Example #1
void TestObject::Update(float p_right, float p_forward)
	p_forward *= -1;
	float moveSpeed = 0.5;
	float rotationSpeed = 1;
	float moveRotationSpeed = 1;

	//rotation around y-axis (changes direction the object moves)
	if (p_right != 0)
		m_moveDirection = GetXYZ(vec4(m_moveDirection, 0)*rotate(p_right*rotationSpeed, vec3(0, 1, 0)));
		m_lookDirection = GetXYZ(vec4(m_lookDirection, 0)*rotate(p_right*rotationSpeed, vec3(0, 1, 0)));
		m_up = GetXYZ(vec4(m_up, 0)*rotate(p_right*rotationSpeed, vec3(0, 1, 0)));

	//movement forward
	if (p_forward != 0)
		m_position += m_moveDirection*moveSpeed*p_forward;

		//rotation when moving forwards (the roll)
		vec3 right = cross(m_lookDirection, m_up);
		m_lookDirection = GetXYZ(vec4(m_lookDirection, 0)*rotate(p_forward*moveRotationSpeed, right));
		m_up = GetXYZ(vec4(m_up, 0)*rotate(p_forward*moveRotationSpeed, right));


	m_worldMatrix = inverse(lookAt(m_position, m_lookDirection + m_position, m_up))*scale(m_scale);

Example #2
 * @function GoToXYZ
bool JTFollower::GoToXYZ( Eigen::VectorXd &_q, Eigen::VectorXd _targetXYZ, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &_workspacePath ) {

  	Eigen::VectorXd dXYZ;
  	Eigen::VectorXd dConfig;
	int iter;
	//-- Initialize
	dXYZ = ( _targetXYZ - GetXYZ(_q) ); // GetXYZ also updates the config to _q, so Jaclin use an updated value
	iter = 0;
	printf("New call to GoToXYZ \n");
    while( dXYZ.norm() > mWorkspaceThresh && iter < mMaxIter ) {
        printf("XYZ Error: %f \n", dXYZ.norm() );
	Eigen::MatrixXd Jt = GetPseudoInvJac(_q);
	dConfig = Jt*dXYZ;
	printf("dConfig : %.3f \n", dConfig.norm() );
	if( dConfig.norm() > mConfigStep ) {
	  double n = dConfig.norm();
	  dConfig = dConfig *(mConfigStep/n);
	  printf("NEW dConfig : %.3f \n", dConfig.norm() );
	_q = _q + dConfig;
	_workspacePath.push_back( _q );
	dXYZ = (_targetXYZ - GetXYZ(_q) );

	if( iter >= mMaxIter ) { return false; }
	else { return true; }

TEST(cpdf_dest, GetXYZ) {
  bool hasX;
  bool hasY;
  bool hasZoom;
  float x;
  float y;
  float zoom;

  auto dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>();
  EXPECT_FALSE(dest->GetXYZ(&hasX, &hasY, &hasZoom, &x, &y, &zoom));

  auto array = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Array>();
  array->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(0);  // Page Index.
  array->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(4);  // X

  // Not enough entries.
  dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>(array.get());
  EXPECT_FALSE(dest->GetXYZ(&hasX, &hasY, &hasZoom, &x, &y, &zoom));

  array->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(5);  // Y
  array->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(6);  // Zoom.

  dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>(array.get());
  EXPECT_TRUE(dest->GetXYZ(&hasX, &hasY, &hasZoom, &x, &y, &zoom));
  EXPECT_EQ(4, x);
  EXPECT_EQ(5, y);
  EXPECT_EQ(6, zoom);

  // Set zoom to 0.
  array->SetNewAt<CPDF_Number>(4, 0);
  dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>(array.get());
  EXPECT_TRUE(dest->GetXYZ(&hasX, &hasY, &hasZoom, &x, &y, &zoom));

  // Set values to null.
  dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>(array.get());
  EXPECT_TRUE(dest->GetXYZ(&hasX, &hasY, &hasZoom, &x, &y, &zoom));
Example #4
FPDFDest_GetLocationInPage(FPDF_DEST pDict,
                           FPDF_BOOL* hasXVal,
                           FPDF_BOOL* hasYVal,
                           FPDF_BOOL* hasZoomVal,
                           FS_FLOAT* x,
                           FS_FLOAT* y,
                           FS_FLOAT* zoom) {
  if (!pDict)
    return false;

  auto dest = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dest>(CPDFArrayFromFPDFDest(pDict));

  // FPDF_BOOL is an int, GetXYZ expects bools.
  bool bHasX;
  bool bHasY;
  bool bHasZoom;
  if (!dest->GetXYZ(&bHasX, &bHasY, &bHasZoom, x, y, zoom))
    return false;

  *hasXVal = bHasX;
  *hasYVal = bHasY;
  *hasZoomVal = bHasZoom;
  return true;
Example #5
void QVX_Object::ExportXYZ(void)
	QString OutFilePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(NULL, "Export XYZ Coordinates", GetLastDir(), "TXT Files (*.txt)");

	QFile File(OutFilePath);
	if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
		QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "File read error", "Could not open file. Aborting.");
	QTextStream out(&File); 

	out << "MatIndex" << "\t" << "X (m)" << "\t" << "Y (m)" << "\t" << "Z (m)" << "\n";

	Vec3D<> Coord;
	int Mat;
	for (int i=0; i<GetStArraySize(); i++){
		Mat = GetMat(i);
		if (Mat != 0){
			Coord = GetXYZ(i);
			out << Mat << "\t" << Coord.x << "\t" << Coord.y << "\t" << Coord.z << "\n";


Example #6
	vec3 Quaternion::GetAxis() const
		float x = 1.0f - w * w;
		if (x < 0.0000001f) // Divide by zero safety check
			return vec3::XAxis();

		float x2 = x * x;
		return GetXYZ() / x2;
void CQDM_Edit::DrawSectionPlane(bool FastMode)//draw a slice plane to reference where we're cutting
	Vec3D<> WS = GetWorkSpace();
	Vec3D<> v1, v2, v12, v21, ArrDir;
	CColor CutColor = CColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0);
	double PadOut = WS.Length()/10.0;
	double Plane;
	switch (CurSecAxis){
	case ZAXIS:
//		DrawSecZ(CurSecLayer, LAYERMAX, CurSecFromNeg, GetCurSel());
		Plane = GetXYZ(0, 0, CurSecLayer).z;
		v1 = Vec3D<>(-PadOut, -PadOut, Plane);
		v2 = Vec3D<>(WS.x+PadOut, WS.y+PadOut, Plane);
		v12 = Vec3D<>(v1.x, v2.y, v1.z);
		v21 = Vec3D<>(v2.x, v1.y, v1.z);
		ArrDir = Vec3D<>(0,0, CurSecFromNeg?-PadOut:PadOut);
	case YAXIS:
//		DrawSecY(CurSecLayer, LAYERMAX, CurSecFromNeg, GetCurSel());
		Plane = GetXYZ(0, CurSecLayer, 0).y;
		v1 = Vec3D<>(-PadOut, Plane, -PadOut);
		v2 = Vec3D<>(WS.x+PadOut, Plane, WS.z+PadOut);
		v12 = Vec3D<>(v1.x, v1.y, v2.z);
		v21 = Vec3D<>(v2.x, v1.y, v1.z);
		ArrDir = Vec3D<>(0,CurSecFromNeg?-PadOut:PadOut, 0);
	case XAXIS:
//		DrawSecX(CurSecLayer, LAYERMAX, CurSecFromNeg, GetCurSel());
		Plane = GetXYZ(CurSecLayer, 0, 0).x;
		v1 = Vec3D<>(Plane, -PadOut, -PadOut);
		v2 = Vec3D<>(Plane, WS.y+PadOut, WS.z+PadOut);
		v12 = Vec3D<>(v1.x, v1.y, v2.z);
		v21 = Vec3D<>(v1.x, v2.y, v1.z);
		ArrDir = Vec3D<>(CurSecFromNeg?-PadOut:PadOut,0,0);

	CGL_Utils::DrawRectangle(v1, v2, !FastMode, 0, CColor(CutColor.r, CutColor.g, CutColor.b, 0.3));
	CGL_Utils::DrawArrow(v1, ArrDir, CutColor);
	CGL_Utils::DrawArrow(v2, ArrDir, CutColor);
	CGL_Utils::DrawArrow(v12, ArrDir, CutColor);
	CGL_Utils::DrawArrow(v21, ArrDir, CutColor);
bool CMOOSNavTopDownCalEngine::MakeVantagePoints()
    OBSLIST * pAcoustic = m_pStore->GetListByType(CMOOSObservation::LBL_BEACON_2WR);

        return false;

        return true;

    OBSLIST::iterator p;

    //build a list using only the observations on our selected
    double dfX,dfXOld=0;
    double dfY,dfYOld=0;
    double dfZ;

    for(p = pAcoustic->begin(); p!=pAcoustic->end(); p++)
        CMOOSObservation & rObs = *p;



                double dfS = sqrt(pow(dfX-dfXOld,2)+pow(dfY-dfYOld,2));

                if(dfS>m_dfSpacing || p == pAcoustic->begin() )
                    CVantagePoint VP;

                    VP.m_dfX = dfX;
                    VP.m_dfY = dfY;
                    VP.m_dfZ = 0;

                    VP.m_dfTOF = rObs.m_dfData;
                    VP.m_dfTOFStd = rObs.m_dfDataStd;
                    VP.m_dfTime = rObs.m_dfTime;
                    VP.m_pInterrogateSensor = rObs.m_pInterrogateSensor;


                    dfXOld = dfX;
                    dfYOld = dfY;

    return !m_VantagePoints.empty();
void CQDM_Edit::Draw2DOverlay()

	Vec3D<> Center;
	Vec3D<> Normal;
	int x, y, z;
	double OverlayAdvance = Lattice.GetLatticeDim()/1.95 ; //amount to draw the outlines above the actual voxel center point
//	if (Voxel.GetVoxName() == VS_SPHERE) OverlayAdvance /= 2.0; //don't want to offset too much for sphere to deal with layers in multiple planes

	switch (CurSecAxis){
		case XAXIS:
			Normal = Vec3D<>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
			if (CurSecFromNeg) glTranslated(-OverlayAdvance, 0, 0);
			else glTranslated(OverlayAdvance, 0, 0);
		case YAXIS:
			Normal = Vec3D<>(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); 
			if (CurSecFromNeg) glTranslated(0, -OverlayAdvance, 0);
			else glTranslated(0, OverlayAdvance, 0);
		default: //case ZAXIS: 
			Normal = Vec3D<>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 
			if (CurSecFromNeg) glTranslated(0, 0, -OverlayAdvance);
			else glTranslated(0, 0, OverlayAdvance);

	for (int i = 0; i<Structure.GetArraySize(); i++) //go through all the voxels...
		GetXYZNom(&x, &y, &z, i);
		switch (CurSecAxis){
			case ZAXIS: if (z != CurSecLayer) continue; break;
			case YAXIS: if (y != CurSecLayer) continue; break;
			case XAXIS: if (x != CurSecLayer) continue; break;

		GetXYZ(&Center, i);
		bool DrawHighlighted = false;
		for (int j=0; j<(int)CurHighlighted.size(); j++){
			if (i==CurHighlighted[j]){ 
				glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f); 
				DrawHighlighted = true;
		Voxel.DrawVoxel2D(&Center, Lattice.GetLatticeDim(), &Normal, DrawHighlighted); //draw this voxel if we got this far!

int CQDM_Edit::V2DFindVoxelUnder(Vec3D<> Coord) //returns the index of a voxel under the coordinates
	//Could be rewritten better!!
	Vec3D<> Bounds = GetWorkSpace();
	switch(CurSecAxis){ //put the "undefined" coordinate from 2d projection to something reasonable...
		case ZAXIS: Coord.z = GetXYZ(0,0,CurSecLayer).z; break;
		case YAXIS: Coord.y = GetXYZ(0,CurSecLayer,0).y; break;
		case XAXIS: Coord.x = GetXYZ(CurSecLayer,0,0).x; break;

	if (Coord.x<0.0 || Coord.x > Bounds.x || Coord.y<0.0 || Coord.y > Bounds.y || Coord.z<0.0 || Coord.z > Bounds.z) return -1; //do easy check to see if we're even within the area

	int tX, tY, tZ, tInd;
	Vec3D<> tVec;
	Vec3D<> BB = Vec3D<>(Lattice.GetXDimAdj(), Lattice.GetYDimAdj(), Lattice.GetZDimAdj())*GetLatticeDim()/2;
	tX = Coord.x/Bounds.x*GetVXDim(); //approximate...
	tY = Coord.y/Bounds.y*GetVYDim();
	tZ = Coord.z/Bounds.z*GetVZDim();
	for (int i=-1; i<=1; i++){ //for +/- 1 in each direction..
		for (int j=-1; j<=1; j++){
				case ZAXIS: tInd = GetIndex(tX+i, tY+j, CurSecLayer); break;
				case YAXIS: tInd = GetIndex(tX+i, CurSecLayer, tZ+j); break;
				case XAXIS: tInd = GetIndex(CurSecLayer, tY+i, tZ+j); break;
			tVec = GetXYZ(tInd);
			if ((CurSecAxis == XAXIS || (Coord.x > tVec.x-BB.x && Coord.x < tVec.x+BB.x)) && 
				(CurSecAxis == YAXIS || (Coord.y > tVec.y-BB.y && Coord.y < tVec.y+BB.y)) &&
				(CurSecAxis == ZAXIS || (Coord.z > tVec.z-BB.z && Coord.z < tVec.z+BB.z))) 
				return tInd;
	return -1;
Example #11
void CEasyGenView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CEasyGenDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();
	CNmVec3     ray;
	CNmVec3     p;
	int         tab;


	BOOL GotPoint = GetXYZ(point, p);
	BOOL GotRay   = GetRay(point, ray);

	m_RDP = point;


	switch (tab = pDoc->GetActiveTab())
	case (TAB_GRID):
	case (TAB_MODELS):

		// MD3 - Move an Md3Highlighted model
		if (!kCTRL && kSHIFT && GotRay && m_Md3Highlight)
			CNmVec3 pos;
			float   dist;

			if (g_Grid.GetDistanceTrisRay(m_Eye, ray, pos, dist))
				m_Md3Highlight->m_egvPos = pos;
				InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);


	CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
Example #12
void CItem::EncodeInsertPacket(LPENTITY ent)

	if (!(d = ent->GetDesc()))

	const PIXEL_POSITION & c_pos = GetXYZ();

	struct packet_item_ground_add pack;

	pack.x		= c_pos.x;
	pack.y		= c_pos.y;
	pack.z		= c_pos.z;
	pack.dwVnum		= GetVnum();
	pack.dwVID		= m_dwVID;
	//pack.count	= m_dwCount;

	d->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack));

	if (m_pkOwnershipEvent != NULL)
		item_event_info * info = dynamic_cast<item_event_info *>(m_pkOwnershipEvent->info);

		if ( info == NULL )
			sys_err( "CItem::EncodeInsertPacket> <Factor> Null pointer" );

		TPacketGCItemOwnership p;

		p.dwVID = m_dwVID;
		strlcpy(p.szName, info->szOwnerName, sizeof(p.szName));

		d->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCItemOwnership));
Example #13
void CEasyGenView::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CEasyGenDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();
	S_POSINFO   inf;
	CNmVec3     p;


	BOOL GotPoint = GetXYZ(point, p);

	switch (pDoc->GetActiveTab())
	case (TAB_GRID):

		// Modifier get height
		if (kCTRL && GotPoint)
			if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
				InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);
				pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;

	case (TAB_MODELS):

	CView::OnRButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);
void CQDM_Edit::FillHighlighted(bool CtrlDown) //fill the CurHighlighted array based on current drawing tool and coordinates
	switch (CurDrawTool){
		case DT_PEN:{
			int ToAdd = V2DFindVoxelUnder(CurCoord);
			if (!IsInHighlighted(ToAdd) && ToAdd != -1) CurHighlighted.push_back(ToAdd);
		case DT_BOX: { //could be shortened a little...
			Vec3D<> Loc;
			int x, y, z;
			Vec3D<> BB = Vec3D<>(Lattice.GetXDimAdj(), Lattice.GetYDimAdj(), Lattice.GetZDimAdj())*GetLatticeDim()/2;

			Vec3D<> V1 = CurCoord.Min(DownCoord);
			Vec3D<> V2 = CurCoord.Max(DownCoord);

			for (int i=0; i<Structure.GetArraySize(); i++){ //go through all voxels...
				GetXYZNom(&x, &y, &z, i);
				Loc = GetXYZ(i);
				//float LatDim = GetLatticeDim();
					case ZAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != z) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Loc.x>V1.x-BB.x && Loc.x<V2.x+BB.x && Loc.y>V1.y-BB.y && Loc.y<V2.y+BB.y) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
					case YAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != y) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Loc.x>V1.x-BB.x && Loc.x<V2.x+BB.x && Loc.z>V1.z-BB.z && Loc.z<V2.z+BB.z) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
					case XAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != x) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Loc.y>V1.y-BB.y && Loc.y<V2.y+BB.y && Loc.z>V1.z-BB.z && Loc.z<V2.z+BB.z) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
		case DT_ELLIPSE: {
			Vec3D<> Offset, Off2, Size2;
			int x, y, z;
			Vec3D<> V1 = CurCoord.Min(DownCoord);
			Vec3D<> V2 = CurCoord.Max(DownCoord);

			int VoxN = V2DFindVoxelUnder(V1); //rounds to outside corners of voxels we've selected
			int VoxP = V2DFindVoxelUnder(V2);
			Vec3D<> LocN = GetXYZ(VoxN)-GetLatDimEnv()/2.0;
			Vec3D<> LocP = GetXYZ(VoxP)+GetLatDimEnv()/2.0;
			Vec3D<> Cen = (LocN+LocP)/2.0;
			Vec3D<> Size = (LocP-LocN)/2.0;

			for (int i=0; i<Structure.GetArraySize(); i++){ //go through all voxels...
				GetXYZNom(&x, &y, &z, i);
				Offset = GetXYZ(i)-Cen;
				Off2 = Offset.Scale(Offset);
				Size2 = Size.Scale(Size);

				double LatDim = GetLatticeDim();
					case ZAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != z) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Off2.x/Size2.x + Off2.y/Size2.y<1.0001) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
					case YAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != y) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Off2.x/Size2.x + Off2.z/Size2.z<1.0001) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
					case XAXIS:
						if (CurSecLayer != x) continue; //don't care if its not in this layer...
						if (Off2.y/Size2.y + Off2.z/Size2.z<1.0001) CurHighlighted.push_back(i);
		case DT_BUCKET: {
			int CVox = V2DFindVoxelUnder(CurCoord);
			int ThisMat = GetMat(CVox);
			CurHighlighted.push_back(CVox); //put the first index on the buffer...
//			if (ViewSection)

			int Iter = 0;
			int Xi, Yi, Zi, curInd, tmpInd;
			while (Iter != (int)CurHighlighted.size()){
				curInd = CurHighlighted[Iter];
				GetXYZNom(&Xi, &Yi, &Zi, curInd); //this location...

				for (int i=-1; i<=1; i++){for (int j=-1; j<=1; j++){for (int k=-1; k<=1; k++){
					if (i!=0 && !CtrlDown && (ViewSection && CurSecAxis == XAXIS)) continue; //if we are out of plane of current viewing section
					if (j!=0 && !CtrlDown&& (ViewSection && CurSecAxis == YAXIS)) continue;
					if (k!=0 && !CtrlDown && (ViewSection && CurSecAxis == ZAXIS)) continue;

					tmpInd = GetIndex(Xi+i, Yi+j, Zi+k);
					if (IsAdjacent(curInd, tmpInd, true) && GetMat(tmpInd) == ThisMat && !IsInHighlighted(tmpInd)) CurHighlighted.push_back(tmpInd);


Example #15
void HeliBrain::CollisionCheck(void)
float relAz, relEl, range, reactTime;
float hRange    = 200.0F; /* range to miss a hostile tgt / fireball */
float hRangeSq = 40000.0F; /* square of hRange */
//float reactFact = 0.75F; /* fudge factor for reaction time */
float timeToImpact,rngSq,dt,pastRngSq;
float ox,oy,oz,tx,ty,tz;
int    collision;
SimObjectType* obj;
Falcon4EntityClassType* classPtr;
SimObjectLocalData* localData;

   /* Reaction time is a function of gs available and          */
   /* agression level (gs allowed). 2 seconds is the bare      */
   /* minimum for most situations. Modify with reaction factor */
   // reactTime = ((GS_LIMIT / af->gsAvail)
   //             + (GS_LIMIT / maxGs)) * reactFact;

   // just hard coded in....
   reactTime = 2.0;

   collision = FALSE;

   /* check objects */
   obj = self->targetList;
   while (obj)
      localData = obj->localData;

      /* aircraft objects only */
	  classPtr = (Falcon4EntityClassType*)obj->BaseData()->EntityType();
      if (classPtr->vuClassData.classInfo_[VU_TYPE] == TYPE_AIRPLANE || 
      	  classPtr->vuClassData.classInfo_[VU_TYPE] == TYPE_HELICOPTER  )
         /* time to impact */
         timeToImpact = (localData->range - hRange) / localData->rangedot;

         /* not a problem */
         if (timeToImpact < 0.0 || timeToImpact > reactTime) 
            obj = obj->next;

         /* check for close approach. Linearly extrapolate out velocity */
         /* vector for react time.                                      */
         pastRngSq = 10.0e7F;
         dt = 0.05F;

         while (dt < reactTime)
            ox = self->XPos() + self->XDelta()*dt;
            oy = self->YPos() + self->YDelta()*dt;
            oz = self->ZPos() + self->ZDelta()*dt;

            tx = obj->BaseData()->XPos() + obj->BaseData()->XDelta()*dt;
            ty = obj->BaseData()->YPos() + obj->BaseData()->YDelta()*dt;
            tz = obj->BaseData()->ZPos() + obj->BaseData()->ZDelta()*dt;

            rngSq = (ox-tx)*(ox-tx) + (oy-ty)*(oy-ty) + (oz-tz)*(oz-tz);

            /* collision possible if within hRange of target */
            if (rngSq <= hRangeSq)
               collision = TRUE;
            /* break out of loop if range begins to diverge */
            if (rngSq > pastRngSq) break;   
            pastRngSq = rngSq;

            dt += 0.1F;

         /* take action or bite the dust */
         if (collision)
            /* Find a point in the maneuver plane */
            // relEl = 45.0F * DTR;
			relEl = 0.0;
            if (localData->droll > 0.0) relAz = -90.0F * DTR;
            else relAz = 90.0F * DTR;

            range  = 4000.0F;

            GetXYZ (self, relAz, relEl, range,
					&trackX, &trackY, &trackZ);



      obj = obj->next;

   /* exit mode when collision no longer probable */
   if (curMode == CollisionAvoidMode && !collision) 
void CQDM_Edit::DrawMe(bool FastMode, bool ShowSelected, int NumBehindSection) //draws the digital part in initialized OpenGL window
//Show Selected highlights current sleceted voxel, Section view uses the currently selected axis and direction to show section, FadeBehindSelection optionally fades out the layers (for 2D view)
	int Selected = GetCurSel();
	if (!ShowSelected) Selected = -1; //don't draw the selected one...
	if (FastMode && NumBehindSection != LAYERMAX) NumBehindSection = 0; //in fast mode don't draw faded out ones...

	CVXC_Material* pMaterial;
	bool IsVis;
	int aS = Structure.GetArraySize();
	int x, y, z, MatIndex;
	int XMin=0, YMin=0, ZMin=0, XMax=LAYERMAX, YMax=LAYERMAX, ZMax=LAYERMAX;
	if (ViewSection){
		if (CurSecAxis == XAXIS){
			if (CurSecFromNeg){ XMin = CurSecLayer; XMax = CurSecLayer+NumBehindSection;}
			else {XMin = CurSecLayer-NumBehindSection; XMax = CurSecLayer;}
		else if (CurSecAxis == YAXIS){
			if (CurSecFromNeg){ YMin = CurSecLayer; YMax = CurSecLayer+NumBehindSection;}
			else {YMin = CurSecLayer-NumBehindSection; YMax = CurSecLayer;}
		else if (CurSecAxis == ZAXIS){
			if (CurSecFromNeg){ ZMin = CurSecLayer; ZMax = CurSecLayer+NumBehindSection;}
			else {ZMin = CurSecLayer-NumBehindSection; ZMax = CurSecLayer;}

	Vec3D<> Center;
	Vec3D<> Squeeze(Voxel.GetXSqueeze(), Voxel.GetYSqueeze(), Voxel.GetZSqueeze());
	double Dim = GetLatticeDim();
	Vec3D<> VoxEnv = GetLatDimEnv();
	Vec3D<> WS(GetVXDim()*VoxEnv.x, GetVYDim()*VoxEnv.y, GetVZDim()*VoxEnv.z);
	int NumCellAround = 0;
	if (ViewTiled) NumCellAround = 1;

	for (int ix=-NumCellAround; ix<=NumCellAround; ix++){ //for showing repeated unit cells
		for (int jy=-NumCellAround; jy<=NumCellAround; jy++){
			for (int kz=-NumCellAround; kz<=NumCellAround; kz++){
				if(ViewSection){ //don't draw ones that aren't in current plane section
					if (CurSecAxis == XAXIS && ix != 0) continue;
					else if (CurSecAxis == YAXIS && jy != 0) continue; 
					else if (CurSecAxis == ZAXIS && kz != 0) continue; 

				glTranslated(ix*WS.x, jy*WS.y, kz*WS.z);

				for (int i = 0; i<aS; i++){ //go through all the voxels...
					GetXYZNom(&x, &y, &z, i);
					if (ViewSection && (x<XMin || x>XMax || y<YMin || y>YMax || z<ZMin || z>ZMax)) continue; //jump ship here if we're outside of the section view:

					MatIndex = Structure[i];
					if (MatIndex <= 0) continue; //don't draw if nothing there
					if (FastMode){ //disable picking, show selected, and resolving composite materials
						glColor3f(Palette[MatIndex].GetRedf(), Palette[MatIndex].GetGreenf(), Palette[MatIndex].GetBluef());
					else { //NOT fastmode: enable picking, show selected, and resolve composite materials
						glLoadName(i); //to enable picking

						bool IsVis;
						pMaterial = GetLeafMat(i, &IsVis);
						if (pMaterial == NULL || !IsVis) continue;
						if (pMaterial->GetAlphai() == 0) continue;

						double FadeOut = 0.0;
						if (ViewSection && NumBehindSection != LAYERMAX){ //if there's fading out to be done...
							if (CurSecAxis == XAXIS) FadeOut = abs((double)(x - CurSecLayer))/(NumBehindSection+1);
							else if (CurSecAxis == YAXIS) FadeOut = abs((double)(y - CurSecLayer))/(NumBehindSection+1);
							else if (CurSecAxis == ZAXIS) FadeOut = abs((double)(z - CurSecLayer))/(NumBehindSection+1);

						SetCurGLColor(pMaterial, i==Selected, FadeOut);


					GetXYZ(&Center, i); 

					glTranslated(Center.x, Center.y, Center.z);
					glScaled(Dim*Squeeze.x, Dim*Squeeze.y, Dim*Squeeze.z);
					switch (Voxel.GetVoxName()){
						case VS_SPHERE:	CGL_Utils::DrawSphereFace(); break;
						case VS_BOX: CGL_Utils::DrawCubeFace(); break;
						case VS_CYLINDER: CGL_Utils::DrawCylFace(); break;
						default: break;

				if (!FastMode && Voxel.GetVoxName() != VS_SPHERE){ //no lines in fast mode or for spheres!
					for (int i = 0; i<aS; i++){ //go through all the voxels...
						GetXYZNom(&x, &y, &z, i);
						if (ViewSection && (x<XMin || x>XMax || y<YMin || y>YMax || z<ZMin || z>ZMax)) continue; //jump ship here if we're outside of the section view:

						if (Structure[i] <= 0) continue; //don't draw if nothing there
						glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
						GetXYZ(&Center, i); 

						glTranslated(Center.x, Center.y, Center.z);
						glScaled(Dim*Squeeze.x, Dim*Squeeze.y, Dim*Squeeze.z);
						switch (Voxel.GetVoxName()){
							case VS_BOX: CGL_Utils::DrawCubeEdge(); break;
							case VS_CYLINDER: CGL_Utils::DrawCylEdge(); break;
							default: break;

	//if (!ViewSection){//if not in section mode, draw it all!
	//	//if(FastMode) 
	//		DrawFast(Selctd, FastMode); 
	//	//else Draw(Selctd);
	//else { //otherwise draw the appropriate section view
	//	switch (CurSecAxis){
	//		case ZAXIS: DrawSecZ(CurSecLayer, NumBehindSection, CurSecFromNeg, Selctd); break;
	//		case YAXIS: DrawSecY(CurSecLayer, NumBehindSection, CurSecFromNeg, Selctd); break;
	//		case XAXIS: DrawSecX(CurSecLayer, NumBehindSection, CurSecFromNeg, Selctd); break;
	//	}
Example #17
void CEasyGenView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CEasyGenDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();
	CNmVec3     ray;
	CNmVec3     p;


	BOOL GotPoint = GetXYZ(point, p);
	BOOL GotRay   = GetRay(point, ray);

	switch (pDoc->GetActiveTab())
	case (TAB_GRID):

		// player place
		if (!kCTRL && kSHIFT && GotPoint && g_Grid.PtInGrid(p.x, p.y))
			pDoc->m_vPlayer.x = p.x;
			pDoc->m_vPlayer.y = p.y;

			S_POSINFO inf;
			if (g_Grid.GetInfo(pDoc->m_vPlayer.x, pDoc->m_vPlayer.y, &inf))
				pDoc->m_vPlayer.z = inf.z;

			m_vGenericPos.Set(p.x, p.y, pDoc->m_vPlayer.z);
			InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);


		// modifier place
		if (kCTRL && !kSHIFT && GotPoint && g_Grid.PtInGrid(p.x, p.y))
			pDoc->m_modX = p.x;
			pDoc->m_modY = p.y;

			g_Mod.PositionSet(p.x, p.y);

			InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);
			pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;

	case (TAB_MODELS):

		// MD3 - Insert model
		if (kCTRL && !kSHIFT && GotRay)
			CNmVec3  pos;
			float    dist;
			S_MD3PTR *md3ptr;

			if (g_Grid.GetDistanceTrisRay(m_Eye, ray, pos, dist))
				md3ptr = g_Md3Man.m_Placed.Append(); // g_Md3Man.m_Placed.Append( pDoc->GetMd3SelectedTabModels() );

				if (md3ptr)
					md3ptr->pMd3     = pDoc->GetMd3SelectedTabModels();
					md3ptr->m_egvPos = pos;
					InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);

	// CAMERA - camera place [EVERY TAB]
	if (!kSHIFT && !kCTRL && GotPoint && g_Grid.PtInGrid(p.x, p.y))
		m_Eye.x = p.x;
		m_Eye.y = p.y;

		InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);

	CView::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);
Example #18
void CEasyGenView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

	CEasyGenDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();

	BOOL      Refresh   = FALSE;
	BOOL      UpdStatus = FALSE;
	CNmVec3   p;
	int       tab;

	int mod = pDoc->GetModifier();

	BOOL m_LBD  = nFlags & MK_LBUTTON;
	BOOL m_RBD  = nFlags & MK_RBUTTON;

	CPoint Ldelta = point - m_LDP;
	CPoint Rdelta = point - m_RDP;

	if (!m_LBD)
		m_VertexGot = -1;

	switch (tab = pDoc->GetActiveTab())
	case (TAB_GRID):

		//	move Modifier	CTRL + Left
		if (m_LBD && kCTRL && !kSHIFT)
			float f  = (float)u_deg2rad(-m_yRot + 90);
			float dx = -(float)(Ldelta.x) * pDoc->m_modXYstep;
			float dy = (float)(Ldelta.y) * pDoc->m_modXYstep;
			pDoc->m_modY += float(sin(f) * dx + cos(f) * dy);
			pDoc->m_modX += float(cos(f) * dx - sin(f) * dy);
			g_Mod.MoveDelta(float(cos(f) * dx - sin(f) * dy), float(sin(f) * dx + cos(f) * dy));

			UpdStatus                      = TRUE;
			pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;
			Refresh                        = TRUE;

		//	inc Strength	CTRL + Right
		if (m_RBD && kCTRL && !kSHIFT && (mod != MOD_NONE))
			pDoc->m_modStrength -= (float)(Rdelta.y) * 4.f;

			g_Mod.HeightDelta(-(float)(Rdelta.y) * 4.f);

			UpdStatus                      = TRUE;
			pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;
			Refresh                        = TRUE;

		// inc Radius		SHIFT + Right
		if (m_RBD && !kCTRL && kSHIFT && (mod != MOD_NONE))
			pDoc->m_modRadius -= (float)(Rdelta.y) * 4.f;
			g_Mod.RadiusDelta(-(float)(Rdelta.y) * 4.f);

			if (pDoc->m_modRadius < 0)
				pDoc->m_modRadius = 0;

			UpdStatus                      = TRUE;
			pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;
			Refresh                        = TRUE;

		// Vertex dragging
		if (m_LBD && kCTRL && kSHIFT && (m_VertexGot != -1) && (mod == MOD_NONE))
			float *z = g_Grid.GetPtr(m_VertexGot);

			*z = floor(*z - g_Prefs.m_fVertexDragStep * (float)Ldelta.y);

			if (*z < ASSUME_ZERO)
				*z = 0;

			m_vGenericPos.Set(g_Grid.GetX(m_VertexGot), g_Grid.GetY(m_VertexGot), *z);

			UpdStatus                      = TRUE;
			pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridPreview = TRUE;
			Refresh                        = TRUE;


		int curindex;

		curindex = g_AlphamapMan.GetCurSel();

		// Alphamap paint
		if (m_LBD && kCTRL && kSHIFT && curindex != -1)
			if (GetXYZ(point, p))
				if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
					m_VertexGot = g_Grid.GetK(inf.i, inf.j);
//					g_Grid.SetAlphaIndex(m_VertexGot, curindex );
					g_Grid.PaintAlphaIndex(inf.i, inf.j, pDoc->m_dwPaintRadius, curindex);
					Refresh = TRUE;

	case (TAB_MODELS):

	//	rotate X/Y
	if (m_LBD && !m_RBD && !kCTRL && !kSHIFT)
		m_yRot += (float)(Ldelta.x) / 2.0f; // left / right

		m_xRot += (float)(Ldelta.y) / 2.0f; // up / dn
		if (m_xRot > 85)
			m_xRot = 85;
		if (m_xRot < -85)
			m_xRot = -85;

		Refresh = TRUE;

	//	pan
	if (m_RBD && !m_LBD && !kCTRL && !kSHIFT)
		float f  = (float)u_deg2rad(-m_yRot + 90);
		float dx = -(float)(Ldelta.x) * 16;
		float dy = (float)(Ldelta.y) * 16;
		m_Eye.y += float(sin(f) * dx + cos(f) * dy);
		m_Eye.x += float(cos(f) * dx - sin(f) * dy);

		Refresh = TRUE;

	//	up/dn
	if (m_RBD && m_LBD && !kCTRL && !kSHIFT)
		m_Eye.z -= (float)(Rdelta.y) * 32;

		Refresh = TRUE;

	if (Refresh)
		InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);

	if (UpdStatus)

	m_LDP = point;
	m_RDP = point;
Example #19
void FGBallonet::Calculate(double dt)
  const double ParentPressure = Parent->GetPressure(); // [lbs/ft^2]
  const double AirPressure    = in.Pressure;           // [lbs/ft^2]

  const double OldTemperature = Temperature;
  const double OldPressure    = Pressure;
  unsigned int i;

  //-- Gas temperature --

  // The model is based on the ideal gas law.
  // However, it does look a bit fishy. Please verify.
  //   dT/dt = dU / (Cv n R)
  dU = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < HeatTransferCoeff.size(); i++) {
    dU += HeatTransferCoeff[i]->GetValue();
  // dt is already accounted for in dVolumeIdeal.
  if (Contents > 0) {
    Temperature +=
      (dU * dt - Pressure * dVolumeIdeal) / (Cv_air * Contents * R);
  } else {
    Temperature = Parent->GetTemperature();

  //-- Pressure --
  const double IdealPressure = Contents * R * Temperature / MaxVolume;
  // The pressure is at least that of the parent gas cell.
  Pressure = max(IdealPressure, ParentPressure);

  //-- Blower input --
  if (BlowerInput) {
    const double AddedVolume = BlowerInput->GetValue() * dt;
    if (AddedVolume > 0.0) {
      Contents += Pressure * AddedVolume / (R * Temperature);

  //-- Pressure relief and manual valving --
  // FIXME: Presently the effect of valving is computed using
  //        an ad hoc formula which might not be a good representation
  //        of reality.
  if ((ValveCoefficient > 0.0) &&
      ((ValveOpen > 0.0) || (Pressure > AirPressure + MaxOverpressure))) {
    const double DeltaPressure = Pressure - AirPressure;
    const double VolumeValved =
      ((Pressure > AirPressure + MaxOverpressure) ? 1.0 : ValveOpen) *
      ValveCoefficient * DeltaPressure * dt;
    // FIXME: Too small values of Contents sometimes leads to NaN.
    //        Currently the minimum is restricted to a safe value.
    Contents =
      max(1.0, Contents - Pressure * VolumeValved / (R * Temperature));

  //-- Volume --
  Volume = Contents * R * Temperature / Pressure;
  dVolumeIdeal =
    Contents * R * (Temperature / Pressure - OldTemperature / OldPressure);

  // Compute the inertia of the ballonet.
  // Consider the ballonet as a shape of uniform density.
  // FIXME: If the ballonet isn't ellipsoid or cylindrical the inertia will
  //        be wrong.
  ballonetJ = FGMatrix33();
  const double mass = Contents * M_air;
  double Ixx, Iyy, Izz;
  if ((Xradius != 0.0) && (Yradius != 0.0) && (Zradius != 0.0) &&
      (Xwidth  == 0.0) && (Ywidth  == 0.0) && (Zwidth  == 0.0)) {
    // Ellipsoid volume.
    Ixx = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Yradius*Yradius + Zradius*Zradius);
    Iyy = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Xradius*Xradius + Zradius*Zradius);
    Izz = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Xradius*Xradius + Yradius*Yradius);     
  } else if  ((Xradius == 0.0) && (Yradius != 0.0) && (Zradius != 0.0) &&
              (Xwidth  != 0.0) && (Ywidth  == 0.0) && (Zwidth  == 0.0)) {
    // Cylindrical volume (might not be valid with an elliptical cross-section).
    Ixx = (1.0 / 2.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius;
    Iyy =
      (1.0 / 4.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius +
      (1.0 / 12.0) * mass * Xwidth * Xwidth;
    Izz =
      (1.0 / 4.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius +
      (1.0 / 12.0) * mass * Xwidth * Xwidth;
  } else {
    // Not supported. Revert to pointmass model.
    Ixx = Iyy = Izz = 0.0;
  // The volume is symmetric, so Ixy = Ixz = Iyz = 0.
  ballonetJ(1,1) = Ixx;
  ballonetJ(2,2) = Iyy;
  ballonetJ(3,3) = Izz;
  // Transform the moments of inertia to the body frame.
  ballonetJ += MassBalance->GetPointmassInertia(GetMass(), GetXYZ());
Example #20
void CEasyGenView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CEasyGenDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();
	S_POSINFO   inf;
	CTris       *t;
	CNmVec3     p;
	int         tab;

	m_LDP = point;


	BOOL Refresh = FALSE;

	int mod = pDoc->GetModifier();

	switch (tab = pDoc->GetActiveTab())
	case (TAB_GRID):

		// Get a vertex to drag(CTRL+SHIFT+LeftBut)
		if (kCTRL && kSHIFT)
			if (GetXYZ(point, p))
				if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
					m_VertexGot = g_Grid.GetK(inf.i, inf.j);

		// Exclude triangle from export | to prevent erroneus exclusion
		if (!kCTRL && kSHIFT && g_Grid.OptionExcludedTrisGet())
			if (GetXYZ(point, p))
				t = g_Grid.GetTris(g_Grid.GetTris(p.x, p.y));

				if (t)
					pDoc->m_bInvalidateGridColor = TRUE;
					Refresh                      = TRUE;

		int curindex;

		curindex = g_AlphamapMan.GetCurSel();

		// paint the alphamap (CTRL+SHIFT+LeftBut)
		if (kCTRL && kSHIFT && curindex != -1)
			if (GetXYZ(point, p))
				if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
					m_VertexGot = g_Grid.GetK(inf.i, inf.j);
//					g_Grid.SetAlphaIndex(m_VertexGot, curindex );
					g_Grid.PaintAlphaIndex(inf.i, inf.j, pDoc->m_dwPaintRadius, curindex);
					Refresh = TRUE;

		int indexgot;

		// copy alphamap index (SHIFT+LeftBut)
		if (!kCTRL && kSHIFT)
			if (GetXYZ(point, p))
				if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
					m_VertexGot = g_Grid.GetK(inf.i, inf.j);
					indexgot    = g_Grid.GetAlphaIndex(m_VertexGot);
					if (indexgot != g_AlphamapMan.GetCurSel())

	case (TAB_MODELS):

		// MD3 - Selecting
		if (!kCTRL && kSHIFT)
			CNmVec3  ray, dummy;
			float    md3_dist, hitterra_dist;
			bool     hitterra;
			S_MD3PTR *oldh = m_Md3Highlight;
			S_MD3PTR *hit_md3;

			if (GetRay(point, ray))
				if (g_Md3Man.GetByRay(m_Eye, ray, hit_md3, md3_dist))
					// check if is covered by terrain!!!
					hitterra = g_Grid.GetDistanceTrisRay(m_Eye, ray, dummy, hitterra_dist);

					if (!hitterra)
						m_Md3Highlight = hit_md3;
					else if (hitterra_dist > md3_dist)
						m_Md3Highlight = hit_md3;

			if (m_Md3Highlight != oldh)
				Refresh = TRUE;


	// rotate tris (CTRL+LeftBut)
	if ((tab == TAB_GRID || tab == TAB_MODIFIER || tab == TAB_ALPHAMAP) &&
	    mod == MOD_NONE && kCTRL && !kSHIFT)
		if (GetXYZ(point, p))
			if (g_Grid.GetInfo(p.x, p.y, &inf))
				int          i, j, k;
				int          mt1;

				mt1  = g_Grid.GetTris(p.x, p.y);
				mt1 &= ~1;

				k = mt1 / 2;
				i = k % g_Grid.GetCellsX();
				j = k / g_Grid.GetCellsX();

				f = g_Grid.GetFace(k);

				if ((f->flags & FACE_FL_TRISINV))
					f->flags &= ~FACE_FL_TRISINV;
					f->flags |= FACE_FL_TRISINV;

				g_Grid.FaceOrientateTris(i, j, f->flags & FACE_FL_TRISINV);

				Refresh = TRUE;

	if (Refresh)
		InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);
	} //


	CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
Example #21
void FGGasCell::Calculate(double dt)
  const double AirTemperature = in.Temperature;  // [Rankine]
  const double AirPressure    = in.Pressure;     // [lbs/ft^2]
  const double AirDensity     = in.Density;      // [slug/ft^3]
  const double g = in.gravity;                   // [lbs/slug]

  const double OldTemperature = Temperature;
  const double OldPressure    = Pressure;
  unsigned int i;
  const size_t no_ballonets = Ballonet.size();

  //-- Read ballonet state --
  // NOTE: This model might need a more proper integration technique. 
  double BallonetsVolume = 0.0;
  double BallonetsHeatFlow = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < no_ballonets; i++) {
    BallonetsVolume   += Ballonet[i]->GetVolume();
    BallonetsHeatFlow += Ballonet[i]->GetHeatFlow();

  //-- Gas temperature --

  if (HeatTransferCoeff.size() > 0) {
    // The model is based on the ideal gas law.
    // However, it does look a bit fishy. Please verify.
    //   dT/dt = dU / (Cv n R)
    double dU = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < HeatTransferCoeff.size(); i++) {
      dU += HeatTransferCoeff[i]->GetValue();
    // Don't include dt when accounting for adiabatic expansion/contraction.
    // The rate of adiabatic cooling looks about right: ~5.4 Rankine/1000ft. 
    if (Contents > 0) {
      Temperature +=
        (dU * dt - Pressure * dVolumeIdeal - BallonetsHeatFlow) /
        (Cv_gas() * Contents * R);
    } else {
      Temperature = AirTemperature;
  } else {
    // No simulation of complex temperature changes.
    // Note: Making the gas cell behave adiabatically might be a better
    // option.
    Temperature = AirTemperature;

  //-- Pressure --
  const double IdealPressure =
    Contents * R * Temperature / (MaxVolume - BallonetsVolume);
  if (IdealPressure > AirPressure + MaxOverpressure) {
    Pressure = AirPressure + MaxOverpressure;
  } else {
    Pressure = max(IdealPressure, AirPressure);

  //-- Manual valving --

  // FIXME: Presently the effect of manual valving is computed using
  //        an ad hoc formula which might not be a good representation
  //        of reality.
  if ((ValveCoefficient > 0.0) && (ValveOpen > 0.0)) {
    // First compute the difference in pressure between the gas in the
    // cell and the air above it.
    // FixMe: CellHeight should depend on current volume.
    const double CellHeight = 2 * Zradius + Zwidth;                   // [ft]
    const double GasMass    = Contents * M_gas();                     // [slug]
    const double GasVolume  = Contents * R * Temperature / Pressure;  // [ft^3]
    const double GasDensity = GasMass / GasVolume;
    const double DeltaPressure =
      Pressure + CellHeight * g * (AirDensity - GasDensity) - AirPressure;
    const double VolumeValved =
      ValveOpen * ValveCoefficient * DeltaPressure * dt;
    Contents =
      max(0.0, Contents - Pressure * VolumeValved / (R * Temperature));

  //-- Update ballonets. --
  // Doing that here should give them the opportunity to react to the
  // new pressure.
  BallonetsVolume = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < no_ballonets; i++) {
    BallonetsVolume += Ballonet[i]->GetVolume();

  //-- Automatic safety valving. --
  if (Contents * R * Temperature / (MaxVolume - BallonetsVolume) >
      AirPressure + MaxOverpressure) {
    // Gas is automatically valved. Valving capacity is assumed to be infinite.
    // FIXME: This could/should be replaced by damage to the gas cell envelope.
    Contents =
      (AirPressure + MaxOverpressure) *
      (MaxVolume - BallonetsVolume) / (R * Temperature);

  //-- Volume --
  Volume = Contents * R * Temperature / Pressure + BallonetsVolume;
  dVolumeIdeal =
    Contents * R * (Temperature / Pressure - OldTemperature / OldPressure);

  //-- Current buoyancy --
  // The buoyancy is computed using the atmospheres local density.
  Buoyancy = Volume * AirDensity * g;
  // Note: This is gross buoyancy. The weight of the gas itself and
  // any ballonets is not deducted here as the effects of the gas mass
  // is handled by FGMassBalance.
  vFn.InitMatrix(0.0, 0.0, - Buoyancy);

  // Compute the inertia of the gas cell.
  // Consider the gas cell as a shape of uniform density.
  // FIXME: If the cell isn't ellipsoid or cylindrical the inertia will
  //        be wrong.
  gasCellJ = FGMatrix33();
  const double mass = Contents * M_gas();
  double Ixx, Iyy, Izz;
  if ((Xradius != 0.0) && (Yradius != 0.0) && (Zradius != 0.0) &&
      (Xwidth  == 0.0) && (Ywidth  == 0.0) && (Zwidth  == 0.0)) {
    // Ellipsoid volume.
    Ixx = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Yradius*Yradius + Zradius*Zradius);
    Iyy = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Xradius*Xradius + Zradius*Zradius);
    Izz = (1.0 / 5.0) * mass * (Xradius*Xradius + Yradius*Yradius);     
  } else if  ((Xradius == 0.0) && (Yradius != 0.0) && (Zradius != 0.0) &&
              (Xwidth  != 0.0) && (Ywidth  == 0.0) && (Zwidth  == 0.0)) {
    // Cylindrical volume (might not be valid with an elliptical cross-section).
    Ixx = (1.0 / 2.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius;
    Iyy =
      (1.0 / 4.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius +
      (1.0 / 12.0) * mass * Xwidth * Xwidth;
    Izz =
      (1.0 / 4.0) * mass * Yradius * Zradius +
      (1.0 / 12.0) * mass * Xwidth * Xwidth;
  } else {
    // Not supported. Revert to pointmass model.
    Ixx = Iyy = Izz = 0.0;
  // The volume is symmetric, so Ixy = Ixz = Iyz = 0.
  gasCellJ(1,1) = Ixx;
  gasCellJ(2,2) = Iyy;
  gasCellJ(3,3) = Izz;
  Mass = mass;
  // Transform the moments of inertia to the body frame.
  gasCellJ += MassBalance->GetPointmassInertia(Mass, GetXYZ());

  gasCellM(eX) +=
    GetXYZ(eX) * Mass*slugtolb;
  gasCellM(eY) +=
    GetXYZ(eY) * Mass*slugtolb;
  gasCellM(eZ) +=
    GetXYZ(eZ) * Mass*slugtolb;

  if (no_ballonets > 0) {
    // Add the mass, moment and inertia of any ballonets.
    for (i = 0; i < no_ballonets; i++) {
      Mass += Ballonet[i]->GetMass();
      // Add ballonet moments due to mass (in the structural frame).
      gasCellM(eX) +=
        Ballonet[i]->GetXYZ(eX) * Ballonet[i]->GetMass()*slugtolb;
      gasCellM(eY) +=
        Ballonet[i]->GetXYZ(eY) * Ballonet[i]->GetMass()*slugtolb;
      gasCellM(eZ) +=
        Ballonet[i]->GetXYZ(eZ) * Ballonet[i]->GetMass()*slugtolb;
      gasCellJ += Ballonet[i]->GetInertia();