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn , rectRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn ) ;
            DisposeRgn( rectRgn ) ;
    InvalWindowRect( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , (Rect*)rect ) ;
    // turn this on to debug the refreshing cycle
    PaintRect( rect ) ;
    SetPort( formerPort ) ;